Aspects of Gypsy Culture

1. Origins

Gypsies (Roma) arrived in Eastern Europe in the 14th century and in Andalucía in the 15th century. Linguistic research shows that their language, Romany, was related to ancient dialects from northern India. Why they left India is unclear, but was possibly due to war with invading Muslims.

2. History

Although gypsies have remained outsiders throughout their history, they found a more congenial civilization in Andalucía than anywhere else. The culture was decidedly Middle Eastern and not dissimilar to that of their native land. With the Christian reconquest, however, “pagan” gypsies were forced into hiding or into further wanderings.

3. Song

Fortunately for Andalucían culture, many gypsies stayed, and eventually developed a unique strain of music, flamenco, drawing on Arabic, Jewish and Byzantine sources, as well as their own Indian traditions. Similar to the American Blues, it is the raucous, rhythmic music of the dispossessed and marginalized, full of pathos and catharsis. The word flamenco is probably a corruption of the Arabic felag mengu (fugitive peasant), an epithet that 19th-century Andalucían gypsies used with one another.

4. Dance

Similarities between Middle Eastern and North African dance forms and flamenco are obvious. But using the feet to create rapid and complex staccato rhythms, combined with the expressive arm and hand gestures, clearly resembles traditional kathak dancing from northern India, confirming its true roots.

5. Guitar

The six-stringed flamenco guitar can be traced back to the medieval lute. Compared to the classical guitar, it is lighter, shallower and less resonant, so that it can be played extremely fast, and also features a thick plate below the soundhole for tapping out rhythms.

6. Flamenco Legends

A few of the names who advanced the art include: singers El Fillo and La Niña de los Peines; guitarist Paco de Lucía; and dancers La Macarrona and Carmen Amaya.

7. Sevillanas

This strident dance, with clapping rhythms, has been infused with the flamenco spirit. It is danced with enthusiasm at festivals throughout the region.

8. Horses

Andalucían gypsies have a reputation for their ability to train their steeds. To watch a gypsy horseman putting an animal through its paces is to witness an amazing display of communication between man and beast.

9. Cave-dwellings

In remote hills and mountains gypsies escaped Christian persecution by turning caves into homes. Although flooding and other natural mishaps have decimated these communities and forced many out, some gypsies return to their former dwellings to perform lively and authentic flamenco shows for visitors.

10. Performances

Historically, flamenco is an improvised performance that arises spontaneously from a gathering, but the rule these days tends towards scheduled spectacles. Still, if the mood is right, these events still generate a great deal of emotion.

Top 10 Flamenco Venues

Top 10 Flamenco Venues

1. La Taberna Flamenca, Jerez

Flamboyant shows.prac_infoCallejón Angostillo de Santiago • 956 32 36 93

2. Pena La Buleria, Jerez

Club named after a fast flamenco style that originated in Jerez.prac_infoC/Empedrada 20 • 856 05 37 72

3. Sanlucar de Barrameda

This town holds the Feria de Flamenco in July.

4. Juan Villar, Cadiz

A good peña for genuine flamenco.prac_infoPaseo Fernando Quiñones, Puerto la Caleta • Open Tue–Sun (performances Fri) • 956 22 52 90

5. El Arenal, Seville

First-class performances.prac_infoC/Rodo 7 • 954 21 64 92

6. Casa de la Memoria de al-Andalus, Seville

Another museum, with performances.

7. Tablao Flamenco Cardenal, Cordoba

Authentic shows.prac_infoC/Torrijos 10 • Open Mon–Sat • 957 48 31 12

8. Venta El Gallo, Granada

Professional performances.prac_infoBarranco de los Negros 5 • 958 22 84 76

9. La Pena Plateria, Granada

One of Spain’s oldest peñas. Performances Thu and Sat.prac_infoPlaceta de Toqueros 7 • 958 21 06 50

10. Pena El Taranto, Almeria

Named after the province’s contribution to the genre, the taranto.prac_infoC/Tenor Iribarne 20 • 950 23 50 57

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