Things to Avoid

1. Illegal Budget Hotels

Some budget hotels, especially in Granada’s Albaicín area, run a “bait and switch” scheme. Guests are welcomed at a pretty location only to be told that their room is housed in a different, much less charming, building. These places do not issue receipts and do not have a complaints book, both of which are requirements to operate legally.

2. Rancid Food

In the heat of the summer, it’s wise to be attentive to the freshness of what you consume. Tapas that look as though they’ve been around a day too long, anything to do with mayonnaise that’s been sitting out of the fridge and, of course, shellfish served in less than fastidiously hygienic establishments are probably best refused.

3. Religious Disrespect

Despite the casual dress code that predominates here, it is still a good idea to dress respectfully when you visit places of worship, and not to visit at all during mass or religious ceremonies.

4. Fakes & Forgeries

Be wary of supposed “originals”. Copies, prints, forgeries and outright fakes do brisk business. If you decide to buy any of these pieces, be very certain you’re pledging your trust to a dealer whose credentials are beyond reproach – and get certificates of authentication and guarantees.

5. ”Mystery” Tours

In the most heavily touristed zones you’ll occasionally be offered a tour that, on the face of it, looks like something for nothing. It might be a daytrip to some interesting sight at a remarkably cut-rate price, or even an offer of cash or a lavish meal for just going to inspect a new condo or time-share project. These are not promotional bargains in the usual sense, but heavy-handed sales ploys and should be steered clear of.

6. Beach Snacks

Many of the snack bars you find along the beaches, especially the most popular beaches, are overpriced. If you want to hang out in such places to enjoy the people-watching, then just get a drink. For meals, head away from the waterfront and into the towns. Make sure the menu shows the prices, or you might get a shock with the bill.

7. Flower Girls

These women appear friendly enough when they flounce up to you and try to hand you a flower or a sprig of rosemary. But once you take the bait, they demand a lot of money for their cheery little “gift”. Do your best to avoid them.

8. Peddlers

Most pavement peddlers will just call out to you a word or two about their merchandise, but once you evince an interest, you will be under pressure to buy something. Make it clear from the outset that you might want to look, but you’ll decide what, if anything, you’re going to buy. Check all merchandise thoroughly for defects, especially clothing, and then offer half the asking price.

9. Hair-raising Roads

Some mountain roads are narrow, winding and skirt yawning chasms. Most highways, however, have been widened and do not present any risks. Do watch out for aggressive drivers, though. Always stay in the right lane, except to overtake, and follow the rules of the road, as the police keep a close watch.

10. Street Scams

An age-old gambling con in busy pedestrian areas is the shell game. The main man shuffles three cups, showing you how easy it is to follow the one that covers the pea, or whatever. Don’t be taken in – you’ll never win a game.

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