Focus on


Martial Arts

Military science turned modern sport

Born from warfare, Japan’s martial arts are a bridge between the country’s past and its present. Instead of going down the path of war, however, the current practitioners of budo are on a quest for self-improvement, seeking fitness, discipline, and a balance of mental flexibility and resilience to face life’s challenges.

Japan’s two most famous martial arts styles are karate and judo, but there are plenty of others you should make time to see on a trip to Japan. For a sport with a long history and obvious samurai connection, look no further than kyudo (archery), which can be traced back to the Yayoi period (300 BC–300 CE). It’s a discipline that requires mental poise and extreme calm to be able to use a Japanese longbow to hit 14-inch (36-cm) diameter targets from 90 feet (28 m) away. Put that on horseback and you have yabusame, which sees riders in full traditional gear firing at targets while their horses hit a gallop. And in kendo (the way of the sword) there’s yet another samurai skill being preserved in modern Japan. Using wooden swords, the aim of the contest is to land two hits on the designated (and well-protected) strike zones on the opponent’s body. Like other martial arts, the ultimate aim of training for most practitioners goes deeper than proficiency—it’s all about the philosophy of budo: learning respect and self-control, and striving for personal development.

Be More Japan Martial Arts

Old School

Modern martial arts (bujutsu) have evolved from the military traditions of samurai. Ninjutsu are the skills descended from ninja.

Way of the Sword

In kendo, piercing and intimidating shouts are important tools of combat to use alongside the sword.

Be More Japan Martial Arts

40 million

The number of judo practitioners around the world.

Samurai skills

See yabusame (horseback archery) at the Tsuwano Yabusame Festival (Shimane Prefecture) held in April.

Be More Japan Martial Arts


D Martial arts is a unique and thrilling way to access Japanese history, with the Nippon Budokan Tokyo arena offering lots of chances to see tournaments.

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