Listing 8-11. The test( ) Method from Table Package Body LOGICAL_WORKPLACE, rps.logical_workplace.pkb

264  PROCEDURE test is
266  /*
268   Name                                     Null?    Type
269   ---------------------------------------- -------- -------------
270   LOGICAL_WORKPLACE_ID                     NOT NULL NUMBER
271   PARENT_ID                                         NUMBER
272   ID_CONTEXT                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
273   WORKPLACE_TYPE_ID                        NOT NULL NUMBER
274   CODE                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
275   NAME                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(80)
276   ACTIVE_DATE                              NOT NULL DATE
277   INACTIVE_DATE                                     DATE
278  */
280  v_id_context
281    LOGICAL_WORKPLACES.id_context%TYPE;
282  r_logical_workplace                   LOGICAL_WORKPLACES%ROWTYPE;
284  begin
285    pl('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.test()'),
289    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'DELETE', 0,
290      'Delete existing test entries'),
291    begin
292      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
293      where  code in (
294        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
295        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2);
297      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
298      where  code = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
300      &_USER..TEST.ok();
301    exception
302      when OTHERS then
303        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
304    end;
306    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'get_id()', 1,
307      'Allocate the next primary key value'),
308    begin
309 := get_id();
311      if > 0 then
312        &_USER..TEST.ok();
313      else
314        &_USER..TEST.error();
315      end if;
316    exception
317      when OTHERS then
318        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
319    end;
321    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE',
322      'create_id_context()', 2, 'Create an ID context value'),
323    begin
324      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            := NULL;
325      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
326        create_id_context(
327          r_logical_workplace.parent_id,
330      if r_logical_workplace.id_context =
331        to_char( then
332        &_USER..TEST.ok();
333      else
334        &_USER..TEST.error();
335      end if;
336    exception
337      when OTHERS then
338        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
339    end;
341    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'set_row()', 3,
342      'Insert parent test entry'),
343    begin
344      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    :=
345        WORKPLACE_TYPE.get_id('C'),
346      r_logical_workplace.code                 :=
347        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
348                 :=
349        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80;
350      r_logical_workplace.active_date          :=
351        &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101;
352      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        :=
353        &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231;
354      set_row(r_logical_workplace);
356      &_USER..TEST.ok();
357    exception
358      when OTHERS then
359        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
360    end;
362    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'set_row()', 4,
363      'Insert child entries'),
364    begin
365      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            :=
367                   := get_id();
368      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
369        create_id_context(
370          r_logical_workplace.parent_id,
372      -- save this value for testing get_row()
373      v_id_context                             :=
374        r_logical_workplace.id_context;
375      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    :=
376        WORKPLACE_TYPE.get_id('B'),
377      r_logical_workplace.code                 :=
378        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1;
379                 :=
380        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80;
381      set_row(r_logical_workplace);
383                   := get_id();
384      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
385        create_id_context(
386          r_logical_workplace.parent_id,
388      r_logical_workplace.code                 :=
389        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2;
390      set_row(r_logical_workplace);
392      &_USER..TEST.ok();
393    exception
394      when OTHERS then
395        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
396    end;
398    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'get_code_context()', 5,
399      'Get the code context for v_TEST_30_2'),
400    begin
401      pl(get_code_context(
404      &_USER..TEST.ok();
405    exception
406      when OTHERS then
407        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
408    end;
410    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'get_name_context()', 6,
411      'Get the name context for v_TEST_30_2'),
412    begin
413      pl(get_name_context(
416      &_USER..TEST.ok();
417    exception
418      when OTHERS then
419        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
420    end;
422    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'get_row()', 7,
423      'Get the row using the id for v_TEST_30_2'),
424    begin
425  --                   := NULL;
426      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            := NULL;
427      r_logical_workplace.id_context           := NULL;
428      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    := NULL;
429      r_logical_workplace.code                 := NULL;
430                 := NULL;
431      r_logical_workplace.active_date          := NULL;
432      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        := NULL;
434      r_logical_workplace := get_row(r_logical_workplace);
436      if r_logical_workplace.id_context is not NULL then
437        &_USER..TEST.ok();
438      else
439        &_USER..TEST.error();
440      end if;
441    exception
442      when OTHERS then
443        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
444    end;
446    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'get_row()', 8,
447      'Get the row using the id_context for v_TEST_30_1'),
448    begin
449                   := NULL;
450      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            := NULL;
451      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
452        v_id_context;
453      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    := NULL;
454      r_logical_workplace.code                 := NULL;
455                 := NULL;
456      r_logical_workplace.active_date          := NULL;
457      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        := NULL;
459      r_logical_workplace := get_row(r_logical_workplace);
461      if is not NULL then
462        &_USER..TEST.ok();
463      else
464        &_USER..TEST.error();
465      end if;
466    exception
467      when OTHERS then
468        pl('v_id_context="'||v_id_context||'"'),
469        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
470    end;
472    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'get_row()', 9,
473      'Get the row using the code for v_TEST_30'),
474    begin
475                   := NULL;
476      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            := NULL;
477      r_logical_workplace.id_context           := NULL;
478      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    := NULL;
479      r_logical_workplace.code                 :=
480        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
481                 :=
482        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80;
483      r_logical_workplace.active_date          :=
484        &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101;
485      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        := NULL;
487      r_logical_workplace := get_row(r_logical_workplace);
489      if is not NULL then
490        &_USER..TEST.ok();
491      else
492        &_USER..TEST.error();
493      end if;
494    exception
495      when OTHERS then
496        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
497    end;
499    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'help()', 10,
500      'Display the help text'),
501    begin
502      help();
504      &_USER..TEST.ok();
505    exception
506      when OTHERS then
507        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
508    end;
510    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_WORKPLACE', 'DELETE', 11,
511      'Delete test entries'),
512    begin
513      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
514      where  code in (
515        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
516        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2);
518      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
519      where  code = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
521      &_USER..TEST.ok();
522    exception
523      when OTHERS then
524        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
525    end;
527    commit;
529    &_USER..TEST.success();
530  end test;

The test unit for package LOGICAL_WORKPLACE is quite lengthy, so that’s why I’m using a partial listing in Listing 8-11. You can find the entire listing in the download directory for Chapter 8.

Let’s examine this content table package’s test unit line by line:

  • Lines 280 through 282 declare two variables that I use during the test.
  • Line 285 outputs some feedback so the tester knows the test has actually executed.
  • Line 287 clears any previous test data.
  • Lines 287 through 304 start the SQL Circle of Life for my test entries by pre-deleting any that may still exist.
  • Lines 306 through 319 test method get_id().
  • Lines 321 through 339 test method create_id_context().
  • Lines 341 through 360 test method set_row() by inserting a parent company row based on TEST.v_TEST_30. This begins the INSERT portion of the SQL Circle of Life.
  • Lines 362 through 396 test method set_row() again, this time inserting two child rows, business units, based on TEST.v_TEST_30_1 and TEST.v_TEST_30_2. This begins the INSERT or UPDATE portion of the SQL Circle of Life.
  • Lines 398 through 408 test method get_code_context(). This starts the SELECT portion of the SQL Circle of Life.
  • Lines 410 through 420 test method get_name_context().
  • Lines 422 through 444 test method get_row() using the primary key column.
  • Lines 446 through 470 test method get_row() a second time, using the unique id_context column.
  • Lines 472 through 497 test method get_row() a third time, this time using unique columns code, name, and active_date.
  • Lines 499 through 508 test method help().
  • Lines 510 through 525 delete my test entries from the table. This brings me full circle on my SQL Circle of Life, from DELETE to INSERT to UPDATE to SELECT, and then back to DELETE.
  • Finally, on lines 528 through 529, I record that the test unit executed successfully.

Did you notice that in this example, a content table package’s test unit used the full SQL Circle of Life, whereas the code table package used only a portion of it? And did you see that every test was blocked—executed in its own PL/SQL block in order to catch any raised exceptions, rather than abort the test unit? Now it’s your turn.

It’s Your Turn to Test a Content Table Package

Now you will create a test unit for content table package PHYSICAL_WORKPLACE. In case you haven’t noticed yet, table PHYSICAL_WORKPLACES is extremely similar to table LOGICAL_WORKPLACES, so you should be able to do some “code borrowing” to create a table package for PHYSICAL_WORKPLACES, including its test unit method test(). Please follow these steps.

  1. Write the DDL scripts to create a table package for table PHYSICAL_WORKPLACES by borrowing the code from LOGICAL_WORKPLACE. This means you’ll need to do some thinking about the differences between the two tables, and the resulting differences between the two packages, and then make the appropriate changes.
  2. Save your specification script as rps.physical_workplace.pks, and your body script as rp.physical_workplace.pkb.
  3. Compile the WORKER package because your solution may require it as a dependency: rps.worker.pks and rps.worker.pkb.
  4. Compile your package.
  5. Execute the test unit: SQL> execute physical_workplace.test();.
  6. Use script last_test_results.sql to view the outcome of your test unit.
  7. Add a test to your test unit to change the inactive date for business unit TEST_TS.v_TEST_CODE_30_2 to TEST_TS.d_TEST_19991231.
  8. Execute the test unit again: SQL> execute physical_workplace.test();.
  9. Use script last_test_results.sql to view the outcome of your test unit.

Once again, I’m not going to show you my solution. But you can find it in the solutions download directory for Chapter 8.

Next, let’s test an intersection table package.

Testing an Intersection Table Package

It’s time to test the third category of the dynamic trio: an intersection table package. As in the previous example, Listing 8-12 is a partial code listing, showing the test unit from the full-blown, production-ready package for the LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENTS table. In case you’ve forgotten, LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENTS holds a list (a history) of logical assignments for a worker, such as which department the person worked for from one point in time to another. Its package specification lists the following methods that are specific to an intersection table package (or TYPE):

  • get_logical_workplace(): Returns the LOGICAL_WORKPLACES assigned at the specified point in time
  • is_active(): Returns TRUE if the specified worker has a logical assignment at the specified point in time

The package specification contains several methods in common with a content table package:

  • get_row(): Returns a matching row depending on primary key column or unique key column value(s) set in the record passed to the method
  • set_row(): Updates an existing matching row, using the same rules implemented by get_row() to find a matching row, or inserts a new row if a match is not found

And the package specification also has some methods that are universal to all table packages:

  • get_id()Returns a newly allocated primary key value for the table
  • help()Display help text for the package
  • test()the package

Listing 8-12. The test( ) Method from Table Package Body LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT,rps. logical_assignment.pkb

195  PROCEDURE test is
197  n_logical_workplace_id      ;
198  n_logical_workplace_id_1    ;
199  n_logical_workplace_id_2    ;
200  n_worker_id                 ;
201  n_worker_id_1               ;
202  n_worker_id_2               ;
203  r_worker                              WORKERS%ROWTYPE;
204  r_logical_workplace                   LOGICAL_WORKPLACES%ROWTYPE;
205  r_logical_assignment                  LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENTS%ROWTYPE;
207  begin
208    pl('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.test()'),
212    -- In order to make entries into an Intersection table
213    -- you first have to have entries in the two tables
214    -- for which an entry will create an intersection
215    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'DELETE', 0,
216      'Delete existing test entries from LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENTS'),
217    begin
219      where  logical_workplace_id in (
220      select logical_workplace_id
221      from   LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
222      where  code in (
223        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
224        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
225        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 ) );
228      where  worker_id in (
229      select worker_id
230      from   WORKERS
231      where  external_id in (
232        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
233        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
234        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 ) );
236      &_USER..TEST.ok();
237    exception
238      when OTHERS then
239        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
240    end;
242    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'DELETE', 1,
243      'Delete existing test entries from LOGICAL_WORKPLACES'),
244    begin
245      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
246      where  code in (
247        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
248        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 );
250      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
251      where  code in (
252        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30 );
254      &_USER..TEST.ok;
255    exception
256      when OTHERS then
257        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
258    end;
260    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'DELETE', 2,
261      'Delete existing test entries from WORKERS'),
262    begin
263      delete WORKERS
264      where  external_id in (
265        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
266        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
267        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 );
269      &_USER..TEST.ok();
270    exception
271      when OTHERS then
272        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
273    end;
275    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'INSERT', 3,
276      'Insert WORKERS test entries using set_row()'),
277    begin
278             := WORKER.get_id();
279      r_worker.worker_type_id := WORKER_TYPE.get_id('E'),
280      r_worker.external_id    := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
281      r_worker.first_name     := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
282      r_worker.middle_name    := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
283      r_worker.last_name      := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
284           := WORKER.get_formatted_name(
285        r_worker.first_name,
286        r_worker.middle_name,
287        r_worker.last_name);
288      r_worker.birth_date     := to_date('19800101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
289      r_worker.gender_type_id := GENDER_TYPE.get_id('M'),
290      WORKER.set_row(r_worker);
291      n_worker_id             :=;
293             := WORKER.get_id();
294      r_worker.worker_type_id := WORKER_TYPE.get_id('E'),
295      r_worker.external_id    := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1;
296      r_worker.first_name     := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1;
297      r_worker.middle_name    := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1;
298      r_worker.last_name      := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1;
299           := WORKER.get_formatted_name(
300        r_worker.first_name,
301        r_worker.middle_name,
302        r_worker.last_name);
303      r_worker.birth_date     := to_date('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
304      r_worker.gender_type_id := GENDER_TYPE.get_id('F'),
305      WORKER.set_row(r_worker);
306      n_worker_id_1           :=;
308             := WORKER.get_id();
309      r_worker.worker_type_id := WORKER_TYPE.get_id('C'),
310      r_worker.external_id    := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2;
311      r_worker.first_name     := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2;
312      r_worker.middle_name    := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2;
313      r_worker.last_name      := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2;
314           := WORKER.get_formatted_name(
315        r_worker.first_name,
316        r_worker.middle_name,
317        r_worker.last_name);
318      r_worker.birth_date     := to_date('19600101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
319      r_worker.gender_type_id := GENDER_TYPE.get_id('M'),
320      WORKER.set_row(r_worker);
321      n_worker_id_2           :=;
323      &_USER..TEST.ok();
324    exception
325      when OTHERS then
326        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
327    end;
329    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'INSERT', 4,
330      'Insert LOGICAL_WORKPLACES test entries using set_row()'),
331    begin
332                   :=
333        LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.get_id();
334      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            := NULL;
335      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
336        LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.create_id_context(
337          r_logical_workplace.parent_id,
339      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    :=
340        WORKPLACE_TYPE_TS.get_id('C'),
341      r_logical_workplace.code                 := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
342                 := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80;
343      r_logical_workplace.active_date          := &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101;
344      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        := &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231;
345      LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.set_row(r_logical_workplace);
346      n_logical_workplace_id                   :=
349                   :=
350        LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.get_id();
351      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            :=
352        n_logical_workplace_id;
353      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
354        LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.create_id_context(
355          r_logical_workplace.parent_id,
357      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    :=
358        WORKPLACE_TYPE_TS.get_id('B'),
359      r_logical_workplace.code                 := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1;
360                 := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80;
361      r_logical_workplace.active_date          := &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101;
362      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        := &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231;
363      LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.set_row(r_logical_workplace);
364      n_logical_workplace_id_1                 :=
367 :=
368        LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.get_id();
369      r_logical_workplace.parent_id            :=
370        n_logical_workplace_id;
371      r_logical_workplace.id_context           :=
372        LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.create_id_context(
373          r_logical_workplace.parent_id,
375      r_logical_workplace.workplace_type_id    :=
376        WORKPLACE_TYPE_TS.get_id('B'),
377      r_logical_workplace.code                 := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2;
378                 := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80;
379      r_logical_workplace.active_date          := &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101;
380      r_logical_workplace.inactive_date        := &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231;
381      LOGICAL_WORKPLACESS.set_row(r_logical_workplace);
382      n_logical_workplace_id_2                 :=
385      &_USER..TEST.ok();
386    exception
387      when OTHERS then
388        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
389    end;
391    -- Now that I have entries in the two tables being intersected
392    -- I can now start testing this package...
393    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'get_id()', 5,
394      'Allocate the next primary key value using get_id()'),
395    begin
396 :=
397        LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.get_id();
399      if nvl(, 0) > 0 then
400        &_USER..TEST.ok();
401      else
402        &_USER..TEST.error();
403      end if;
404    exception
405      when OTHERS then
406        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
407    end;
409    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'set_row()', 6,
410      'Insert history for v_TEST_30 using set_row()'),
411    begin
412      r_logical_assignment.worker_id            := n_worker_id;
413      r_logical_assignment.logical_workplace_id :=
414        n_logical_workplace_id_2;
415      r_logical_assignment.active_date          :=
416        to_date('20000101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
417      r_logical_assignment.inactive_date        := NULL;
418      LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.set_row(r_logical_assignment);
420      &_USER..TEST.ok;
421    exception
422      when OTHERS then
423        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
424    end;
426    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'set_row()', 7,
427      'Insert history for V_TEST_30_1 using set_row()'),
428    begin
429 :=
430        LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.get_id();
431      r_logical_assignment.worker_id            := n_worker_id_1;
432      r_logical_assignment.logical_workplace_id :=
433        n_logical_workplace_id_1;
434      r_logical_assignment.active_date          :=
435        to_date('19900101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
436      r_logical_assignment.inactive_date        :=
437        to_date('19991231', 'YYYYMMDD'),
438      LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.set_row(r_logical_assignment);
440 :=
441        LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.get_id();
442      r_logical_assignment.worker_id            := n_worker_id_1;
443      r_logical_assignment.logical_workplace_id :=
444        n_logical_workplace_id_2;
445      r_logical_assignment.active_date          :=
446        to_date('20000101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
447      r_logical_assignment.inactive_date        := NULL;
448      LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.set_row(r_logical_assignment);
450      &_USER..TEST.ok;
451    exception
452      when OTHERS then
453        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
454    end;
456    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'set_row()', 8,
457      'Insert history for V_TEST_30_2 using set_row()'),
458    begin
459 :=
460        LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.get_id();
461      r_logical_assignment.worker_id            := n_worker_id_2;
462      r_logical_assignment.logical_workplace_id :=
463        n_logical_workplace_id_1;
464      r_logical_assignment.active_date          :=
465        to_date('19800101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
466      r_logical_assignment.inactive_date        :=
467        to_date('19891231', 'YYYYMMDD'),
468      LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.set_row(r_logical_assignment);
470 :=
471        LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.get_id();
472      r_logical_assignment.worker_id            := n_worker_id_2;
473      r_logical_assignment.logical_workplace_id :=
474        n_logical_workplace_id_2;
475      r_logical_assignment.active_date          :=
476        to_date('19900101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
477      r_logical_assignment.inactive_date        :=
478        to_date('19901231', 'YYYYMMDD'),
479      LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.set_row(r_logical_assignment);
481      &_USER..TEST.ok;
482    exception
483      when OTHERS then
484        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
485    end;
487    -- Commit the deletes and inserts
488    commit;
490    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT',
491      'get_logical_workplace()', 9,
492      'Get the current logical workplace for v_TEST_30'),
493    begin
494      r_logical_workplace := NULL;
495      r_logical_workplace := get_logical_workplace(n_worker_id);
497      if nvl(, 0) > 0 then
498        &_USER..TEST.ok();
499      else
500        &_USER..TEST.error();
501      end if;
502    exception
503      when OTHERS then
504        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
505    end;
507    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT',
508      'get_logical_workplace()', 10,
509      'Get the logical workplace on 6/30/1995 for v_TEST_30_1'),
510    begin
511      r_logical_workplace := NULL;
512      r_logical_workplace := get_logical_workplace(
513        n_worker_id_1,
514        to_date('19950630', 'YYYYMMDD'));
516      if nvl(, 0) > 0 then
517        &_USER..TEST.ok();
518      else
519        &_USER..TEST.error();
520      end if;
521    exception
522      when OTHERS then
523        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
524    end;
526    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT',
527      'get_logical_workplace()', 11,
528      'Get the logical workplace on 6/30/1995 for v_TEST_30_2'),
529    begin
530      -- this should fail
531      r_logical_workplace := NULL;
532      r_logical_workplace := get_logical_workplace(
533        n_worker_id_2,
534        to_date('19950630', 'YYYYMMDD'));
536      if nvl(, 0) > 0 then
537        &_USER..TEST.error();
538      else
539        &_USER..TEST.ok();
540      end if;
541    exception
542      when NO_DATA_FOUND then
543        &_USER..TEST.ok();
544      when OTHERS then
545        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
546    end;
548    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'help()', 12,
549      'Test help()'),
550    begin
551      help();
553      &_USER..TEST.ok;
554    exception
555      when OTHERS then
556        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
557    end;
559    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'is_active()', 13,
560      'Is there an active assignment on 6/30/1995 for v_TEST_30?'),
561      -- No
562    begin
563      if is_active(n_worker_id, to_date('19950630', 'YYYYMMDD')) then
564        &_USER..TEST.error();
565      else
566        &_USER..TEST.ok();
567      end if;
568    exception
569      when OTHERS then
570        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
571    end;
573    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'is_active()', 14,
574      'Is there an active assignment on 6/30/1995 for v_TEST_30_1?'),
575      -- Yes
576    begin
577      if is_active(n_worker_id_1, to_date('19950630', 'YYYYMMDD')) then
578        &_USER..TEST.ok();
579      else
580        &_USER..TEST.error();
581      end if;
582    exception
583      when OTHERS then
584        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
585    end;
587    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'is_active()', 15,
588      'Is there currently an active assignment for v_TEST_30_2?'),
589      -- No
590    begin
591      if is_active(n_worker_id_2) then
592        &_USER..TEST.error();
593      else
594        &_USER..TEST.ok();
595      end if;
596    exception
597      when OTHERS then
598        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
599    end;
601    -- Now clean up after the tests by deleting the test entries
602    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'DELETE', 16,
603      'Delete existing test entries from LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENTS'),
604    begin
606      where  logical_workplace_id in (
607      select logical_workplace_id
608      from   LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
609      where  code in (
610        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
611        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
612        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 ) );
615      where  worker_id in (
616      select worker_id
617      from   WORKER_T
618      where  external_id in (
619        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
620        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
621        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 ) );
623      &_USER..TEST.ok();
624    exception
625      when OTHERS then
626        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
627    end;
629    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'DELETE', 17,
630      'Delete existing test entries from LOGICAL_WORKPLACES'),
631    begin
632      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
633      where  code in (
634        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
635        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 );
637      delete LOGICAL_WORKPLACES
638      where  code in (
639        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30 );
641      &_USER..TEST.ok;
642    exception
643      when OTHERS then
644        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
645    end;
647    &_USER..TEST.set_test('LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT', 'DELETE', 18,
648      'Delete existing test entries from WORKERS'),
649    begin
650      delete WORKERS
651      where  external_id in (
652        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
653        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
654        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2 );
656      &_USER..TEST.ok();
657    exception
658      when OTHERS then
659        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
660    end;
662    commit;
664    &_USER..TEST.success();
665  end test;

The important point about an intersection table package is that it is dependent on test entries in the two tables it intersects. So you’ll see that on lines 215 through 392, I must start out by deleting any test entries in the “intersected” tables, WORKERS and LOGICAL_WORKPLACES, and then I must add entries to these tables in order to have entries from which to establish an intersection entry. So every intersection table package must also insert and delete entries from the tables on which it is depends. Now it’s your turn to work on an intersection table package.

It’s Your Turn to Test an Intersection Table Package

You will now create a test unit for intersection table package PHYSICAL_ASSIGNMENT. Just as in the last exercise, the corresponding table for this exercise, PHYSICAL_ASSIGNMENTS, is extremely similar to table LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENTS, so you should once again be able to do some “code borrowing” to create a table package for PHYSICAL_ASSIGNMENTS, including its test unit method test(). Follow these steps.

  1. Write the DDL scripts to create a table package for table PHYSICAL_ASSIGNMENTS by borrowing the code from LOGICAL_ASSIGNMENT.
  2. Save your specification script as rps.physical_assignment.pks, and your body script as rps.physical_assignment.pkb.
  3. Compile your package.
  4. Execute the test unit: SQL> execute physical_assignment.test();.
  5. Use script last_test_results.sql to view the outcome of your test unit.

Once again, I’m not going to show you my solution. But you can find it in the solutions download directory for Chapter 8.

So just how different can it be to test a TYPE instead of a package? Let’s find out.

Testing a Type

Testing a TYPE is not all that different from testing a package. The only significant difference is that when you declare the test() method in a TYPE, it must be declared as a STATIC method. And when you code the method, you must remember that you’ll need to work with a variable of that TYPE, and instance, as well as the TYPE when performing your testing. If you don’t have an instance of the TYPE, you won’t be able to access and test all its methods.

Listing 8-13 is a partial listing of the TYPE TEST, an object-relational testing tool. This listing shows only the test unit for the TYPE itself.

Listing 8-13. The Test Unit from TYPE TEST, ops.test.tpb

416  STATIC PROCEDURE "test" is
418  n_number                              number;
419  o_test                                TEST;
421  begin
422    pl('TEST.test()'),
424    -- A defect requires the schema owner
425    &_USER..TEST.clear('TEST'),
427    o_test := new TEST();
428    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 1,
429      'Is get_test_N equal to N?'),
430    if TEST.get_test_N = 'N' then
431      o_test.success();
432    else
433      o_test.error();
434    end if;
436    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 2,
437      'Is the length of get_test_N equal to 1?'),
438    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_N), 0) = 1 then
439      o_test.success();
440    else
441      o_test.error();
442    end if;
444    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 3,
445      'Is get_test_Y equal to Y?'),
446    if TEST.get_test_Y = 'Y' then
447      o_test.success();
448    else
449      o_test.error();
450    end if;
452    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 4,
453      'Is the length of get_test_Y equal to 1?'),
454    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_Y), 0) = 1 then
455      o_test.success();
456    else
457      o_test.error();
458    end if;
460    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 5,
461      'Is the length of get_test_30 equal to 30?'),
462    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_30), 0) = 30 then
463      o_test.success();
464    else
465      o_test.error();
466    end if;
468    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 6,
469      'Is the length of get_test_30_1 equal to 30?'),
470    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_30_1), 0) = 30 then
471      o_test.success();
472    else
473      o_test.error();
474    end if;
476    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 7,
477      'Is the length of get_test_30_2 equal to 30?'),
478    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_30_2), 0) = 30 then
479      o_test.success();
480    else
481      o_test.error();
482    end if;
484    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 8,
485      'Is the length of get_test_80 equal to 80?'),
486    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_80), 0) = 80 then
487      o_test.success();
488    else
489      o_test.error();
490    end if;
492    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 9,
493      'Is the length of get_test_100 equal to 100?'),
494    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_100), 0) = 100 then
495      o_test.success();
496    else
497      o_test.error();
498    end if;
500    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 10,
501      'Is the length of get_test_2000 equal to 2000?'),
502    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_2000), 0) = 2000 then
503      o_test.success();
504    else
505      o_test.error();
506    end if;
508    o_test.set_test('TEST', 'get_id', 11,
509      'Does get_id() work?'),
510    begin
511      n_number := TEST.get_id();
512      if n_number > 0 then
513        o_test.success();
514      else
515        o_test.error();
516      end if;
517    exception
518      when OTHERS then
519        o_test.error(SQLERRM);
520    end;
522    o_test.set_test('TEST', 'help', 12,
523      'Does help() work?'),
524    begin
525      &;
526      raise_application_error(-20999, 'Testing the error routine'),
527      o_test.success();
528    exception
529      when OTHERS then
530        o_test.error(SQLERRM);
531    end;
533    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, NULL, NULL);
534    o_test.success();
535  end "test";...

First, notice that I’ve declared the method as a STATIC procedure. This means it will be accessible from the TYPE itself, not through an instance of the type.

Second, on line 419, I declare a variable of the TYPE and then on line 427, I set the variable to a new instance of the TYPE. Then I use this instance when calling MEMBER methods in the test unit. Beyond those two major changes, the differences in methods test() in package TEST and TYPE TEST are only semantic (as in the variations in the programmer-created language). One last detail! I had to test the method “test” in order to get around a name space error. I could have named it test_ or TEST_ or anything other than the name of the TYPE itself, but I like to keep things obvious, so I forced Oracle to name it test in lower case.

Now that you have seen an example of testing a TYPE, it’s your turn.

It’s Your Turn to Test a Type

Now you’ll select any TYPE that you’ve created so far, and code its test unit method test(). However, you’ll use your object-relational testing tool. This means you’ll also need to modify the SQL*Plus report last_test_results.sql so it queries your testing tool’s object table TESTS. This time, I’m not even going to give you any steps. You’ve seen enough examples that you should be able to list the steps you need to complete in order to do this exercise. Good skill!

Now, it’s time we move on to the automation of testing.

Automating Testing

Do you remember that in the beginning of this chapter I promised you a framework for automating your testing? Well, by utilizing information from Oracle’s data dictionary and writing another program unit that calls all your test units, you can execute one PL/SQL method that will in turn execute every test() method you’ve written, and then report on the test results.

There are several data dictionary views that have information about packages, TYPEs, and their methods. The three best suited to my needs of identifying every package and TYPE that does and does not have a test() method are SYS.ALL_ARGUMENTS, SYS.USER_PROCDURES, and SYS.USER_TYPE_METHODS. The following are SQL*Plus descriptions of the views:

 Name                                     Null?    Type
 ---------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------
 OBJECT_NAME                                       VARCHAR2(128)
 PACKAGE_NAME                                      VARCHAR2(128)
 OBJECT_ID                                NOT NULL NUMBER
 OVERLOAD                                          VARCHAR2(40)
 SUBPROGRAM_ID                                     NUMBER
 ARGUMENT_NAME                                     VARCHAR2(128)
 Name                                     Null?    Type
 ---------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------
 TYPE_NAME                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128)
 METHOD_NAME                              NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128)
 METHOD_NO                                NOT NULL NUMBER
 METHOD_TYPE                                       VARCHAR2(6)
 PARAMETERS                               NOT NULL NUMBER

 Name                                     Null?    Type
 ---------------------------------------- -------- -------------
 OBJECT_NAME                                       VARCHAR2(128)
 PROCEDURE_NAME                                    VARCHAR2(128)
 OBJECT_ID                                         NUMBER
 SUBPROGRAM_ID                                     NUMBER
 OVERLOAD                                          VARCHAR2(40)
 OBJECT_TYPE                                       VARCHAR2(13)

Using the information provided by these views, I can write a query that does the following:

  • Lists the name of every package and TYPE that has a test() method
  • Lists the name of every package and TYPE that does not have a test() method

If I couple that information with the output of the test units that is stored in table TESTS, I can write a query that does the following:

  • Lists information about every test that failed
  • Lists the name of every package or TYPE where its test method failed

So the information provided by the data dictionary views and the testing tool’s table TESTS arms me with all the information I need to automate the testing of the PL/SQL program units and to report on the test results. Therefore, to automate the testing of the PL/SQL program units, all I need to do is follow these two simple steps.

  1. Add a test unit method test() to every PL/SQL package or TYPE definition.
  2. Execute a process to execute each test unit method and report the results.

You already know how to do the first step, so let’s see an example of how to do the second step.

Automate Test Processing

Listing 8-14 is an example of a PL/SQL program unit that executes all coded test() methods for the current schema, and then reports on the results. It queries view SYS.ALL_ARGUMENTS to get a list of packages and TYPEs that do and do not have test() methods. It executes each test() method, recording the results of execution, as the test method itself records the results of each of its tests. Finally, it reports the results of the tests.

Listing 8-14. An Example of a Test Unit Processing, test.sql

001  rem test.sql
002  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
003  rem An anonymous PL/SQL procedure to execute all test units
004  rem and to report on the results of each test.
006  declare
008  -- Get the names of all packages and types that have a test unit
009  cursor c_test is
010  select p.object_name package_name
012  where  p.object_type           = 'PACKAGE'
013  and    upper(p.procedure_name) = 'TEST'
014  and not exists (
015  select 1
016  from   SYS.USER_ARGUMENTS x
017  where  x.package_name          = p.object_name
018  and    x.object_name           = p.procedure_name)
019  UNION
020  select m.type_name package_name
022  where  upper(m.method_name)    = 'TEST'
023  and    m.parameters            = 0
024  order by 1;
026  -- Get the names of all packages and types that don't have a test unit
027  cursor c_missing is
028  (select p.object_name package_name
030  where  p.object_type           = 'PACKAGE'
031  UNION
032  select m.type_name package_name
033  from   SYS.USER_TYPE_METHODS m )
034  MINUS
035  (select p.object_name package_name
037  where  upper(p.procedure_name) = 'TEST'
038  and not exists (
039  select 1
040  from   SYS.USER_ARGUMENTS x
041  where  x.package_name          = p.object_name
042  and    x.object_name           = p.procedure_name)
043  UNION
044  select m.type_name package_name
046  where  upper(m.method_name)    = 'TEST'
047  and    m.parameters            = 0)
048  order by 1;
050  -- Get the names of all packages and types that have test unit errors
051  cursor c_error is
052  select object_name||
053           decode(substr(method_name, -1, 1), ')', '.', ' ')||
054           method_name object_method,
055         test_number,
056         result
057  from   TESTS
058  where  result <> 'OK'
059  and    result <> 'SUCCESS'
060  order by 1;
062  TYPE error_message_table is table of varchar2(32767)
063  index by binary_integer;
065  n_error_message                       number := 0;
066  n_object_method_width                 number := 39;
067  n_result_width                        number := 29;
068  n_status                              number;
069  n_test_number_width                   number := 5;
071  t_error_message                       error_message_table;
073  v_line                                varchar2(32767);
075  begin
076    -- execute the test units
077    for r_test in c_test loop
078      begin
079        execute immediate 'begin '||r_test.package_name||'.test(); end;';
080      exception
081        when OTHERS then
082          n_error_message := n_error_message + 1;
083          t_error_message(n_error_message) :=
084            r_test.package_name||'.test() '||SQLERRM;
085      end;
086    end loop;
087    -- Empty the output buffer
088    loop
089      SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.get_line(v_line, n_status);
090      if nvl(n_status, 0) < 1 then
091        exit;
092      end if;
093    end loop;
094    -- Show the test units that had errors
095    for r_error in c_error loop
096      if c_error%rowcount = 1 then
097        pl(chr(9));
099        pl(chr(9));
100        pl(
101          rpad(
102            substr('OBJECT/METHOD',
103              1, n_object_method_width),
104            n_object_method_width, ' ')||
105          ' '||
106          lpad(
107            substr('TEST#',
108              1, n_test_number_width),
109            n_test_number_width, ' ')||
110          ' '||
111          rpad(
112            substr('ERROR',
113              1, n_result_width),
114            n_result_width, ' ')
115          );
116        pl(
117          rpad(
118            substr('-------------',
119              1, n_object_method_width),
120            n_object_method_width, '-')||
121          ' '||
122          lpad(
123            substr('-----',
124              1, n_test_number_width),
125            n_test_number_width, '-')||
126          ' '||
127          rpad(
128            substr('-----',
129              1, n_result_width),
130            n_result_width, '-')
131          );
132      end if;
133      pl(
134        rpad(
135          substr(r_error.object_method,
136            1, n_object_method_width),
137          n_object_method_width, ' ')||
138        ' '||
139        lpad(
140          substr(ltrim(to_char(r_error.test_number)),
141            1, n_test_number_width),
142          n_test_number_width, ' ')||
143        ' '||
144        rpad(
145          substr(r_error.result,
146            1, n_result_width),
147          n_result_width, ' ')
148        );
149    end loop;
150    -- Show the test units that failed to run
151    if t_error_message.count > 0 then
152      for i in t_error_message.first..t_error_message.last loop
153        if i = t_error_message.first then
154          pl(chr(9));
156        end if;
157        pl(chr(9));
158        pl(t_error_message(i));
159      end loop;
160    end if;
161    -- Show the object that missing test units
162    for r_missing in c_missing loop
163      if c_missing%rowcount = 1 then
164        pl(chr(9));
166        pl(chr(9));
167      end if;
168      pl(r_missing.package_name);
169    end loop;
170  end;
171  /

Let’s break this listing down line by line:

  • Lines 9 through 24 declare a cursor, c_test, against data dictionary views SYS.USER_ARGUMENTS, SYS.USER_PROCEDURES, and SYS.USER_TYPE_METHODS, which gives me a list of packages and TYPEs that have a method test().
  • Lines 27 through 48 declare second cursor, c_missing, against SYS.USER_ARGUMENTS, SYS.USER_PROCEDURES, and  SYS.USER_TYPE_METHODSwhich gives me a list of packages and TYPEs that do not have a test() method.
  • Lines 51 through 60 declare a cursor, c_error, against table TESTS that lists all the individual tests that failed during the current test run.
  • Lines 62 and 63 declare a PL/SQL table TYPE, error_message_table, which I will use to declare an array of exceptions raised during the execution of each test() method.
  • Lines 77 through 86 execute a cursor for loop, where I call each package and TYPE’s test() method. I’ve blocked the dynamic call to each method, so I can capture and later report on any raised exceptions (test() method failures).
  • Lines 88 through 93 use a manual for loop to empty the SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line() buffer after having executed every test unit method. I do this to throw out any put_line() messages generated by each test unit.
  • Lines 95 through 149 report, using put_line(), about any test failures during the test run.
  • Lines 151 through 160 report any test() method failures during the test run. I could have created a fourth cursor to show me the test() methods that failed during execution, but I’m already getting this information from the blocked dynamic PL/SQL call to each method on lines 77 through 86.
  • Lines 162 through 169 list any packages or TYPEs that do not have a test unit method test().

The only thing this procedure cannot do is determine whether or not a programmer has actually taken the time to code the test unit. The following is sample output from this procedure while I was coding in my environment:

SQL> @test.sql


OBJECT/METHOD                           TEST# ERROR
--------------------------------------- ----- -----------------------------
LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.GET_ROW()                 7 ORA-01403: no data found
LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.GET_ROW()                 8 ORA-01403: no data found
LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.GET_ROW()                 9 ORA-01403: no data found
LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.SET_ROW()                 4 ORA-01403: no data found
LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.SET_ROW()                 3 ORA-20003: ORA-01400: cannot



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The first part of the report, test unit errors, shows that exception ORA-20003 was raised while testing method LOGICAL_WORKPLACE.SET_ROW(). This information tells me to go directly to package LOGICAL_WORKPLACE to examine what might be wrong with the test or the method set_row().

The second part of the report, missing test units, lists the packages and TYPEs that are missing a test unit method. With this information, I can add the task of coding test units for these to my to-do list. Don’t ignore this list. Anything not tested is something that can and probably will produce errors.

In practice, on an enterprise application, I’ve seen a test unit process like this take two to three hours to execute. In addition, it always finds one to three errors in each newly coded package. As time goes by, and new defects are detected by end users and others, it’s your responsibility to go back and update the test unit method to test for any newly reported defect. Using this kind of automated testing, combined with consistently adding any new test cases, you can make your persistence layer statistically error-free.

I don’t think that the “processing” procedure just described should be external (losable) to the database/objectbase. Instead, it should be added to package TEST as method process(). That way, you will be able to test any package or procedure by calling its test() method, and you can test the entire persistence layer by calling TEST.process(). Now that’s a powerful testing tool!

It’s Your Turn to Automate Test Processing

For your final assignment in this chapter, modify your object-relational testing tool to add STATIC procedure process(), which will execute a program unit similar to test.sql using your testing tool’s result table TESTS. Then execute TEST.process() to see the results of testing your object-relational persistence layer.


My hope is that you now realize how important, and easy, it is to properly test your PL/SQL program units. A couple of hours of extra coding up front for each program unit can save your hundreds of hours of troubleshooting later on. More important, it will save your end users from hundreds of hours of lost productivity and frustration.

I’ve shown you the coding patterns involved when coding test units for SQL and PL/SQL. I’ve shown you how to create a relational and object-relational testing tool that can automatically test every program unit and access to their associated tables in your database by executing one procedure: process().

My final suggestion is that you decide on the use of a relational or an object-relation testing tool and then add the required test units that access that tool to each and every program unit you write. As a developer of enterprise applications, I have historically had low error rates. I’ve achieved them by incorporating testing into the process of developing. Assume nothing. Test everything.

Just how important is it to test everything? During the coding of the examples for this book, this testing framework found an average of two errors for each package or TYPE. And I’ve been coding in PL/SQL for more than 20 years!

There’s one last tactic you can employ to help prevent errors: provide access to good documentation to your developers. And that’s what I’m going to cover in the next chapter.

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