
Struct and Union


A struct in C++ is equivalent to a class, except that members of a struct default to public access, instead of private access as in classes. By convention, structs are used instead of classes to represent simple data structures that mainly contain public fields.

struct Point
    int x, y; // public

class Point
    int x, y; // private

Declarator List

To declare objects of a struct the normal declaration syntax can be used.

Point p, q; // object declarations

Another alternative syntax often used with structs is to declare the objects when the struct is defined by placing the object names before the final semicolon. This position is known as the declarator list and can contain a comma-separated sequence of declarators.

struct Point
    int x, y;
} r, s; // object declarations

Aggregate initialization is also commonly used with structs, since this syntactical shortcut only works for simple aggregate types with public fields. For compilers supporting C++11, the uniform initialization syntax is preferred, as it removes the distinction between initialization of aggregate and non-aggregate types.

int main()
  // Aggregate initialization
  Point p = { 2, 3 };

  // Uniform initialization
  Point q { 2, 3 };


Although similar to struct, the union type is different in that all fields share the same memory position. Therefore, the size of a union is the size of the largest field it contains. For example, in the case below this is the integer field which is 4 bytes large.

union Mix
    char c;  // 1 byte
    short s; // 2 bytes
    int i;   // 4 bytes
} m;

This means that the union type can only be used to store one value at a time, because changing one field will overwrite the value of the others.

int main()
    m.c = 0xFF; // set first 8 bits
    m.s = 0;    // reset first 16 bits

The benefit of a union, in addition to efficient memory usage, is that it provides multiple ways of viewing the same memory location. For example, the union below has three data members that allow access to the same group of 4 bytes in multiple ways.

union Mix
    char c[4];                  // 4 bytes
    struct { short hi, lo; } s; // 4 bytes
    int i;                      // 4 bytes
} m;

The integer field will access all 4 bytes at once. With the struct 2 bytes can be viewed at a time, and by using the char array each byte can be referenced individually.

int main()
m.i=0xFF00F00F; // 11111111 00000000 11110000 00001111
m.s.lo;         // 11111111 00000000
m.s.hi;         //                   11110000 00001111
m.c[3];         // 11111111
m.c[2];         //          00000000
m.c[1];         //                   11110000
m.c[0];         //                            00001111}

Anonymous Union

A union type can be declared without a name. This is called an anonymous union and defines an unnamed object whose members can be accessed directly from the scope where it is declared. An anonymous union cannot contain methods or non-public members.

int main()
    union { short s; }; // defines an unnamed union object s = 15;

An anonymous union that is declared globally must be made static.

static union {};
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