© Laurel J. Delaney  2016

Laurel J. Delaney, Exporting, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2193-8_3

3. Prepping For Exports

Corporate, Legal, Financial, Logistical, and Technological Considerations

Laurel J. Delaney

(1)Ste LL, Chicago, Illinois, USA

It’s stuff that is transmitted digitally, and also smaller firms packing up goods and selling them abroad. If there’s going to be growth over the next decade, it’s going to be in that.

— Gary Hufbauer, senior trade expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics (2016)1

Now that you’ve set up your business plan, it’s time to delve a little deeper into assembling your export company. The next step is tackling the essential details of a sound legal, fiscal, logistical, and tech operation. You’ll be faced with obstacles ranging from expanding your enterprise, protecting your company, and choosing a product name and other intellectual property to opening a bank account in your home country, sourcing financing, dealing with special tax situations and setting up online platforms. Not all of these issues will come into play immediately, but you will do well to familiarize yourself with the framework in which you will be operating right from the start.

Although the expansion of any business tests us on numerous fronts—from hiring the right people to covering fixed expenses and revenue generation—expanding internationally through exports performed primarily via the Internet challenges us in a whole new way that could potentially interrupt the viability of a business. When reengineering your business from local to export-ready, you must take into consideration bullet-proofing processes, additional laws governing intellectual property, hiring and firing, contracts, and marketing and financial management, as well as settling international disputes and steering Internet-related activities.

Prepping for export success boils down to careful planning (refer back to Chapter 2 on crafting a business plan), being proactive in seizing opportunities, and holding transparent discussions with trusted advisors on where you are headed to ensure every move you make is done with confidence and leads to greater growth and prosperity for your business.


I am not an attorney, banker, logistics expert, accountant, or technology whiz. The information in this chapter is based on experience and extensive research and should not be construed as an official plan on how something is done. Before proceeding with an action plan, consult with a specialist, just as I would .

Line Up Your Export Dream Team

One of the first things you should do before officially setting up your export business, or if you are an established enterprise and haven’t done so already, is to find yourself a good lawyer, a knowledgeable accountant, a savvy banker, a logistics expert, and a tech whiz, each of whom should specialize in international transactions. They are your export dream team (EDT). You may feel that you can’t afford to pay for these professional services, but in truth, you can’t afford to do without them.

The Fab Five: Lawyer, Accountant, Banker, Logistics Expert, Technology Master

A qualified lawyer , well versed in international trade and the Internet, will protect you from those who would take advantage of your inexperience in the global marketplace, or from unknowingly perpetrating violations yourself! Any one of the big national law firms, such as Baker & McKenzie; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom; Foley & Lardner; and Latham & Watkins, will be able to advise you on intellectual property issues, the Internet, mergers, acquisitions, and reorganization. The larger the law firm, the greater the overhead and the higher the hourly rates you will be expected to pay. Be aware of this starting out, and if you can’t afford it, go elsewhere to make your investment more cost effective.


To find a good lawyer, ask around and research, research, research! You’d be surprised at how asking a simple question to your accountant, banker, or successful small business peer group—“Who do you use for legal representation?”—can help you home in on following up and getting a solution. Strike a balance of likeability, specialized experience, and affordability that meets your needs. You can also find additional assistance from FindLaw.com and Lawyers.com, and by consulting with a bar association, such as the American Bar Association.

A good accountant specializing in international taxation will help maximize your cash flow, limit your eventual worldwide tax exposure, and protect you from double or triple taxation scenarios. The big accounting firms such as EY and Deloitte have offices in nearly every country in the world and can offer you a broad variety of global services, but they’ll cost you. A work-around is to find a smaller accounting firm that specializes in international accounting and taxation matters for small businesses.

A well-versed banker can help you finance an export sale, guide you in structuring competitive payment terms (including online options), or even advise you on risk factors before you transact business in a new overseas market. The large banks such as J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, BMO Harris Bank, PNC, Citi, and MB Financial have unmistakable identities and usually have small business banking divisions, branch offices worldwide, and international banking divisions.


Even though the thought of using the big bank guys might intimidate you, once you are a customer—and that could be on the basis of depositing $250 to open an account—you are entitled to free consultations with the international banking experts to help you better manage your export business.

A seasoned logistics expert (refer to Chapter 18 on transport options) will help you minimize the risk, complexity, and cost of transporting products worldwide. Big logistic firms such as UPS, DHL, and FedEx transport products worldwide, prepare specialized export documentation, build shortcuts in standard export shipping processes, monitor shipments, and offer guidance on regulatory issues involving compliance and trade. Freight forwarders often serve the same purpose, but they do so on a more niche basis (by industry or geographic location). They too organize shipments to get goods from one point to a final destination. Any of these types of organizations are effective and serve as an architect for transport. Before you send your product off on a boat, get comfortable with one point person to help you navigate the choppy waters and ask her about her resources and whether she has people on the ground in the country where you desire to conduct business. And, as always, have a backup logistic provider in case something goes awry in a country where business is booming.

A technology master will positively impact your business’s future, create value where you didn’t know it exists (investing in e-commerce, for example), challenge your assumptions about why things are the way they are, and identify where you should disrupt in your industry to gain a new foothold or global customer base. Let’s face it. Technology is the most important agent of change in the modern world right now, allowing us to make a profound upward shift in global markets. We use technology to shape our world, yet we think little about the choices we are making for our business. Few expected, for example, Apple to upend the music industry with its iPod and iTunes. A technology master is a forward thinker and reimagines what’s possible through Internet technology. He or she creates new digital offerings and transforms existing ones to deliver profitable new exporting revenue streams. The investment in a technology master—one with imagination—is a necessary addition to the export dream team and can set you on a path towards a stronger global competitive advantage.

Start Small

For your legal, accounting, banking, and technology needs, I suggest you start out with a smaller firm that can attend to you on a more personal and economical basis. Many founders of small boutique law firms, for example, acquire their experience working for a number of years at a big international law firm prior to starting their own business. To keep overhead costs and client fees low for small business owners, they focus on the highly specialized practice areas that are in high demand, such as Internet law, global trademarks, and international franchising. The benefit of contracting a smaller firm to satisfy your needs is threefold: prior big corporate experience at a fraction of the cost, affordable rate structure, and specific expertise.

When a question is too tough for your small firm to handle, let them outsource it to a larger firm with a more developed international presence. That way, you can stick to your budget and your small firm will stay in charge of your legal or accounting operations. But when you reach the point where you’re outsourcing more than in-sourcing, it’s time to make the jump to one of the big guns! The large international firms employ individuals of many nationalities who are well versed in the laws, professional ethics, and regulations of the countries in which they operate and well positioned to serve your interests. Expect to require more extensive and sophisticated information about the countries you export to as your business grows, particularly if you do a lot of business in any one of them.

Your lawyer, accountant, banker, logistics expert, and tech master are vital to the success of your export strategy. They should be considered the charter members of your EDT. As you will see, they often work in concert to keep your new enterprise in the most advantageous legal, financial, logistical and tech position possible.


I strongly encourage you to set up an export advisory board (EAB) at your company to help you tackle tough challenges, cut costs, expand rapidly, get key introductions that lead to significant business down the road, and solve problems before they fester. Unlike a board of directors, an EAB does not have authority over your business. It is purely there to offer advice that you can take or leave. If you don’t know how to establish an EAB, conduct an Internet search with the keywords “How to create an advisory board.” Then, follow the suggestions pertaining to exporting. The advisory board will serve in addition to your EDT because it will not charge you for consultations nor does it have any vested interest in your business other than to help you grow. Your attorney on the EDT should draw up a simple contract. What’s in it for people that will encourage them to join your EAB? Perhaps a small annual fee (stipend), gift card, occasional dinner, or excellent connections to high-level people with common interests will motivate them to jump on board!

Corporate Considerations

At this juncture, I am assuming you have already chosen a form of organization. If so, skip ahead to the next section. If not, there are five basic forms of organization in which you can set up your export enterprise: the sole proprietorship, the partnership, the C corporation, subchapter S corporation, and Limited Liability Company (LLC) . Each form has specific advantages and liabilities . To decide which form will serve you best, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How big do I aspire for the company to become?

  2. Am I willing to risk my personal assets for the business?

  3. Am I willing to grow my business alone?

  4. Am I in this for the long haul?

  5. Are tax savings important to me?

  6. Will I sell my business someday?

Once you know your priorities and your preferred operating style, you’ll be well placed to discuss your options with your attorney and accountant to determine which organizational form will best support your business objectives. If you plan to develop a Web site or blog (refer to Chapter 5), select a domain name that is preferably the same as your business name. As the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) says, the steps to starting an online business are the same as starting any business. However, doing business online, as we will find out in Chapter 8, comes with additional legal and financial considerations, particularly in the areas of privacy, security, copyright, and taxation.

Here’s a quick course on the five forms of organizational structures and their advantages and drawbacks.


Sole proprietorships, S corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), and partnerships are also known as pass-through businesses because the profits of these firms are passed directly through the business to the owners and are taxed on the owners’ individual income tax returns. i

The Sole Proprietorship

If you plan on keeping things small, prefer not to share ownership with anyone else, and will be dealing in relatively simple, safe products or services, then a sole proprietorship might be the way to go. Sole proprietorships are the most common form of business. This type of organization is usually taxed on income, property, and payroll. A typical sole proprietorship might be a neighborhood flower shop, hotdog stand, or shoe repair shop.

Since it is the sole proprietor’s job to run the business, he is taxed for that job by way of his personal income. Since the sole proprietorship is smaller in size than a corporation, you can expect taxes to be lower. A sole proprietorship can easily be kept confidential and dissolved whenever desired, provided all of its financial obligations have been satisfied.

The downside of this unincorporated business entity is the unlimited liability you incur. Since your sole proprietorship is not legally recognized as an independent entity apart from your personal assets, it can be used to satisfy creditors if you run into serious financial difficulties in the course of your business operations. This is perhaps the best reason for limiting the size of your company, too. A sole proprietorship can hire any number of employees, but if an employee were to get hurt on the job and later sue you, there is the possibility that you would lose a significant part of your personal assets. Think through what kind of commitment you’re willing to make before you choose this form of organization.

If you choose a sole proprietorship, the best way to protect yourself is to obtain adequate insurance coverage for the unexpected, such as auto or property and liability coverage. Consult with an insurance expert for additional guidance.

A sole proprietorship is usually established simply by filling out a standard business form purchased from an office supply store. Include the name of the business (you can generally skip this step if you are operating the business under your own name), have it notarized, and send the form with a check (cashier’s or certified) or money order to your county clerk’s office. Call the office or your local chamber of commerce to verify that this procedure agrees with its requirements and to find out the amount of the fee. While it’s not mandatory to trademark your business name, my colleague Barbara Weltman, a tax and business attorney and author of such books as J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes 2016, says it is prudent to gain legal protection so that no one else can use it. This process holds true for other corporate structures as well. ii


Independent contractors, better known as consultants, self-employed, and freelancers, are individuals who provide services to others outside of an employment situation, and receive payment only for the work being done. The providing of these services becomes a business. Be sure to consult with your accountant and attorney to determine what type of contract you need in place for independent contractor status since your agreement will serve as a legal document between you and your client and will also dictate whether you can claim any business deductions.

The Partnership

If you prefer to share liability, responsibility, and profits with another person, then a partnership is for you. As with a sole proprietorship, you will be taxed on an individual basis for your share of the partnership, but you will need to expend legal fees to have your articles of partnership (see below) drawn up. Many people prefer the security a partnership can offer, but keep in mind that a partnership is very much like a marriage: Everything that happens to one of you, good or bad, impacts both of you. Also, if your business partner walks out on you, it’s as bad as or worse than being dumped by your spouse, especially if the terms of dissolution have not been negotiated at the outset of your relationship—your whole livelihood could be wiped out!

A partnership is established much like a sole proprietorship—by filling out a form establishing your business name, notarizing it, and sending it in with the appropriate fee to the county clerk or your Secretary of State—but you will also need to draw up a written contract known as the articles of partnership. This contract states the salaries of the partners, how profits and losses are to be distributed, and what happens if one of the partners wants out.

The most common type of partnership is the limited partnership, in which one or more partners gives up participation in management decisions in exchange for limited liability and at least one partner has unlimited liability. Less common is the general or regular partnership, in which all the partners have unlimited liability. In a general partnership, the personal assets of the partners can be seized when the firm defaults on its obligations. A typical partnership might be a real estate venture, law firm, or consultancy practice.

The advantages of a partnership are obvious: a larger financial base, perhaps a better credit standing (based on one or all of the partners’ wealth), more brainpower, and more labor to go around. The disadvantages are that, particularly in a general partnership, you are subject to unlimited liability—not just your own, as in a sole proprietorship, but quite possibly your partner’s as well if she cannot fulfill financial obligations. You also may be faced with the involuntary dissolution of the partnership if your partner dies or becomes disabled or insolvent, and difficulty in transferring or selling your interest. Your recourse in any of these eventualities will be determined by what your contract states. These disadvantages may cause you to prefer to limit the size and scope of your business operation. Discuss this option thoroughly with your accountant and attorney so you are sure you’re not incurring more risks than advantages.

The C Corporation

If you want to separate your business affairs from your personal life, limit your liability, and be able to get out of the business easily if need be and you aspire to grow a huge business, then you’ll want to set yourself up as a corporation. Examples of typical corporations include Apple, Intuit, Facebook, and Google. You will be taxed on a corporate basis (according to the corporation’s net profit) and on a personal income basis (according to your salary and other compensation). Corporate and personal income are taxed at different rates and treated differently. This is a complex topic and lies outside the scope of this discussion.

It generally costs more to set up a corporation than a sole proprietorship or partnership because of the more involved procedure of incorporation and issuance of shares of stock. You can establish your own entity fairly quickly online by purchasing a how-to kit (go to LegalZoom.com, where incorporations start as low as $149 plus the state filing fee, or Nolo.com). I don’t recommend this route. It is better to let your attorney handle it. If you do, ask first how much it is going to cost you to incorporate. Boutique law firms sometimes offer small businesses a flat rate for incorporating a firm, usually anywhere between $700 and $1,000 plus state filing fees and other related expenses, but you need to be careful about how that rate can rise based on where you are located, special documentation, and shareholder work.

The major parties in a corporation are the stockholders, the board of directors, and the officers. In the beginning, one person can hold all of these offices and then pass them along as the business expands. You can lay the foundation yourself and then build as big a company as you want upon it. That’s the beauty of incorporating.

Some of the most interesting advantages of the corporation, though, arise from the fact that it’s both a human and impersonal entity. If you set it up by yourself, you’re all there is to it—but you can walk away from it and, legally, it’s still a continuing enterprise. It is a self-contained entity governed by its own laws. It can sue or be sued and it can receive customer complaints or charitable donations. Best of all, no matter what happens with the business, your personal assets will be protected insofar as you will not lose more than your investment in the business thus far—provided, of course, that you did not incorporate to cover up your own misconduct (such as intentionally selling a harmful product)!

The corporation is a powerful form of business and is usually set up with the intention to operate on a much grander scale, to diversify, and to maximize profits. You can raise capital for your corporation by selling shares of stock or by pledging the stock as collateral to a person or entity that is willing to loan you money. However, the biggest drawback to a corporation is its greater tax liability. It is generally taxed higher than sole proprietorships and partnerships, which, as mentioned earlier, are taxed only on the owners’ personal income. In addition, a corporation must pay assorted franchise and state taxes. Plus, there’s a whole array of corporate documents that must be kept: articles of incorporation, bylaws, minutes of shareholders’ meetings, and records of issuance of stock certificates, for example. Furthermore, your shareholders are the ultimate owners of your company, and that ownership gives them the right to receive dividends, review corporate books and records, and hold or sell their stock. The larger you become, the more likely you are to consider the best way to maximize everyone’s investment.

The Subchapter S Corporation

The subchapter S corporation is like a regular corporation in all but a few respects. In addition to a regular corporation’s advantages of limited liability and protection of personal assets, this type of corporation enables you to avoid the double taxation normally associated with the distribution of corporate earnings to the firm’s shareholders. This is possible because corporate income is taxed as the direct income of the shareholders whether it is distributed to them or not. It costs about the same to set up as a regular corporation. A typical subchapter S corporation might be a small private-label food company or export consulting business.

A subchapter S corporation has a limited number of shareholders, which may be individuals, estates, or trusts, but not other corporations. The obvious disadvantage here is that the limitation on the number of shareholders accordingly limits your ability to raise capital. If that poses a problem, a corporation may qualify as a C corporation, which does not have any limit on the number of shareholders, foreign or domestic. There are also special circumstances in which a subchapter S corporation is taxed more stringently than a regular corporation.

Limited Liability Company

An LLC is a blended type of legal structure that provides the limited liability features of a corporation and the tax efficiencies and operational flexibility of a partnership. It is often more flexible than a corporation, and it is well suited for companies with a single owner.

The owners of an LLC are referred to as members. Depending on the state, the members can consist of a single individual (one owner) or two or more individuals, corporations, or other LLCs. There are no restrictions on hiring employees but you must make sure you are compliant with key federal and state regulations.

To the federal government, an LLC is not considered a separate tax entity, so the business itself is not taxed as a separate business entity. Instead, all federal income taxes are “passed through” to the LLC’s members and are paid through their personal income tax. While the federal government does not tax the income of an LLC, some states do, so check with your state’s income tax agency.

There are some rules and regulations for choosing the name of a business for an LLC. Be sure to inquire with your secretary of state and consult with your attorney to ensure you comply. It is also prudent at the outset to develop an operating agreement outlining all details pertaining to the members’ roles, rights, responsibilities, allocation of profits and losses, percentage of interests, special provisions, and so forth.

The advantages of an LLC are limited liability, fewer formalities, fewer record-keeping responsibilities, and fewer restrictions on profit sharing. Members are allowed to contribute different levels of financial and intellectual capital.

The disadvantage of an LLC is limited life, meaning if a member leaves the company, the business dissolves and the members must fulfill all remaining legal and business obligations to close the business. However, there is a work-around: to prolong the life of the business you can elect to include a provision in the operating agreement, as mentioned earlier, that indicates what happens if someone leaves the business. In some instances, it may be more difficult to raise financial capital for an LLC, so be sure to inquire with your attorney should you be interested in eventually doing an IPO, for instance.

An LLC can elect to be taxed as a sole proprietor, partnership, S corporation, or C corporation, providing greater flexibility. Further, there is always the possibility of requesting S-corp status for your LLC. You don’t have to hire a lawyer to set up an LLC, but it’s a good idea to have one to advise you on the pros and cons of the legal structure and to read over documentation, including your operating agreement, to make sure your interests are protected over the short and long term.

Check with your experts to see which type of entity will give you the most advantages.


To access legal document forms and additional assistance without paying top dollar, visit LegalZoom.com (which allows you to speak to an attorney) and Nolo.com (which allows you to find an attorney in your area). The sites can be used alone or together with your attorney.

Legal Considerations

Protecting a trademark in the United States—whether it’s your own company name, a product, or your supplier’s product name—is a very complicated procedure best handled by a very competent attorney.

Protect Your Intellectual Property

When you are considering adopting a trademark, you or your attorney must perform a search to see if anyone is using that mark on a similar product or service. If you discover that someone has beaten you to it, you then have to find out when the other party began using the mark and if it is currently in use. If it is not, you have to determine if you can have the rights to it. You may find out that another firm is using the same mark but on a totally different product or service. For example, you might have trademarked the name Violetta for your line of purple bird feeders, only to find out that another firm has trademarked Violetta for their line of candles. In either case, you’ll need legal advice as to your right to use the mark.

Most trademark and patent registrations are made through the commissioner of patents and trademarks in Washington, DC. After you have taken the necessary steps to protect your design or mark on the domestic front, you will have to start the process all over again in the country in which you are about to do business. Particularly if you are registering marks in multiple countries, it will be crucial to have an attorney who specializes in international intellectual property management. Always discuss fees in advance because this process can be very costly.

Patents and copyrights need the same attention. You never want to see anyone, anywhere in the world, take what you have created and put their name on it.

Legal Protection in the Online Environment

International domain name protection requires specific skills, experience, and legal governance, so it is best to find a lawyer who is familiar with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) . With the help of your tech expert, you should manage domain names as carefully as any other intellectual property within the firm .

Domain Name Protection: Part of Your IP Protection

You can secure a domain name on your own in minutes (try NetworkSolutions.com or GoDaddy.com), but the international use and scope of it may not apply worldwide. Furthermore, registering a domain name does not necessarily create rights to a trademark. For example, let’s say I register laurelpizzas.com as a domain name in the United States. After securing the domain name, I cannot assume that I also own it as a trademark and that the same domain is available in China (laurelpizzas.com.cn). That is where an international lawyer becomes invaluable for protection, maintenance, and enforcement of the domain name as it relates to your international business brand.

Well before deploying an attorney, a good exercise to go through when you start up or launch a new product or service via an established enterprise is to ask yourself two questions: How important is the domain name or mark to me? Is it a part of my core business? You’ll be surprised at how those two questions force you to home in on what really matters to you on legal protection (think along the lines of Twitter, Facebook, and Apple—they all started out small). If something is central to your organization’s growth, you’d better protect it, patrol it, and keep it updated and scalable.

A lot of online legal-environment protection will come into play based on where you are headed with your business and how the Internet factors into your overall business strategy (all the more reason to deep dive into Chapter 2). Budget accordingly and allocate resources to get the appropriate legal protection you need. To avoid the “I never saw it coming” experience, discuss with your international attorney at great length about protecting your products and services, including online properties and Internet strategy, and all aspects of trade dress—which refers to the look and feel of a product—before exporting them overseas. You’ll be glad you did.


The Guide to Law Online, published by the Library of Congress, is a portal of Internet sources of interest to legal researchers. It also serves as an annotated compendium of Internet links. It’s an excellent source for laypeople who don’t have a legal background but want to develop an understanding of a country’s legal system before entering into it and contacting their own attorney for advice. Every direct source listed in the guide was successfully vetted before being added to the list. To access it, head to http://www.loc.gov/law/help/guide/nations.php .

Other Legal Considerations: Labor Laws, Contracts, and Agreements

Labor laws can vary overseas. You may find your export business growing by leaps and bounds, which is the goal of this book—to allow you to hire more American employees to support your exports and possibly even hire more people where your customers are: overseas. If that is the case, consult with your attorney and accountant to determine the best course of action based on the labor laws of the country you are contemplating entering and to fully understand the legal and tax consequences.

I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight the fact that it is nearly impossible to run an export business without creating some form of contract or agreement covering the following: exclusive distribution and supplier agreements (refer to Chapter 11), a joint venture, partnership, or licensing agreement, to name just a few. Think of it this way: every time you are about to enter into a relationship overseas that requires a long-term commitment and your company is on the line (i.e., could help you grow or take you down), consult with an attorney to compose one of these items to protect your interests.

Opening Your Bank Account

Opening up your company’s first business bank account is as simple as 1-2-3—just don’t forget to mention that you plan to export. If you are an established enterprise, skip this section unless you want to be sure you’ve got everything covered. You’ll want to set up and maintain your account in an organized fashion, because once you begin to receive money and pay bills, your statements will become the foundation of your accounting system.

Find a bank in your home country that has an international department (preferably one with extensive expertise on letters of credit), has a strong worldwide presence, and can provide strong personal service, because you will need it. Further, look for a bank that offers twenty-four-hour online access from your desk or from a secured Internet line anywhere in the world and a mobile-payment feature with industry-leading security, including proven state-of-the-art encryption software. Online banking allows you to quickly view account balances, monitor transactions, identify current foreign exchange rates, and send and receive payments—all specifically designed to increase efficiency and cost effectiveness at your business. Before you visit your bank, call or e-mail the branch and ask what you need to bring with you to open an account. Here are some of the documents you will typically be required to bring: personal identification, such as a driver’s license or passport; business papers showing your type of organization, such as a copy of your business license, certificate, articles of incorporation, and corporate seal or corporate resolution; and a copy of one of your most recent utility bills (to verify your mailing address). It is also helpful to have several hundred dollars or so for the initial deposit, so that you can get your account activated right away.

Be sure you have good rapport with your banking officer. He will play a very important position on your EDT!

Banking in and with different countries can be a challenge. Choosing an international bank that is networked to branch offices worldwide and has relationships with other banks in the countries you intend to do business spares you having to open an overseas account and allows you to transact business in the currency of your choice. Further, choosing an international bank with a relationship to a bank in Japan will also allow you to save money by hedging extreme Yen-US dollar fluctuations. There will be also be times when you are unsure as to what currency you should pay in or be paid in (see Chapter 20). Other times, you might make a payment to an independent contractor as discussed earlier in one country via PayPal or Square and not know if you should withhold taxes. In some circumstances, the issue of withholding taxes may be reduced or eliminated altogether by a tax treaty between two countries. How will you know? That’s where your team of export specialists, in this case your international banker, is ever so vital in keeping you informed and handling all that comes before you on a case-by-case basis.


I have known clients who have grown their exports to a point of necessitating the use of three different banks: one for domestic (local) support, one for a global reach and one for specific country assistance.

Effective Financial Planning Right from the Start

Whether you are operating as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation, a subchapter S corporation, or an LLC, you’ll need to monitor your profits and operating expenses and to plan for the payment of taxes. You don’t want to wait until you get to the end of your calendar year to find out where you stand in terms of profit and loss. It’s best to prepare monthly financials—income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements—as you go. If you haven’t made a sale yet, you are probably asking yourself at this point why you need to keep these detailed financial records. It’s simple: Even though you may have minimal sales, or none at all, in the first few months, you are still spending money. You have expenses! And sooner or later, every business needs working capital in order to grow.

Another situation that requires monitoring expenses would be one in which, after running your company for a few months, you decide to go to a bank for a loan to help grow your business. Before the bank decides if you’re a good credit prospect, it needs to see some details on your company’s financial history—namely, your year-to-date sales, expenses, profit-and-loss statement, sales projections, and cash flow analysis (see Chapter 2). A financial statement, preferably prepared by your CPA or a reputable accounting organization, not only helps you to control costs but also tells you at a glance if you are making money or losing it and where adjustments need to be made. Monthly statements are best for maintaining adequate financial records. If you discipline yourself to set up and maintain these financial records right from the start, it will be a snap to produce historical data on your business for anyone who might request it.

Your financials will also serve as a basis for you and your accountant to make the determinations I will go on to discuss, each of which will affect your tax liability and, accordingly, the profitability of your worldwide business.

Maximizing Tax Benefits for Your Multinational Business

Once you’ve got an organization set up and an accounting system that makes sense for the way you want to run your business, you’ll discover that your global growth will affect your financial planning. Depending on your form of organization, overseas business will present you with a whole new set of accounting and tax issues. Yet the name of the game will remain the same: minimize taxes , maximize profits.

At some point, ambitious as they may now seem if you’re new to the export scene, scenarios like the following will become your reality:

  • You generate income through a salaried employee who resides in the country in which you do business.

  • You generate income from an export intermediary who conducts business in a foreign country.

  • You generate income from exports worldwide.

  • You generate income through the writing of an export-success article for a highly acclaimed blog in China.

  • You generate income through your e-commerce site from individuals the world over.

  • You generate income through a service export you are providing to a company in Bangladesh.

  • You generate income from mobile payments made through PayPal, Google Wallet, and Square.

You are probably beginning to see how an accountant with international expertise becomes indispensable. You wouldn’t want inappropriate accounting either to diminish the income you derive from any opportunities like these or to cause you to run afoul of tax laws. Don’t think for a minute that you can apply domestic tax rules to international transactions. For each case, you and your accountant must ask the following questions: How are these business arrangements treated from a tax standpoint? Are you required to pay any domestic taxes? Are you required to pay any taxes on profits earned in a foreign country? Are you required to pay taxes online and, if so, where and to whom? If you need to transfer assets to a foreign entity, how do you do it? Will your exports involve any intercompany pricing rules or complex foreign currency provisions? Are you better off, from a profit or cash-flow standpoint, seizing a particular opportunity or passing it up? And, a very important question to ask you accountant, when you are involved in large cross-border transactions, how do you avoid double taxation? In the United States, for example, as a boost to businesses operating overseas, the government offers a reduction on national taxes based on the taxes you pay abroad, which is referred to as the US Foreign Tax Credit. Use the list as a discussion point with your international accountant. It will serve you well as you explore virgin overseas territories.

More Ways to Guard Your Bottom Line

Be aware of the several other traps (and opportunities) awaiting exporters that follow.

Trade and Customs Duties

Planning and managing customs duties plays an important role in pricing your export product so that it is profitable. First, pay attention to how your product is classified (see Chapter 19 to find out how to determine your product classification), because that classification will affect what duties are imposed and thus make or break your chances of exporting it at a profit. Be sure to get your classification in writing from transportation and logistics experts and then check with them later on to see if there is ever a time when you can reduce or defer duties or even have your products cross borders duty-free.

US customs duties vary widely based on where a product is primarily made, the valuation of the goods, and the destination country. The duties raise revenue for the federal government and protect domestic producers. There are three different types of duties: ad valorem, specific, and compound.

  • Ad valorem dutiesare assessed as a percentage of the value of the goods, in the form of either a transaction value or what you would pay in the country of origin. Always try to keep your invoice value at a net sales price. Don’t write up your invoice with commissions or transportation factored into your selling price or you may end up paying a much higher duty!

  • Specific duties are assessed on a fixed-basis per-unit price, such as ten cents per kilogram or forty cents per item, regardless of the transaction cost.

  • Compound or mixed dutiescombine the bases of ad valorem and specific duties. For example, a shipment might be assessed at 5 percent of the transaction plus ten cents per unit. This works well on very high-priced items.

Keep in mind that certain countries offer privileges on some imports. Before you export, check with US customs, your local department of commerce, or a US Export Assistance Center to find out the duties for your product and if your product is eligible for any breaks.

You should also inquire with your tax accountant about foreign trade zones (FTZs) and how they might help you reduce or eliminate customs duties. An FTZ is a domestic US site that is considered to be outside the country’s customs territory and is available for use as if it were in a foreign country. A US company can accelerate the process of duty drawbacks or tax rebates in one of these zones or even have a product imported, assembled on site, and re-exported without any duties, taxes, or local ad valorem taxes being charged. In addition, there are duty drawbacks, which allow you to recover duties paid to US customs on exported merchandise, but you must perform feasibility studies to determine how this procedure might apply to and benefit your business.

For example, if a product is manufactured in the United States out of imported raw materials and then exported back out of the country, the imported materials used might be eligible for a duty drawback, less 1 percent to cover customs costs. The passages of US Free Trade Agreements enacted in more than twenty countries (e.g., the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA]; the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement [CAFTA-DR]; and the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP, in negotiation; refer to Chapter 2]) along with bilateral free trade agreements (e.g., Singapore, Australia, Jordan, Israel) have brought about many favorable developments in the area of customs duties as well. Your accountant should keep you posted.

Foreign Sales Corporation

Whether you are a small, privately held, or multinational US company, setting up a foreign sales corporation (FSC; an offspring of the domestic international sales corporation [DISC]), can offer you an attractive tax incentive—exemption from a certain percentage of tax on net profits from export transactions. You need to be doing a substantial amount of exporting to make this worthwhile. Most international accountants can help you here.

For a business to establish an FSC, it must have no more than twenty-five shareholders, must maintain an office outside the United States that issues invoices and keeps financial-activity summaries, and must include at least one non-US resident on its board of directors. An FSC is usually set up for a multinational US enterprise that is in a regular tax position with no excess foreign tax credits and that is exporting products for which 50 percent or more of the manufacturing process is carried out inside the country. Profits generated or dividends issued by the FSC that go back to the company’s US business are generally tax free. Check with the World Trade Organization Web site ( http://www.wto.org ) to ensure that FSCs are still in effect at the time that you read this and not merely of historical interest. For example, there has been much discussion on The Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act. “The new legislation repeals the FSC rules and develops a new category of income that is excluded from gross income, absent an election to the contrary, and that does not require, but still permits, the use of a foreign corporation.” iii Verify with an international accountant whether this new legislation can apply to your business.

Interest-Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation

An interest-charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) can increase your cash flow, provide a reduced taxable base at the export level, and even in certain instances provide a lower effective tax rate. To qualify for an IC-DISC , you must form a corporation (such as an S corp or a closely held C corp) that exports and produces or manufactures US export property (e.g., fabricated metal products and electrical machinery equipment) inside the country. It must consist of a minimum of 50 percent US content, which is sold primarily outside the country. IC-DISCs are “paper” entities and can defer commission payments of up to $10 million, a limitation that was intended to restrict IC-DISC activity to smaller businesses. According to Joseph Englert, president and founder of Export Assist, the IC-DISC acts as a commission agent on the export sales of the parent company. The commission income of the IC-DISC is calculated based on the combined taxable income and expenses related to the export sales of the US exporter and the IC-DISC. iv Consult with an international accountant to determine whether you should look into an IC-DISC for your business.


From the time you start out to the time you reach the mature stages of your export company, and from simple incorporation to mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations, your EDT of international legal, accounting, banking, logistic, and tech experts can add value and help create and maximize profit opportunities for you and allow you to succeed in the dynamic worldwide marketplace. Our discussion here is only an introduction to the legal, financial, logistical, and tech issues that will affect your export business, a starting point for your long-term planning and a demonstration of the absolute urgency of getting the very best advice. Do not be bashful about consulting with your experts! As your business expands, the issues that impact it will become more complex and sophisticated. The more questions you ask, the more you will build your own expertise—and become a valuable export player in your own right.

Now that you have seen how to line up professional advisory support and build a solid management foundation from which to grow, let’s turn to some practical concerns a little closer to the home front—by discussing how to put together the human side of your export enterprise.


  1. Tax Foundation, “An Overview of Pass-through Businesses in the United States,” last modified January 31, 2016, http://taxfoundation.org/article/overview-pass-through-businesses-united-states .

  2. Barbara Weltman, “How to Start a Sole Proprietorship,” Inc. Web site, last modified October 12, 2010, http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/10/how-to-start-a-sole-proprietorship.html .

  3. Neal Block, Baker & McKenzie, Chicago, Peter Connors, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, New York, “The Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Regime Increases Scope of Export Incentives,” modified January 31, 2016, https://www.orrick.com/Events-and-Publications/Documents/5030.pdf .

  4. Joseph Englert, “Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation,” AICPA Store, last modified October 27, 2011, http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/abstract.php?id=351470 .


1 “Recovery From Trade Swoon May Be Slow,” The Wall Street Journal, last modified January 24, 2016, www.wsj.com/articles/recovery-from-trade-swoon-may-be-slow-1453229703

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