© Tony Smith 2016

Tony Smith, SharePoint 2016 User's Guide, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2244-7_8

8. Working with Site Columns, Content Types, and Term Sets

Tony Smith

(1)Stormville, New York, USA

In the first seven chapters, we discussed creating and managing sites, which act as containers for content managed through SharePoint; pages, which present content and information to users; and lists and libraries, which are used to store content managed in SharePoint. In this chapter, we discuss site columns, content types, and term sets, all of which are used to standardize and centralize the management of list details and document metadata.

We use site columns to create centrally managed column definitions that can be reused across lists and libraries throughout your portal. Content types then combine site columns and other list and library features, including templates, information management policies, and workflows, into reusable definitions applicable across your SharePoint environment. Term sets are centrally managed hierarchical collections of data that can be used in list and library columns across your environment.

Site columns, content types, and term sets increase your control over SharePoint lists and libraries. The benefits they offer in managing and working with data include letting you:

  • Create information hierarchies as choices for list and library columns. For example, if you manage product-related information and want to track the combined Category, Brand, and Product hierarchy an item is related to, you can make columns that associate each item with the appropriate hierarchy.

  • Create columns with choices that are standard across your environment. For example, if you need to track documents’ status, you can create a Status column with Draft, Pending Approval, Final, and Archived as choices then use this column in lists and libraries across your environment.

  • Associate and combine columns with workflows and content policies to create standard document definitions. For example, to manage contracts across your environment, you can create a Contract document definition that includes standardized columns, workflows to perform contract approvals, and auditing and disposition processes to track and manage the contracts over time.

The aim of this chapter is to make you thoroughly familiar with the creation and use of these capabilities to enhance lists and libraries within your SharePoint environment.

Site Columns

Site columns let you create reusable column definitions in lists, libraries, and content types within SharePoint. There are several scenarios in which you might want to take advantage of site columns in your lists and libraries. Site columns are typically used to address these situations:

  • You need to use the same column configuration in multiple lists and libraries—for example, a column, Status, that is a choice list with specific values, such as Draft, Pending, Approved, and Expired, across multiple libraries throughout the environment.

  • You want to create a column that will look up a list in a site from lists or libraries in other sites. For example, you created a list of departments in the root of your site collection and want lists and libraries throughout the collection to contain a lookup column that uses this departments list as the lookup’s source.

  • You need to create content types that will contain column definitions. Content type columns must be built from site columns.

Creating Site Columns

Where you create a site column impacts the scope of its availability and usability within the environment. A site column can be created in any site in a site collection hierarchy, but the column will be available only in the site where it is created and in subsites below it. For example, if your site collection has the structure defined in Figure 8-1 and you create a site column in the Information Technology site, the column will be available in the Information Technology site and its subsites, including Projects and Systems, but not in the Human Resources site or its subsites.

Figure 8-1. Site structure example

To ensure that a site column is available throughout your site collection, create it in the collection’s root site. When you create a lookup column site column, that column must be created in the same site as the list that is to contain the values to be made available (how lookup columns can be used to create a column whose values are selected from a list of items in a list or library is discussed in Chapter 5). For example, if you want to make a list of departments available for selection across several sites in your site collection, create a Departments list in the root site of the site collection . You can then create a site column in the same site, also in the root, that references the Departments list. This site column can then be used in lists, libraries, and content types throughout your site collection. (Creating lists and libraries and creating columns in lists and libraries are also discussed in Chapter 5.)


Since creating and managing site columns within SharePoint 2016 requires Manage Lists rights, you must have at least Designer rights within the site to make these adjustments.

To create a site column, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the column is to be created. As discussed, this is the site from which the column will be made available to the current site and its subsites. To make it available across your entire site collection, create it in the root site of the collection.

  2. On the site’s home page , select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Columns option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Columns page (see Figure 8-2), click the Create option.

    Figure 8-2. Site columns page
  5. On the Create Column screen , do the following:

    1. In the Name and Type section, enter the name for the new site column. Then select the type of column. All the column types and all the same configurations available for creating those columns in lists and libraries directly are available here, too (see Chapter 5). A couple of additional types of columns (discussed later in this section) are also available when creating site columns that are not available when creating standard list and library columns.

    2. In the Group section, select the site column group in which the site column is to be referenced. The Group selection is used to organize site columns for display in the site columns list and for filtering purposes when site columns are used in lists, libraries, or content types. This selection does not affect availability or functionality of the site columns but is used simply for organizational purposes. By default the Custom Columns group is selected, but you can select some other existing group or create a new group.

      Note To make site columns easy to find, it is a good practice to organize them into groups that represent their purpose. It is also a good practice not to add your custom site columns to the existing groups in which the standard SharePoint site columns are organized. This will make it easy to distinguish between standard site columns and those created by users.

    3. In the Additional Column Settings section, specify column-specific information for the column to be created. Optionally create a description for display below the column, and choose whether the column is to be required. Other settings listed vary with the type of column selected (these settings are discussed in Chapter 5).

    4. Click the OK button to create the new column.

The site column is created, and you are returned to the Site Columns page.

Additional Column Types for Site Columns

When creating site columns, you have more choices than are available when creating standard columns in lists and libraries (as discussed in Chapter 5). Having more site column choices provides additional options for list and library columns when using site columns. Among the extra column types are the types discussed in the following sections.

Full HTML Content with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing

The Full HTML Content with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing column type creates a column that supports full-featured HTML, including the ability to insert tables, links, pictures, video references, and embedded code. This column type, which works much as content zones do in a publishing page, includes no additional column settings when it is created beyond the standard optional description and requirement settings.

Image with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing

The Image with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing column type is used to create columns allowing selection of an image to be displayed in the list item or document details. This type also lacks settings beyond the standard description and requirement settings.

When this type of column is added to a list or library, a link that can be clicked to insert a picture is displayed (see Figure 8-3).

Figure 8-3. Image with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing column

Clicking this link brings you to the Edit Image Properties window (see Figure 8-4).

Figure 8-4. Edit Image Properties window

The Edit Image Properties window lets you specify the following about the added image:

  • Selected Image: Displays the image in SharePoint in the list item or document details.

  • Image Rendition: Identifies the layout dimensions for the image to be displayed. Default options include these:

    • Full Size Image

    • Display Template Picture 3 Lines (100 × 100)

    • Display Template Picture On Top (304 × 100)

    • Display Template Large Picture (468 × 220)

    • Display Template Video (120 × 68)

  • Alternate Text: Identifies the text to be presented when the mouse hovers over the displayed image.

  • Hyperlink: Specifies a URL to navigate to when the image is clicked and specifies whether the URL is to be navigated to within the current browser window or in a new window.

  • Alignment: Specifies image placement in the item display area. Options are:

    • Default

    • Bottom

    • Middle

    • Top

    • Left

    • Right

    • Top of Text

    • Middle of Text

    • Bottom of Text

  • Border Thickness: Identifies whether a border is to surround the image and, if it is, identifies its thickness in pixels ( setting the border thickness to 0 pixels will not include a border).

  • Horizontal Spacing: Identifies the padding spacing to be placed to the left and right of the image when it appears.

  • Vertical Spacing: Identifies the padding spacing to be placed to the top and bottom of the image when it appears.

  • Size: Specifies the size of the image display in the column. Options are:

    • Use Default Image Size: Shows the image at its actual size.

    • Specify Size: Identifies the width or height, using the Maintain Aspect Ratio option to keep the image’s proportions intact or specifying both width and height to set the image to a specific size.

Hyperlink with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing

The Hyperlink with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing column type allows creation of hyperlink fields in which you can select a hyperlink to be displayed. This column type has no additional configuration settings beyond the optional description and requirement settings all columns have.

A column created from the Hyperlink with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing column type presents a link for accessing the hyperlink configuration options used to select or enter a URL to add to the list or document properties (see Figure 8-5).

Figure 8-5. Hyperlink with Formatting and Constraints for Publishing field

When you select the Click to Add a New Hyperlink option, the Edit Hyperlink Properties window appears. It allows selection or entry of a URL. In the Edit Hyperlink Properties window, enter the following information:

  • Selected URL: Allows you to browse to an item in the site collection to reference by its URL or enter a URL to an internal or external web location. You can also specify whether the link opens in the current window or a new one and whether the link display includes the item type icon. For example, if the link is to a Word document, the Word icon would appear with the link.

  • Display Text: Specifies a name for the URL.

  • ToolTip: Identifies any text to appear when the mouse hovers over the hyperlink field.

Summary Links Data

The Summary Links Data column type lets you create site columns that provide the same capabilities seen in the Summary Links web part (discussed in Chapter 4). Like the other columns described, this one has no configuration settings beyond the optional description and requirement details.

With a column in place based on the Summary Links Data field type, while editing items in a list, you have options for managing multiple links in the field (see Figure 8-6).

Figure 8-6. Summary Links Data field

The summary link field details will only be visible when editing the list item, not while adding them. Within the field, you have the following options:

  • New Link: To add a new link to the field. Clicking the New Link option opens the New Link form, on which you can enter the following details.

    • Create a link either to an item or to a person.

    • If you choose to create a link to a person, enter or select the person the link is to reference.

    • A title for the new link.

    • Optionally enter a description of the link.

    • The link URL that can be entered or browsed to.

    • Specify whether the link opens in the current browser window or a new one.

    • Optionally enter a tool tip to appear when hovering over the link.

    • Optionally select an image to associate with the link.

    • Identify a description to be displayed when hovering over the optional image.

    • Select an optional group within which the link is to be organized.

    • Specify a style for the image and define its layout with style options.

  • New Group: To create groups under which links can be organized. If you choose this option, you identify a name for the group to be created.

  • Configure Styles and Layout: To define style options for the link’s appearance. Choices include the following:

    • The default style for newly created links.

    • The style that any existing links are to be changed to.

    • The style for listed group headers.

    • The number of columns the links are to be presented within.

  • Reorder: To update the listed items’ order by rearranging them as desired.

Rich Media Data for Publishing

The Rich Media Data for Publishing column type permits selection of a video or audio file to be referenced and played in the list or document properties view. A site column created with this column type has no settings beyond the optional description and requirement settings. When added, this column is configured through the Click Here to Configure option (see Figure 8-7).

Figure 8-7. Rich Media Data for Publishing field

When this link is clicked, the Media ribbon tab appears to allow media configuration settings. These settings let you do the following:

  • Identify the media file to reference. You can select a file from the local computer and specify where it is to be placed. You can reference a file already in SharePoint or a file that exists in some other location, or you can remove references to a media file already selected.

  • Identify an image preview to represent the audio or video file when it is not playing. You can select a local computer file and specify where to place it, reference a file already in SharePoint or a file existing in some other location, or remove the reference to an already selected preview image.

  • Enter the title for the item.

  • Identify whether the video is start playing automatically when displayed.

  • Identify whether playback is to continually loop or end when done playing.

  • Specify either the player’s horizontal or vertical size (in pixels) with the aspect ratio maintained or both horizontal and vertical size without maintaining the aspect ratio.

Adding and Configuring Site Columns in Lists and Libraries

Site columns can be added as columns in lists and libraries . The Departments list example in the "Creating Site Columns" section mentions how to maintain a list of departments in the root site of your site collection and then create a site column in the same site that is a Lookup column pointing to the Departments list. You can then add this site column to any list or library in any site in the collection. By doing this you create, in any list or library, a central Department lookup column that lets you select a department from the items in the Departments list.

To add an existing site column as a column in a given list or library, do as follows:

  1. Navigate to the list or library where you want to add the site column.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page in the Columns section, select the Add from Existing Site Columns option.

  4. On the Add Columns from Site Columns page, do the following:

    1. Select the group containing the column or columns to be added. This will filter the list of available site columns to only those associated with the selected group.

    2. Select the site columns to add to the list or library from the Available Site Columns, and click the Add button to move the column to the Columns to Add section.

    3. Identify whether the column or columns are to be added to the default view of the list or library.

    4. Click the OK button.

The site column is added to the list or library columns. You can then configure the column settings for the specific list or library by doing as follows:

  1. Navigate to the list or library containing the column to configure.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page, click the title of the column to be edited in the Columns section.

  4. On the Edit Column page, update the column name, description, and requirements settings. Then click the OK button to save the changes.

The column settings are updated. These updates, however, will apply only to the column in the current list or library, not to other columns based on the site column in other lists or libraries.

Removing a Site Column from a List or Library

If you remove a site column from a list or library, it will no longer be available in that list or library. To remove a site column, do as follows:

  1. Navigate to the list or library containing the column to configure.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page, click the title of the column to be edited in the Column section.

  4. On the Edit Column page, click the Delete button.

  5. In the deletion confirmation window, click the OK button.

The column is removed from the list or library. You are returned to the Settings page.

Editing Existing Site Columns

You can edit an existing site column in your SharePoint environment to change its name, group, and specific column type settings. A site column must be edited in the site where it was created. To edit an existing site column, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the site column was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Columns option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Columns page, click the name of the site column to be edited.

    Note If the site column name cannot be clicked, the current site is not where the column was created. In this case, you can identify where the site column was created in the Source column of the view.

  5. On the Edit Column page, do the following:

    1. Make any necessary updates to the column details.

    2. Identify whether all list columns based on this site column are to be updated to reflect your changes.

    3. Click the OK button to save the changes.

The site column is updated. If you chose to update all columns based on this site column, then all list and library columns using this site column are updated.

Deleting Existing Site Columns

Site columns within SharePoint can also be deleted. As when you edit a site column, you delete a site column from the site where the column was created. To delete an existing site column, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the site column was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Columns option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Columns page, click the name of the site column to be edited.

  5. On the Edit Column page, click the Delete button.

  6. In the deletion confirmation window, click the OK button.

The site column is deleted, and you are returned to the Site Columns page. However lists and libraries with the site column will still contain the field. The existing field in the lists and libraries will become standard list fields that would no longer be related to each other.

Content Types

Content types are content definitions used in lists and libraries to specify details about information to be stored, including column definitions for the content, workflows to be run on the content, information management policies defined for the content, and, for libraries, document templates for creating content. Content types also let you store multiple types of content with different content definitions in a list or library, since more than one content type can be associated with a single list or library.

Content types are hierarchical. When you create a content type, you base it upon an existing type. The new content type inherits the settings and properties of the selected parent. In taking advantage of these inheritance settings, you create a hierarchy of content types. Say, for example, that you define a document type called a Customer Document to include Customer as a required field, one that must be entered when new documents of this type are created. This Customer Document content type will be based on the Document content type. It inherits the document definition and adds the Customer field to the definition. You can then create a Project Documents content type and a Sales Documents content type, both based on the Customer content type. For the Project Documents type, you might create a column, Project, to be entered in the document and add it to the required Customer field. For Sales Documents, you might require fields identifying the product being sold and include a specific document template to be used when new sales documents are created.

Creating and Configuring Content Types

Like site columns, content types can be created at any level of your SharePoint site collection and will be available only in and below the site where it is created. For example, if your site structure is the one shown in Figure 8-8 and we create a content type in the Information Technology site, the content type will be available only in that site and its contained Projects and Systems sites. To have a content type available throughout the site collection, create it in the root site of the collection.

Figure 8-8. Sample site structure

Content types can be shared across site collections through the use of Content Type Hubs, SharePoint sites defined as locations with content types shareable across site collections. Your SharePoint technical administrator can identify site collections containing such shareable content types.

To create a new content type within a site, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where you want to create the new content type.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the Create option.

  5. On the New Site Content Type page, do the following:

    1. Enter the name for the new content type to be created.

    2. Enter an optional description of the content type.

    3. In the Parent Content Type section, select the group containing the content type to use as the parent for the new content type to filter the listed content types by the selected group. Then select the content type to be used as the parent content type for the new one.

    4. In the Group section, identify the group under which to store the new content type, or enter a name for the new group to be created.

    5. Once the information is entered, click the OK button.

The content type is created. You are taken to the Site Content Type page for the newly created content type.

Configuring and Editing an Existing Content Type

Once you create the content type, you need to configure it. Configuring a content type is similar to configuring a list or library and includes doing the following:

  • Identifying the site columns to be used in the content type and defining the ordering and requirement settings of the columns.

  • Configuring any workflows to be made available to the content type’s content.

  • Defining any information management policies to be applied to the content type’s content.

As your needs for the content type change and mature, you can update the content type details to align with the changing needs.

Editing General Content Type Details

To edit the name, description, and group information entered when the content type was created, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be edited, click the Name, Description, and Group link in the Settings section.

  6. On the Content Type Settings page, update the Name, Description, and Group information as necessary. Then click the OK button.

The general details for the content type are updated, and you are returned to the Site Content Type page.

Configuring Content Type Advanced Settings

Along with general settings , you can also configure advanced settings for the content type. These include changes to the document template. To configure these advanced settings for a content type, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be edited, click the Advanced Settings link from the Settings section.

  6. On the Advanced Settings page, do the following:

    1. When the content type is based on a document-centric content type, the Document Template section will be available. In this section, you can enter the URL for a document to be used as the template for the content type or choose to upload a document template to use as the document template for the content type.

    2. In the Read Only section, specify whether the content type is to be alterable. If the setting is Read-Only, no change to the content type will be permitted.

    3. In the Update Sites and Lists section, identify whether changes made to the template and read-only settings are to be inherited by all lists and libraries where the content type is in use.

    4. Once all information has been entered, click the OK button to save the information.

The changes to the document template and the read-only settings are updated. If you chose to update all lists and libraries where the content type is in use, all of these lists and libraries are updated to reflect the changes made.

Manage a Content Type’s Workflows

As mentioned earlier in this section, content types can have workflows associated with them. To add or edit these workflows , do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the identified content type, click the Workflow Settings link from the Settings section.

  6. On the Workflow Settings page, do the following:

    1. To add a workflow:

      1. Click the Add a Workflow Link.

      2. On the Add a Workflow page, configure the new workflow, or use SharePoint Designer to create a new workflow for the content type (creating and managing workflows is discussed in Chapter 9).

    2. To edit an existing workflow:

      1. Click the name of the workflow to be edited.

      2. Edit the details of the workflow (editing workflows is discussed in detail in Chapter 9).

The workflows are appropriately updated for the content type.

Managing a Content Type’s Information Management Policies

Information management policies , which define auditing, retention, barcoding, and labeling requirements for items, can be configured for content types. To configure information management policies for a content type or to edit an existing policy, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the identified content type, click the Information Management Policy Settings link from the Settings section.

  6. On the Edit Policy page, configure the information management policy for the content type (configuring information management policies is discussed in Chapter 9).

The information management policies are added and updated appropriately.

Managing Content Type Document Information Panel Settings

When a content type is based on a document parent type, you can also change the document information panel settings for the content type, allowing you to change the information panel, discussed in Chapter 7, when working with Microsoft Office documents. You can edit the existing information management panel or select a new panel. To manage the information management panel settings for a content type, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be managed, click the Document Information Panel Settings link in the Settings section.

  6. On the Document Information Panel Settings page, do the following:

    1. In the Document Information Panel Template section, identify whether the Microsoft Office Document Information Panel is to show the default template, an existing custom template, or a new custom template to be uploaded or created in place.

    2. In the Show Always section, identify whether the document information panel is to open automatically when the document opens.

    3. Click the OK button when the document information panel settings updates are complete.

The document information panel settings are saved, and you are returned to the Site Content Type page for the associated content type. These settings will only apply when using Microsoft Office versions prior to Microsoft Office 2016 since Office 2016 no longer includes the document information panel.

Adding Site Columns to Content Types

Columns for the content type can be defined and changed, although only site columns can be used within content types. You can select existing site columns or create new ones when working within a content type. To add existing site columns to the content type, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be edited, click the Add from Existing Site Columns link in the Columns section.

  6. On the Add Columns page, do the following:

    1. In the Select Columns section, select the group in which the site column exists to filter the list of site columns, and then select the desired site column from the Available Columns section.

    2. Click the Add button to move the selected site columns to the Columns to Add section.

    3. In the Update List and Site Content Types section, identify whether all content types based on this one is to inherit the site column changes.

    4. Click the OK button to save the changes.

The content type is updated to include the added site columns. If you chose to update content types inheriting from this one, these types are also updated to include the newly added site columns.

You can also create new site columns to a content type by creating the new site columns as part of the process of adding it to the content type. To create site columns while updating a content type, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be managed, click the Add from New Site Column link in the Columns section.

  6. On the Create Column page, do the following:

    1. In the Name and Type section, enter the name for the new site column, and select the type for the column.

    2. In the Group section, identify the group under which the site column is to be listed, or enter a name for the new group.

    3. In the Additional Column Settings section, specify the details for the column. They include an optional description and the requirement settings for the column. This section also includes any column-specific settings based on the column type selected (column-specific settings for the different column types are discussed in Chapter 5).

    4. In the Update List and Site Content Types section, identify whether the column will be added to content types inheriting from the current type.

    5. In the Column Validation section, enter any optional column validation rules for the new column being created.

    6. Click the OK button to save the information.

The new site column is created within the current site and added to the content type. You are returned to the Site Content Type page for the associated content type.

Editing Site Column Settings for a Content Type

You can also edit the details for site columns associated with the content type. Doing so will update the column details only for the content type and not for any other content types the column is used in. To update the site column in the content type, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be edited, click the name of the site column to be edited in the Columns section.

  6. On the Change Content Type Column page, do the following to update the site column:

    1. In the Site Column Information section, click the Edit Site Column link to navigate to the Site Column Management page (discussed in the "Site Columns" section).

    2. In the Column Settings section, identify whether the column is Required, Optional, or Hidden. Hidden columns do not appear on list or library view or edit forms.

    3. In the Update List and Site Content Types section, identify whether all content types inheriting from this type are to include the changes made.

    4. Once the changes have been made, click the OK button.

The changes are made to the column, and you are returned to the Site Content Type page for the associated content type.

Removing Site Columns from a Content Type

Removing a site column from a content type does not delete the column from SharePoint. It is simply no longer available as part of the content type’s definition. To remove a site column from a content type, do as follows:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be edited, click the name of the site column to delete.

  6. On the Change Content Type Column page, click the Remove button.

  7. On the confirmation window, click the OK button.

The site column is removed from the content type.

Changing the Column Ordering of a Content Type

To change the order in which the columns associated with a content type are displayed on list edit and view pages, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the content type to be edited, click the Column Order option from the Columns section.

  6. On the Column Order page, do the following:

    1. In the Column Order section, change the position from top numbers to set the sort order for the columns.

    2. In the Update Sites and Lists section, identify whether the ordering changes are to be inherited by content types based on this type.

    3. Click the OK button to save the changes.

The changes are made, and you are returned to the Site Content Type page for the associated content type.

Deleting Content Types

Content types not in use in lists or libraries can be deleted. If you try to delete a content type that is in use, a message indicating that the type is in use appears, and deletion is not allowed. To delete a content type not in use, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the site where the content type was created.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, select the Site Content Types option from the Web Designer Galleries section.

  4. On the Site Content Types page, click the name of the content type to be edited.

  5. On the Site Content Type page for the selected content type, click the Delete this Content Type link from the Settings section.

  6. In the deletion confirmation window, click the OK button.

The content type is deleted, and you are returned to the Site Content Types page.

Configuring Content Types for Lists and Libraries

Once content types have been created and properly configured, lists and libraries can be updated to use them.

Enable the Use of Content Types in Lists and Libraries

Before enabling a content type for use in a list or library, you must enable the list or library to support the use of content types. To enable the use of content types in a list or library, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the list or library where you want to enable content types.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page, select the Advanced Settings option from the General Settings section.

  4. On the Advanced Settings page in the Content Types section, select Yes for the Allow Management of Content Types? option and click the OK button.

The ability to manage content types within the list or library is enabled, and the Content Types section is added to the Settings page, where you can manage content type details for the list or library.

Adding Content Types to Lists and Libraries

After enabling the management of content types in a list or library, you can add an existing content type for use there. Do so as follows:

  1. Navigate to the list or library where you want to add content types.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page, click the Add From Existing Site Content Types option in the Content Types section.

  4. On the Add Content Types page, do the following:

    1. Select the group in which the content type exists from the group’s drop-down in order to filter the list or content types to include only those contained in the selected group.

    2. Select the content type to add in the Available Site Content Types list, and click the Add button to add the selected type to the Content Types to Add section.

    3. Once the desired content type has been added to the Content Types to Add section, click the OK button.

The content type is added to the list or library.

Managing Content Type Defaults and Order in a List or Library

Once content types are added to a list or library, they can be managed. Management of content types includes specifying which of the available ones is the default for the list or library and identifying the order of the listed content types and whether the listed types are visible to users when adding new items. To manage these content types, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the list or library where content types need to be managed.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page, select the Change New Button Order and Default Content Type option from the Content Types section.

  4. On the Change New Button Order page, do the following:

    1. Identify the order of the listed content types by updating the Position from Top value. Placing an item in the first position makes that item the default content type for the list or library.

    2. Identify whether a content type is to be visible. Unchecking the Visible option in front of the item makes it unavailable for selection when creating new items.

    3. Once all changes are made, click the OK button to save the changes.

The updates to the content type ordering and visibility details for the list or library are saved.

Deleting a Content Type from a List or Library

You can remove content types from a list or library as long as at least one content type is left. To remove a content type, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the list or library where you want to remove the content type.

  2. On the list or library view page, select the List or Library Settings option from the List or Library ribbon tab.

  3. On the Settings page, click the name of the content type to delete from the Content Types section.

  4. On the List Content Types page, click the Delete this Content Type option from the Settings section.

  5. In the deletion confirmation window, click the OK button.

The content type is removed from the list or library, and you are returned to the Settings page. Deleting a content type from a list or library only removes it from the list or library. It does not delete the content type from SharePoint.

Configuring Content Type Settings in a List or Library

In a content type available in a list or library, you can configure several content type settings for that instance of the content type. Your configuration settings will impact the content type only in that list or library, not in other locations in the environment. Configurable settings for the current list or library instance of a content type include the following:

  • Name and Description: The name of the content type as it exists in the list or library, along with its optional description.

  • Advanced Settings: For libraries, the document template available when new documents are created using the content type can be updated. You can also identify whether the content type is read-only in the list or library.

  • Workflow Settings: Allows you to add, alter, or delete workflows affecting the content type (workflows are discussed in detail in Chapter 9).

  • Information Management Policy Settings: Lets you create additional information management policies affecting the content type in the current list or library. You can also edit and delete existing policies (information management policies are discussed in detail in Chapter 9).

  • Document Information Panel Settings: In document libraries, their Microsoft Office application ribbon settings can be managed or altered.

You alter any of these options in the Settings page of the list or library by selecting the appropriate content type to manage and then selecting the appropriate option from the list’s or library’s Content Type page.

Working with Content Types in a List or Library

With content types enabled in a list or library, you create new items based on the content type by clicking the New Item option from the Items ribbon tab or New Document option from the Files ribbon tab. The new item is created based on the default content type in that list or library. When multiple content types are associated with a list or library, the New Item or New Document option also includes a drop-down menu from which you select the content type to base a new item on. You create a new item in a list or library based on a specific content type by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to the list or library where you want to create the new item.

  2. On the list or library view page, do the following:

    1. For lists, select the content type from the New Item drop-down menu on the Items ribbon tab.

    2. For libraries, select the content type from the New Document drop-down menu on the Files ribbon tab (see Figure 8-9).

      Figure 8-9. New Document drop-down menu

      The new item is created based on the selected content type.

To upload a document to a library configured with multiple content types, identify the content type on which the document is to be based in the Edit Properties window that appears after the file to upload has been selected (see Figure 8-10).

Figure 8-10. Document Edit Properties window

In the Edit Properties, window the content type is initially set to the library’s default type. To update it, select any available content type. When a content type is selected, the listed document properties are updated to reflect those configured for the selected type.

Term Sets

Terms are stored in term sets. Term sets are sets of hierarchical values that allow you to create formal taxonomies within SharePoint. Term sets are managed within term stores. A term store (see Figure 8-11) enables you to manage all aspects of term sets, including structures, contained terms, and security.

Figure 8-11. Term Store management tool

Term sets are used in SharePoint for the following:

  • To create a set of standard values for use as metadata in list or library columns.

  • To control the site navigation options available in the SharePoint site (navigation management is discussed in detail in Chapter 3).

Term sets can be created to be available within a single site collection or across your SharePoint environment. Making a term set available across site collections must be done by your SharePoint technical administrator. Once created, terms within a set can be managed by anyone with appropriate rights (managing terms is discussed later in this chapter).

Term Store Administration

Management of term sets and terms is handled by term store administrators, who are defined in the Term Store Administration area. To specify which individuals have the ability to manage term sets, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the root site in your site collection.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page in the Site Administration section, click the Term Store Management option.

  4. On the Term Store Management Tool page (see Figure 8-11) in the Term Store Administrators section, add the users who are to get administration rights to the term store. Then click the Save button.

The term store administrators list is updated based on the changes made.

Managing Term Sets

Term store administrators can create and manage term sets and terms within those sets.

Adding Term Sets and Terms

There are two approaches to adding term sets and terms to the term store. You can create term sets and terms directly in the store or import terms by using a CSV file. To import a term set from a CSV file, first create a CSV file having the appropriate structure and information to import. SharePoint includes a sample import file that you can review to understand the format for importing term sets. To access the sample import file, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the root site in your site collection.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page in the Site Administration section, click the Term Store Management option.

  4. On the Term Store Management Tool page, click the View a Sample Import File option from the Sample Import section of the page.

  5. From the Open or Save prompt, select the Open option.

The sample term set import file is opened (see Figure 8-12).

Figure 8-12. Sample term set import file

Once you have created and properly configured your term set import file, you can import a term set by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to the root site in the collection where you want to create the term set.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, click the Term Store Management option from the Site Administration section.

  4. On the Term Store Management Tool page, select the Import Term Set option from the desired group’s context menu (see Figure 8-13).

    Figure 8-13. Term store groups context menu
  5. In the Term Set Import window, select the CSV file to import and click the OK button.

The term set is imported, and you are returned to the Term Store Management Tool page. As mentioned earlier, you can also create term sets and their contained terms directly in the term store management page. To create a term set in the term store, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the root site in the collection where you want to create the term set.

  2. On the site’s home page, select the Site Settings option from the Settings menu.

  3. On the Site Settings page, click the Term Store Management option from the Site Administration section.

  4. On the Term Store Management Tool page, select the New Term Set option from the desired group’s context menu (see Figure 8-13).

  5. In the newly created term set box (see Figure 8-14), enter a name for the new term set.

    Figure 8-14. New term set entry box
  6. Select the context menu for the newly created term set (see Figure 8-15) and select the Create Term option.

    Figure 8-15. Term set context menu
  7. In the newly created term box, enter a name for the new term.

  8. After each term is entered, a new term box appears. Continue to enter new term names into the term boxes until all terms are properly entered, then press Enter in the last empty term box to stop creating new terms.

  9. Subterms can be created under existing terms by doing the following:

    1. Select the Create Term option from the existing term’s context menu (see Figure 8-16).

      Figure 8-16. Term context menu
    2. In the newly created term box, enter a name for the new term.

    3. After each term is entered, a new Term box appears. Continue to enter new term names into the Term boxes until all terms are properly entered, then press Enter in the last empty term box to stop creating new terms.

Managing Term Set Properties

Once a new term set is created, you can configure its properties by clicking the name of the term set to show its properties screen. On this screen, which is broken down into four tabs, you can manage the following details:

  • On the General tab:

    • Term Set Name: Changes the term set’s name.

    • Description: Optionally lets you enter a description of the term set.

    • Owner: That is, the owner of the term set—set by default to the person who created the set.

    • Contacts: Lets you specify an optional contact e-mail address for the term set.

    • Stakeholders: Identifies people who are to be notified when changes are made to the term set.

    • Submission Policy: Lets you configure the term set as closed or open. Closed term sets only have terms added by metadata managers. Open term sets can have terms added by term set users.

  • On the Intended Use tab:

    • Available for Tagging: Identifies whether the term set can be used in lists and libraries for metadata assignment to list items and documents.

    • Use this Term Set for Site Navigation: Identifies whether the term set can be used for site navigation.

    • Use this Term Set for Faceted Navigation: Identifies whether the terms in the set can be used as reference details to support faceted navigation.

  • On the Custom Sort tab:

    • Custom Sort Order: Identifies whether terms are to be sorted alphabetically or via a custom sort order using an available label.

  • On the Custom Properties tab:

    • Products: Adds custom metadata properties and values to be associated with the term set.

In the term set’s context menu are other management options that can also be used to manage some of the set’s details. Options in the term set context menu (see Figure 8-15) include the following:

  • Create Term: Enables creation of terms to be contained in the term set (term creation is discussed earlier in this section).

  • Copy Term Set: Lets you make a copy of the selected term set, including its properties and all of its contained terms.

  • Reuse Terms: Allows selection of terms for reuse in other term sets. Reuse of a term set permits selection of other term sets where those terms are made available. Any changes to a reused term are reflected in all copies of that term across all term sets that use it. To view the locations where a term is used, select any instance of the term, and view the Member Of area on the General tab of the Term Properties page.

  • Pin Term with Children: Permits selection of a term set to be pinned within another set. This allows reuse of the terms but also allows them to be managed by different security groups in other term sets.

  • Move Term Set: Lets you move a selected term set under a different group within the term store.

  • Delete Term Set: Deletes the selected term set.

Managing Term Properties

Like term sets, terms have manageable properties. To manage the properties of a term, click the term within the Term Store Management Tool page, and the properties page for the selected term appears. Term properties that can be managed include the following:

  • On the General tab:

    • Available for Tagging: Identifies whether the term is available when assigning metadata to lists and libraries.

    • Language: Identifies the language for the term’s labels.

    • Description: Optionally lets you enter a description of the term.

    • Default Label: Identifies the term’s default label, which is initially set to the term name entered when the term was created.

    • Other Labels: Lists any additional labels for the term.

    • Member Of: Lists term sets that the term belongs to.

  • On the Custom Properties tab:

    • Shared Properties: Identifies properties associated with the term that are to be available in all locations where the term is used.

    • Local Properties: Identifies properties associated with the term that are to be available only when the term is used in the current term set.

As with term sets, in the context menu for listed terms, there is a set of options that allow management of the following details (see Figure 8-16):

  • Create Term: Provides the ability to create terms contained within the selected term (creating terms is discussed earlier in this section).

  • Copy Term: Lets you make a copy of the selected term, including its properties and all its contained terms.

  • Reuse Terms: Allows selection of terms for reuse in other term sets. Reuse of terms permits selection of other term sets where those terms can be used. Any changes to a reused term are reflected in all copies of that term across the term sets that use it. To view the locations where a term is used, select any instance of the term, and view the Member Of area on the General tab of the Term Properties page.

  • Pin Term with Children: Permits selection of a term to be pinned with another term set. This allows reuse of the terms, but also allows them to be managed by different security groups.

  • Merge Terms: Lets a selected term be merged into another. The properties of the destination term, including labels, are updated with the selected term’s details.

  • Deprecate Term: Makes the term unselectable when the term set is in use. The term continues to exist and be available for reference if it was previously assigned to content, but it can no longer be assigned to other items.

  • Move Term: Allows you to move a selected term under a different term set or term within a term set.

  • Delete Term: Deletes the selected term.

Working with Terms as Metadata

Once configured, term sets and terms can be used as values within Managed Metadata columns in lists and libraries. (Creating columns, including Managed Metadata columns, is discussed in Chapter 5.) When configuring a Managed Metadata column, select an available term set to use as the source for the options in the column. When a Managed Metadata column is edited within a list item’s or document property’s details, it appears as a text field followed by a term selector (see Figure 8-17).

Figure 8-17. Managed Metadata column

You can add values to this field by typing in the text box itself. The field includes type-ahead functionality, which will list matching terms below the entered text to allow easy selection of the available terms. You can also add terms by clicking on the Term Selector icon and directly selecting the desired term from the presented term set hierarchy.


In this chapter, we focused on site columns, content types, and term sets. We reviewed how site columns are created and managed. We detailed how site columns are used in content types and how content types are managed and associated with lists and libraries. Lastly, we discussed term sets, including how they are created, managed, and used for list and library columns.

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