© Frederik M. Fowler 2019
Frederik M. FowlerNavigating Hybrid Scrum Environmentshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4164-6_1

1. What Is Scrum?

Frederik M. Fowler1 
Sunnyvale, CA, USA

I have been engaged in software development for more than 35 years. I have written code for organizations both big and small. I have created both individual programs and entire software systems to address business problems of all kinds. I have worked as a solo developer and as part of large teams. Over the course of my career, I have learned quite a bit about how software development works.

I’ve come to realize that certain values and principles make a great deal of sense when it comes to organizing a software development effort. There are certain truths I have discovered that I now consider to be self-evident:
  • That software is always created by technicians to fill the real-world needs of less-technical people

  • That software producers and users must work together on a daily basis to produce valuable results

  • That both technical and nontechnical people must interact in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust

  • That the best way for these people to interact is by examining actual functionality that has been produced, and by continuously refining that functionality as both the technical and nontechnical people learn more about the problems they are solving

These self-evident truths are nothing original or new. They are, in fact, some of the values and principles documented in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, commonly known as the “Agile Manifesto.” (The Manifesto can be found at www.agilemanifesto.org ). This Manifesto was created in February 2001 as a joint effort by 17 prominent software developers. Their goal was to identify and document their common findings behind a number of (then) new approaches to “lightweight” software development.

It is very important to realize that the Agile Manifesto was not created by a group of theoreticians locked up in an ivory tower. The very first sentence in the Manifesto states:

“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it . . . .”

In other words, the manifesto was created by hard-headed realists who had “been through the wars” and had learned through tough experience how important the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto are.

Two of those original 17 people were Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, the creators of the Scrum Framework. They had originally described Scrum six years earlier at a conference called “Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications ’95.” Many of the values and principals in the Agile Manifesto come from the earlier work of Sutherland and Schwaber presented at the conference.

The definition of the Scrum Framework can be found in The Scrum Guide, coauthored by Sutherland and Schwaber, and at the time of this writing is available online at www.scrumguides.org . The Scrum Guide outlines a framework for implementing many of the Agile Manifesto’s values and principles.

Lots of people these days have asked me, “What is the difference between Agile and Scrum?” Many people seem to think that “Agile methodologies” and “Scrum methodologies” are distinct alternatives to each other. They seem to think that organizations may be “Agile” or “Scrum” but not both.

The truth is that comparing Agile and Scrum in this way makes no sense at all. “Agile” is an abstract set of values and principals described in the Agile Manifesto. “Scrum” is a concrete framework described in The Scrum Guide for organizing the creation of products. Agile and Scrum are related in that Scrum is a concrete implementation of the abstract values and principals described in the Agile Manifesto.

The Scrum Framework has been one of the most successful innovations in software development practice since software development first became a profession. When implemented properly, the Scrum Framework produces truly breathtaking improvements in productivity and the ability of organizations to deliver value.

Many organizations have noted these improvements and wish to embrace the Scrum Framework. Unfortunately, they often try to implement the Scrum Framework without truly understanding what it is. They end up implementing those parts of it that they feel they recognize and understand. They often leave out other parts of the framework that seem “strange” and “against common sense.” The results are usually disappointing for everyone involved.

As noted in The Scrum Guide, Scrum is
  • Lightweight

  • Easy to understand

  • Difficult to master

Scrum is lightweight in that it can be defined in a short and concise document. The Scrum Guide is only 19 pages long. Other frameworks such as the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) require hundreds of pages to describe. The Scrum Guide boils the framework down into just 11 elegant concepts (three “roles,” three “artifacts,” and five “events”).

Scrum is easy to understand in that it can be explained in a classroom setting in about 16 hours of class time. During any given month, there are dozens of two-day class sessions being held all over the world. These classes prepare people to take and pass “Scrum Master Certification” examinations.

As lightweight and as easy to understand as Scrum is, it turns out to be truly difficult to master. It is difficult because the Scrum Framework requires us to use measurements to understand the realities of software development. When we use these measurements to show us these realities, the truth usually conflicts with our notion of what “common sense” tells us. The Scrum Framework shows us how software development really works. In effect, the Scrum Framework forces us to confront many false ideas we have all taken for granted for a long time. Mastering Scrum involves “unlearning” many false lessons we have learned over the years.

The Definition of Scrum

The Scrum Guide contains a concise definition of the word Scrum:

Scrum (n): A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.

There are three important aspects of Scrum that this definition makes clear. The first one is that the Scrum Framework is focused on delivering value. The Scrum Framework is not about increasing productivity or making the software development process more efficient. The purpose of the Scrum Framework is to maximize value through the delivery of valuable products. Please note that the definition of Scrum does not refer only to software products. Scrum is meant to be applicable to the creation of any kind of product.

The second important aspect of the Scrum definition is that Scrum is not appropriate for solving all kinds of problems. Scrum is designed specifically to solve complex adaptive problems. There are many kinds of problems in the world that Scrum is poorly adapted to address. As we will see, there are other frameworks that are better suited to address both simple and complicated challenges. It is only when problems become complex that the Scrum Framework becomes applicable.

The third aspect of Scrum that the definition makes clear is that Scrum is a framework. Many people mistakenly believe that Scrum is a “methodology” or a set of “procedures.” The Scrum Framework is made up of eleven components organized into three families. One family (the events) contains five components that are all procedures. These procedures are the most “visible” parts of the Scrum Framework and are often the parts of Scrum that are implemented first. If they are the only parts of Scrum that are implemented, however, the results are usually quite bad. If the nonprocedural parts of Scrum are left out, then the procedures often make things worse rather than better.

Methodologies and Frameworks

Methodologies are families of methods, and methods are procedural ways of producing desired results. We are all very familiar with using and following procedures in our daily lives. As we will see, procedures are good and useful ways of addressing both simple and complicated problems.

A procedure is a step-by-step plan for producing a desired result. A very good example of a procedure is a recipe. If someone is hungry and wants to have a waffle, there is a recipe that can be followed to produce one. The steps are (1) to assemble the ingredients, (2) to mix them together in their proper proportions to make a batter, (3) to preheat the waffle iron, and (4) to bake the batter in the waffle iron until the waffle is ready to eat.

A framework is not a procedure. It is not meant to produce desired results. A framework is a tool used to arrange and organize things according to a set of desired relationships. A framework identifies the relationships between its components and, as such, it controls the ways in which its components interact.

A methodology is about doing things. A framework, however, is about organizing things. The Scrum Framework’s primary function is to organize people and their relationships into an effective structure. After the people are organized, the Scrum Framework gives them tools and procedures to use to measure and manage their work.

People who are organized properly can use the tools and procedures within Scrum to achieve breathtaking results. If they are not organized according to the Scrum Framework, the Scrum tools and procedures are of little help and often cause more harm than good. Most companies that adopt the procedural aspects of Scrum without accepting the organizational aspects of it are doomed to frustration and failure. Only those organizations that implement the complete Scrum Framework can expect to reap its benefits.

Complex Problems

Problems can be grouped together into families depending on their characteristics. “Complex adaptive” problems are challenges containing many aspects that are not yet known or understood. Solving a complex adaptive problem involves finding and understanding those unknown factors. The process of addressing a complex adaptive problem involves a process of discovery. Solutions are discovered rather than implemented.

A “complicated” problem, on the other hand, does not contain unknown factors. The solution may be intricate, but in the end everything needed to solve the problem is known at the outset.

To understand the difference, let’s consider an example. Let’s suppose that we are home builders and that we have just acquired a large piece of land. We plan to build 100 identical houses on that parcel. After a bit of preparation, we get to work.

When the time comes to build the 99th house, is there very much that is unknown about how to build it? No, not at all.

By the time we’re constructing the 99th house, we have 98 houses worth of experience teaching us how to build number 99. We know exactly how many 2 × 4 boards are needed, how many nails, how much plumbing pipe, and how many workers are required. The 99th house is a “complicated” problem in that there are many different components that are required. There is very little that is unknown at that point, however. It is possible to create a detailed plan (or a recipe) that will produce the house we want to build.

The 99th house is a “complicated” problem, but how about the first house?

When we are building the first house, we have no direct experience we can use to predict all the challenges we will encounter. When building the first house, we will find all the things we didn’t anticipate or understand properly when we got started. We may discover, for instance, that we placed the master bathroom on the second floor above the dining room on the first floor, so that dinner guests will hear the toilet flushing above them while they are eating. We may discover that not enough clearance has been left for the staircase, so that people hit their head on the ceiling while going upstairs. We may find that we’ve left too much distance between the hot-water heater and the upstairs bathroom shower, letting the hot water lose all of its heat before reaching its destination.

Building the first house is a “complex” problem. There are many aspects of building the house that are unknown and that cannot be known until we actually build it. The way to proceed is to start building and deal with any unexpected challenges as we go. As we encounter unanticipated challenges, we solve them and then update our master plan so that we won’t be hindered by them when building the next house.

Software Development Is a Complex Problem

To what extent is software development a “complex” problem? The answer has to do with whether developing software is more like building the 99th house or the first house in our homebuilding example.

The process of creating anything for the first time involves finding and solving unexpected problems. Software developers almost always run into such challenges.

In our homebuilding example, every time an unanticipated complication is encountered, the master plan is updated so the issue will not get in the way the next time a house is built.

For software, however, there is no “next time.”

After software has been written, there is no need to write it again. There is no second or third (or 99th) copy to write. In effect, developing software is always like building that first house in the set. Writing software always involves dealing with unexpected challenges, because once software is written, there is no need ever to write it again the same way.

By the way, the same can be said for developing any kind of new product, regardless of whether it is a software product. New products, by definition, have never been created before. This means that developing them requires finding and solving many unknown challenges. After those challenges have been overcome, there is no need to update any “master plan.” After a product has been developed, there is no need to develop it the same way again.


Scrum is a framework that facilitates an organized process of discovery. It organizes people into teams that can discover and deal with the unexpected. They learn as they go. In the end, they create products by discovering solutions to the unexpected challenges they encounter on their way to delivering the desired result.

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