© Pradeeka Seneviratne  2019
Pradeeka SeneviratneBBC micro:bit Recipeshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4913-0_5

5. Displaying Images

Pradeeka Seneviratne1 
Udumulla, Mulleriyawa, Sri Lanka

This chapter mainly focuses on how to show images on a micro:bit display. MakeCode provides a set of built-in images and image editing blocks to create your own images, limited up to two frames. You can play with images by scrolling and offsetting them in different ways.

5-1. Displaying Built-in Images


You want to display a built-in image on the micro:bit LED matrix.


  • In the Toolbox, click on Advanced to expand the category list, and then click on the Images category.

  • Click and drag the show image block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click on the Images category, and then click on the icon image block.

  • Click and drag the icon image block over and place it inside of the show image block (Figure 5-1 ).
    Figure 5-1.

    Placing the icon image block

  • Click on the myImage variable block and from the menu, choose Delete the “myImage” variable (Figure 5-2 ).
    Figure 5-2.

    Deleting the myImage variable block

  • Click on the icon image and from the drop-down menu, choose the happy icon. Keep the offset as 0 (Figure 5-3 ).
    Figure 5-3.

    Choosing the happy icon

  • Once finished, your code should look something like this (Figure 5-4 ).
    Figure 5-4.

    Full code listing

How It Works

MakeCode comes with 40 built-in images to show on the micro:bit display. The full list of images can be found in Chapter 2 , Recipe 2-1. MakeCode uses the terms “icon” and “image” interchangeably. In the show image block, the offset parameter determines the start position (or end position) of the image to be displayed on the LED matrix.

5-2. Image Offsetting


You want to shift an image horizontally across the display with offset.


  • In the Toolbox, click on Advanced to expand the category list, and then click on the Images category.

  • Click and drag the show image block over, and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click on the Images category, and then click on the icon image block.

  • Click and drag the icon image block over, and place it inside of the show image block (Figure 5-5 ).
    Figure 5-5.

    The show image block

  • Click on the myImage variable block and from the menu, choose Delete the “myImage” variable.

  • Click on the icon image and from the drop-down menu, choose the happy icon. Change the offset to 2 (Figure 5-6 ).
    Figure 5-6.

    Offsetting an image

  • You will get an output as shown in Figure 5-7 .
    Figure 5-7.

    Offsetted output

How It Works

The micro:bit LED screen consists of 25 LEDs arranged as 5 columns and 5 rows (5 X 5 matrix). The index of the first column is 0 and the last column is 4. The offset allows you to specify the number of LEDs from the left or right of the picture that the micro:bit should start. You can use the following values to make offset for different directions.
  • 0 - no offset

  • Any positive number - offsets from left

  • Any negative number - offsets from right

The LED screen fits in a single frame. A frame is a part of the image. It is a square with five LEDs on a side. An image can span multiple frames. If you use the value 5 or -5 for the offset, you can completely hide the image inside the micro:bit display.

5-3. Scrolling Images


You want to scroll an image on the micro:bit display with different speeds.


  • In the Toolbox, click on Advanced to expand the category list, and then click on the Images category.

  • Click and drag the scroll image block over, and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click on the Images category, and then click on the icon image block.

  • Click and drag the icon image block over, and place it inside of the scroll image block (Figure 5-8 ).
    Figure 5-8.

    The scoll image block

  • Click on the myImage variable block and from the menu, choose Delete the “myImage” variable .

  • Type 2000 for interval (ms).

  • Once finished, your code should look something like this (Figure 5-9 ).
    Figure 5-9.

    Code listing

How It Works

The scroll image block allows you to scroll an image on the micro:bit display from right to left or left to right. The offset parameter specifies the number of LEDs from the left or right of the image that the micro:bit should start and continue with the animation. The offset value 0 and 1 does the same effect. The offset 0 and any positive number makes the image scroll from right to left. Any negative number makes the image scroll from left to right. The speed of the scrolling effect can be changed by the interval parameter. It accepts the time in milliseconds.

If you want to repeat the scrolling effect over and over again, place the scroll image block inside the forever block.

5-4. Creating Your Own Images


You want to create an image to fit with the micro:bit display.


  • In the Toolbox, click on Advanced to expand the category list, and then click on the Images category.

  • Click and drag the show image block over, and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click on the Images category, and then click on the create image block.

  • Click and drag the create image block over, and place it inside of the show image block (Figure 5-10 ).
    Figure 5-10.

    The create image block

  • Click on the myImage variable block and from the menu, choose Delete the “myImage” variable (Figure 5-11 ).
    Figure 5-11.

    Deleting the myImage variable block

  • In the create image block , click on the LEDs to create the image that you want (e.g., robot) as shown in Figure 5-12 .
    Figure 5-12.

    Creating an image with the create image block

How It Works

The create image block represents the micro:bit’s physical LED screen. The 5 X 5 image block is known as a single frame image.

5-5. Creating a Double-Sized Image


You want to create a large image with two frames.


  • In the Toolbox, click on Advanced to expand the category list, and then click on the Images category.

  • Click and drag the show image block over, and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click on the Images category, and then click on the create big image block.

  • Click and drag the create big image block over, and place it inside of the show image block (Figure 5-13 ).
    Figure 5-13.

    The create big image block

  • Click on the myImage variable block and from the drop-down list, choose Delete the “myImage” variable (Figure 5-14 ).
    Figure 5-14.

    Deleting myImage variable

  • In the create big image block , draw two images (giraffes) by clicking on the squares (Figure 5-15 ).
    Figure 5-15.

    Image frames

  • When you run the code on micro:bit, you can only see the Giraffe 1 (left) in Frame 1 on the micro:bit display (Figure 5-16 ).
    Figure 5-16.

    Output on the LED screen

How It Works

MakeCode allows you to create images with two frames. Each frame consists of 5 rows and five columns of LEDs. When you run the code on the micro:bit, the micro:bit display will show the first frame of the image. If you want to see the second frame, you should use offset or scroll methods.

Figure 5-17 shows the code for displaying Frame 2 using the offset method. You should type the index of the first column of the second frame, which is 5 in the offset box.
Figure 5-17.

Using the show image block

Figure 5-18 shows how to use the scroll image block to display Frame 2 on the micro:bit LED screen.
Figure 5-18.

Using the scroll image block

5-6. Displaying Arrows


You want to display an arrow pointing to the south west direction.


  • In the Toolbox, click Advanced followed by Images. Then click and drag the show image block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click Images again. Then click and drag the arrow image block over, and place it inside of the show image block (Figure 5-19 ).
    Figure 5-19.

    Placing the arrow image block

  • Click on the myImage variable and from the drop-down list, choose Delete the “myImage” variable.

  • In the arrow image block, click on the drop-down list and choose the South West option (Figure 5-20 ).
    Figure 5-20.

    Choosing the South West option

  • Once finished, your code should look something like this (Figure 5-21 ).
    Figure 5-21.

    Full code listing

  • Figure 5-22 shows the output.
    Figure 5-22.

    Output on the LED screen

How It Works

The arrow image block allows you to display an arrow pointing to different directions. It is the only image group that you can find in the MakeCode for micro:bit. It has the following set of arrows.
  • North

  • North East

  • East

  • South East

  • South

  • South West

  • West

  • North West

5-7. Using Variable to Hold an Image


You want to use a variable to hold an image.


  • In the Toolbox, click on the Variables category, and then click on Make a Variable… (Figure 5-23 ).
    Figure 5-23.

    Creating a variable

  • In the New variable name modal box (window), type in the variable name (e.g., heart). Then click on the Ok button (Figure 5-24 ).
    Figure 5-24.

    Providing a name for the variable

  • Now your Variables Toolbox should look something like this (Figure 5-25 ). It contains the variable and two blocks to set and change the variable.
    Figure 5-25.

    Variable toolbox

  • Now click and drag the set heart to block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the Toolbox, click Advanced followed by Images. Then click and drag the icon image block over, and place it inside of the set heart to block (Figure 5-26 ).
    Figure 5-26.

    Assigning an icon image to a variable

  • In the Toolbox, click Images. Then click and drag the show image block over and place it inside of the forever block.

  • In the show image block, click on the myImage and from the drop-down list, choose the variable, heart (Figure 5-27 ).
    Figure 5-27.

    Choosing the variable, heart

  • Now your code should look something like this (Figure 5-28 ).
    Figure 5-28.

    Full code listing

How It Works

Variables can hold built-in images and custom images. Once assigned an image to a variable, you can use the variable name to display the image at any point in your code.

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