© Jo Van Hoey 2019
J. Van HoeyBeginning x64 Assembly Programminghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5076-1_24

24. Strings

Jo Van Hoey1 
Hamme, Belgium

When we think about strings, we humans normally assume that strings are a series of characters that form words or phrases that we can understand. But in assembly language, any list or array of contiguous memory places is considered a string, whether it’s human-understandable or not. Assembly provides us with a number of powerful instructions for manipulating these blocks of data in an efficient way. In our examples, we will use readable characters, but keep in mind that in reality assembly does not care if the characters are readable. We will show how to move strings around, how to scan them, and how to compare strings.

As powerful as these instructions may be, we will propose even better functionality when we discuss SIMD instructions in later chapters. But let’s start with the basic instructions here.

Moving Strings

Listing 24-1 shows the example code.
; move_strings.asm
%macro prnt 2
    mov     rax, 1       ; 1 = write
    mov     rdi, 1       ; 1 = to stdout
    mov     rsi, %1
    mov     rdx, %2
      mov rax, 1
      mov rdi, 1
      mov rsi, NL
      mov rdx, 1
section .data
      length       equ 95
      NL db 0xa
      string1 db "my_string of ASCII:"
      string2 db 10,"my_string of zeros:"
      string3 db 10,"my_string of ones:"
      string4 db 10,"again my_string of ASCII:"
      string5 db 10,"copy my_string to other_string:"
      string6 db 10,"reverse copy my_string to other_string:"
section .bss
      my_string  resb  length
      other_string resb length
section .text
      global main
push rbp
mov  rbp, rsp
;fill the string with printable ascii characters
            prnt string1,18
            mov rax,32
            mov rdi,my_string
            mov rcx, length
str_loop1: mov byte[rdi], al          ; the simple method
            inc rdi
            inc al
            loop str_loop1
            prnt my_string,length
;fill the string with ascii 0's
            prnt string2,20
            mov rax,48
            mov rdi,my_string
            mov rcx, length
str_loop2: stosb                  ; no inc rdi needed anymore
            loop str_loop2
            prnt my_string,length
;fill the string with ascii 1's
            prnt string3,19
            mov rax, 49
            mov rdi,my_string
            mov rcx, length
            rep stosb  ; no inc rdi and no loop needed anymore
            prnt my_string,length
;fill the string again with printable ascii characters
            prnt string4,26
            mov rax,32
            mov rdi,my_string
            mov rcx, length
str_loop3:  mov byte[rdi], al         ; the simple method
            inc rdi
            inc al
            loop str_loop3
            prnt my_string,length
;copy my_string to other_string
            prnt string5,32
            mov rsi,my_string         ;rsi source
            mov rdi,other_string      ;rdi destination
            mov rcx, length
            rep movsb
            prnt other_string,length
;reverse copy my_string to other_string
            prnt string6,40
            mov rax, 48               ;clear other_string
            mov rdi,other_string
            mov rcx, length
            rep stosb
            lea rsi,[my_string+length-4]
            lea rdi,[other_string+length]
            mov rcx, 27           ;copy only 27-1 characters
            std                   ;std sets DF, cld clears DF
            rep movsb
            prnt other_string,length
Listing 24-1


In this program, we use a macro (for more details on macros, see Chapter 18) to do the printing, but we could as well have used the C printf function, as we have done already so many times.

We start with creating a string with the 95 printable characters in the ASCII table, the first being 32 (the space) and the last being 126 (the tilde, or ~). There’s nothing special here. We first print a title, and then we put the first ASCII code in rax, letting rdi point to the address of my_string in memory. Then we put the length of the string in rcx to use in a loop. In the loop, we copy one ASCII code from al to my_string, take the next code and write it to the next memory address in my_string, and so on. Finally, we print the string. Again, there’s nothing new here.

In the next part, we modify the content of my_string to all 0s (ASCII 48). To do that, we put the string length again in rcx for building a loop. Then we use the instruction stosb to store the 1s (ASCII 49) to my_string. The instruction stosb only needs the start address of the string in rdi and the character to write in rax, and stosb steps to the next memory address in each repeat of the loop. We do not have to care about increasing rdi anymore.

In the next part of the program, we go one step further and get rid of the rcx loop. We use the instruction rep stosb for repeating the stosb a number of times. The number of repetitions is stored in rcx. This is a highly efficient method of initializing memory.

Next, we continue moving around memory content. Strictly speaking, we will be copying memory blocks, not moving copy content. First, we initialize our string again with the readable ASCII codes. We could optimize this code by using a macro or a function for that, instead of just repeating the code. Then we start the copying of the string/memory block: from my_string to other_string. The address of the source string goes into rsi, and the address of the destination string goes in rdi. This is easy to remember, because the s in rsi stands for source and the d in rdi stands for destination. Then use rep movsb, and we are done! The rep copying stops when rcx becomes 0.

In the last part of the program, we will reverse move memory content. The concept can be a little bit confusing; we go in some detail here. When using movsb , the content of DF (the direction flag) is taken into account. When DF=0, rsi and rdi are increased by 1, pointing to the next higher memory address. When DF=1, rsi and rdi are decreased by 1, pointing to the next lower memory address. This means that in our example with DF=1, rsi needs to point to the address of the highest memory address to be copied and decrease from there. In addition, rdi needs to point to the highest destination address and decrease from there. The intention is to “walk backward” when copying, that is, decreasing rsi and rdi with every loop. Be careful: rsi and rdi both are decreased; you cannot use the DF to increase one register and decrease another (reversing the string). In our example, we do not copy the whole string, but only the lowercase alphabet, and we put them at the higher memory places at the destination. The instruction lea rsi,[my_string+length-4] loads the effective address of my_string in rsi and skips four characters that are not part of the alphabet. The DF flag can be set to 1 with std and set to 0 with cld. Then we invoke the powerful rep movsb, and we are done.

Why do we put 27 in rcx when there are only 26 characters? It turns out that rep decreases rcx by 1 before anything else in the loop. You can verify that with a debugger such as SASM. Comment out all references to the prnt macro to avoid problems. You will see that SASM lets you step into the rep loop and verify the memory and registers. You can, of course, also look in the Intel manuals for information on rep; you will find something like the following under “Operation”:
IF AddressSize = 16
            Use CX for CountReg;
            Implicit Source/Dest operand for memory use of SI/DI;
    ELSE IF AddressSize = 64
            THEN Use RCX for CountReg;
            Implicit Source/Dest operand for memory use of RSI/RDI;
            Use ECX for CountReg;
            Implicit Source/Dest operand for memory use of ESI/EDI;
WHILE CountReg =/ 0
                Service pending interrupts (if any);
                Execute associated string instruction;
                CountReg ← (CountReg – 1);
                IF CountReg = 0
                    THEN exit WHILE loop; FI;
                IF (Repeat prefix is REPZ or REPE) and (ZF = 0)
                or (Repeat prefix is REPNZ or REPNE) and (ZF = 1)
                    THEN exit WHILE loop; FI;

Here CountReg(CountReg – 1); tells us that the counter will be decreased first. Studying the operation of instructions can be useful for understanding the behavior of an instruction. As a final note, stosb and movsb work with bytes; there are also stosw , movsw , stosd , and movsd to work with words and double words, and rsi and rdi are accordingly incremented or decremented with 1 for bytes, 2 for words, and 4 for double words.

Figure 24-1 shows the output of our example program.
Figure 24-1

move_strings.asm output

Comparing and Scanning Strings

Moving and copying strings is important, but so is the ability to analyze strings. In the example code shown in Listing 24-2, we use the instruction cmpsb to compare two strings, and we use scasb to find a specific character in a string.
; strings.asm
extern printf
section .data
      string1    db "This is the 1st string.",10,0
      string2    db "This is the 2nd string.",10,0
      strlen2    equ $-string2-2
      string21   db "Comparing strings: The strings do not differ.",10,0
      string22   db "Comparing strings: The strings differ, "
                 db "starting at position: %d.",10,0
      string3    db "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",0
      strlen3    equ $-string3-2
      string33   db "Now look at this string: %s",10,0
      string4    db "z",0
      string44   db "The character '%s' was found at position: %d.",10,0
      string45   db "The character '%s' was not found.",10,0
      string46   db "Scanning for the character '%s'.",10,0
section .bss
section .text
      global main
      push   rbp
      mov    rbp,rsp
; print the 2 strings
      xor    rax,rax
      mov    rdi, string1
      call   printf
      mov    rdi, string2
      call   printf
; compare 2 strings -----------------------------------------------
      lea    rdi,[string1]
      lea    rsi,[string2]
      mov    rdx, strlen2
      call   compare1
      cmp    rax,0
      jnz    not_equal1
;strings are equal, print
      mov    rdi, string21
      call   printf
      jmp    otherversion
;strings are not equal, print
      mov    rdi, string22
      mov    rsi, rax
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf
; compare 2 strings, other verstion ------------------------------
      lea    rdi,[string1]
      lea    rsi,[string2]
      mov    rdx, strlen2
      call   compare2
      cmp    rax,0
      jnz    not_equal2
;strings are equal, print
      mov    rdi, string21
      call   printf
      jmp    scanning
;strings are not equal, print
      mov    rdi, string22
      mov    rsi, rax
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf
; scan for a character in a string -------------------------------
; first print the string
      mov    rdi,string33
      mov    rsi,string3
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf
; then print the search argument, can only be 1 character
      mov    rdi,string46
      mov    rsi,string4
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf
      lea    rdi,[string3]     ;      string
      lea    rsi,[string4]     ;      search argument
      mov    rdx, strlen3
      call   cscan
      cmp    rax,0
      jz     char_not_found
;character found, print
      mov    rdi,string44
      mov    rsi,string4
      mov    rdx,rax
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf
      jmp    exit
;character not found, print
      mov    rdi,string45
      mov    rsi,string4
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf
; FUNCTIONS ===============================================================
; function compare 2 strings ------------------------------------
compare1:    mov    rcx, rdx
cmpr:        cmpsb
             jne    notequal
             loop   cmpr
             xor    rax,rax
notequal:    mov    rax, strlen2
             dec    rcx           ;compute position
             sub    rax,rcx       ;compute position
             xor    rax,rax
; function compare 2 strings ------------------------------------
compare2:    mov    rcx, rdx
             repe   cmpsb
             je     equal2
             mov    rax, strlen2
             sub    rax,rcx       ;compute position
equal2:      xor    rax,rax
;function scan a string for a character
cscan:       mov    rcx, rdx
             repne  scasb
             jne    char_notfound
             mov    rax, strlen3
             sub    rax,rcx       ;compute position
char_notfound:      xor rax,rax
Listing 24-2


For the comparison, we will discuss two versions. As before, we put the address of the first (source) string in rsi, the address of the second string (destination) in rdi, and the string length in rcx. Just to be sure, we clear the direction flag, DF, with cld. So, we walk forward in the strings.

The instruction cmpsb compares two bytes and sets the status flag ZF to 1 if the two compared bytes are equal or to 0 if the 2 bytes are not equal.

Using the ZF flag can be confusing. If ZF=1, this means the outcome of the instruction just executed was 0 (bytes equal). If ZF=0, this means the outcome of the instruction just executed was not 0 (bytes not equal). Thus, we have to find out whether and when ZF becomes 0. For testing ZF and continuing the execution based on the test result, we have a number of jump instructions, as shown here:
  • jz : Jump if zero (ZF=1)
    • The equivalent je: Jump if equal (ZF=1) (bytes equal)

  • jnz : Jump if not zero (ZF=0)
    • The equivalent jne: Jump if not equal (ZF=0) (bytes not equal)

The registers rsi and rdi are increased by cmpsb when DF is not set and decreased when DF is set. We create a loop that executes cmpsb, until ZF becomes 0. When ZF becomes 0, the execution jumps out of the loop and starts calculating the position of the differing character based on the value in rcx. However, rcx is adjusted only at the end of a loop, which was never completed, so we have to adjust rcx (decrease it with 1). The resulting position is returned to main in rax.

In the second version for comparing, we will use repe, a version of rep, meaning “repeat while equal.” As before, cmpsb sets ZF according to the comparison, and ZF=1 means the bytes are equal. As soon as cmpsb sets ZF equal to 0, the repe loop is ended, and rcx can be used to compute the position where the differing character appeared. If the strings are completely the same, then rcx will be 0 and ZF will be 1. After repe, the instruction je tests if ZF equals 1. If ZF is 1, the strings are equal; if 0, the strings are not equal. We use rcx to calculate the differing position, so there’s no need to adjust rcx, because repe decreases rcx first in every loop.

The scanning works similarly, but with repne , “repeat while not equal,” instead of repe. We also use lodsb and load the byte at address rsi into rax. The instruction scasb compares the byte in al (the low byte in rax) with the byte pointed to by rdi and sets (1=equal) or resets (0=not equal) the ZF flag accordingly. The instruction repne looks at the status flag and continues if ZF = 0; that is, the 2 bytes are not equal. If the 2 bytes are equal, scasb sets ZF to 1, the repne loop stops, and rcx can be used to compute the position of the byte in the string.

The scanning works with only one character as a search argument; if you are wondering how to use a string as search argument, you will have to scan character by character. Or better yet, wait for the chapters on SIMD.

Figure 24-2 shows the output.
Figure 24-2

strings.asm output


In this chapter, you learned about the following:
  • Moving and copying memory blocks in an extremely efficient way

  • Using movsb and rep

  • Comparing and scanning memory blocks

  • Using cmpsb, scasb, repe, and repne

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