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M. BreyterAgile Product and Project Managementhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8200-7_7

7. Agile Estimation and Planning

Mariya Breyter1  
New York, NY, USA

This chapter discusses the topic of estimation and planning in Agile. It explains how the Sprint structure is used to estimate effort and plan delivery. It talks about short-term and long-term planning, story point estimation, Definition of Ready, and Definition of Done. The five levels of Scrum planning (“Agile onion”) are discussed based on a case study.

In Chapter 6, we covered the difference between multiple delivery frameworks. We also learned that Scrum is by far the most popular Agile framework, and one of the reasons for this is that Scrum allows for the most accurate planning, short term and long term, thus establishing predictability that far surpasses traditional project management. This statement may not seem immediately intuitive. In traditional (Waterfall) project management, a lot of time and effort goes into planning. Opinions of senior leaders in each area are collected, the experience of prior relevant projects is studied and analyzed in depth, and a lot of time is spent creating work breakdown structures, which list all tasks that need to be done to complete the project. All those efforts create a sense of thoughtful, reliable planning.

However, in real life, this level of predictability is a myth. The most thorough, well-thought-through project plans collapse when they meet reality. According to a 2018 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession report [1], 12% of IT projects fail. However, this number only represents total failures. Of the projects that didn’t fail completely, 22% did not meet their goals, 33% exceeded their budgets, and 36% were late. So with all the thorough planning that went into them, why are more than a third of all projects late?


It is important to understand why predictability is important in IT overall and especially in software delivery. Imagine a stakeholder is asking a brand-new team about their estimation to deliver a specific product. The team does their estimations and promises to deliver within six months. The sponsor allocates a six-month budget, informs the management, does external marketing, and in six months finds out that the product is not even close to being ready. The sponsor is not willing to invest more, and the product never gets delivered. Or the sponsor requests additional budget, the team completes the product and launches it in 12 months, but no customers are willing to buy it because the company lost their credibility with them, or because another company has already launched their product to the market. Next time, the same team decides to play it safe (“underpromise and overdeliver”) and inflates their original estimation for a similar project telling the stakeholders that it is going to take 18 months. Do you think the stakeholders will be happy when the product is actually delivered within 12 months? Unfortunately, not, because they decided not to proceed with such a lengthy and expensive endeavor. Our responsibility is to provide accurate and thoughtful estimations, and Agile provides a way to do so.

So why are the estimations so difficult to make accurately? The answer is straightforward: project delivery is nontrivial. A good way to visualize this is a traditional project management matrix depicting “knowns” vs. “unknowns” in project delivery. This tool is frequently referred to as the Rumsfeld matrix, named after US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who used it in his Department of Defense news briefing in 2022. He mentioned that there are known knowns: the things we know that we know. There are known unknowns: things we do not know. There are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know, we don’t know, and these are the most difficult ones. However, the idea of “unknown unknowns” was invented in 1955 by two American psychologists, Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham, in their development of a well-known analysis technique referred to as the Johari window [2], named as a combination of their first names. Johari window is a technique that helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others by using a two-by-two grid to map how we see ourselves vs. how others see us. A template for the Johari window is presented in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1

Johari window

In project management, this framework is used for risk management. Each project has its known knowns that are reflected in a project plan, known unknowns (the risks to watch for), unknown knowns (the information that exists elsewhere but is not known to the project team, e.g., government regulations that may not be public at the time of the project planning), and unknown unknowns that are impossible to predict or plan for. This is reflected in the project management variation of the Johari windows (Figure 7-2).
Figure 7-2

Project management risk classification

Planning Fundamentals

It is important to understand that the duration of the project is not equal to the duration of its constituents. In Lean manufacturing, there are three distinct terms.

In terms of an assembly line, the Takt time describes the required product assembly duration end to end. Takt time is defined as the average time interval between sequential production of two similar units, for example, two engines on an automotive assembly line, if those are produced sequentially. It is also referred to as a delivery heartbeat that we’d like to synchronize with the product consumption cycle.

Cycle time is the time it takes to complete a cycle of action, from start to finish. An example is an assembly of a car engine, start to finish.

Lead time is the total time between the initiation and completion of a project or a task.

Usually, lead time includes all sorts of overhead, referred to as “waste” in Lean manufacturing. This includes waiting between the dependencies (e.g., testers are available but there is no code available to test yet or code is available but there is no test environment to deploy it to); resources, especially those with rare skills (the sole UX designer on a team got sick or took a vacation); requirements not available; design decision that has not been approved; and so forth. According to different sources, the actual time when team members work on the project tasks is up to 6085% of the lead time for a medium-size project, while up to 40% is the waste due to mismanaged dependencies, resource constraints, blocked process flow due to quality issues, unbalanced supply, delayed decision-making, and so forth.

All of these factors influence the accuracy of planning, whether it is in traditional or iterative project management. However, iterative project management is significantly more predictable. This happens for several reasons:
  1. 1.
    Iterative planning allows to take “known knowns” and “known unknowns” into account and adjust timelines and targets based on the new data. This can be compared to the difference between a static roadmap and Waze app (see Figure 7-3). In a dynamic roadmap, besides selecting the preferable route and mode of transportation, the route is continuously revisited based on changes in traffic situations within the constraints of the selected preferences, thus resulting in a better predictable and much faster trip to the destination.
    Figure 7-3

    Benefits of incremental planning vs. static plan

  2. 2.

    There is no need for change management to account for any changes in the project plan, as it is being revisited at regular short increments, so the planning time and related efforts are reduced by default. This flexibility reduces planning overhead and makes changes in planning seamless and easy to manage.


Incremental Planning

What does this all mean from the project planning perspective? Most importantly, it means that it is dangerous to predict project duration based on the duration of its tasks. In traditional project management, this is sometimes done by adding a specific extra time and budget to the project plan, up to 50% of project duration for the most complex projects with multiple dependencies. This differs by industry. For construction projects, for example, project managers usually add 510% of the total budget and duration to determine contingency. However, this number is arbitrary and is never accurate since it is not clear when this contingency should be added to the project: in the beginning, in the middle, or prior to completion. At the same time, it is known that there will be “known unknowns,” “unknown knowns,” and possibly even “unknown unknowns” that will influence the project through its life cycle. How is this issue addressed in Agile?

First, the answer is incremental planning. The plans are refined given the “cone of uncertainty.” The closer to the project completion, the more predictable the timelines are. Given that the cone of uncertainty in Agile is initiated with every iteration, there is full predictability related to each iteration being achieved at the end of this iteration. This allows for increment-managed predictability and increment-based planning.

Second, the answer is replanning, which happens in every iteration. Based on the outcome of each subsequent iteration, the plan is revisited, and the empirical data observed in prior iterations is used for future planning. For continuous delivery frameworks, such as Kanban, this planning adjustment is happening in a continuous manner so that all the unknown unknowns can immediately be taken into consideration. The sense of urgency in these implementations can be compared to the war strategy that allows an army to win the war.

 Topic for a Group Discussion

In groups, compare static planning done in traditional project management and iterative planning done in an Agile environment. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach? Why do agilists say that traditional project management promises stakeholders peace of mind but fails miserably most of the time?

Multilevel Planning

From this perspective, Agile planning includes multiple levels, moving from long-term planning (company’s mission and vision) to short-term time planning (daily meeting with Scrum where participants discuss what they were doing yesterday and their plans and impediments for today). These levels are also referred to as an “Agile planning onion” because they can be represented as a set of layers from long term to short term, resembling the process of peeling a metaphorical onion (see Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-4

The “planning onion” in Agile

How to interpret the planning onion? In Agile, planning happens continuously at multiple levels. It starts with the company’s strategy, aligned with its mission and vision. Many companies use OKRs (see Chapter 1) to establish long-term business goals focused on customer success, such as customer satisfaction increase or business targets. These goals are established for longer-term intervals, usually for one or several years, and reflected in product roadmaps. They focus on “why” rather than “how.” If a company launches a new product and this product does not perform as expected, it can pivot by launching another one or enhancing its existing product portfolio within the same set of OKRs.

The next level is the product portfolio. For a bank, the product portfolio would include all the products and services it provides – checking and savings accounts and related services, loans (home, auto, and any others) investment products and services, and so on. It is an important decision on which products to provide as part of the portfolio, which to sustain, which to sunset, and which new ones to launch to disrupt the current product line. This level of planning is aligned with the strategy and is also usually done long term. It affects product roadmaps and defines execution.

For each of the products within a portfolio of products and services, there is a product roadmap. The product roadmap reflects the product life cycle. Each product experiences multiple phases within its existence, which need to be managed, from its inception, through design, development, adoption, maintenance, and sunset. This cycle varies for each of the products and depends on its adoption rates, business success, customer feedback, overall market status, company policy, and a lot of other factors, which directly or indirectly affect it.

While the concept of a project is not directly relevant in an Agile environment, it is frequently used in large enterprises to define major feature releases. Frequently, a concept of the release is confused with software deployment. It is important to distinguish between the two: software deployment results in making a software system or any relevant functionality available for use. The general deployment process includes multiple activities that result in the ability of the customer to use the software. Those can be frequent, especially when those are automated and deploy minor changes on a continuous basis. For example, Netflix engineers deploy code thousands of times per day. Google deploys sofware many times per day, and so do many other companies that implement the DevOps strategy of continuous deployment. However, a deployment that makes specific functionality possible does not constitute a major feature release.

A major software release means a new version of the software that includes significant architecture changes or new features on top of the original functionality. For example, if an online bank provided checking accounts only, providing savings accounts would be a major feature. Even in an Agile environment, those are usually referred to as projects because there is a stated business goal and defined (though flexible) scope, and frequently, there is a timeline, whether it is based on vendor agreement, business expectations, or a new regulation. These releases are usually announced to customers and stakeholders in advance with a specific commitment. This can be compared with major releases of new iPhone models and related iOS, starting from the release of the original Apple iPhone in 2007. These are usually listed as a milestone on the product roadmap.

In order to deliver the functionality of the product within the forecasted milestones, many Agile frameworks use incremental delivery where planning is done in short time frames, referred to as increments (or Sprints in Scrum). As we discussed, Sprint duration in Scrum is usually two to four weeks. During this time, delivery teams make a commitment based on their prior capacity and their delivery history. Using this empirical data, they are able to accurately predict the work they will be able to accomplish during the Sprint. Based on the results of the Sprint, they adjusted their estimation for the upcoming one. Because of the consistency of team composition and the availability of empirical data for analysis, the accuracy of Sprint planning on mature Agile teams usually exceeds 80%. We will discuss this process in more detail further in this chapter.

However, as much as the team is able to predict its delivery within an iteration, known unknowns and even unknown unknowns may happen. These include new market entrants that disrupt existing competition, government regulations, changes in vendors, staff attrition, and many other unexpected circumstances. For this reason, team members meet on a daily basis for a brief daily meeting (referred to as “Daily Scrum” in Scrum) to align on all the tasks they are working on and support each other in resolving impediments. This represents the daily level of planning, which allows for day-to-day alignment between the team members. In larger organizations, Scrum Masters for every team meet for Scrum of Scrums to resolve intrateam dependencies and remove shared blockers.

 Topic for a Group Discussion

It is a known belief that there is no planning in Agile. In every iteration, a new plan is created, which can change at any time. This makes planning look fluid and unreliable. The timelines seem to shift all the time based on the current state, while in a traditional project management plan, every single task is accounted for, durations are defined, sequencing is provided, and the overall timelines are clearly stated, along with the people who are responsible for working on them. Discuss this statement in your group: Do you agree with this point of view or disagree with it, and why?


Planning does not happen in a vacuum. It is important to establish a credible intake process – how the ideas are captured, assessed, prioritized, and sequenced. Planning will not be successful if the intake process is not well thought through, communicated, established, and followed through. It usually depends on the organizational culture, size, industry, nature of the business, and other parameters. We covered different intake and prioritization techniques in the first part of this book on how to build the RIGHT product. In any organization, thoughtful and relevant intake is a prerequisite for any planning to be successful. Ensure that the intake and prioritization process is well defined before engaging in planning activities.

To summarize, there are multiple simultaneous levels of planning in Agile, also referred to as “planning horizons”:

  1. 1.

    Long-term planning, which allows one to plan against business objectives and create reliable roadmaps. At this level, we do not usually speak about commitment since we understand the level of complexity and the number of unexpected factors that may influence the plan. Instead, we are talking about the forecast – the best level of predictability based on empirical data and existing knowledge. This includes planning against strategic objectives – from a product and business perspective.

  2. 2.

    Medium-term planning, which usually includes a quarter ahead in software delivery. While it is still a significant time frame for a commitment, the level of certainty is significantly higher at this level since the scope is better defined, and the risks are more predictable and easier to control. This is especially important if there are multiple delivery teams working on the same feature since they have to coordinate delivery between them, known as dependency management. When there are multiple teams working on the same product, it is referred to as “scaled Agile.” This topic will be covered in detail in Chapter 10. In the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), one of the most widely adopted Agile scaling frameworks, this level of planning is defined as the program increment (PI) planning (1).

  3. 3.

    Short-term planning, or Sprint planning in Scrum. This is the most predictable level of planning where each delivery team is planning its work for the upcoming iteration, usually two to four weeks. They discuss the requirements and internal and external dependencies, brainstorm on solutions, agree on the division of work between team members, and assign ownership. They use this opportunity to raise risks and discuss issue resolution and sequence delivery within the Sprint. In his book Agile Estimating and Planning (3), Mike Cohn discussed the philosophy of Agile estimation and planning and showed in real-world examples and case studies why this methodology works.


 Five key questions to review:

  1. 1.

    Why conventional prescriptive planning fails and why Agile planning works?

  2. 2.

    What is the meaning of the “planning onion” in Agile?

  3. 3.

    What are the three planning horizons in Agile?

  4. 4.

    Why do we talk about commitment for a short-term plan and forecast for longer-term plans?

  5. 5.

    Is it possible to deliver on time, on budget, and within the original scope?


Estimation in Agile

In order to achieve predictable planning outcomes, Agile teams estimate their work based on their capacity. In Agile, team capacity is referred to as “velocity.” The definition of velocity is the number of units of work completed in a given time. The units of work are usually measured in abstract measurement units, referred to as “story points.” A story point in Agile is a metric used to estimate the effort required for implementing a given user story. This includes the work required to complete the story and any approvals and decisions that have to be completed as part of the implementation, any external dependencies, and other relevant factors, such as the lack of team members’ experience with this specific type of work, or limited subject matter expertise in the area.

Story points do not equate to hours directly since the effort does not include the time required to produce the output. It accounts for all the elements discussed before, including dependencies that need to be satisfied, the learning and experimentation that has to happen, solutions involved, and so on. Given that story points provide a holistic estimation of the effort, they are much more accurate than time estimates that take only “known knowns” into account by adding the time required to complete each of the tasks that have been identified.

Agile estimation is done by the whole development team (developers, designers, testers, etc.) so that each team member brings their own perspective of the product and the work required to deliver each user story. For example, if a Product Owner would like to make a simple screen change to one of the user profile fields, it may require performing full regression testing for the whole product, given that this parameter is being used throughout the whole application, and the testers would be able to indicate that.

While traditionally, software estimation is done in a time format (months, days, hours), story points are usually using a Fibonacci-like scale: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…. This level of abstraction is important because it pushes the team to make difficult decisions around the effort required to complete the work. There are multiple reasons to use story points:
  1. 1.

    As stated before, story points account for dependencies and other nonproject work that takes time from the team.

  2. 2.

    Story points help drive cross-functional collaboration.

  3. 3.

    It takes less time and effort to do story-points estimation than other methods.

  4. 4.

    Relative estimations provide direct and straightforward comparisons (e.g., Is user story A more complex to implement than user story B? rather than How long will it take user story A to be completed?).

  5. 5.

    Each team is estimating their velocity at a different scale, so comparisons between teams or pressure to get specific features delivered before the delivery team finds it feasible is meaningless.


A helpful technique in facilitating story point estimation in Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…) is referred to as the planning poker. All team members select a playing card with the story point estimation they suggest for each user story. If all team members vote for the same value, it is assigned to the user story. If not, then team members with the highest and the lowest score provide their reasoning, and the whole group votes again until they reach a consensus. If they do not reach a consensus, different teams have their own agreements on how to resolve minor discrepancies. For example, some teams always agree to honor the higher estimate if there is only one degree of difference after several conversations and voting cycles (e.g., 2 and 3 or 3 and 5). During the conversation about user point discrepancies, a lot of helpful facts get discovered that some team members are aware of and some are not. It is a helpful collaboration technique and not just an estimation technique.

Since the length of each iteration (Sprint) is fixed, each team develops its average velocity over the course of several Sprints (usually, 24 latest Sprint average is most meaningful). For example, if team A had a velocity of 18, 20, and 22 story points over the last three Sprints, respectively, without changes to the team composition, they would commit to a maximum of 20 points for their next Sprint. However, if one of the days of their two-week (ten working days) Sprints is a holiday, they would commit to 18 story points only for that Sprint. The same type of logic applies to vacations, sick days, and other changes in team capacity or composition.


A good illustration of relative estimation is a fruit salad exercise. In this exercise, team members are presented with identical set of fruit (apple, pear, grape, strawberry, etc.) and a “Definition of Done” for a fruit salad; for example, all fruits are washed, peeled, deseeded, and cut into salad. They are informed that their Sprint velocity equals 20 story points and asked to estimate the fruit they will be able to make a salad from. Usually, they start with a grape or a strawberry estimating those at 1, then apple or pear at 5, and, finally, pineapple at 13. This leaves them with a combination of one grape, one strawberry, one apple, and a pineapple, or another variation that is estimated up to 20 story points.

The most important rule is to learn from past estimates and adjust the current estimates based on this learning.

As an example, team A’s historical estimates are as follows (we refer to the following table as a “calibration banner” because it serves as an estimation reference for team A):

Story Points






User story examples

As a website customer, I want to view my user profile so that I can confirm that all information is relevant

As a website customer, I want to update my profile as needed so that I can keep my data up to date

As a web shopper, I want to search for the items by keywords so that I can select the best matching product to buy

As a web shopper, I want to log onto the shopping website so that I can use my profile data to make purchases

As a web shopper who made a purchase, I was to modify my order within 24 hours after the purchase so that I did not need to cancel it after it arrives

In this case, when a new user story needs to be worked on, it is estimated by comparing it with the ones on this banner. For example, if there is a need to search by brand, the effort may be seen as similar to keyword search (hence estimated as three story points). If there is a need to delete the profile, it may be seen as similar in size to updating it (hence estimated as two story points) and so forth. The nature of the work performed may be completely different, but the effort related to getting it done is seen as a similar one.

The next question: What happens if the set of the stories pulled into a Sprint one by one does not fit within the velocity estimated for the upcoming Sprint? Let’s review a sample product backlog structure with estimates below:

If the team’s velocity for the upcoming Sprint is 18, the team pulls stories from the top of their backlog into the Sprint until they reach 18. In this case, user stories 15 get pulled and reach the total estimate of 15 (5+2+2+3+3). The next user story is #6, which is estimated at 5 story points. In this case, team B will skip user story 6 and pull user stories 7 and 8 into the Sprint. If the Product Owner thinks that user story 6 is the absolute priority over 7 and 8, they can “decompose” user story 6 into several smaller size stories. For example, if user story 6 is to search for a product, they would decompose it into search parameters (by name, by category, by manufacturer, etc.). For user forms, they can decompose by “create, read, update, and delete” (CRUD) functionality and so forth. In either case, the story has to satisfy INVEST criteria.


Split in teams and try an equivalent of the fruit salad exercise with dogs: Chihuahua, Poodle, Beagle, Bulldog, Collie, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Mastiff, and Greyhound. The Definition of Done in this case is adopting the dog, so the comparison will be between sizes, temperaments, cleanliness, and other relevant features.


There are five steps in Sprint planning:

  1. 1.

    Refine the backlog in advance to be prepared with data and estimated story points.

  2. 2.

    Confirm estimated story points for the top items in the backlog (ideally, at least one Sprint ahead).

  3. 3.

    Determine the team’s capacity for the upcoming Sprint (velocity).

  4. 4.

    Based on the team velocity, move items from the top of the backlog into the upcoming Sprint, thus creating a Sprint Plan.

  5. 5.

    Review the resulting Sprint scope and confirm team’s commitment.

Medium-scale estimation. Frequently, Agile teams are asked to provide estimations when specific features or releases will be completed. There are two possible approaches to answer this question:
  • Estimate the feature based on comparing it with similar features previously delivered.

  • Break the feature into user stories and estimate them individually. The following calculation is straightforward: if a given team delivers 20 user points on average per Sprint and a specific feature is split into user stories that are estimated at 400 story points total, it would take this team 20 Sprints (or 40 months in case of two-week Sprints) to deliver this feature.

The approach to estimate feature size in story points and convert them to time duration at the time of estimation has proven to be inaccurate because it requires time-based estimations, which are usually inaccurate because they do not account for all the effort required for delivery. At this level, aggregated story points are the best measure of predictability.

During release planning, an Agile team schedules delivery into iterations, or Sprints. They use the prioritized user story backlog to move user stories (and sometimes epics, especially for the further timelines) into a specific iteration, based on the effort required and team velocity. This is described in Figure 7-5.
Figure 7-5

Release planning in Agile

A good example of medium-scale planning in Agile is the PI (program increment) planning in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) (4). It is a cadence-based planning event that aligns all Agile teams to a shared mission and vision. It implements the Agile Manifesto principle that “the most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is a face-to-face conversation.” PI is a large-scale planning event based on the premise that people who do the work plan the work. PI planning has a standard agenda defined in SAFe. It includes a presentation of business context and vision, followed by team planning breakouts. In these breakouts, the teams create their iteration plans and objectives for the upcoming program increment (many companies plan in quarterly program increments).

PI planning is an asynchronous, usually two-day, event with the participation of all members of delivery teams within the program, though it is often extended to accommodate remote planning across multiple time zones. It allows establishing face-to-face communication (frequently virtual) across all team members and stakeholders. In addition, it aligns development to business goals with the visual context, vision, and program objectives; identifies dependencies across multiple teams; provides an opportunity to discuss high-level solutions and make decisions on architecture, UX, and other guidelines and solutions that match demand to capacity to minimize work in process (WIP); and allows for fast decision-making.

Its outputs include committed PI objectives (a set of SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely objectives) that are created by each team with the business value assigned by the business and the program board highlighting the new features and forecasting delivery dates, featuring dependencies among teams, and identifying relevant milestones.


To ensure planning accuracy, it is important for each team to establish their Definition of Ready and Definition of Done. The Definition of Ready provides a set of criteria that are sufficient for a user story or a task to be taken into a Sprint by a Scrum team. For example, if acceptance criteria for a user story are vague, it may result in a lot of confusion during the Sprint, and the team won’t be able to complete it as expected. Similarly, the Definition of Done provides a set of clear expectations for a user story about what does it mean that it is considered done. Frequently it includes both process-related items (all acceptance criteria are satisfied, the user story is accepted by the Product Owner, and similar expectations) and technical items (the user story is deployed into the production environment and the functionality is integrated with downstream systems or nonfunctional requirement related to performance and resiliency).

Large-scale planning. There is a belief that Agile is failing in large organizations because strategic planning conflicts with short planning horizons in Agile. As stated in the Forbes article “Is Agile Failing Long-Term Planning” [4], Pradeep Ittycheria, a Forbes Technology Council member, argues that “there’s no doubt about it: Agile works. There are many stories of companies that have benefitted from going Agile. However, Agile is failing to meet expectations in larger organizations; in many cases, it is failing because established strategic planning conflicts with the notion of a Lean enterprise and Agile planning (with very short time horizons).

In my experience, capital allocation decisions are typically made six to twelve months in advance. Investors and management teams want to carry out strategic planning for an entire year. Financial targets are yearly targets. Planning for a year in the future is not a time horizon that fits the scheme of Agile.”

This opinion is a well-known Agile myth. As we saw from the “Agile onion,” there are multiple concurrent levels of planning in Agile, which are executed in parallel. Specifically, for the long-term estimation and planning, a product roadmap is usually created based on prior data and subject matter expertise, which is broadly shared with the stakeholder for their input and feedback. No matter how Agile a project is, there is always a need to manage scope, resources, and time when planning a strategic vision. There are four steps to achieve an accurate long-term estimation in Agile:

Step 1: Start with the big picture. Based on OKRs, define actions and milestones. Setting your high-priority themes will help you focus your time and energy on the high-priority work that matters. For large-scope estimation in Agile, T-shirt sizes (Small, Medium, Large, XL) are used more frequently than Fibonacci numbers. These sizes usually translate directly into the timelines.

Step 2: Identify high-priority work items. Identify the most important items to be completed and achieve consensus with the stakeholders on this prioritization.

Step 3: Decompose these items. In this step, we need to break the work for the larger initiative into more consumable work items, such as epics. This will provide a granular view into all the work that needs to be completed and makes estimation tangible.

Step 4: Create a roadmap. Establish a roadmap based on the decomposed items by comparing them with previously delivered work units. Because estimating requires knowledge of similar efforts in the past, it is helpful to compare this project to the ones previously completed. The product roadmap outlines the progress of a product over time. Iterations are translated into timelines, and timelines indicate feature delivery to the customer. A product roadmap template is presented in Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6

Example of a product roadmap

Once the roadmap is agreed upon, it is shared with the entire product team so that everyone understands the vision, deliverables, and dependencies. It becomes the delivery guideline, which is being updated on a regular basis to reflect progress with delivery and changing business priorities. Product Owners usually own the roadmap, whether it is a static representation of feature delivery, as shown before, or a dynamic roadmap created with one of the specialized tools, such as Jira, ProductPlan, Aha!, Productboard, Trello, and Roadmunk.

In sum, Agile enables companies to execute planning not at the project level, as in the traditional project management – it allows to plan at multiple levels in parallel, continuously narrowing the “cone of uncertainty” to achieve predictability and allow for live updates. In addition, the planning is not happening project by project using arbitrary start and end dates defined by project managers; rather, it enables planning at the value stream level. A value stream is a term coming from Lean that shows how customer value is being created – from the start of the value chain until the delivery to the customer. It allows to establish a customer-centric delivery process and plan for the delivery of products and services rather than planning for a specific set of deliverables that may or may not achieve customer and business value.
Five key questions to review:
  1. 1.

    What is a product roadmap?

  2. 2.

    Why multiple planning horizons are possible in Agile?

  3. 3.

    Who is responsible for creating and maintaining the roadmap?

  4. 4.

    What is the difference between Sprint planning and PI planning?

  5. 5.

    How Scrum teams plan their dependencies on each other and external providers?

Case Study: Sprint Planning in a Health Insurance Company.

SolidHealth, a small health insurance company, decided to purchase and customize its medical claim system. The system that they selected was robust and contained most of the features they needed; however, it was geared toward large insurance providers working with thousands of clients and hundreds of employers. There were numerous forms to fill out for each retail provider, complex claim entry screens, and overcomplicated patient forms for each claim. This level of complexity was excessive for SolidHealth that was geared toward small businesses. It provided two insurance plans (SolidHealth HMO and SolidHealth PPO) and covered vision benefits only for the geography in question.

The vendor for the system agreed to provide multiple customization opportunities to SolidHealth, some of them by exposing their APIs for the SolidHealth development team to write their own code, some of them through their user-friendly administrative module, which allowed to turn on and off specific functionality and configure the software. SolidHealth had a small IT department of 24 individuals: developers, testers, UX designers, automation engineers, and system administrators who also performed release management functions. The vendor gave SolidHealth six months of IT support to complete all customizations and launch their software.

In this situation, time was of the essence. SolidHealth IT team decided that they wanted to use Scrum to deliver the new system to the organization. They had to move fast because they needed to process data, create or simplify several user screens, customize the user experience with their company colors and logos, and provide a user experience that was familiar to their customers. They had to make multiple engineering decisions while defining and minimizing functionality to exclude any features they did not need, given the small size and limited business features their company required. They also had to ensure proper security of their systems, given that there was protected personal information involved. The timelines looked aggressive given the uncertainty and the pressure.

To assess the feasibility of this deployment, they did a long-term assessment. SolidHealth has recently implemented a pharmaceutical claim system in a different geography, similar in scope to the vision one. They even considered reusing it for this initiative, but it was completely geared toward the pharmaceutical industry and provided in a specific region different from the one in question. However, the scope and the level of customization were quite similar, and the same team worked on the implementation. As a result, they felt that the six-month timeline was feasible. Then, they did user story mapping to define the scope of customization that was required. They clearly marked which features needed development and which would be configured.

To execute this initiative, SolidHealth decided to use Scrum. They chose two-week Sprints. Their logic was that one week created planning overhead, and anything longer than two weeks would not give them the flexibility to build, assess, and make decisions on how to proceed, given the uncertainty of their own needs and their lack of familiarity with the new product. They made a decision to release software into a production-like environment every Sprint and then launch a basic but already usable version of the system after three months, which they referred to as MVP (minimum viable product), so that they keep refining it and adding features over the subsequent three months. They also decided to launch it at least one month (two Sprints) before their support from the vendor expires so that they can learn from its real-life use what the problems are and correct those before the vendor leaves.

Based on these assumptions, they created a draft product roadmap whether they called their first Sprint “Sprint zero” because they were not planning to produce any software and wanted to answer basic decisions: which hosting model to select, that is, virtual private cloud (VPC) or Software as a Service (SaaS) implementation, and which technical stack to choose, including their continuous deployment pipeline, so that they do not need to manage their releases manually and can automate testing to validate that the change to the code base is correct and stable and ensure immediate autonomous deployment to their production environment. They chose to use Jenkins, an open-source automation server, which enabled them to automate software development as it relates to building, testing, deploying, facilitating continuous integration, and continuous delivery. This approach is frequently referred to as CI/CD, or continuous integration and continuous deployment. They also made a decision to use Test-Driven Delivery (TDD) so that they run automated tests before and after the developers write code to showcase the functionality being built. There were multiple other solutions for them to figure out, so these two weeks provided a good jumpstart for them.

During these two weeks, SolidHealth formed three teams, which remained dedicated to this and the future initiatives throughout the company. Each team was cross-functional; that is, it included three developers, one tester, one test automation engineer, one UX designer, and one DevOps engineer who ensured a proper software delivery pipeline. DevOps engineers also monitored their infrastructure and supported configuring the system via its Admin module. In addition, Sprint zero provided an opportunity for the group to run their first Sprint planning session. Prior to the session, Orla, their assigned Product Owner, created and prioritized the backlog as well as provided acceptance criteria for each user story or task she created. She also categorized product backlog items into three categories: user, claim, and payment.

The decision was made that the first team will be responsible for everything related to users (authentication, user profile, individual insurance type, and user eligibility); team 2 will be responsible for claims processing to run each claim against user insurance, define eligibility, and send related communications; and team 3 will work on payment processing. They contemplated whether they needed a program increment planning given that all three teams would be working on the same code base. Finally, they decided that given that there was an existing product already and that the three separate categories allowed avoiding multiple interteam dependencies, they could do Sprint planning independently and resolve any upcoming questions via their daily Scrum of Scrums.

Prior to each of the Sprint planning sessions, each of the teams spent several hours with Orla refining the backlog, discussing and solidifying acceptance criteria, and making high-level implementation decisions. On the first day of Sprint 1, each team met for two hours for Sprint planning. They were excited about this Scrum event because it gave them an opportunity to come together virtually and get a shared understanding of what they will work on during the upcoming two weeks. Sprint planning started with Orla communicating the Sprint goal for each of the teams. The user management team got a goal of automating user data feed from their core database to the new system. The claims team got a goal of creating claims validation logic based on the dataset already available in the vendor system, and the payment team had a goal of integrating credit card payments into their existing payment portal.

Team members provided active input into the acceptance criteria, discussed solutions, estimated user stories, and aligned them with the team capacity. They also identified some dependencies on other teams and got immediate answers related to their questions. Based on the answers, the payment team decided to move one of the user stories to the subsequent Sprint so that the user management team could deliver the required data in Sprint 2 for proper end-to-end testing. Based on team capacity, team 3 committed to delivering four user stories from the top of the backlog; they had to move one of the user stories that Orla was hoping to get done into Sprint 2, based on their capacity. Orla asked why they had to do so and, after the explanation, acknowledged that she did not understand all the complexity given that payments had to be integrated into the credit card vendor payment system, which would take at least four weeks of development. Based on this information, Orla was able to split this user story into four, separately for each credit card they were accepted for payments.

Team members felt excited and empowered by this planning session. They were able to align themselves between each other and the other teams. In addition, they discussed implementation details and assigned ownership over user stories, so they felt responsible for delivery. They also felt motivated because the outcome was clearly defined, and there was a plan for them to follow. They were excited and challenged to achieve their Sprint commitment. When the Sprint was over, teams 1 and 2 achieved their commitment, and team 3 was able to complete only three user stories. However, there was no blame. In their Retrospective on the last day of the Sprint, they discussed the reason and agreed that they just ran out of time, so the decision was made to take only 17 story points of work into the second Sprint vs. 20 that they took on for their first Sprint and were able to complete only 17.

In addition, all three teams provided a demo of the new functionality to their key stakeholders, and Orla found out that the primary form of payment was a bank transfer, given that most vision services were provided to retail customers. As a result, she prioritized bank transfers over credit cards payment for team 2 in the upcoming Sprint. Overall, the stakeholders provided positive feedback, which created even more excitement among the team members. They were looking forward to their Sprint 2 planning!


Longer-term planning requires that there are business priorities defined for a noticeable period of time (at least one quarter) and there is enough consensus on the features to be delivered and the priority of their features. Sometimes, especially in the case of startups or the companies launching new product lines, this level of certainty is not possible. This does not mean that these companies should not strive to provide longer-term visibility. A good practice in this case is to establish “rolling wave” planning, which means that features and feature sets are planned as they arise, with all the prerequisites and dependencies being properly planned and any risks being assessed and mitigated.

Key Points

  1. 1.

    In traditional (Waterfall) project management, a lot of time and effort goes into planning. Opinions of senior leaders in each area are collected, the experience of prior relevant projects is studied and analyzed in depth, and a lot of time is spent creating work breakdown structures, which list all tasks that need to be done to complete the project. All those efforts create a sense of thoughtful, reliable planning, which can be relied upon. However, in real life, this level of predictability is a myth since projects face “known unknowns” and even “unknown unknowns,” which are impossible to predict.

  2. 2.

    Iterative planning allows to take “known knowns” and “known unknowns” into account and adjust timelines and targets based on the new data. This can be compared to a static roadmap and a dynamic one, such as Waze. In a dynamic roadmap, besides selecting the preferable route and mode of transportation, the route is continuously revisited based on changes in traffic situations within the constraints of selected preferences, thus resulting in a better predictable and much faster trip to the destination.

  3. 3.

    In Agile, replanning happens in every iteration. Based on the outcome of each subsequent iteration, the plan is revisited, and the empirical data observed in prior iterations is used for future planning.

  4. 4.

    Agile planning includes multiple levels, moving from long-term planning (company’s mission and vision) to short-term time planning (daily meeting with Scrum where participants discuss what they were doing yesterday and their plans and impediments for today). These levels are also referred to as “Agile planning onion” because they can be represented as a set of layers from long term to short term, resembling the process of peeling a metaphorical onion.

  5. 5.

    Agile planning starts with the company’s strategy, aligned with its mission and vision. Many companies use OKRs to establish long-term business goals focused on customer success, such as customer satisfaction increase or business targets. These goals are established for longer-term intervals, usually for one or several years, and reflected in product roadmaps.

  6. 6.

    The next level is the product portfolio. It requires a decision on which products to include in the product portfolio, which to sustain, which to sunset, and which new ones to launch to disrupt the current product line. This level of planning is aligned with the strategy; it affects product roadmaps and defines execution.

  7. 7.

    For each of the products within a portfolio of products and services, there is a product roadmap. The product roadmap reflects the product life cycle. Each product experiences multiple phases within its existence, which need to be managed, from its inception, through design, development, adoption, maintenance, and sunset.

  8. 8.

    The next level is release planning (not to be confused with each deployment). A major release means a new version of the software that includes significant software architecture changes or new features and functionality on top of the original functionality of the preceding software if any.

  9. 9.

    In order to deliver the functionality of the product within the forecasted milestones, many Agile frameworks use incremental delivery where planning is done in short time frames, referred to as increments (or Sprints in Scrum).

  10. 10.

    Scrum team members meet on a daily basis for a brief daily meeting (referred to as “Daily Scrum” in Scrum) to align on all the tasks they are working on and support each other in resolving impediments. This represents the daily level of planning, which allows for day-to-day alignment between the team members.

  11. 11.

    There are multiple simultaneous levels of planning in Agile, also referred to as “planning horizons”: long-term planning, medium-term planning, and short-term planning.

  12. 12.

    To enable planning and increase accuracy, the effort is estimated in Agile using abstract relative units of measurement, referred to as story points. The team makes their delivery commitments based on their velocity per Sprint, that is, the cumulative number of story points they are able to deliver historically.

  13. 13.

    To ensure planning accuracy, Agile teams establish their Definition of Ready and Definition of Done. The Definition of Ready provides a set of criteria that are sufficient for a user story or a task to be taken into a Sprint by the team. The Definition of Done provides a set of clear expectations for a user story, defining what it means that it is considered completed.

  14. 14.

    There are four steps to achieve an accurate long-term estimation in Agile: start with the big picture, identify high-priority work items, decompose these items into granular requirements, and create a roadmap based on the estimation of effort to deliver those items.

  15. 15.

    Agile enables companies to execute planning not at the project level, as in the traditional project management – it allows to plan at multiple levels in parallel, continuously narrowing the “cone of uncertainty” to achieve predictability and allow for live updates.

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