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T. LitvinaviciusExploring Blazorhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8768-2_2

2. Razor Syntax and the Basics of Blazor

Taurius Litvinavicius1  
Kaunas, Lithuania

This chapter will get you started with Blazor. As mentioned in the previous chapter, all three types of Blazor have a lot in common. Before we can go any further, we will need to look at the syntax and see how it works. Then we will get into the essentials of Blazor, such as bindings and method execution; all of these topics will be used later in the book.

In this chapter, you will learn about the following:
  • Syntax

  • Element and variable bindings

  • Method executions

  • General page events

Differences Between Razor and Blazor

Simplistically speaking, the difference between Razor and Blazor is that Razor will be executed once on page launch, while the Blazor functionality will work all the time. In other words, the loops and logic statements will get re-evaluated in Blazor, while with Razor it will happen only once.


As mentioned previously , if you know Razor syntax, you will know Blazor syntax. However, if you do not know Razor syntax, this is the section for you. The Blazor code goes into a markup file named .razor, which contains HTML as well as C# code.


Even though we use HTML syntax in a Blazor file, we do not use HTML comments. Instead, we use Razor syntax and get a beautiful and efficient commenting system, with no comments left on a generated page. Listing 2-1 illustrates this.
Below is a test p element
<p>Test paragraph</p>
Listing 2-1

Razor/Blazor Comment Syntax

As shown in Listing 2-1, you simply start a comment section with @* and then end with *@. You can also use the standard HTML comments, but using the Razor/Blazor syntax will be easier to see in the code. The Razor/Blazor comment syntax characters get highlighted, and the actual comment is displayed in green. The comments will not be visible in published app using browser developer tools.


Razor syntax is basically C# and HTML code in one file, and while they do interact, you need some higher contrast between the two languages. That is where all the different sections come in; as you will see, the sections are C# dominant, and they are used to highlight the C# parts of the code.

In Listing 2-2, a variable is being declared , and then it is displayed directly in a paragraph using C# code. So, for a single variable and the construction of classes, you can simply use the @ sign and write everything on a single line. If you want to write more than one line for a variable declaration, you need to create a section using @{ ... }.
string teststring = “tst”;
Listing 2-2

Basic Blazor Sections

At this point, this may look very simple, so let’s dive into a few more examples.

In Listing 2-3, the testint variable is declared and set to the value 0, followed by an if statement checking if the value of testint is not 0. Since the statement criteria is not satisfied, whatever is inside the if statement is not displayed. If the testint variable is set to any other value than 0, say 1, the HTML paragraph tag and value would be displayed. The C# code in the @{ } section is highlighted, and it requires no @ sign for each line. The if statement part starts with the @ sign and creates a section similar to the previous example. This means the HTML code in the if statement section is not highlighted in any way.
int testing = 0;
@if (testint != 0)
<p>Is not equal to zero</p>
Listing 2-3

if Statement Syntax

In Listing 2-4, a for loop has been created, looping five times. Each loop creates a new paragraph tag containing the value for the current iteration, i. The for loop part is highlighted in a slight shade of gray, while the @ signs are highlighted in yellow. The HTML part inside the loop is not highlighted, but the C# code is; that is how you can tell the difference between HTML markup and C# code.
@for (int i = 0; I < 5; i++)
Listing 2-4

Syntax Coloring

Finally, there’s the code section (see Listing 2-5) where all the methods should be declared. The binding variables should also be added to the code section, which you will find later in this chapter (in the “Blazor Binds” section).
@code {
  int a;
  double b = 2.5;
  void testmethod() {
Listing 2-5

Code Section

Blazor Binds

Blazor allows you to bind an HTML input value to a variable and vice versa. Therefore, for the most part, we can call all bindings two-way. If you bind a text box (input type text) to a string variable, the displayed value will be the value of that string. Different elements will work differently, and there are many use cases for this.

Binding to an Element

Binding to an element is simple. Not all elements can be bound, but most can.

Elements where values can be bound to a variable are as follows:
  • Input (except for file type)

  • Textarea

  • Select

The listed elements are the most common elements that can be bound, but most others will work in some way.

In Listing 2-6, two simple variables have been declared, and initial have been values assigned. Listing 2-7 shows how to bind them to different elements.
@code {
  string teststring = "test value";
  bool testbool = true;
Listing 2-6


<input type="checkbox" @bind="@testbool">
<input @bind="@teststring">
<textarea @bind="@teststring"></textarea>
Listing 2-7


In Listing 2-7, a Boolean value is bound to a check box, checked/unchecked, and the same is true for a radio button. The string value can be bound to any text value such as input, textarea, and others. When the input value changes, the variable value changes, and when the variable value changes, the value displayed in the input tag will change too.

The previous option can be considered a default option to do the binding; however, there are additional parameters that you can use.

In Listing 2-8, you can see a binding on a specific event, rather than the default one. In this particular example, you can see that the oninput event is specified, and when it occurs, the input text will go into the displaytext string. This is useful, because it gets displayed right away, rather than the onchange event, which requires for the input to lose focus for it to occur. This example is most common, and most other event/HTML tag combinations likely will not work.
<p><input type="text" @bind:event="oninput" @bind="displaytext"  /></p>
@code {
    string displaytext = "";
Listing 2-8

Bind on Specific Event

In general, the value that you bind needs to be present in the event arguments for the event specified.


The code section is where the C# methods for the front end are added. The code sections are meant to contain your code for the client side, variables, and methods. It is much like a <script> tag in a standard HTML page, but there’s more to it, as shown in Listing 2-9.
@code {
  string testvar = "test variable";
Listing 2-9

Variable Display

In Listing 2-9, a variable is declared, and then it is added to a paragraph tag. This is quite special, as shown in Listing 2-10.
<p><button @onclick="@testmethod">change</button></p>
@code {
  string testvar = "test variable";
  void testmethod() {
    testvar = "test";
Listing 2-10

Onclick Event

In Listing 2-10, the same variable as in Listing 2-9 is declared and then displayed in the paragraph tag. There’s also a C# method, which, in clientside Blazor, will run on the front end. The method is called by declaring it in the onclick event attribute for the button tag, but parentheses should not be used. The method simply changes the value for the variable, and in turn what is displayed in the paragraph tag is also changed. So, that is a oneway binding , and in Listing 2-11, a two-way binding is shown.
<p><input @bind="@testvar"></p>
<p><button @onclick="@(() => testmethod())">change</button></p>
@code {
  string testvar = "nothing to display";
  void testmethod()
    testvar = "test value";
Listing 2-11

Bind, Onclick, and Display

In Listing 2-11, an input tag is bound to the testvar variable , so whenever the input tag value changes, the variable will also change, and therefore the display in the paragraph tag also changes. Do note that the input tag must lose focus for it to take effect.

So, that is how to call a method accepting no parameters. While it is not recommended, Listing 2-12 shows how to pass and accept parameters. Your method could also be a Task method , and you would be able to await it in that lambda expression .
<p><input @bind="@testvar"></p>
<p><button @onclick="@( () => testmethod("test var"))">change</button></p>
@code {
  string testvar = "nothing to display";
  void testmethod(string testparam)
    testvar = testparam;
Listing 2-12

Method with Parameters

In Listing 2-12, the method accepts the testparam parameter . So, use parentheses on the method call, and pass the value to call the method, rather than declaring it for the event almost like a variable. Use a lambda expression, and then use the method normally. This can be useful if different values are needed in the list output . To use a Task method , a lambda expression should be used as well.

As shown in Listing 2-13, it is quite easy to do, but it is recommended to use the await keyword and use a Task with an async method.
<p><input @bind="@testvar" /></p>
<p><button @onclick="@(async () => await testmethod())">change</button></p>
@code {
  string testvar = "nothing to display";
  async Task testmethod()
    testvar = "test value";
Listing 2-13

Asynchronous Task

Finally, you are not limited to one method; there is also an option to execute several methods in each event and/or simply set variables directly in the event.

In Listing 2-14, you can see how a Boolean variable is set to true when the button is clicked, without the use of an additional method. In that area, you could also execute additional methods or use if statements and other logic. If you want to use await, you will simply need to add the async keyword like you saw in the previous example. This option can make your code look cleaner in the code section, but it should not be abused as it might make the HTML part a lot less readable.
<p><button @onclick="@(() => { buttonclicked = true; })">Click button</button></p>
@code {
  bool buttonclicked = false;
Listing 2-14

Direct Use of Event

Event Arguments

Each event has its own argument ; for example, the input contains the input text. In a way, this is how bindings work; you just do not have to access the arguments directly. But there are cases where you need to, so here is how to do it.

In Listing 2-15, you can see the oninput event being used and the argument from that assigned to the testvar string. To retrieve an argument, you simply set a name in the setup for the event. This variable in this case is an object (it can be converted to a string, but for numerics you can use double, int, or something else).
<p><input @oninput="@((args) => { testvar = args.Value.ToString(); })" /></p>
@code {
  string testvar = "";
Listing 2-15

Event Overrides

It is important to note that the arguments for the events in Blazor and in JavaScript are not always the same.

Page and Component Lifecycle Events

Whenever the user loads a page (or a component), some events are triggered. These can be used to invoke your procedures on various stages of a page/component cycle.

The first and likely most common event is OnInitializedAsync (Listing 2-16) . This event occurs before the page gets rendered. If you have to pull data and display it without user input, this is where such procedures should go.
@page "/"
<h1>Index page</h1>
@code {
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        return base.OnInitializedAsync();
Listing 2-16

Event Overrides

After the page gets rendered, the OnAfterRenderAsync event occurs (Listing 2-17). This can be used for procedures that require UI elements to be fully loaded.
protected override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        return base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
Listing 2-17

Event Overrides

This event will also recur if there are any updates to the page or if StateHasChanged() has been invoked (covered later in the book). Therefore, if you want to use it only on the initial render, you can check if the Boolean value is true.

Finally, OnParametersSetAsync (Listing 2-18) will occur when a new parameter is set. You will learn more about parameters later in the book; this event mostly applies to components.
protected override Task OnParametersSetAsync()
        return base.OnParametersSetAsync();
Listing 2-18

Event Overrides


You now know some basics of Blazor, as well as the most important parts of it: bindings and method executions. In the next chapters, we will dive deeper into Blazor and explore the differences between the different types. With that, we will not forget the basics, and you will see something from this chapter occurring in almost every example of code in this book.

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