© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
P. A. CarterPro SQL Server 2022 Administrationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8864-1_23

23. Automating Maintenance Routines

Peter A. Carter1  

Automation is a critical part of database administration because it reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the enterprise by allowing repeatable tasks to be carried out with little or no human intervention. SQL Server provides a rich set of functionality for automating routine DBA activity, including a scheduling engine, decision-tree logic, and a comprehensive security model. In this chapter, we discuss how you can harness SQL Server Agent to reduce the maintenance burden on your time. We also look at how you can reduce effort by using multiserver jobs, which allow you to operate a consistent set of routines across the enterprise.

SQL Server Agent

SQL Server Agent is a service that provides the ability to create automated routines with decision-based logic and schedule them to run one time only, on a reoccurring basis, when the SQL Server Agent service starts or when a CPU idle condition occurs.

SQL Server Agent also controls alerts, which allow you to respond to a wide range of conditions, including errors, performance conditions, or WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) events. Responses can include sending e-mails or running tasks.

After introducing you to the concepts surrounding SQL Server Agent, the following sections discuss the SQL Server Agent security model, how to create and manage jobs, and how to create alerts.

SQL Server Agent Concepts

SQL Server Agent is implemented using jobs, which orchestrate the tasks that are run; schedules, which define when the tasks run; alerts, which can respond to events that occur within SQL Server; and operators, which are users (usually DBAs) who are notified of occurrences, such as job status or alerts that have been triggered. The following sections introduce you to each of these concepts.


A schedule defines the time or condition that triggers a job to start running. A schedule can be defined as follows:
  • One time: Allows you to specify a specific date and time.

  • Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts: Useful if a set of tasks should run when the instance starts, assuming that the SQL Server Agent service is configured to start automatically.

  • Start when CPU becomes idle: Useful if you have resource-intensive jobs that you do not wish to impact user activity.

  • Recurring: Allows you to define a complex schedule, with start and end dates, that can reoccur daily, weekly, or monthly. If you schedule a job to run weekly, then you can also define multiple days on which it should run. If you define the schedule as daily, you can opt to have the trigger occur once daily, on an hourly basis, every minute, or even as frequently as every ten seconds. If the schedule is reoccurring based on second, minute, or hour, then it is possible to define start and stop times within a day. This means that you can schedule a job to run every minute, between 18:00 and 20:00, for example.


A recurring daily schedule is actually used to define a schedule that runs daily, hourly, every minute, or every second.

You can create individual schedules for each job, or you can choose to define a schedule and use this to trigger multiple jobs that you need to run at the same times—for example, when you have multiple maintenance jobs you want to run when the CPU is idle. In this case, you use the same schedule for all of these jobs. Another example is when you have multiple ETL runs against different databases. If you have a small ETL window, you may want all of these jobs to run at the same time. Here again, you can define a single schedule and use it for all of the ETL jobs. This approach can reduce administration; if, for example, the ETL window moves, you can change a single schedule rather than many schedules.


An operator is an individual or team that is configured to receive a notification of job status or when an alert is triggered. You can confine operators to be notified via e-mail, NET SEND, or the pager. It is worth noting, however, that the pager and NET SEND options are deprecated and you should avoid using them.

If you choose to configure operators so they are notified through e-mail, then you must also configure Database Mail, discussed later in this chapter, specifying the address and port of the SMTP Replay server that delivers the messages. If you configure operators to be notified via NET SEND, then the SQL Server Agent Windows service is dependent on the NET SEND service, as well as the SQL Server service, in order to start. If you configure operators to be notified by pager, then you must use Database Mail to relay the messages to the e-mail to pager service.


You increase your operational risk by introducing reliance on the NET SEND service.

When using pager alerts, you can configure each operator with days and times that they are on duty. You can configure this in 24/7 organizations that run support shifts or “follow the sun” support models for operational support, which see shifts being passed to support teams in different global regions. This functionality also allows you to configure each operator with different shift patterns on weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.


A job is comprised of a series of actions that you should perform. Each action is known as a job step. You can configure each job step to perform an action within one of the following categories:
  • SSIS packages

  • T-SQL commands

  • PowerShell scripts

  • Operating system commands

  • Replication Distributor tasks

  • Replication Merge Agent tasks

  • Replication Queue Reader Agent tasks

  • Replication Snapshot Agent tasks

  • Replication Transaction Log Reader tasks

  • Analysis Services commands

  • Analysis Services queries

You can configure each job step, with the exception of T-SQL commands, to run under the context of the service account running the SQL Server Agent service or to run under a proxy account, which is linked to a credential. You can also configure each step to retry a specific number of times, with an interval between each retry.

Additionally, you can configure On Success and On Failure actions individually for each job step. This allows DBAs to implement decision-based logic and error handling, as outlined in Figure 23-1.
Figure 23-1

Decision-tree logic

You can run each job on a schedule that you can create specifically for the job that you are configuring, or share between multiple jobs, which should all run on the same schedule.

You can also configure notifications for each job. A notification alerts an operator to the success or failure of a job, but you can also configure it to write entries to the Windows application event log or even delete the job.


Alerts respond to events that occur in SQL Server and have been written to the Windows application event log. Alerts can respond to the following categories of activity:
  • SQL Server events

  • SQL Server performance conditions

  • WMI events

When you create an alert against a SQL Server events category, you can configure it to respond to a specific error message or to a specific error severity level that occurs. You can also filter alerts so that they only fire if the error or warning contains specific text. They can also be filtered by the specific database in which they occur.

When you create alerts against the SQL Server performance conditions category, they are configured so they are triggered if a counter falls below, becomes equal to, or rises above a specified value. When configuring such an alert, you need to select the performance object that is essentially the category of performance condition, the counter within that performance object, and the instance of the counter that you wish to alert against. So, for example, to trigger an alert in the event that the Percentage Log Used for the Chapter23 database rises above 70%, you would select the Databases object, the Percent Log Used counter, and the Chapter23 instance and configure the alert to be triggered if this counter rises above 70. A complete list of performance objects and their associated performance counters can be revealed by running the query in Listing 23-1.
      , counter_name
FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts_performance_counters_view
ORDER BY object_name
Listing 23-1

Listing Performance Objects and Counters

SQL Server Agent Security

You control access to SQL Server Agent via database roles and you can run job steps under the context of the SQL Server Agent service account or by using separate proxy accounts that map to credentials. Both of these concepts are explored in the following sections.

SQL Server Agent Database Roles

Other than members of the sysadmin server role, who have full access to SQL Server Agent, access can be granted to SQL Server Agent using fixed database roles within the MSDB database. The following roles are provided:
  • SQLAgentUserRole

  • SQLAgentReaderRole

  • SQLAgentOperatorRole

The permissions provided by the roles are detailed in Table 23-1. Members of the sysadmin role are granted all permissions to SQL Server Agent. This includes permissions that are not provided by any of the SQL Server Agent roles, such as editing multiserver job properties. Actions that are not possible through SQL Server Agent role membership can only be actioned by members of the sysadmin role.
Table 23-1

SQL Server Agent Permissions Matrix










Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

CREATE/ALTER/DROP multiserver job





Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)









View list of operators




View list of local jobs

Yes (Owned only)



View list of multiserver jobs




View list of schedules

Yes (Owned only)



View list of proxies




View list of alerts




Enable/disable operators




Enable/disable local jobs

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)


Enable/disable multiserver jobs




Enable/disable schedules

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)


Enable/disable alerts




View operator properties




View local job properties

Yes (Owned only)



View multiserver job properties




View schedule properties

Yes (Owned only)



View proxy properties




View alert properties




Edit operator properties




Edit local job properties


Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

Edit multiserver job properties




Edit schedule properties


Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

Edit proxy properties




Edit alert properties




Start/stop local jobs

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)


Start/stop multiserver jobs




View local job history

Yes (Owned only)



View multiserver job history




Delete local job history




Delete multiserver job history




Attach/detach schedules

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

Yes (Owned only)

SQL Server Agent Proxy Accounts

By default, all job steps run under the context of the SQL Server Agent service account. Adopting this approach, however, can be a security risk, since you may need to grant the service account a large number of permissions to the instance and objects within the operating system. The amount of permissions you need to grant the service account is especially important for jobs that require cross-server access.

To mitigate this risk and follow the principle of least privilege, you should instead consider using proxy accounts. Proxies are mapped to credentials within the instance level and you can configure them to run only a subset of step types. For example, you can configure one proxy to be able to run operating system commands while configuring another to be able to run only PowerShell scripts. This means that you can reduce the permissions that each proxy requires.

For job steps with the Transact-SQL (T-SQL) script step type, it is not possible to select a proxy account. Instead, the Run As User option allows you to select a database user to use as the security context to run the script. This option uses the EXECUTE AS functionality in T-SQL to change the security context.

Creating SQL Server Agent Jobs

In the following sections, we create a simple SQL Server Agent job, which runs an operating system command to delete old backup files. We then create a more complex SQL Server Agent job, which backs up a database and runs a PowerShell script to ensure the SQL Server Browser service is running. Before creating the SQL Server Agent jobs, however, we first create the Chapter23 database, as well as security principles that we use in the following sections.

You can find the script to perform these tasks in Listing 23-2. The script uses PowerShell to create two domain users: SQLUser and WinUser. It then uses SQLCMD to create the Chapter23 database, before creating a login for SQLUser and mapping it to the Chapter23 database with backup permissions. You can run the script from the PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) or from the PowerShell command prompt. You should run the script on a Windows Server operating system; if you are running it on a different operating system, you need to prepare the environment manually.


Be sure to change the server name in the following script to match your own.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
import-module SQLPS
import-module servermanager
Add-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" -IncludeAllSubFeature
New-ADUser SQLUser -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Pa$$w0rd" -Force) -Server "PROSQLADMIN.COM"
Enable-ADAccount -Identity SQLUser
New-ADUser WinUser -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Pa$$w0rd" -Force) -Server "PROSQLADMIN.COM"
Enable-ADAccount -Identity WinUser
$perm = [ADSI]"WinNT://SQLServer/Administrators,group"
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance .MasterServer -Query "--Create the database
USE Chapter23
--Create and populate numbers table
        Number        INT
;WITH CTE(Number)
        SELECT 1 Number
        UNION ALL
        SELECT Number + 1
        FROM CTE
        WHERE Number < 100
--Create and populate name pieces
        FirstName       VARCHAR(30),
        LastName        VARCHAR(30)
VALUES('Peter', 'Carter'),
      ('Michael', 'Smith'),
      ('Danielle', 'Mead'),
      ('Reuben', 'Roberts'),
      ('Iris', 'Jones'),
      ('Sylvia', 'Davies'),
      ('Finola', 'Wright'),
      ('Edward', 'James'),
      ('Marie', 'Andrews'),
  ('Jennifer', 'Abraham');
--Create and populate Customers table
CREATE TABLE dbo.Customers
        CustomerID           INT            NOT NULL    IDENTITY    PRIMARY KEY,
        FirstName            VARCHAR(30)    NOT NULL,
        LastName             VARCHAR(30)    NOT NULL,
        BillingAddressID     INT            NOT NULL,
        DeliveryAddressID    INT            NOT NULL,
        CreditLimit          MONEY          NOT NULL,
        Balance              MONEY          NOT NULL
SELECT * INTO #Customers
                 (SELECT TOP 1 FirstName FROM @Names ORDER BY NEWID()) FirstName,
                 (SELECT TOP 1 LastName FROM @Names ORDER BY NEWID()) LastName,
                 (SELECT TOP 1 Number FROM @Numbers ORDER BY NEWID()) BillingAddressID,
                 (SELECT TOP 1 Number FROM @Numbers ORDER BY NEWID()) DeliveryAddressID,
                 (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(RAND() * Number AS INT) * 10000
                 FROM @Numbers
                 ORDER BY NEWID()) CreditLimit,
                 (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(RAND() * Number AS INT) * 9000
                 FROM @Numbers
                 ORDER BY NEWID()) Balance
        FROM @Numbers a
) a;
--Create the SQLUser Login and DB User
USE Master
USE Chapter23
--Add the SQLUser to the db_backupoperator group
ALTER ROLE db_backupoperator ADD MEMBER [PROSQLADMINsqluser] ;
Listing 23-2

Preparing the Environment

Creating a Simple SQL Server Agent Job

We start by creating a simple Server Agent job, which uses an operating system command to delete backup files that are older than 30 days, and schedule this job to run on a monthly basis. We create the SQL Server Agent artifacts using the New Job dialog box. To invoke this dialog box, drill through SQL Server Agent in Object Explorer, and select New Job from the Jobs context menu. Figure 23-2 illustrates the General page of the New Job dialog box.
Figure 23-2

The General page

On this page, we name our job DeleteOldBackups and change the job owner to be the sa account. We can also optionally add a description for the job and choose a category.

On the Steps page, we use the New button to invoke the New Job Step dialog box. The General tab of this dialog box is illustrated in Figure 23-3.
Figure 23-3

The General tab

On this page, we give our job step a name, specify that the step is an operating system command in the Type drop-down, and confirm in the Run As drop-down that the step runs under the security context of the SQL Server Agent service account. In the Command section, we enter a batch command, which deletes all files from our default backup location that are older than 30 days and have a file extension of .bak. You can find this batch command in Listing 23-3.
forfiles -p " C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL16.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBackup" -s -m *.bak /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @path"
Listing 23-3

Removing Old Backups

On the Advanced page of the New Job Step dialog box, shown in Figure 23-4, we leave the default settings. We could use this page, however, in more complex scenarios, to configure logging and to control decision-tree logic. We discuss this in the next section.
Figure 23-4

The Advanced page

Once we have configured our job step, we can exit out of the New Job Step dialog box and return to the New Job dialog box. Here, we now move to the Schedules page. On this page, we use the New button to invoke the New Job Schedule dialog box, illustrated in Figure 23-5.
Figure 23-5

The New Job Schedule dialog box

In the New Job Schedule dialog box, we first enter a name for our schedule. The default schedule type is Recurring, but the screen changes dynamically if we choose other options. In the Frequency section of the screen, we select Monthly. Again, the screen changes dynamically if we select weekly or daily in this drop-down.

We can now configure the date and time that we would like the schedule to invoke job execution. In our scenario, we leave the default option of midnight, on the first day of each month.

On the Notifications page of the New Job dialog box, we configure any actions that we want to occur when the job completes. As illustrated in Figure 23-6, we configure an entry to write to the Windows Application Log if the job fails. This is an especially useful option if your enterprise is managed by a monitoring tool such as SCOM, because you can configure SCOM to monitor for a failure entry in the Windows Application log and send an alert to the DBA team. In the next section, we discuss how to configure e-mail notifications directly from SQL Server Agent.
Figure 23-6

The Notifications page

Creating a Complex SQL Server Agent Job

In the following sections, we create a more complex SQL Server Agent job, which backs up the Chapter23 database. The job then checks that the SQL Server Browser service is running. We use Run As to set the context under which the T-SQL job step runs and a proxy to run the PowerShell job step. We also configure Database Mail so that an operator can be notified of the success or failure of the job and schedule the job to run periodically. You can also see how to create the SQL Server Agent artifacts using T-SQL, which may prove useful when you are working in Server Core environments.

Creating the Credential
Now that our environment is prepared, we create a SQL Server Agent job, which first backs up the Chapter23 database. The job then checks to ensure that the SQL Server Browser service is running. Checking that the browser service is running is a useful practice, because if it stops, then applications are only able to connect to the instance if they specify the port number of the instance in their connection strings. We run the backup as a T-SQL command under the context of SQL User, and we use PowerShell to check that the browser service is running by using the WinUser account. Therefore, our first step is to create a credential, which uses the WinUser account. We can achieve this in SQL Server Management Studio by drilling through Security and selecting New Credential from the Credentials context menu. This causes the New Credential dialog box to be invoked, as shown in Figure 23-7.
Figure 23-7

The New Credential dialog box

In this dialog box, use the Credential name field to specify a name for your new credential. In the Identity field, specify the name of the Windows security principle that you wish to use and then type the Windows password in the Password and Confirm password fields. You can also link the credential to an EKM provider. If you wish to do this, check Use Encryption Provider and select your provider from the drop-down list. EKM is discussed further in Chapter 12.

Creating the Proxy
Next, let’s create a SQL Server Agent proxy account, which uses this credential. We configure this proxy account to be able to run PowerShell job steps. We can achieve this through SSMS by drilling through SQL Server Agent in Object Explorer and selecting New Proxy from the Proxies context menu. This causes the General page of the New Proxy Account dialog box to display, illustrated in Figure 23-8.
Figure 23-8

The New Proxy Account dialog box

On this page, we specify a name for our proxy account and give it a description. We use the Credential name field to select our WinUserCredential credential and then use the Active to the following subsystems section to authorize the proxy to run PowerShell job steps.


If you enter the new proxy account from the node of the relevant subsystem located under the Proxies node in Object Explorer, the relevant subsystem is automatically selected within the dialog box.

On the Principles page, we can add logins or server roles that have permissions to use the proxy. In our case, this is not required, because we are using SQL Server with an administrator account, and administrators automatically have permissions to proxy accounts.

Creating the Schedule
Now that our proxy account is configured, we create the schedule to be used by our job. We need our maintenance job to run on a nightly basis, so we configure the schedule to run at 1 AM every morning. To invoke the New Job Schedule dialog box from SSMS, we select New ➤ Schedule from the SQL Server Agent context menu in Object Explorer. This dialog box is shown in Figure 23-9.
Figure 23-9

The New Job Schedule dialog box

In this dialog box, we specify a name for the schedule in the Name field and select the condition for the schedule in the Schedule type field. Selecting any condition other than Recurring causes the Frequency and Duration sections to become unavailable. Selecting any condition other than One Time causes the One-time occurrence section to become unavailable. We also ensure that the Enabled box is checked so that the schedule can be used.

In the Frequency section, we select Daily in the Occurs drop-down list. Our selection in this field causes the options within the Frequency and Daily frequency sections to be altered dynamically to suit our selection. Since we want our schedule to run daily at 1 AM, we ensure that 1 is specified in the Recurs every field and change the Occurs once at field to be 1 AM. Because we want our job to start running immediately and never expire, we do not need to edit the fields in the Duration section.

Configuring Database Mail

We would like our DBA’s distribution list to be notified if our job fails. Therefore, we need to create an operator. Before we do this, however, we need to configure the Database Mail on the instance so that the notifications can be delivered. Our first step is to enable the Database Mail extended stored procedures, which are disabled by default, to reduce the attack surface. We can activate these using sp_configure, as demonstrated in Listing 23-4.


If you do not have access to an SMTP Replay server, then the examples in this section will still work, but you will not receive an e-mail.

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 ;
EXEC sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs', 1 ;
Listing 23-4

Enabling Database Mail XPs

We can now launch the Database Mail Configuration Wizard by drilling through Management in Object Explorer and selecting Database Mail. After passing through the Welcome page, we see the Select Configuration Task page shown in Figure 23-10.
Figure 23-10

The Select Configuration Task page

On this page, we should ensure that the Set Up Database Mail by performing the following tasks option is selected. On the new Profile page, we specify a name for our profile. A profile is an alias for one or more mail accounts, which are used to send the notification to the operator. It is good practice to add multiple accounts to a profile; that way, if one account fails, you can use a different one. This page is illustrated in Figure 23-11.
Figure 23-11

The New Profile page

Let’s now use the Add button to add one or more SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) e-mail accounts to the profile via the New Database Mail Account dialog box, show in Figure 23-12.
Figure 23-12

The New Database Mail Account dialog box

In this dialog box, we specify a name for the account and, optionally, a description. We then need to specify the e-mail address that we will use to send mails, along with the name and port of the SMTP server that will deliver the messages. You can also specify a display name for when the e-mails are received. For DBAs who receive the notification, it helps if the display name includes the server/instance from which the notification was generated. We have selected Anonymous authentication. This implies that access to the SMTP server is controlled with firewall rules, as opposed to authentication. This is a relatively common approach in enterprise environments.

After adding the account, we can move to the Manage Profile Security page of the wizard. This page has two tabs: Public Profiles and Private Profiles. We configure our profile as public and also mark it as the default profile. Making the profile public means that any user with access to the MSDB database can send e-mail from that profile. If we make the profile private, then we need to specify a list of users or roles who may use the profile for sending e-mail. Marking the profile as default makes the profile default for the user or role. Each user or role can have one default profile. The Public Profiles tab is displayed in Figure 23-13.
Figure 23-13

The Public Profiles tab

On the Configure System Parameters page of the wizard, illustrated in Figure 23-14, you can alter the default system properties, which control how mail is handled. This includes specifying the number of times an account should be retried and the time lapse between retries. It also involves setting the maximum allowable size of an e-mail and configuring a blacklist of extensions. The Database Mail Executable Minimum Lifetime (Seconds) setting configures how long the Database Mail process should remain active when there are no e-mails in the queue waiting to be sent. The Logging Level can be configured with the following settings:
  • Normal: Logs errors

  • Extended: Logs errors, warnings, and informational messages

  • Verbose: Logs errors, warnings, informational messages, success messages, and internal messages

Figure 23-14

The Configure System Parameters page


Unfortunately, attachment exclusions are implemented as a blacklist, as opposed to a whitelist. This means that to achieve the best balance of security and operational support, you should give time and thought to the file types that should be excluded.

On the Complete the Wizard page, you are provided with a summary of the tasks that will be performed. In our scenario, this includes creating a new account, creating a new profile, adding the account to the profile, and configuring the profile’s security.

We now need to configure SQL Server Agent to use our mail profile. To do this, we select Properties from the SQL Server Agent context menu in Object Explorer to invoke the SQL Server Agent Properties dialog box and navigate to the Alert System page, shown in Figure 23-15.
Figure 23-15

The Alert System page

On this page, we check the Enable mail profile check box before selecting the DBA-DL profile from the drop-down list. After we exit the dialog box, operators are able to use Database Mail.

Creating the Operator
Now that Database Mail has been configured, we need to create an operator that will receive e-mails in the event that our job fails. We can access the New Operator dialog box by drilling through SQL Server Agent in Object Explorer and by selecting New Operator from the Operators context menu. The General page of the New Operator dialog box is shown in Figure 23-16.
Figure 23-16

The General page

On this page, we specify a name for the operator and also add the e-mail address that the operator will be using. This must match the e-mail address that has been configured within Database Mail. The Notifications page displays details of the alerts and notifications that are already configured for the operator, so it is irrelevant to us at this point.

Creating the Job
Now that all of the prerequisites are in place, we can create the SQL Server Agent job. We can achieve this in SQL Server Management Studio by drilling through SQL Server Agent in Object Explorer and choosing New Job from the Jobs context menu. This causes the General page of the New Job dialog box to display, as illustrated in Figure 23-17.
Figure 23-17

The General page

On this page, we use the Name field to specify a name for our job and, optionally, add a description in the Description field. It’s also optional to add the job to a category; in our instance, we have added the job to the Database Maintenance category by selecting it from the drop-down list. We also check the Enabled box so that the job will be active as soon as it is created.

We also specify that the job owner will be sa. This is a controversial topic, but I generally recommend this approach for the following reason: job ownership does not matter much. No matter who owns the job, it functions in the same way. If the owner’s account is dropped, however, then the job no longer functions. If you make sa the owner, then there is no chance of this situation occurring. If you are using the Windows authentication model as opposed to mixed-mode authentication, however, then it is reasonable to use the SQL Server Agent service account as an alternative. This is because, although it is possible that you will change the service account and drop the associated login, it is more unlikely than dropping other user’s logins, such as DBAs’ login, when they leaves the company.

On the Steps page of the dialog box, we use the New button to add our first step—backing up the Chapter23 database. The General page of the New Job Step dialog box is illustrated in Figure 23-18.
Figure 23-18

The General page of the New Job Step dialog box

On this page, we enter Backup as the name of the job step and type the BACKUP DATABASE command in the Command field. The Type field allows us to select the subsystem to use, but it defaults to T-SQL, so we do not need to alter this. Listing 23-5 contains the backup script.


Make sure to always test scripts before you add them to your jobs.

        TO DISK =
            'C:Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL16.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBackupChapter23.bak'
        ,NAME = N'Chapter23-Full Database Backup'
        ,STATS = 10 ;
Listing 23-5

Backup Script

On the Advanced page of the dialog box, shown in Figure 23-19, we use the On success action and On failure action drop-down boxes to configure the step so that it moves to the next step, regardless of whether the step succeeds or fails. We do this because our two steps are unrelated. We also configure the step to retry three times, at one-minute intervals, before it fails.
Figure 23-19

The Advanced page

We check the Include step output in history box so that the step output is included in the job history (doing so helps DBAs troubleshoot any issues) and configure the step to run as the SQLUser user. We configure the Run as user option because, as previously discussed, job steps of the T-SQL type use EXECUTE AS technology, instead of a proxy account to implement security.

Once we exit the dialog box, we need to use the New button on the Steps page of the New Job dialog box again to add our second job step. This time, on the General page, we specify the PowerShell type and enter the PowerShell script that checks the status of the SQL Server Browser service. We also use the Run as box to specify that the step runs under the context of the PowerShellProxy proxy. This is demonstrated in Figure 23-20. Listing 23-6 shows the command that we use.
Figure 23-20

The General page

Get-Service | Where {$_.name -eq "SQLBrowser"}
Listing 23-6

Checking Browser Service

On the Advanced page, we choose to include the step output in the job history. We can leave all other options with their default values.

When we return to the Steps page of the New Job dialog box, we see both of our steps listed in the correct order, as shown in Figure 23-21. If we wish to change the order of the steps, however, we can use the up and down arrows in the Move step section. We can also bypass early steps by selecting to start the job at a later step using the Start step drop-down list.
Figure 23-21

The Steps page

On the Schedules page of the wizard, we click the Pick button; doing so displays a list of existing schedules in the Pick Schedule for Job dialog box (see Figure 23-22). We use this dialog box to select our maintenance schedule.
Figure 23-22

The Pick Schedule for Job dialog box

After we exit the dialog box, the Schedule displays on the Schedules page of the Job Properties dialog box.

You can use the Alerts page to organize alerts for the job. This is not relevant to our scenario right now, but alerts are discussed later in the chapter.

On the Notifications page, we configure the DBATeam operator we want notified by e-mail in the event that the job fails. We do this by checking the E-mail check box and selecting our DBATeam operator from the drop-down list, as shown in Figure 23-23.
Figure 23-23

The Notifications page

You can use the Targets page to configure multiserver jobs, which are not relevant to our current scenario, but we do discuss them later in this chapter.

Monitoring and Managing Jobs

Although jobs are usually scheduled to run automatically, you still encounter monitoring and maintenance requirements, such as executing jobs manually and viewing job history. These tasks are discussed in the following sections.

Executing Jobs

Even if a job is scheduled to run automatically, at times you may wish to execute a job on an ad hoc basis. For example, if you have a job that is scheduled to run nightly to take full backups of the databases within your instance, you may wish to execute it manually just before a code release or software upgrade.

A job can be executed manually in SQL Server Management Studio by drilling through SQL Server Agent ➤ Jobs in Object Explorer and then selecting Start Job at Step from the Job’s context menu; doing this invokes the Start Job dialog box. Figure 23-24 displays the Start Job dialog box for the BackupAndCheckBrowser job. In this dialog box, you can select the first step of the job you want to run before you use the Start button to execute the job.
Figure 23-24

Start Job dialog box

To execute a job using T-SQL, you can use the sp_start_job system stored procedure. This procedure accepts the parameters detailed in Table 23-2.
Table 23-2

sp_start_job Parameters




The name of the job to execute. If NULL, then the @job_name parameter must be specified.


The ID of the job to execute. If NULL, then the @job_name parameter must be specified.


Used for multiserver jobs. Specifies the target server on which to run the job.


The name of the job step where execution should begin.

To run our BackupAndCheckBrowser job, we execute the command in Listing 23-7. Once a job has been executed, it cannot be executed again until it has completed.
EXEC sp_start_job @job_name=N'BackupAndCheckBrowser' ;
Listing 23-7

Executing a Job

If we wanted the job to start executing at a later step, we can use the @step_name parameter. For example, in our scenario, imagine that we want to execute our job in order to check that the SQL Server Browser service is running, but do not want the database backup to occur beforehand. To achieve this, we execute the command in Listing 23-8.
EXEC sp_start_job @job_name=N'BackupAndCheckBrowser', @step_name = 'CheckBrowser' ;
Listing 23-8

Starting a Job from a Specific Step

Viewing Job History

You can view the job history for a specific job by selecting View History from the Job context menu in SQL Server Agent ➤ Jobs within Object Explorer, or for all jobs by opening Job Activity Monitor, which you can find under the SQL Server Agent node in Object Explorer. Figure 23-25 shows what the job history of our BackupAndCheckBrowser job looks like after a single execution.
Figure 23-25

The job history

Here, you can see that we have drilled through Job History to see the history of each individual step. After highlighting the Step 2 progress entry, we can see that the results of the PowerShell script have been written to the step history and they show us that the SQL Server Browser service is running, as expected.

Creating Alerts

Creating an alert allows you to proactively respond to conditions that occur within your instance by either notifying an operator, running a job, or both. On our instance, we want to notify the DBATeam operator in the event that our Chapter23 log file becomes more than 75% full.

To create this alert in SQL Server Management Studio, we drill through SQL Server Agent in Object Explorer and select New Alert from the Alerts context menu. This causes the General page of the New Alert dialog box to display. This page is shown in Figure 23-26.
Figure 23-26

The General page

On this page of the dialog box, we use the Name field to specify a name for our alert and select SQL Server performance condition alert from the Type drop-down list. This causes the options within the page to dynamically update. We then select the Percent Log Used counter from the Databases object and specify that we are interested in the Chapter23 instance of our object. (There is an instance of this counter for each database that resides on the instance.) Finally, we specify that the alert should be triggered if the value of this counter rises above 75 within the Alert if counter section of the page.

On the Response page of the dialog box, shown in Figure 23-27, we check the Notify operators box if the condition is met and then select an e-mail notification for our DBATeam operator.
Figure 23-27

Response page

On the Options page of the dialog box, you can specify if alert error text should be included in the notification and also additional information to include. You can also configure a delay to occur between occurrences of the response being triggered. This can help you avoid duplicate notifications or needlessly running a job to fix an issue that is already being resolved. Figure 23-28 shows that we included the server/instance name in our notification to assist the DBAs in identifying the source of the alert.
Figure 23-28

The Options page

Multiserver Jobs

Administration can be drastically simplified when you use multiserver administration. In a multiserver environment, you can configure one instance as a master server (MSX) and then other servers as target servers (TSX). You can then create a set of maintenance jobs on the MSX and configure them to run on the TSXs, or a subset of the TSXs.

Configuring the MSX and TSX Servers

Before creating multiserver jobs, you must first prepare the environment. The first step is to edit the Registry on the MSX and set the value of the AllowDownloadedJobsToMatchProxyName REG_DWORD to 1, which allows jobs to match the proxy name. You can find this value under the SQL Server Agent key, which is located under the SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server[YOUR INSTANCE NAME] key in the Registry. You also need to ensure that the TSXs have a proxy account configured with the same name as the proxy account on the MSX that will be running the job.

We also need to configure how the TSXs encrypt the data when they communicate with the MSX. We achieve this using the MsxEncryptChannelOptions Registry key for the TSX. You can find this key in the SQL Server Agent key, which is located under the SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server[YOUR INSTANCE NAME] key in the Registry. A value of 0 means that encryption is not used; 1 indicates that encryption is used, but the certificate is not validated; and an option of 2 indicates that full SSL encryption and certificate validation is used. In our environment, since all instances are on the same physical box, we disable encryption.

Therefore, to prepare our SQLSERVERMASTERSERVER instance to be an MSX, and to prepare our SQLSERVERTARGETSERVER1 and SQLSERVERTARGETSERVER2 instances to be TSXs, we run the script in Listing 23-9 to update the Registry.


The demonstrations in this section use three instances named SQLSERVERMASTERSERVER, which we configure as an MSX, and SQLSERVERTARGETSERVER1 and SQLSERVERTARGETSERVER2, both of which we configure as TSXs.

USE Master
EXEC xp_regwrite
  @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'
 ,@key = N'SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL16.MasterServerSQL Server Agent'
 ,@value_name = N'AllowDownloadedJobsToMatchProxyName'
 ,@type = N'REG_DWORD'
 ,@value = 1 ;
EXEC xp_regwrite
  @key='SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL16.TARGETSERVER1SQLServerAgent',
  @value=0 ;
EXEC xp_regwrite
  @key='SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL16.TARGETSERVER2SQLServerAgent',
  @value=0 ;
Listing 23-9

Updating the Registry


Because all of our instances reside on the same server, this script can be run from any of the three instances. If your instances are on different servers, then the first command will run on the MSX and the other two commands should run against their corresponding TSX. You should also note that the service account running the database engine will require permissions to the registry keys, for the script to succeed.

We now use the SQLCMD script in Listing 23-10 to create the PowerShell proxy account on TARGETSERVER1 and TARGETSERVER2. The script must be run in SQLCMD mode to work because it connects to multiple instances.
:connect sqlserver argetserver1
        WITH IDENTITY = N'PROSQLADMINWinUser', SECRET = N'Pa$$w0rd' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_proxy
                @description=N'Proxy to check Browser Service status' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem
                @subsystem_id=12 ;
:connect sqlserver argetserver2
        WITH IDENTITY = N'PROSQLADMINWinUser', SECRET = N'Pa$$w0rd' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_proxy
                @description=N'Proxy to check Browser Service status' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem
                @subsystem_id=12 ;
Listing 23-10

Creating a Proxy

We can now begin to configure our SQLSERVERMASTERSERVER instance as an MSX. To do this through SQL Server Management Studio, we invoke the Master Server Wizard by opening the SQL Server Agent context menu in Object Explorer and selecting Multi Server Administration ➤ Make This a Master.

After passing through the Welcome page of the wizard, we find the Master Server Operator page (see Figure 23-29). On this page, we enter the details of an operator who will be notified of the status of multiserver jobs.
Figure 23-29

The Master Server Operator page

On the Target Servers page of the wizard, shown in Figure 23-30, we select our target servers from the list of registered servers in the Registered servers pane and move them to the Target servers pane using the arrows. After highlighting a server in the Target servers pane, we can use the Connection button to ensure connectivity.
Figure 23-30

The Target Servers page


All of our instances appear in the Local Server Groups node of the Registered servers pane because they are all on the same server. If the instances that you wish to be target servers are not local, you can register servers by using the Registered servers window, which you can access from the View menu in SQL Server Management Studio.

On the Master Server Login Credentials page of the wizard, we are asked if a New Login should be created if required. This is the login that the TSXs use to connect to the MSX and download the jobs that they should run. If the instances of SQL Server Agent share the same service account as the MSX, then this is not required.

Now we see a summary of the actions that will be performed on the Completion page of the wizard before we are presented with a progress window, which informs us of the success or failure of each task.

Creating Master Jobs

You can create a master job in the same way as a local job, with the exception of specifying the target servers on which it should run. However, a limitation of using multiserver jobs is that T-SQL job steps cannot run under the context of another user; they must run under the context of the service account. Therefore, before we convert our BackupAndCheckBrowser job to be a multiserver job, we must edit it to remove the Run as Account. We can do this by using the sp_update_jobstep procedure, as demonstrated in Listing 23-11.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_jobstep
                @step_id=1 ,
                @database_user_name=N'' ;
Listing 23-11

Updating Job Step

Another limitation of multiserver jobs is that the only allowable operator is the MSXOperator, who receives all notifications for multiserver jobs. Therefore, we also need to change the DBATeam operator to the MSXOperator operator before continuing. We can use the sp_update_job procedure to achieve this with the script in Listing 23-12.
USE msdb
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job
                @notify_email_operator_name=N'MSXOperator' ;
Listing 23-12

Updating a Job

We can now proceed to convert our BackupAndCheckBrowser job to a multiserver job from Management Studio by opening the Job Properties dialog box and navigating to the Targets page. As illustrated in Figure 23-31, we can use this page to change the job to a multiserver job and specify the target servers that it should run against from a list of target servers that have been enlisted using the sp_msx_enlist stored procedure. After closing the Properties dialog box, the job runs against the TargetServer1 and TargetServer2 instances instead of the MASTERSERVER instance.
Figure 23-31

Convert to multiserver job

To achieve the same results via T-SQL, we use the sp_delete_jobserver system stored procedure to stop the job from running against the MSX and the sp_add_jobserver system stored procedure to configure the job to run against the TSXs. Both of these procedures accept the parameters detailed in Table 23-3.
Table 23-3

sp_delete_jobserver and sp_add_jobserver Parameters




The GUID of the job that you are converting to a multiserver job. If NULL, then the @job_name parameter must be specified.


The name of the job that you are converting to a multiserver job. If NULL, then the @job_id parameter must be specified.


The server/instance name that you want the job to run against.

In our scenario, we can use the script in Listing 23-13 to convert the job.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_jobserver
        @server_name = N'SQLSERVERMASTERSERVER' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver
        @server_name = N'SQLSERVERTARGETSERVER1' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver
        @server_name = N'SQLSERVERTARGETSERVER2' ;
Listing 23-13

Converting to a Multiserver Job

Managing Target Servers

When you configure your MSX, make sure you consider various maintenance activities against the TSXs. These include polling the TSXs, synchronizing time across the servers, running ad hoc jobs, and defecting (delisting) TSXs.

We can achieve these tasks in the Target Server Status dialog box, which we can invoked from the context menu of SQL Server Agent on the MSX by selecting Multi Server Administration ➤ Manage Target Servers. The Target Server Status tab of this dialog box is shown in Figure 23-32.
Figure 23-32

The Target Server Status tab

On this tab, we can use the Force Poll button to make the Target Servers poll the MSX. When a TSX polls the MSX, we are forcing it to download the latest copy of the jobs that it is configured to run. This is useful if you have updated the master job.

The Force Defection button causes the highlighted TSX to be delisted from the MSX. After it is delisted, the selected TSX no longer polls for or runs multiserver jobs.

The Post Instructions button invokes the Post Download Instructions dialog box, where you are able to send one of the following instructions to TSXs:
  • Defect

  • Set Polling Interval

  • Synchronize Clocks

  • Start Job

To synchronize the time on all servers, you would choose the Synchronize Clocks instruction type and ensure that All target servers is selected in the Recipients section, as illustrated in Figure 23-33. The clocks are then synchronized when the targets next poll the master.
Figure 23-33

Synchronize Clocks

In another scenario, there may be a time when we wish to perform an ad hoc run of our BackupAndCheckBrowser job against TARGETSERVER1. We can do this by selecting Start Job as the Instruction type and then choosing our job from the Job name drop-down list. We then use the Recipients section of the screen to select TARGETSERVER1. This is illustrated in Figure 23-34.
Figure 23-34

Start a job on TARGETSERVER1

On the Download Instructions tab of the Target Server Status dialog box, which is illustrated in Figure 23-35, we see a list of instructions that have been sent to targets. We can use the drop-down lists at the top of the screen to filter the instructions by job or by target server.
Figure 23-35

The Download Instructions tab


SQL Server Agent is a scheduling engine for SQL Server that allows you to create powerful maintenance jobs, with decision-based logic, on a variety of schedules. A job is the container for the tasks that should be performed, and each of these tasks is known as a step. Each job step can run under the context of a different account and can run tasks under different subsystems, or types, such as T-SQL, PowerShell, operating system command, or SSIS package.

A schedule is attached to a job and can be triggered at a specific date and time, when the CPU is idle, or on a reoccurring schedule, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. A schedule can also reoccur on an intraday basis, such as hourly, every minute, or even as frequently as every ten seconds.

An operator is an individual or team who is notified of the success or failure of jobs and if an alert fires. Operators can be notified of job status via e-mail, pager, or NET SEND; however, support for NET SEND and pager are deprecated. For an operator to be notified by e-mail, Database Mail must be configured so that e-mails can be sent via your SMTP Replay server.

By default, jobs run under the context of the SQL Server Agent service account. However, for good security practice, you should consider using proxy accounts to run the job steps. Proxy accounts map to credentials at the instance level, which in turn map to a Windows-level security principle. Proxies can be used for all subsystems, except T-SQL. T-SQL job steps use EXECUTE AS to execute the commands under the context of a database user. This is configured using the Run As property.

Alerts can be triggered when an error or warning is fired within the Database Engine, when a WMI event occurs, or in response to a performance condition being met. When an alert fires, responses include notifying an operator or running a job to resolve an issue.

Multiserver jobs allow DBAs to run jobs consistently across their enterprise. In a multiserver scenario, there is a master server (MSX), in which jobs are created and modified, and multiple target servers (TSXs). The TSXs periodically poll the MSX and retrieve a list of jobs that they should be running.

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