Chapter 11. Traits and Generics

[A] computer scientist tends to be able to deal with nonuniform structures—case 1, case 2, case 3—while a mathematician will tend to want one unifying axiom that governs an entire system.

Donald Knuth

One of the great discoveries in programming is that it’s possible to write code that operates on values of many different types, even types that haven’t been invented yet. Here are two examples:

  • Vec<T> is generic: you can create a vector of any type of value, including types defined in your program that the authors of Vec never anticipated.

  • Many things have .write() methods, including Files and TcpStreams. Your code can take a writer by reference, any writer, and send data to it. Your code doesn’t have to care what type of writer it is. Later, if someone adds a new type of writer, your code will already support it.

Of course, this capability is hardly new with Rust. It’s called polymorphism, and it was the hot new programming language technology of the 1970s. By now it’s effectively universal. Rust supports polymorphism with two related features: traits and generics. These concepts will be familiar to many programmers, but Rust takes a fresh approach inspired by Haskell’s typeclasses.

Traits are Rust’s take on interfaces or abstract base classes. At first, they look just like interfaces in Java or C#. The trait for writing bytes is called std::io::Write, and its definition in the standard library starts out like this:

trait Write {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize>;
    fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()>;

    fn write_all(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { ... }

This trait offers several methods; we’ve shown only the first three.

The standard types File and TcpStream both implement std::io::Write. So does Vec<u8>. All three types provide methods named .write(), .flush(), and so on. Code that uses a writer without caring about its type looks like this:

use std::io::Write;

fn say_hello(out: &mut Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
    out.write_all(b"hello world

The type of out is &mut Write, meaning “a mutable reference to any value that implements the Write trait.”

use std::fs::File;
let mut local_file = File::create("hello.txt")?;
say_hello(&mut local_file)?;  // works

let mut bytes = vec![];
say_hello(&mut bytes)?;  // also works
assert_eq!(bytes, b"hello world

This chapter begins by showing how traits are used, how they work, and how to define your own. But there is more to traits than we’ve hinted at so far. We’ll use them to add extension methods to existing types, even built-in types like str and bool. We’ll explain why adding a trait to a type costs no extra memory and how to use traits without virtual method call overhead. We’ll see that built-in traits are the hook into the language that Rust provides for operator overloading and other features. And we’ll cover the Self type, associated methods, and associated types, three features Rust lifted from Haskell that elegantly solve problems that other languages address with workarounds and hacks.

Generics are the other flavor of polymorphism in Rust. Like a C++ template, a generic function or type can be used with values of many different types.

/// Given two values, pick whichever one is less.
fn min<T: Ord>(value1: T, value2: T) -> T {
    if value1 <= value2 {
    } else {

The <T: Ord> in this function means that min can be used with arguments of any type T that implements the Ord trait—that is, any ordered type. The compiler generates custom machine code for each type T that you actually use.

Generics and traits are closely related. Rust makes us declare the T: Ord requirement (called a bound) up front, before using the <= operator to compare two values of type T. So we’ll also talk about how &mut Write and <T: Write> are similar, how they’re different, and how to choose between these two ways of using traits.

Using Traits

A trait is a feature that any given type may or may not support. Most often, a trait represents a capability: something a type can do.

  • A value that implements std::io::Write can write out bytes.

  • A value that implements std::iter::Iterator can produce a sequence of values.

  • A value that implements std::clone::Clone can make clones of itself in memory.

  • A value that implements std::fmt::Debug can be printed using println!() with the {:?} format specifier.

These traits are all part of Rust’s standard library, and many standard types implement them.

  • std::fs::File implements the Write trait; it writes bytes to a local file. std::net::TcpStream writes to a network connection. Vec<u8> also implements Write. Each .write() call on a vector of bytes appends some data to the end.

  • Range<i32> (the type of 0..10) implements the Iterator trait, as do some iterator types associated with slices, hash tables, and so on.

  • Most standard library types implement Clone. The exceptions are mainly types like TcpStream that represent more than just data in memory.

  • Likewise, most standard library types support Debug.

There is one unusual rule about trait methods: the trait itself must be in scope. Otherwise, all its methods are hidden.

let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
buf.write_all(b"hello")?;  // error: no method named `write_all`

In this case, the compiler prints a friendly error message that suggests adding use std::io::Write; and indeed that fixes the problem:

use std::io::Write;

let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
buf.write_all(b"hello")?;  // ok

Rust has this rule because, as we’ll see later in this chapter, you can use traits to add new methods to any type—even standard library types like u32 and str. Third-party crates can do the same thing. Clearly, this could lead to naming conflicts! But since Rust makes you import the traits you plan to use, crates are free to take advantage of this superpower, and conflicts are rare in practice.

The reason Clone and Iterator methods work without any special imports is that they’re always in scope by default: they’re part of the standard prelude, names that Rust automatically imports into every module. In fact, the prelude is mostly a carefully chosen selection of traits. We’ll cover many of them in Chapter 13.

C++ and C# programmers will already have noticed that trait methods are like virtual methods. Still, calls like the one shown above are fast, as fast as any other method call. Simply put, there’s no polymorphism here. It’s obvious that buf is a vector, not a file or a network connection. The compiler can emit a simple call to Vec<u8>::write(). It can even inline the method. (C++ and C# will often do the same, although the possibility of subclassing sometimes precludes this.) Only calls through &mut Write incur the overhead of a virtual method call.

Trait Objects

There are two ways of using traits to write polymorphic code in Rust: trait objects and generics. We’ll present trait objects first and turn to generics in the next section.

Rust doesn’t permit variables of type Write:

use std::io::Write;

let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let writer: Write = buf;  // error: `Write` does not have a constant size

A variable’s size has to be known at compile time, and types that implement Write can be any size.

This may be surprising if you’re coming from C# or Java, but the reason is simple. In Java, a variable of type OutputStream (the Java standard interface analogous to std::io::Write) is a reference to any object that implements OutputStream. The fact that it’s a reference goes without saying. It’s the same with interfaces in C# and most other languages.

What we want in Rust is the same thing, but in Rust, references are explicit:

let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let writer: &mut Write = &mut buf;  // ok

A reference to a trait type, like writer, is called a trait object. Like any other reference, a trait object points to some value, it has a lifetime, and it can be either mut or shared.

What makes a trait object different is that Rust usually doesn’t know the type of the referent at compile time. So a trait object includes a little extra information about the referent’s type. This is strictly for Rust’s own use behind the scenes: when you call writer.write(data), Rust needs the type information to dynamically call the right write method depending on the type of *writer. You can’t query the type information directly, and Rust does not support downcasting from the trait object &mut Write back to a concrete type like Vec<u8>.

Trait Object Layout

In memory, a trait object is a fat pointer consisting of a pointer to the value, plus a pointer to a table representing that value’s type. Each trait object therefore takes up two machine words, as shown in Figure 11-1.

A diagram showing trait objects in memory.
Figure 11-1. Trait objects in memory

C++ has this kind of run-time type information as well. It’s called a virtual table, or vtable. In Rust, as in C++, the vtable is generated once, at compile time, and shared by all objects of the same type. Everything shown in dark gray in Figure 11-1, including the vtable, is a private implementation detail of Rust. Again, these aren’t fields and data structures that you can access directly. Instead, the language automatically uses the vtable when you call a method of a trait object, to determine which implementation to call.

Seasoned C++ programmers will notice that Rust and C++ use memory a bit differently. In C++, the vtable pointer, or vptr, is stored as part of the struct. Rust uses fat pointers instead. The struct itself contains nothing but its fields. This way, a struct can implement dozens of traits without containing dozens of vptrs. Even types like i32, which aren’t big enough to accommodate a vptr, can implement traits.

Rust automatically converts ordinary references into trait objects when needed. This is why we’re able to pass &mut local_file to say_hello in this example:

let mut local_file = File::create("hello.txt")?;
say_hello(&mut local_file)?;

The type of &mut local_file is &mut File, and the type of the argument to say_hello is &mut Write. Since a File is a kind of writer, Rust allows this, automatically converting the plain reference to a trait object.

Likewise, Rust will happily convert a Box<File> to a Box<Write>, a value that owns a writer in the heap:

let w: Box<Write> = Box::new(local_file);

Box<Write>, like &mut Write, is a fat pointer: it contains the address of the writer itself and the address of the vtable. The same goes for other pointer types, like Rc<Write>.

This kind of conversion is the only way to create a trait object. What the computer is actually doing here is very simple. At the point where the conversion happens, Rust knows the referent’s true type (in this case, File), so it just adds the address of the appropriate vtable, turning the regular pointer into a fat pointer.

Generic Functions

At the beginning of this chapter, we showed a say_hello() function that took a trait object as an argument. Let’s rewrite that function as a generic function:

fn say_hello<W: Write>(out: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> {
    out.write_all(b"hello world

Only the type signature has changed:

fn say_hello(out: &mut Write)         // plain function

fn say_hello<W: Write>(out: &mut W)   // generic function

The phrase <W: Write> is what makes the function generic. This is a type parameter. It means that throughout the body of this function, W stands for some type that implements the Write trait. Type parameters are usually single uppercase letters, by convention.

Which type W stands for depends on how the generic function is used:

say_hello(&mut local_file)?;  // calls say_hello::<File>
say_hello(&mut bytes)?;       // calls say_hello::<Vec<u8>>

When you pass &mut local_file to the generic say_hello() function, you’re calling say_hello::<File>(). Rust generates machine code for this function that calls File::write_all() and File::flush(). When you pass &mut bytes, you’re calling say_hello::<Vec<u8>>(). Rust generates separate machine code for this version of the function, calling the corresponding Vec<u8> methods. In both cases, Rust infers the type W from the type of the argument. You can always spell out the type parameters:

say_hello::<File>(&mut local_file)?;

but it’s seldom necessary, because Rust can usually deduce the type parameters by looking at the arguments. Here, the say_hello generic function expects a &mut W argument, and we’re passing it a &mut File, so Rust infers that W = File.

If the generic function you’re calling doesn’t have any arguments that provide useful clues, you may have to spell it out:

// calling a generic method collect<C>() that takes no arguments
let v1 = (0 .. 1000).collect();  // error: can't infer type
let v2 = (0 .. 1000).collect::<Vec<i32>>(); // ok

Sometimes we need multiple abilities from a type parameter. For example, if we want to print out the top 10 most common values in a vector, we’ll need for those values to be printable:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn top_ten<T: Debug>(values: &Vec<T>) { ... }

But this isn’t good enough. How are we planning to determine which values are the most common? The usual way is to use the values as keys in a hash table. That means the values need to support the Hash and Eq operations. The bounds on T must include these as well as Debug. The syntax for this uses the + sign:

fn top_ten<T: Debug + Hash + Eq>(values: &Vec<T>) { ... }

Some types implement Debug, some implement Hash, some support Eq; and a few, like u32 and String, implement all three, as shown in Figure 11-2.

A Venn diagram shows the three sets of types.
Figure 11-2. Traits as sets of types

It’s also possible for a type parameter to have no bounds at all, but you can’t do much with a value if you haven’t specified any bounds for it. You can move it. You can put it into a box or vector. That’s about it.

Generic functions can have multiple type parameters:

/// Run a query on a large, partitioned data set.
/// See <>.
fn run_query<M: Mapper + Serialize, R: Reducer + Serialize>(
    data: &DataSet, map: M, reduce: R) -> Results
{ ... }

As this example shows, the bounds can get to be so long that they are hard on the eyes. Rust provides an alternative syntax using the keyword where:

fn run_query<M, R>(data: &DataSet, map: M, reduce: R) -> Results
    where M: Mapper + Serialize,
          R: Reducer + Serialize
{ ... }

The type parameters M and R are still declared up front, but the bounds are moved to separate lines. This kind of where clause is also allowed on generic structs, enums, type aliases, and methods—anywhere bounds are permitted.

Of course, an alternative to where clauses is to keep it simple: find a way to write the program without using generics quite so intensively.

“Receiving References as Parameters” introduced the syntax for lifetime parameters. A generic function can have both lifetime parameters and type parameters. Lifetime parameters come first.

/// Return a reference to the point in `candidates` that's
/// closest to the `target` point.
fn nearest<'t, 'c, P>(target: &'t P, candidates: &'c [P]) -> &'c P
    where P: MeasureDistance

This function takes two arguments, target and candidates. Both are references, and we give them distinct lifetimes 't and 'c (as discussed in “Distinct Lifetime Parameters”). Furthermore, the function works with any type P that implements the MeasureDistance trait, so we might use it on Point2d values in one program and Point3d values in another.

Lifetimes never have any impact on machine code. Two calls to nearest() using the same type P, but different lifetimes, will call the same compiled function. Only differing types cause Rust to compile multiple copies of a generic function.

Of course, functions are not the only kind of generic code in Rust.

  • We’ve already covered generic types in “Generic Structs” and “Generic Enums”.

  • An individual method can be generic, even if the type it’s defined on is not generic:

    impl PancakeStack {
        fn push<T: Topping>(&mut self, goop: T) -> PancakeResult<()> {
  • Type aliases can be generic, too:

    type PancakeResult<T> = Result<T, PancakeError>;
  • We’ll cover generic traits later in this chapter.

All the features introduced in this section—bounds, where clauses, lifetime parameters, and so forth—can be used on all generic items, not just functions.

Which to Use

The choice of whether to use trait objects or generic code is subtle. Since both features are based on traits, they have a lot in common.

Trait objects are the right choice whenever you need a collection of values of mixed types, all together. It is technically possible to make generic salad:

trait Vegetable {

struct Salad<V: Vegetable> {
    veggies: Vec<V>

but this is a rather severe design. Each such salad consists entirely of a single type of vegetable. Not everyone is cut out for this sort of thing. One of your authors once paid $14 for a Salad<IcebergLettuce> and has never quite gotten over the experience.

How can we build a better salad? Since Vegetable values can be all different sizes, we can’t ask Rust for a Vec<Vegetable>:

struct Salad {
    veggies: Vec<Vegetable>  // error: `Vegetable` does not have
                             //        a constant size

Trait objects are the solution:

struct Salad {
    veggies: Vec<Box<Vegetable>>

Each Box<Vegetable> can own any type of vegetable, but the box itself has a constant size—two pointers—suitable for storing in a vector. Apart from the unfortunate mixed metaphor of having boxes in one’s food, this is precisely what’s called for, and it would work out just as well for shapes in a drawing app, monsters in a game, pluggable routing algorithms in a network router, and so on.

Another possible reason to use trait objects is to reduce the total amount of compiled code. Rust may have to compile a generic function many times, once for each type it’s used with. This could make the binary large, a phenomenon called code bloat in C++ circles. These days, memory is plentiful, and most of us have the luxury of ignoring code size; but constrained environments do exist.

Outside of situations involving salad or microcontrollers, generics have two important advantages over trait objects, with the result that in Rust, generics are the more common choice.

The first advantage is speed. Each time the Rust compiler generates machine code for a generic function, it knows which types it’s working with, so it knows at that time which write method to call. There’s no need for dynamic dispatch.

The generic min() function shown in the introduction is just as fast as if we had written separate functions min_u8, min_i64, min_string, and so on. The compiler can inline it, like any other function, so in a release build, a call to min::<i32> is likely just two or three instructions. A call with constant arguments, like min(5, 3), will be even faster: Rust can evaluate it at compile time, so that there’s no runtime cost at all.

Or consider this generic function call:

let mut sink = std::io::sink();
say_hello(&mut sink)?;

std::io::sink() returns a writer of type Sink that quietly discards all bytes written to it.

When Rust generates machine code for this, it could emit code that calls Sink::write_all, checks for errors, then calls Sink::flush. That’s what the body of the generic function says to do.

Or, Rust could look at those methods and realize the following:

  • Sink::write_all() does nothing.

  • Sink::flush() does nothing.

  • Neither method ever returns an error.

In short, Rust has all the information it needs to optimize away this function entirely.

Compare that to the behavior with trait objects. Rust never knows what type of value a trait object points to until run time. So even if you pass a Sink, the overhead of calling virtual methods and checking for errors still applies.

The second advantage of generics is that not every trait can support trait objects. Traits support several features, such as static methods, that work only with generics: they rule out trait objects entirely. We’ll point out these features as we come to them.

Defining and Implementing Traits

Defining a trait is simple. Give it a name and list the type signatures of the trait methods. If we’re writing a game, we might have a trait like this:

/// A trait for characters, items, and scenery -
/// anything in the game world that's visible on screen.
trait Visible {
    /// Render this object on the given canvas.
    fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut Canvas);

    /// Return true if clicking at (x, y) should
    /// select this object.
    fn hit_test(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool;

To implement a trait, use the syntax impl TraitName for Type:

impl Visible for Broom {
    fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut Canvas) {
        for y in self.y - self.height - 1 .. self.y {
            canvas.write_at(self.x, y, '|');
        canvas.write_at(self.x, self.y, 'M');

    fn hit_test(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
        self.x == x
        && self.y - self.height - 1 <= y
        && y <= self.y

Note that this impl contains an implementation for each method of the Visible trait, and nothing else. Everything defined in a trait impl must actually be a feature of the trait; if we wanted to add a helper method in support of Broom::draw(), we would have to define it in a separate impl block:

impl Broom {
    /// Helper function used by Broom::draw() below.
    fn broomstick_range(&self) -> Range<i32> {
        self.y - self.height - 1 .. self.y

impl Visible for Broom {
    fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut Canvas) {
        for y in self.broomstick_range() {

Default Methods

The Sink writer type we discussed earlier can be implemented in a few lines of code. First, we define the type:

/// A Writer that ignores whatever data you write to it.
pub struct Sink;

Sink is an empty struct, since we don’t need to store any data in it. Next, we provide an implementation of the Write trait for Sink:

use std::io::{Write, Result};

impl Write for Sink {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
        // Claim to have successfully written the whole buffer.

    fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()> {

So far, this is very much like the Visible trait. But we have also seen that the Write trait has a write_all method:

out.write_all(b"hello world

Why does Rust let us impl Write for Sink without defining this method? The answer is that the standard library’s definition of the Write trait contains a default implementation for write_all:

trait Write {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize>;
    fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()>;

    fn write_all(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
        let mut bytes_written = 0;
        while bytes_written < buf.len() {
            bytes_written += self.write(&buf[bytes_written..])?;


The write and flush methods are the basic methods that every writer must implement. A writer may also implement write_all, but if not, the default implementation shown above will be used.

Your own traits can include default implementations using the same syntax.

The most dramatic use of default methods in the standard library is the Iterator trait, which has one required method (.next()) and dozens of default methods. Chapter 15 explains why.

Traits and Other People’s Types

Rust lets you implement any trait on any type, as long as either the trait or the type is introduced in the current crate.

This means that any time you want to add a method to any type, you can use a trait to do it:

trait IsEmoji {
    fn is_emoji(&self) -> bool;

/// Implement IsEmoji for the built-in character type.
impl IsEmoji for char {
    fn is_emoji(&self) -> bool {

assert_eq!('$'.is_emoji(), false);

Like any other trait method, this new is_emoji method is only visible when IsEmoji is in scope.

The sole purpose of this particular trait is to add a method to an existing type, char. This is called an extension trait. Of course, you can add this trait to types, too, by writing impl IsEmoji for str { ... } and so forth.

You can even use a generic impl block to add an extension trait to a whole family of types at once. The following extension trait adds a method to all Rust writers:

use std::io::{self, Write};

/// Trait for values to which you can send HTML.
trait WriteHtml {
    fn write_html(&mut self, &HtmlDocument) -> io::Result<()>;

/// You can write HTML to any std::io writer.
impl<W: Write> WriteHtml for W {
    fn write_html(&mut self, html: &HtmlDocument) -> io::Result<()> {

The line impl<W: Write> WriteHtml for W means “for every type W that implements Write, here’s an implementation of WriteHtml for W.”

The serde library offers a nice example of how useful it can be to implement user-defined traits on standard types. serde is a serialization library. That is, you can use it to write Rust data structures to disk and reload them later. The library defines a trait, Serialize, that’s implemented for every data type the library supports. So in the serde source code, there is code implementing Serialize for bool, i8, i16, i32, array and tuple types, and so on, through all the standard data structures like Vec and HashMap.

The upshot of all this is that serde adds a .serialize() method to all these types. It can be used like this:

use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json;

pub fn save_configuration(config: &HashMap<String, String>)
    -> std::io::Result<()>
    // Create a JSON serializer to write the data to a file.
    let writer = File::create(config_filename())?;
    let mut serializer = serde_json::Serializer::new(writer);

    // The serde `.serialize()` method does the rest.
    config.serialize(&mut serializer)?;


We said earlier that when you implement a trait, either the trait or the type must be new in the current crate. This is called the coherence rule. It helps Rust ensure that trait implementations are unique. Your code can’t impl Write for u8, because both Write and u8 are defined in the standard library. If Rust let crates do that, there could be multiple implementations of Write for u8, in different crates, and Rust would have no reasonable way to decide which implementation to use for a given method call.

(C++ has a similar uniqueness restriction: the One Definition Rule. In typical C++ fashion, it isn’t enforced by the compiler, except in the simplest cases, and you get undefined behavior if you break it.)

Self in Traits

A trait can use the keyword Self as a type. The standard Clone trait, for example, looks like this (slightly simplified):

pub trait Clone {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;

Using Self as the return type here means that the type of x.clone() is the same as the type of x, whatever that might be. If x is a String, then the type of x.clone() is String—not Clone or any other cloneable type.

Likewise, if we define this trait:

pub trait Spliceable {
    fn splice(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;

with two implementations:

impl Spliceable for CherryTree {
    fn splice(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {

impl Spliceable for Mammoth {
    fn splice(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {

then inside the first impl, Self is simply an alias for CherryTree, and in the second, it’s an alias for Mammoth. This means that we can splice together two cherry trees or two mammoths, not that we can create a mammoth-cherry hybrid. The type of self and the type of other must match.

A trait that uses the Self type is incompatible with trait objects:

// error: the trait `Spliceable` cannot be made into an object
fn splice_anything(left: &Spliceable, right: &Spliceable) {
    let combo = left.splice(right);

The reason is something we’ll see again and again as we dig into the advanced features of traits. Rust rejects this code because it has no way to type-check the call left.splice(right). The whole point of trait objects is that the type isn’t known until runtime. Rust has no way to know at compile time if left and right will be the same type, as required.

Trait objects are really intended for the simplest kinds of traits, the kinds that could be implemented using interfaces in Java or abstract base classes in C++. The more advanced features of traits are useful, but they can’t coexist with trait objects because with trait objects, you lose the type information Rust needs to type-check your program.

Now, had we wanted genetically improbable splicing, we could have designed a trait-object-friendly trait:

pub trait MegaSpliceable {
    fn splice(&self, other: &MegaSpliceable) -> Box<MegaSpliceable>;

This trait is compatible with trait objects. There’s no problem type-checking calls to this .splice() method because the type of the argument other is not required to match the type of self, as long as both types are MegaSpliceable.


We can declare that a trait is an extension of another trait:

/// Someone in the game world, either the player or some other
/// pixie, gargoyle, squirrel, ogre, etc.
trait Creature: Visible {
    fn position(&self) -> (i32, i32);
    fn facing(&self) -> Direction;

The phrase trait Creature: Visible means that all creatures are visible. Every type that implements Creature must also implement the Visible trait:

impl Visible for Broom {

impl Creature for Broom {

We can implement the two traits in either order, but it’s an error to implement Creature for a type without also implementing Visible.

Subtraits are like subinterfaces in Java or C#. They’re a way to describe a trait that extends an existing trait with a few more methods. In this example, all your code that works with Creatures can also use the methods from the Visible trait.

Static Methods

In most object-oriented languages, interfaces can’t include static methods or constructors. However, Rust traits can include static methods and constructors, here is how:

trait StringSet {
    /// Return a new empty set.
    fn new() -> Self;

    /// Return a set that contains all the strings in `strings`.
    fn from_slice(strings: &[&str]) -> Self;

    /// Find out if this set contains a particular `value`.
    fn contains(&self, string: &str) -> bool;

    /// Add a string to this set.
    fn add(&mut self, string: &str);

Every type that implements the StringSet trait must implement these four associated functions. The first two, new() and from_slice(), don’t take a self argument. They serve as constructors.

In nongeneric code, these functions can be called using :: syntax, just like any other static method:

// Create sets of two hypothetical types that impl StringSet:
let set1 = SortedStringSet::new();
let set2 = HashedStringSet::new();

In generic code, it’s the same, except the type is often a type variable, as in the call to S::new() shown here:

/// Return the set of words in `document` that aren't in `wordlist`.
fn unknown_words<S: StringSet>(document: &Vec<String>, wordlist: &S) -> S {
    let mut unknowns = S::new();
    for word in document {
        if !wordlist.contains(word) {

Like Java and C# interfaces, trait objects don’t support static methods. If you want to use &StringSet trait objects, you must change the trait, adding the bound where Self: Sized to each static method:

trait StringSet {
    fn new() -> Self
        where Self: Sized;

    fn from_slice(strings: &[&str]) -> Self
        where Self: Sized;

    fn contains(&self, string: &str) -> bool;

    fn add(&mut self, string: &str);

This bound tells Rust that trait objects are excused from supporting this method. StringSet trait objects are then allowed; they still don’t support the two static methods, but you can create them and use them to call .contains() and .add(). The same trick works for any other method that is incompatible with trait objects. (We will forgo the rather tedious technical explanation of why this works, but the Sized trait is covered in Chapter 13.)

Fully Qualified Method Calls

A method is just a special kind of function. These two calls are equivalent:



The second form looks exactly like a static method call. This works even though the to_string method takes a self argument. Simply pass self as the function’s first argument.

Since to_string is a method of the standard ToString trait, there are two more forms you can use:


<str as ToString>::to_string("hello")

All four of these method calls do exactly the same thing. Most often, you’ll just write value.method(). The other forms are qualified method calls. They specify the type or trait that a method is associated with. The last form, with the angle brackets, specifies both: a fully qualified method call.

When you write "hello".to_string(), using the . operator, you don’t say exactly which to_string method you’re calling. Rust has a method lookup algorithm that figures this out, depending on the types, deref coercions, and so on. With fully qualified calls, you can say exactly which method you mean, and that can help in a few odd cases:

  • When two methods have the same name. The classic hokey example is the Outlaw with two .draw() methods from two different traits, one for drawing it on the screen and one for interacting with the law:

    outlaw.draw();  // error: draw on screen or draw pistol?
    Visible::draw(&outlaw);  // ok: draw on screen
    HasPistol::draw(&outlaw);  // ok: corral

    Normally you’re better off just renaming one of the methods, but sometimes you can’t.

  • When the type of the self argument can’t be inferred:

    let zero = 0;  // type unspecified; could be `i8`, `u8`, ...
    zero.abs();  // error: method `abs` not found
    i64::abs(zero);  // ok
  • When using the function itself as a function value:

    let words: Vec<String> =
        line.split_whitespace()  // iterator produces &str values
            .map(<str as ToString>::to_string)  // ok

    Here the fully qualified <str as ToString>::to_string is just a way to name the specific function we want to pass to .map().

  • When calling trait methods in macros. We’ll explain in Chapter 20.

Fully qualified syntax also works for static methods. In the previous section, we wrote S::new() to create a new set in a generic function. We could also have written StringSet::new() or <S as StringSet>::new().

Traits That Define Relationships Between Types

So far, every trait we’ve looked at stands alone: a trait is a set of methods that types can implement. Traits can also be used in situations where there are multiple types that have to work together. They can describe relationships between types.

  • The std::iter::Iterator trait relates each iterator type with the type of value it produces.

  • The std::ops::Mul trait relates types that can be multiplied. In the expression a * b, the values a and b can be either the same type, or different types.

  • The rand crate includes both a trait for random number generators (rand::Rng) and a trait for types that can be randomly generated (rand::Rand). The traits themselves define exactly how these types work together.

You won’t need to create traits like these every day, but you’ll come across them throughout the standard library and in third-party crates. In this section, we’ll show how each of these examples is implemented, picking up relevant Rust language features as we need them. The key skill here is the ability to read traits and method signatures and figure out what they say about the types involved.

Associated Types (or How Iterators Work)

We’ll start with iterators. By now every object-oriented language has some sort of built-in support for iterators, objects that represent the traversal of some sequence of values.

Rust has a standard Iterator trait, defined like this:

pub trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

The first feature of this trait, type Item;, is an associated type. Each type that implements Iterator must specify what type of item it produces.

The second feature, the next() method, uses the associated type in its return value. next() returns an Option<Self::Item>: either Some(item), the next value in the sequence, or None when there are no more values to visit. The type is written as Self::Item, not just plain Item, because Item is a feature of each type of iterator, not a standalone type. As always, self and the Self type show up explicitly in the code everywhere their fields, methods, and so on are used.

Here’s what it looks like to implement Iterator for a type:

// (code from the std::env standard library module)
impl Iterator for Args {
    type Item = String;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<String> {

std::env::Args is the type of iterator returned by the standard library function std::env::args() that we used in Chapter 2 to access command-line arguments. It produces String values, so the impl declares type Item = String;.

Generic code can use associated types:

/// Loop over an iterator, storing the values in a new vector.
fn collect_into_vector<I: Iterator>(iter: I) -> Vec<I::Item> {
    let mut results = Vec::new();
    for value in iter {

Inside the body of this function, Rust infers the type of value for us, which is nice; but we must spell out the return type of collect_into_vector, and the Item associated type is the only way to do that. (Vec<I> would be simply wrong: we would be claiming to return a vector of iterators!)

The preceding example is not code that you would write out yourself, because after reading Chapter 15, you’ll know that iterators already have a standard method that does this: iter.collect(). So let’s look at one more example before moving on.

/// Print out all the values produced by an iterator
fn dump<I>(iter: I)
    where I: Iterator
    for (index, value) in iter.enumerate() {
        println!("{}: {:?}", index, value);   // error

This almost works. There is just one problem: value might not be a printable type.

error[E0277]: the trait bound `<I as std::iter::Iterator>::Item:
              std::fmt::Debug` is not satisfied
10 | println!("{}: {:?}", index, value);   // error
   |                             ^^^^^ the trait `std::fmt::Debug`
   |                                   is not implemented for
   |                                   `<I as std::iter::Iterator>::Item`
   = help: consider adding a
           `where <I as std::iter::Iterator>::Item: std::fmt::Debug` bound
   = note: required by `std::fmt::Debug::fmt`

The error message is slightly obfuscated by Rust’s use of the syntax <I as std::iter::Iterator>::Item, which is a long, maximally explicit way of saying I::Item. This is valid Rust syntax, but you’ll rarely actually need to write a type out that way.

The gist of the error message is that to make this generic function compile, we must ensure that I::Item implements the Debug trait, the trait for formatting values with {:?}. We can do this by placing a bound on I::Item:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn dump<I>(iter: I)
    where I: Iterator, I::Item: Debug

Or, we could write, “I must be an iterator over String values”:

fn dump<I>(iter: I)
    where I: Iterator<Item=String>

Iterator<Item=String> is itself a trait. If you think of Iterator as the set of all iterator types, then Iterator<Item=String> is a subset of Iterator: the set of iterator types that produce Strings. This syntax can be used anywhere the name of a trait can be used, including trait object types:

fn dump(iter: &mut Iterator<Item=String>) {
    for (index, s) in iter.enumerate() {
        println!("{}: {:?}", index, s);

Traits with associated types, like Iterator, are compatible with trait methods, but only if all the associated types are spelled out, as shown here. Otherwise, the type of s could be anything, and again, Rust would have no way to type-check this code.

We’ve shown a lot of examples involving iterators. It’s hard not to; they’re by far the most prominent use of associated types. But associated types are generally useful whenever a trait needs to cover more than just methods.

  • In a thread pool library, a Task trait, representing a unit of work, could have an associated Output type.

  • A Pattern trait, representing a way of searching a string, could have an associated Match type, representing all the information gathered by matching the pattern to the string.

    trait Pattern {
        type Match;
        fn search(&self, string: &str) -> Option<Self::Match>;
    /// You can search a string for a particular character.
    impl Pattern for char {
        /// A "match" is just the location where the
        /// character was found.
        type Match = usize;
        fn search(&self, string: &str) -> Option<usize> {

    If you’re familiar with regular expressions, it’s easy to see how impl Pattern for RegExp would have a more elaborate Match type, probably a struct that would include the start and length of the match, the locations where parenthesized groups matched, and so on.

  • A library for working with relational databases might have a Database​Connection trait with associated types representing transactions, cursors, prepared statements, and so on.

Associated types are perfect for cases where each implementation has one specific related type: each type of Task produces a particular type of Output; each type of Pattern looks for a particular type of Match. However, as we’ll see, some relationships among types are not like this.

Generic Traits (or How Operator Overloading Works)

Multiplication in Rust uses this trait:

/// std::ops::Mul, the trait for types that support `*`.
pub trait Mul<RHS> {
    /// The resulting type after applying the `*` operator
    type Output;

    /// The method for the `*` operator
    fn mul(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

Mul is a generic trait. The type parameter, RHS, is short for right hand side.

The type parameter here means the same thing that it means on a struct or function: Mul is a generic trait, and its instances Mul<f64>, Mul<String>, Mul<Size>, etc. are all different traits, just as min::<i32> and min::<String> are different functions and Vec<i32> and Vec<String> are different types.

A single type—say, WindowSize—can implement both Mul<f64> and Mul<i32>, and many more. You would then be able to multiply a WindowSize by many other types. Each implementation would have its own associated Output type.

The trait shown above is missing one minor detail. The real Mul trait looks like this:

pub trait Mul<RHS=Self> {

The syntax RHS=Self means that RHS defaults to Self. If I write impl Mul for Complex, without specifying Mul’s type parameter, it means impl Mul<Complex> for Complex. In a bound, if I write where T: Mul, it means where T: Mul<T>.

In Rust, the expression lhs * rhs is shorthand for Mul::mul(lhs, rhs). So overloading the * operator in Rust is as simple as implementing the Mul trait. We’ll show examples in the next chapter.

Buddy Traits (or How rand::random() Works)

There’s one more way to use traits to express relationships between types. This way is perhaps the simplest of the bunch, since you don’t have to learn any new language features to understand it: what we’ll call buddy traits are simply traits that are designed to work together.

There’s a good example inside the rand crate, a popular crate for generating random numbers. The main feature of rand is the random() function, which returns a random value:

use rand::random;
let x = random();

If Rust can’t infer the type of the random value, which is often the case, you must specify it:

let x = random::<f64>();   // a number, 0.0 <= x < 1.0
let b = random::<bool>();  // true or false

For many programs, this one generic function is all you need. But the rand crate also offers several different, but interoperable, random number generators. All the random number generators in the library implement a common trait:

/// A random number generator.
pub trait Rng {
    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32;

An Rng is simply a value that can spit out integers on demand. The rand library provides a few different implementations, including XorShiftRng (a fast pseudorandom number generator) and OsRng (much slower, but truly unpredictable, for use in cryptography).

The buddy trait is called Rand:

/// A type that can be randomly generated using an `Rng`.
pub trait Rand: Sized {
    fn rand<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self;

Types like f64 and bool implement this trait. Pass any random number generator to their ::rand() method, and it returns a random value:

let x = f64::rand(rng);
let b = bool::rand(rng);

In fact random() is nothing but a thin wrapper that passes a globally allocated Rng to this rand method. One way to implement it is like this:

pub fn random<T: Rand>() -> T {
    T::rand(&mut global_rng())

When you see traits that use other traits as bounds, the way Rand::rand() uses Rng, you know that those two traits are mix-and-match: any Rng can generate values of every Rand type. Since the methods involved are generic, Rust generates optimized machine code for each combination of Rng and Rand that your program actually uses.

The two traits also serve to separate concerns. Whether you’re implementing Rand for your Monster type or implementing a spectacularly fast but not-so-random Rng, you don’t have to do anything special for those two pieces of code to be able to work together, as shown in Figure 11-3.

To the left, three types that implement Rng. To the right, four types that implement Rand. In the middle are the traits Rng and Rand, with a couple of pink hearts to show that they're best friends. These traits allow any random number generator to generate random values of any Rand type.
Figure 11-3. Buddy traits illustrated. The Rng types listed on the left are real random number generators provided by the rand crate.

The standard library’s support for computing hash codes provides another example of buddy traits. Types that implement Hash are hashable, so they can be used as hash table keys. Types that implement Hasher are hashing algorithms. The two are linked in the same way as Rand and Rng: Hash has a generic method Hash::hash() that accepts any type of Hasher as an argument.

Another example is the serde library’s Serialize trait, which you saw in “Traits and Other People’s Types”. It has a buddy trait we didn’t talk about: the Serializer trait, which represents the output format. serde supports pluggable serialization formats. There are Serializer implementations for JSON, YAML, a binary format called CBOR, and so on. Thanks to the close relationship between the two traits, every format automatically supports every serializable type.

In the last three sections, we’ve shown three ways traits can describe relationships between types. All of these can also be seen as ways of avoiding virtual method overhead and downcasts, since they allow Rust to know more concrete types at compile time.

Reverse-Engineering Bounds

Writing generic code can be a real slog when there’s no single trait that does everything you need. Suppose we have written this nongeneric function to do some computation:

fn dot(v1: &[i64], v2: &[i64]) -> i64 {
    let mut total = 0;
    for i in 0 .. v1.len() {
        total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];

Now we want to use the same code with floating-point values. We might try something like this:

fn dot<N>(v1: &[N], v2: &[N]) -> N {
    let mut total: N = 0;
    for i in 0 .. v1.len() {
        total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];

No such luck: Rust complains about the use of + and * and the type of 0. We can require N to be a type that supports + and * using the Add and Mul traits. Our use of 0 needs to change, though, because 0 is always an integer in Rust; the corresponding floating-point value is 0.0. Fortunately, there is a standard Default trait for types that have default values. For numeric types, the default is always 0.

use std::ops::{Add, Mul};

fn dot<N: Add + Mul + Default>(v1: &[N], v2: &[N]) -> N {
    let mut total = N::default();
    for i in 0 .. v1.len() {
        total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];

This is closer, but still does not quite work:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
11 | total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];
   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected type parameter, found associated type
   = note: expected type `N`
              found type `<N as std::ops::Mul>::Output`

Our new code assumes that multiplying two values of type N produces another value of type N. This isn’t necessarily the case. You can overload the multiplication operator to return whatever type you want. We need to somehow tell Rust that this generic function only works with types that have the normal flavor of multiplication, where multiplying N * N returns an N. We do this by replacing Mul with Mul<Output=N>, and the same for Add:

fn dot<N: Add<Output=N> + Mul<Output=N> + Default>(v1: &[N], v2: &[N]) -> N

At this point, the bounds are starting to pile up, making the code hard to read. Let’s move the bounds into a where clause:

fn dot<N>(v1: &[N], v2: &[N]) -> N
    where N: Add<Output=N> + Mul<Output=N> + Default

Great. But Rust still complains about this line of code:

error[E0508]: cannot move out of type `[N]`, a non-copy array
7 |         total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];
  |                         ^^^^^ cannot move out of here

This one might be a real puzzle, even though by now we’re familiar with the terminology. Yes, it would be illegal to move the value v1[i] out of the slice. But numbers are copyable. So what’s the problem?

The answer is that Rust doesn’t know v1[i] is a number. In fact, it isn’t—the type N can be any type that satisfies the bounds we’ve given it. If we also want N to be a copyable type, we must say so:

where N: Add<Output=N> + Mul<Output=N> + Default + Copy

With this, the code compiles and runs. The final code looks like this:

use std::ops::{Add, Mul};

fn dot<N>(v1: &[N], v2: &[N]) -> N
    where N: Add<Output=N> + Mul<Output=N> + Default + Copy
    let mut total = N::default();
    for i in 0 .. v1.len() {
        total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];

fn test_dot() {
    assert_eq!(dot(&[1, 2, 3, 4], &[1, 1, 1, 1]), 10);
    assert_eq!(dot(&[53.0, 7.0], &[1.0, 5.0]), 88.0);

This occasionally happens in Rust: there is a period of intense arguing with the compiler, at the end of which the code looks rather nice, as if it had been a breeze to write, and runs beautifully.

What we’ve been doing here is reverse-engineering the bounds on N, using the compiler to guide and check our work. The reason it was a bit of a pain is that there wasn’t a single Number trait in the standard library that included all the operators and methods we wanted to use. As it happens, there’s a popular open source crate called num that defines such a trait! Had we known, we could have added num to our Cargo.toml and written:

use num::Num;

fn dot<N: Num + Copy>(v1: &[N], v2: &[N]) -> N {
    let mut total = N::zero();
    for i in 0 .. v1.len() {
        total = total + v1[i] * v2[i];

Just as in object-oriented programming, the right interface makes everything nice, in generic programming, the right trait makes everything nice.

Still, why go to all this trouble? Why didn’t Rust’s designers make the generics more like C++ templates, where the constraints are left implicit in the code, à la “duck typing?”

One advantage of Rust’s approach is forward compatibility of generic code. You can change the implementation of a public generic function or method, and if you didn’t change the signature, you haven’t broken any of its users.

Another advantage of bounds is that when you do get a compiler error, at least the compiler can tell you where the trouble is. C++ compiler error messages involving templates can be much longer than Rust’s, pointing at many different lines of code, because the compiler has no way to tell who’s to blame for a problem: the template—or its caller, which might also be a template—or that template’s caller...

Perhaps the most important advantage of writing out the bounds explicitly is simply that they are there, in the code and in the documentation. You can look at the signature of a generic function in Rust and see exactly what kind of arguments it accepts. The same can’t be said for templates. The work that goes into fully documenting argument types in C++ libraries like Boost is even more arduous than what we went through here. The Boost developers don’t have a compiler that checks their work.


Traits are one of the main organizing features in Rust, and with good reason. There’s nothing better to design a program or library around than a good interface.

This chapter was a blizzard of syntax, rules, and explanations. Now that we’ve laid a foundation, we can start talking about the many ways traits and generics are used in Rust code. The fact is, we’ve only begun to scratch the surface. The next two chapters cover common traits provided by the standard library. Upcoming chapters cover closures, iterators, input/output, and concurrency. Traits and generics play a central role in all of these topics.

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