Chapter 12. Operator Overloading

There is a range of views among mathematicians and philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics. ...All have severe problems, none has widespread acceptance, and no reconciliation seems possible.

Wikipedia, “Mathematics”

In the Mandelbrot set plotter we showed in Chapter 2, we used the num crate’s Complex type to represent a number on the complex plane:

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Complex<T> {
    /// Real portion of the complex number
    re: T,

    /// Imaginary portion of the complex number
    im: T

We were able to add and multiply Complex numbers just like any built-in numeric type, using Rust’s + and * operators:

z = z * z + c;

You can make your own types support arithmetic and other operators, too, just by implementing a few built-in traits. This is called operator overloading, and the effect is much like operator overloading in C++, C#, Python, and Ruby.

The traits for operator overloading fall into a few categories depending on what part of the language they support, as shown in Table 12-1. The remaining sections of this chapter cover each category in turn.

Table 12-1. Summary of traits for operator overloading
Category Trait Operator
Unary operators std::ops::Neg -x
std::ops::Not !x
Arithmetic operators std::ops::Add x + y
std::ops::Sub x - y
std::ops::Mul x * y
std::ops::Div x / y
std::ops::Rem x % y
Bitwise operators std::ops::BitAnd x & y
std::ops::BitOr x | y
std::ops::BitXor x ^ y
std::ops::Shl x << y
std::ops::Shr x >> y
Compound assignment
arithmetic operators
std::ops::AddAssign x += y
std::ops::SubAssign x -= y
std::ops::MulAssign x *= y
std::ops::DivAssign x /= y
std::ops::RemAssign x %= y
Compound assignment
bitwise operators
std::ops::BitAndAssign x &= y
std::ops::BitOrAssign x |= y
std::ops::BitXorAssign x ^= y
std::ops::ShlAssign x <<= y
std::ops::ShrAssign x >>= y
Comparison std::cmp::PartialEq x == y, x != y
std::cmp::PartialOrd x < yx <= yx > yx >= y
Indexing std::ops::Index x[y]&x[y]
std::ops::IndexMut x[y] = z&mut x[y]

Arithmetic and Bitwise Operators

In Rust, the expression a + b is actually shorthand for a.add(b), a call to the add method of the standard library’s std::ops::Add trait. Rust’s standard numeric types all implement std::ops::Add. To make the expression a + b work for Complex values, the num crate implements this trait for Complex as well. Similar traits cover the other operators: a * b is shorthand for a.mul(b), a method from the std::ops::Mul trait, std::ops::Neg covers the prefix - negation operator, and so on.

If you want to try writing out z.add(c), you’ll need to bring the Add trait into scope, so that its method is visible. That done, you can treat all arithmetic as function calls:1

use std::ops::Add;

assert_eq!(4.125f32.add(5.75), 9.875);
assert_eq!(10.add(20), 10 + 20);

Here’s the definition of std::ops::Add:

trait Add<RHS=Self> {
    type Output;
    fn add(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

In other words, the trait Add<T> is the ability to add a T value to yourself. For example, if you want to be able to add i32 and u32 values to your type, your type must implement both Add<i32> and Add<u32>. The trait’s type parameter RHS defaults to Self, so if you’re implementing addition between two values of the same type, you can simply write Add for that case. The associated type Output describes the result of the addition.

For example, to be able to add Complex<i32> values together, Complex<i32> must implement Add<Complex<i32>>. Since we’re adding a type to itself, we just write Add:

use std::ops::Add;

impl Add for Complex<i32> {
    type Output = Complex<i32>;
    fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        Complex { re: +, im: + }

Of course, we shouldn’t have to implement Add separately for Complex<i32>, Complex<f32>, Complex<f64>, and so on. All the definitions would look exactly the same except for the types involved, so we should be able to write a single generic implementation that covers them all, as long as the type of the complex components themselves supports addition:

use std::ops::Add;

impl<T> Add for Complex<T>
    where T: Add<Output=T>
    type Output = Self;
    fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        Complex { re: +, im: + }

By writing where T: Add<Output=T>, we restrict T to types that can be added to themselves, yielding another T value. This is a reasonable restriction, but we could loosen things still further: the Add trait doesn’t require both operands of + to have the same type, nor does it constrain the result type. So a maximally generic implementation would let the left- and right-hand operands vary independently, and produce a Complex value of whatever component type that addition produces:

use std::ops::Add;

impl<L, R, O> Add<Complex<R>> for Complex<L>
    where L: Add<R, Output=O>
    type Output = Complex<O>;
    fn add(self, rhs: Complex<R>) -> Self::Output {
        Complex { re: +, im: + }

In practice, however, Rust tends to avoid supporting mixed-type operations. Since our type parameter L must implement Add<R, Output=O>, it usually follows that L, R, and O are all going to be the same type: there simply aren’t that many types available for L that implement anything else. So in the end, this maximally generic version may not be much more useful than the prior, simpler generic definition.

Rust’s built-in traits for arithmetic and bitwise operators come in three groups: unary operators, binary operators, and compound assignment operators. Within each group, the traits and their methods all have the same form, so we’ll cover one example from each.

Unary Operators

Aside from the dereferencing operator *, which we’ll cover separately in “Deref and DerefMut”, Rust has two unary operators that you can customize, shown in Table 12-2.

Table 12-2. Built-in traits for unary operators
Trait name Expression Equivalent expression
std::ops::Neg -x x.neg()
std::ops::Not !x x.not()

All of Rust’s signed numeric types implement std::ops::Neg, for the unary negation operator -; the integer types and bool implement std::ops::Not, for the unary complement operator !. There are also implementations for references to those types.

Note that ! complements bool values, and performs a bitwise complement (that is, flips the bits) when applied to integers; it plays the role of both the ! and ~ operators from C and C++.

These traits’ definitions are simple:

trait Neg {
    type Output;
    fn neg(self) -> Self::Output;

trait Not {
    type Output;
    fn not(self) -> Self::Output;

Negating a complex number simply negates each of its components. Here’s how we might write a generic implementation of negation for Complex values:

use std::ops::Neg;

impl<T, O> Neg for Complex<T>
    where T: Neg<Output=O>
    type Output = Complex<O>;
    fn neg(self) -> Complex<O> {
        Complex { re:, im: }

Binary Operators

Rust’s binary arithmetic and bitwise operators and their corresponding built-in traits appear in Table 12-3.

Table 12-3. Built-in traits for binary operators
Category Trait name Expression Equivalent expression
Arithmetic operators std::ops::Add x + y x.add(y)
std::ops::Sub x - y x.sub(y)
std::ops::Mul x * y x.mul(y)
std::ops::Div x / y x.div(y)
std::ops::Rem x % y x.rem(y)
Bitwise operators std::ops::BitAnd x & y x.bitand(y)
std::ops::BitOr x | y x.bitor(y)
std::ops::BitXor x ^ y x.bitxor(y)
std::ops::Shl x << y x.shl(y)
std::ops::Shr x >> y x.shr(y)

All of Rust’s numeric types implement the arithmetic operators. Rust’s integer types and bool implement the bitwise operators. There are also implementations that accept references to those types as either or both operands.

All of the traits here have the same general form. The definition of std::ops::BitXor, for the ^ operator, looks like this:

trait BitXor<RHS=Self> {
    type Output;
    fn bitxor(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

At the beginning of this chapter, we also showed std::ops::Add, another trait in this category, along with several sample implementations.

The Shl and Shr traits deviate slightly from this pattern: they do not default their RHS type parameter to Self, so you must always supply the righthand operand type explicitly. The right operand of a << or >> operator is a bit shift distance, which doesn’t have much relationship to the type of the value being shifted.

You can use the + operator to concatenate a String with a &str slice or another String. However, Rust does not permit the left operand of + to be a &str, to discourage building up long strings by repeatedly concatenating small pieces on the left. (This performs poorly, requiring time quadratic in the final length of the string.) Generally, the write! macro is better for building up strings piece by piece; we show how to do this in “Appending and Inserting Text”.

Compound Assignment Operators

A compound assignment expression is one like x += y or x &= y: it takes two operands, performs some operation on them like addition or a bitwise AND, and stores the result back in the left operand. In Rust, the value of a compound assignment expression is always (), never the value stored.

Many languages have operators like these, and usually define them as shorthand for expressions like x = x + y or x = x & y. However, Rust doesn’t take that approach. Instead, x += y is shorthand for the method call x.add_assign(y), where add_assign is the sole method of the std::ops::AddAssign trait:

trait AddAssign<RHS=Self> {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, RHS);

Table 12-4 shows all of Rust’s compound assignment operators, and the built-in traits that implement them.

Table 12-4. Built-in traits for compound assignment operators
Category Trait name Expression Equivalent expression
Arithmetic operators std::ops::AddAssign x += y x.add_assign(y)
std::ops::SubAssign x -= y x.sub_assign(y)
std::ops::MulAssign x *= y x.mul_assign(y)
std::ops::DivAssign x /= y x.div_assign(y)
std::ops::RemAssign x %= y x.rem_assign(y)
Bitwise operators std::ops::BitAndAssign x &= y x.bitand_assign(y)
std::ops::BitOrAssign x |= y x.bitor_assign(y)
std::ops::BitXorAssign x ^= y x.bitxor_assign(y)
std::ops::ShlAssign x <<= y x.shl_assign(y)
std::ops::ShrAssign x >>= y x.shr_assign(y)

All of Rust’s numeric types implement the arithmetic compound assignment operators. Rust’s integer types and bool implement the bitwise compound assignment operators.

A generic implementation of AddAssign for our Complex type is straightforward:

use std::ops::AddAssign;

impl<T> AddAssign for Complex<T>
    where T: AddAssign<T>
    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Complex<T>) { +=; +=;

The built-in trait for a compound assignment operator is completely independent of the built-in trait for the corresponding binary operator. Implementing std::ops::Add does not automatically implement std::ops::AddAssign; if you want Rust to permit your type as the lefthand operand of a += operator, you must implement AddAssign yourself.

As with the binary Shl and Shr traits, the ShlAssign and ShrAssign traits deviate slightly from the pattern followed by the other compound assignment traits: they do not default their RHS type parameter to Self, so you must always supply the right-hand operand type explicitly.

Equality Tests

Rust’s equality operators, == and !=, are shorthand for calls to the std::cmp::PartialEq trait’s eq and ne methods:

assert_eq!(x == y, x.eq(&y));
assert_eq!(x != y,;

Here’s the definition of std::cmp::PartialEq:

trait PartialEq<Rhs: ?Sized = Self> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
    fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }

Since the ne method has a default definition, you only need to define eq to implement the PartialEq trait, so here’s a complete implementation for Complex:

impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Complex<T> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Complex<T>) -> bool { == && ==

In other words, for any component type T that itself can be compared for equality, this implements comparison for Complex<T>. Assuming we’ve also implemented std::ops::Mul for Complex somewhere along the line, we can now write:

let x = Complex { re: 5, im: 2 };
let y = Complex { re: 2, im: 5 };
assert_eq!(x * y, Complex { re: 0, im: 29 });

Implementations of PartialEq are almost always of the form shown here: they compare each field of the left operand to the corresponding field of the right. These get tedious to write, and equality is a common operation to support, so if you ask, Rust will generate an implementation of PartialEq for you automatically. Simply add PartialEq to the type definition’s derive attribute like so:

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Complex<T> {

Rust’s automatically generated implementation is essentially identical to our hand-written code, comparing each field or element of the type in turn. Rust can derive PartialEq implementations for enum types as well. Naturally, each of the values the type holds (or might hold, in the case of an enum) must itself implement PartialEq.

Unlike the arithmetic and bitwise traits, which take their operands by value, PartialEq takes its operands by reference. This means that comparing non-Copy values like Strings, Vecs, or HashMaps doesn’t cause them to be moved, which would be troublesome:

let s = "dx6fvx65tx61ix6c".to_string();
let t = "x64ox76ex74ax69l".to_string();
assert!(s == t);  // s and t are only borrowed...

// ... so they still have their values here.
assert_eq!(format!("{} {}", s, t), "dovetail dovetail");

This leads us to the trait’s bound on the Rhs type parameter, which is of a kind we haven’t seen before:

Rhs: ?Sized

This relaxes Rust’s usual requirement that type parameters must be sized types, letting us write traits like PartialEq<str> or PartialEq<[T]>. The eq and ne methods take parameters of type &Rhs, and comparing something with a &str or a &[T] is completely reasonable. Since str implements PartialEq<str>, the following assertions are equivalent:

assert!("ungula" != "ungulate");

Here, both Self and Rhs would be the unsized type str, making ne’s self and rhs parameters both &str values. We’ll discuss sized types, unsized types, and the Sized trait in detail in “Sized”.

Why is this trait called PartialEq? The traditional mathematical definition of an equivalence relation, of which equality is one instance, imposes three requirements. For any values x and y:

  • If x == y is true, then y == x must be true as well. In other words, swapping the two sides of an equality comparison doesn’t affect the result.

  • If x == y and y == z, then it must be the case that x == z. Given any chain of values, each equal to the next, each value in the chain is directly equal to every other. Equality is contagious.

  • It must always be true that x == x.

That last requirement might seem too obvious to be worth stating, but this is exactly where things go awry. Rust’s f32 and f64 are IEEE standard floating-point values. According to that standard, expressions like 0.0/0.0 and others with no appropriate value must produce special not-a-number values, usually referred to as NaN values. The standard further requires that a NaN value be treated as unequal to every other value—including itself. For example, the standard requires all the following behaviors:

assert_eq!(0.0/0.0 == 0.0/0.0, false);
assert_eq!(0.0/0.0 != 0.0/0.0, true);

Furthermore, any ordered comparison with a NaN value must return false:

assert_eq!(0.0/0.0 < 0.0/0.0, false);
assert_eq!(0.0/0.0 > 0.0/0.0, false);
assert_eq!(0.0/0.0 <= 0.0/0.0, false);
assert_eq!(0.0/0.0 >= 0.0/0.0, false);

So while Rust’s == operator meets the first two requirements for equivalence relations, it clearly doesn’t meet the third when used on IEEE floating-point values. This is called a partial equivalence relation, so Rust uses the name PartialEq for the == operator’s built-in trait. If you write generic code with type parameters known only to be PartialEq, you may assume the first two requirements hold, but you should not assume that values always equal themselves.

That can be a bit counterintuitive, and may lead to bugs if you’re not vigilant. If you’d prefer your generic code to require a full equivalence relation, you can instead use the std::cmp::Eq trait as a bound, which represents a full equivalence relation: if a type implements Eq, then x == x must be true for every value x of that type. In practice, almost every type that implements PartialEq should implement Eq as well; f32 and f64 are the only types in the standard library that are PartialEq but not Eq.

The standard library defines Eq as an extension of PartialEq, adding no new methods:

trait Eq: PartialEq<Self> { }

If your type is PartialEq, and you would like it to be Eq as well, you must explicitly implement Eq, even though you need not actually define any new functions or types to do so. So implementing Eq for our Complex type is quick:

impl<T: Eq> Eq for Complex<T> { }

We could implement it even more succinctly by just including Eq in the derive attribute on the Complex type definition:

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Complex<T> {

Derived implementations on a generic type may depend on the type parameters. With the derive attribute, Complex<i32> would implement Eq, because i32 does, but Complex<f32> would implement only PartialEq, since f32 doesn’t implement Eq.

When you implement std::cmp::PartialEq yourself, Rust can’t check that your definitions for the eq and ne methods actually behave as required for partial or full equivalence. They could do anything you like. Rust simply takes your word that you’ve implemented equality in a way that meets the expectations of the trait’s users.

Although the definition of PartialEq provides a default definition for ne, you can provide your own implementation if you like. However, you must ensure that ne and eq are exact inverses of each other. Users of the PartialEq trait will assume this is so.

Ordered Comparisons

Rust specifies the behavior of the ordered comparison operators <, >, <=, and >= all in terms of a single trait, std::cmp::PartialOrd:

trait PartialOrd<Rhs = Self>: PartialEq<Rhs> where Rhs: ?Sized {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Rhs) -> Option<Ordering>;

    fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
    fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
    fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
    fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }

Note that PartialOrd<Rhs> extends PartialEq<Rhs>: you can do ordered comparisons only on types that you can also compare for equality.

The only method of PartialOrd you must implement yourself is partial_cmp. When partial_cmp returns Some(o), then o indicates self’s relationship to other:

enum Ordering {
    Less,       // self < other
    Equal,      // self == other
    Greater,    // self > other

But if partial_cmp returns None, that means self and other are unordered with respect to each other: neither is greater than the other, nor are they equal. Among all of Rust’s primitive types, only comparisons between floating-point values ever return None: specifically, comparing a NaN (not-a-number) value with anything else returns None. We give some more background on NaN values in “Equality Tests”.

Like the other binary operators, to compare values of two types Left and Right, Left must implement PartialOrd<Right>. Expressions like x < y or x >= y are shorthand for calls to PartialOrd methods, as shown in Table 12-5.

Table 12-5. Ordered comparison operators and PartialOrd methods
Expression Equivalent method call Default definition
x < y x.partial_cmp(&y) == Some(Less)
x > y x.partial_cmp(&y) == Some(Greater)
x <= y x.le(y) match x.partial_cmp(&y) {
  Some(Less) | Some(Equal) => true,
  _ => false,
x >= y match x.partial_cmp(&y) {
  Some(Greater) | Some(Equal) => true,
  _ => false,

As in prior examples, the equivalent method call code shown assumes that std::cmp::PartialOrd and std::cmp::Ordering are in scope.

If you know that values of two types are always ordered with respect to each other, then you can implement the stricter std::cmp::Ord trait:

trait Ord: Eq + PartialOrd<Self> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering;

The cmp method here simply returns an Ordering, instead of an Option<Ordering> like partial_cmp: cmp always declares its arguments equal, or indicates their relative order. Almost all types that implement PartialOrd should also implement Ord. In the standard library, f32 and f64 are the only exceptions to this rule.

Since there’s no natural ordering on complex numbers, we can’t use our Complex type from the previous sections to show a sample implementation of PartialOrd. Instead, suppose you’re working with the following type, representing the set of numbers falling within a given half-open interval:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Interval<T> {
    lower: T, // inclusive
    upper: T  // exclusive

You’d like to make values of this type partially ordered: one interval is less than another if it falls entirely before the other, with no overlap. If two unequal intervals overlap, they’re unordered: some element of each side is less than some element of the other. And two equal intervals are simply equal. The following implementation of PartialOrd implements those rules:

use std::cmp::{Ordering, PartialOrd};

impl<T: PartialOrd> PartialOrd<Interval<T>> for Interval<T> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Interval<T>) -> Option<Ordering> {
        if self == other { Some(Ordering::Equal) }
        else if self.lower >= other.upper { Some(Ordering::Greater) }
        else if self.upper <= other.lower { Some(Ordering::Less) }
        else { None }

With that implementation in place, you can write the following:

assert!(Interval { lower: 10, upper: 20 } <  Interval { lower: 20, upper: 40 });
assert!(Interval { lower: 7,  upper: 8  } >= Interval { lower: 0,  upper: 1  });
assert!(Interval { lower: 7,  upper: 8  } <= Interval { lower: 7,  upper: 8  });

// Overlapping intervals aren't ordered with respect to each other.
let left  = Interval { lower: 10, upper: 30 };
let right = Interval { lower: 20, upper: 40 };
assert!(!(left < right));
assert!(!(left >= right));

Index and IndexMut

You can specify how an indexing expression like a[i] works on your type by implementing the std::ops::Index and std::ops::IndexMut traits. Arrays support the [] operator directly, but on any other type, the expression a[i] is normally shorthand for *a.index(i), where index is a method of the std::ops::Index trait. However, if the expression is being assigned to or borrowed mutably, it’s instead shorthand for *a.index_mut(i), a call to the method of the std::ops::IndexMut trait.

Here are the traits’ definitions:

trait Index<Idx> {
    type Output: ?Sized;
    fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output;

trait IndexMut<Idx>: Index<Idx> {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Idx) -> &mut Self::Output;

Note that these traits take the type of the index expression as a parameter. You can index a slice with a single usize, referring to a single element, because slices implement Index<usize>. But you can refer to a subslice with an expression like a[i..j] because they also implement Index<Range<usize>>. That expression is shorthand for:

*a.index(std::ops::Range { start: i, end: j })

Rust’s HashMap and BTreeMap collections let you use any hashable or ordered type as the index. The following code works because HashMap<&str, i32> implements Index<&str>:

use std::collections::HashMap;
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert("十", 10);
m.insert("百", 100);
m.insert("千", 1000);
m.insert("万", 1_0000);
m.insert("億", 1_0000_0000);

assert_eq!(m["十"], 10);
assert_eq!(m["千"], 1000);

Those indexing expressions are equivalent to:

use std::ops::Index;
assert_eq!(*m.index("十"), 10);
assert_eq!(*m.index("千"), 1000);

The Index trait’s associated type Output specifies what type an indexing expression produces: for our HashMap, the Index implementation’s Output type is i32.

The IndexMut trait extends Index with an index_mut method that takes a mutable reference to self, and returns a mutable reference to an Output value. Rust automatically selects index_mut when the indexing expression occurs in a context where it’s necessary. For example, suppose we write the following:

let mut desserts = vec!["Howalon".to_string(),
                        "Soan papdi".to_string()];
desserts[0].push_str(" (fictional)");
desserts[1].push_str(" (real)");

Because the push_str method operates on &mut self, those last two lines are equivalent to:

use std::ops::IndexMut;
(*desserts.index_mut(0)).push_str(" (fictional)");
(*desserts.index_mut(1)).push_str(" (real)");

One limitation of IndexMut is that, by design, it must return a mutable reference to some value. This is why you can’t use an expression like m["十"] = 10; to insert a value into the HashMap m: the table would need to create an entry for "十" first, with some default value, and return a mutable reference to that. But not all types have cheap default values, and some may be expensive to drop; it would be a waste to create such a value only to be immediately dropped by the assignment. (There are plans to improve this in later versions of the language.)

The most common use of indexing is for collections. For example, suppose we are working with bitmapped images, like the ones we created in the Mandelbrot set plotter in Chapter 2. Recall that our program contained code like this:

pixels[row * bounds.0 + column] = ...;

It would be nicer to have an Image<u8> type that acts like a two-dimensional array, allowing us to access pixels without having to write out all the arithmetic:

image[row][column] = ...;

To do this, we’ll need to declare a struct:

struct Image<P> {
    width: usize,
    pixels: Vec<P>

impl<P: Default + Copy> Image<P> {
    /// Create a new image of the given size.
    fn new(width: usize, height: usize) -> Image<P> {
        Image {
            pixels: vec![P::default(); width * height]

And here are implementations of Index and IndexMut that would fit the bill:

impl<P> std::ops::Index<usize> for Image<P> {
    type Output = [P];
    fn index(&self, row: usize) -> &[P] {
        let start = row * self.width;
        &self.pixels[start .. start + self.width]

impl<P> std::ops::IndexMut<usize> for Image<P> {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, row: usize) -> &mut [P] {
        let start = row * self.width;
        &mut self.pixels[start .. start + self.width]

When you index into an Image, you get back a slice of pixels; indexing the slice gives you an individual pixel.

Note that when we write image[row][column], if row is out of bounds, our .index() method will try to index self.pixels out of range, triggering a panic. This is how Index and IndexMut implementations are supposed to behave: out-of-bounds access is detected and causes a panic, the same as when you index an array, slice, or vector out of bounds.

Other Operators

Not all operators can be overloaded in Rust. As of Rust 1.17, the error-checking ? operator works only with Result values. Similarly, the logical operators && and || are limited to Boolean values only. The .. operator always creates Range values, the & operator always borrows references, and the = operator always moves or copies values. None of them can be overloaded.

The dereferencing operator, *val, and the dot operator for accessing fields and calling methods, as in val.field and val.method(), can be overloaded using the Deref and DerefMut traits, which are covered in the next chapter. (We did not include them here because these traits do more than just overload a few operators.)

Rust does not support overloading the function call operator, f(x). Instead, when you need a callable value, you’ll typically just write a closure. We’ll explain how this works and cover the Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce special traits in Chapter 14.

1 Lisp programmers rejoice! The expression <i32 as Add>::add is the + operator on i32, captured as a function value.

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