Chapter 3. Basic Types

There are many, many types of books in the world, which makes good sense, because there are many, many types of people, and everybody wants to read something different.

Lemony Snicket

Rust’s types serve several goals:


By checking a program’s types, the Rust compiler rules out whole classes of common mistakes. By replacing null pointers and unchecked unions with type-safe alternatives, Rust is even able to eliminate errors that are common sources of crashes in other languages.


Programmers have fine-grained control over how Rust programs represent values in memory, and can choose types they know the processor will handle efficiently. Programs needn’t pay for generality or flexibility they don’t use.


Rust manages all of this without requiring too much guidance from the programmer in the form of types written out in the code. Rust programs are usually less cluttered with types than the analogous C++ program would be.

Rather than using an interpreter or a just-in-time compiler, Rust is designed to use ahead-of-time compilation: the translation of your entire program to machine code is completed before it ever begins execution. Rust’s types help an ahead-of-time compiler choose good machine-level representations for the values your program operates on: representations whose performance you can predict, and which give you full access to the machine’s capabilities.

Rust is a statically typed language: without actually running the program, the compiler checks that every possible path of execution will use values only in ways consistent with their types. This allows Rust to catch many programming mistakes early, and is crucial to Rust’s safety guarantees.

Compared to a dynamically typed language like JavaScript or Python, Rust requires more planning from you up front: you must spell out the types of functions’ parameters and return values, members of struct types, and a few other constructs. However, two features of Rust make this less trouble than you might expect:

  • Given the types that you did spell out, Rust will infer most of the rest for you. In practice, there’s often only one type that will work for a given variable or expression; when this is the case, Rust lets you leave out the type. For example, you could spell out every type in a function, like this:

    fn build_vector() -> Vec<i16> {
        let mut v: Vec<i16> = Vec::<i16>::new();

    But this is cluttered and repetitive. Given the function’s return type, it’s obvious that v must be a Vec<i16>, a vector of 16-bit signed integers; no other type would work. And from that it follows that each element of the vector must be an i16. This is exactly the sort of reasoning Rust’s type inference applies, allowing you to instead write:

    fn build_vector() -> Vec<i16> {
        let mut v = Vec::new();

    These two definitions are exactly equivalent; Rust will generate the same machine code either way. Type inference gives back much of the legibility of dynamically typed languages, while still catching type errors at compile time.

  • Functions can be generic: when a function’s purpose and implementation are general enough, you can define it to work on any set of types that meet the necessary criteria. A single definition can cover an open-ended set of use cases.

    In Python and JavaScript, all functions work this way naturally: a function can operate on any value that has the properties and methods the function will need. (This is the characteristic often called duck typing: if it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.) But it’s exactly this flexibility that makes it so difficult for those languages to detect type errors early; testing is often the only way to catch such mistakes. Rust’s generic functions give the language a degree of the same flexibility, while still catching all type errors at compile time.

    Despite their flexibility, generic functions are just as efficient as their nongeneric counterparts. We’ll discuss generic functions in detail in Chapter 11.

The rest of this chapter covers Rust’s types from the bottom up, starting with simple machine types like integers and floating-point values, and then showing how to compose them into more complex structures. Where appropriate, we’ll describe how Rust represents values of these types in memory, and their performance characteristics.

Here’s a summary of the sorts of types you’ll see in Rust. This table shows Rust’s primitive types, some very common types from the standard library, and some examples of user-defined types:

Type Description Values
i8, i16, i32, i64,
u8, u16, u32, u64
Signed and unsigned integers,
of given bit width
-5i8, 0x400u16, 0o100i16,
b'*' (u8 byte literal)
isize, usize Signed and unsigned integers,
the same size as an address on the machine (32 or 64 bits)
f32, f64 IEEE floating-point numbers,
single and double precision
1.61803, 3.14f32, 6.0221e23f64
bool Boolean true, false
char Unicode character, 32 bits wide '*', ' ', '字', 'x7f', 'u{CA0}'
(char, u8, i32) Tuple: mixed types allowed ('%', 0x7f, -1)
() “unit” (empty) tuple ()
struct S { x: f32, y: f32 } Named-field struct S { x: 120.0, y: 209.0 }
struct T(i32, char); Tuple-like struct T(120, 'X')
struct E; Unit-like struct; has no fields E
enum Attend { OnTime, Late(u32) } Enumeration, algebraic data type Attend::Late(5), Attend::OnTime
Box<Attend> Box: owning pointer to value in heap Box::new(Late(15))
&i32, &mut i32 Shared and mutable references: nonowning pointers that must not outlive their referent &s.y, &mut v
String UTF-8 string, dynamically sized "ラーメン: ramen".to_string()
&str Reference to str: nonowning pointer to UTF-8 text "そば: soba", &s[0..12]
[f64; 4], [u8; 256] Array, fixed length; elements all of same type [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[b' '; 256]
Vec<f64> Vector, varying length; elements all of same type vec![0.367, 2.718, 7.389]
&[u8], &mut [u8] Reference to slice: reference to a portion of an array or vector, comprising pointer and length &v[10..20], &mut a[..]
&Any, &mut Read Trait object: reference to any value that implements a given set of methods value as &Any,
&mut file as &mut Read
fn(&str, usize) -> isize Pointer to function i32::saturating_add
(Closure types have no written form) Closure |a, b| a*a + b*b

Most of these types are covered in this chapter, except for the following:

  • We give struct types their own chapter, Chapter 9.

  • We give enumerated types their own chapter, Chapter 10.

  • We describe trait objects in Chapter 11.

  • We describe the essentials of String and &str here, but provide more detail in Chapter 17.

  • We cover function and closure types in Chapter 14.

Machine Types

The footing of Rust’s type system is a collection of fixed-width numeric types, chosen to match the types that almost all modern processors implement directly in hardware, and the Boolean and character types.

The names of Rust’s numeric types follow a regular pattern, spelling out their width in bits, and the representation they use:

Size (bits) Unsigned integer Signed integer Floating-point
8 u8 i8  
16 u16 i16  
32 u32 i32 f32
64 u64 i64 f64
Machine word usize isize  

Here, a machine word is a value the size of an address on the machine the code runs on, usually 32 or 64 bits.

Integer Types

Rust’s unsigned integer types use their full range to represent positive values and zero:

Type Range
u8 0 to 28–1 (0 to 255)
u16 0 to 216−1 (0 to 65,535)
u32 0 to 232−1 (0 to 4,294,967,295)
u64 0 to 264−1 (0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615, or 18 quintillion)
usize 0 to either 232−1 or 264−1

Rust’s signed integer types use the two’s complement representation, using the same bit patterns as the corresponding unsigned type to cover a range of positive and negative values:

Type Range
i8 −27 to 27−1 (−128 to 127)
i16 −215 to 215−1 (−32,768 to 32,767)
i32 −231 to 231−1 (−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
i64 −263 to 263−1 (−9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
isize Either −231 to 231−1, or −263 to 263−1

Rust generally uses the u8 type for byte values. For example, reading data from a file or socket yields a stream of u8 values.

Unlike C and C++, Rust treats characters as distinct from the numeric types; a char is neither a u8 nor an i8. We describe Rust’s char type in “Characters”.

The usize and isize types are analogous to size_t and ptrdiff_t in C and C++. The usize type is unsigned and isize is signed. Their precision depends on the size of the address space on the target machine: they are 32 bits long on 32-bit architectures, and 64 bits long on 64-bit architectures. Rust requires array indices to be usize values. Values representing the sizes of arrays or vectors or counts of the number of elements in some data structure also generally have the usize type.

In debug builds, Rust checks for integer overflow in arithmetic:

let big_val = std::i32::MAX;
let x = big_val + 1;  // panic: arithmetic operation overflowed

In a release build, this addition would wrap to a negative number (unlike C++, where signed integer overflow is undefined behavior). But unless you want to give up debug builds forever, it’s a bad idea to count on it. When you want wrapping arithmetic, use the methods:

let x = big_val.wrapping_add(1);  // ok

Integer literals in Rust can take a suffix indicating their type: 42u8 is a u8 value, and 1729isize is an isize. You can omit the suffix on an integer literal, in which case Rust will try to infer a type for it from the context. That inference usually identifies a unique type, but sometimes any one of several types would work. In this case, Rust defaults to i32, if that is among the possibilities. Otherwise, Rust reports the ambiguity as an error.

The prefixes 0x, 0o, and 0b designate hexadecimal, octal, and binary literals.

To make long numbers more legible, you can insert underscores among the digits. For example, you can write the largest u32 value as 4_294_967_295. The exact placement of the underscores is not significant, so you can break hexadecimal or binary numbers into groups of four digits rather than three, as in 0xffff_ffff, or set off the type suffix from the digits, as in 127_u8.

Some examples of integer literals:

Literal Type Decimal value
116i8 i8 116
0xcafeu32 u32 51966
0b0010_1010 Inferred 42
0o106 Inferred 70

Although numeric types and the char type are distinct, Rust does provide byte literals, character-like literals for u8 values: b'X' represents the ASCII code for the character X, as a u8 value. For example, since the ASCII code for A is 65, the literals b'A' and 65u8 are exactly equivalent. Only ASCII characters may appear in byte literals.

There are a few characters that you cannot simply place after the single quote, because that would be either syntactically ambiguous or hard to read. The following characters require a backslash placed in front of them:

Character Byte literal Numeric equivalent
Single quote, ' b''' 39u8
Backslash, b'' 92u8
Newline b' ' 10u8
Carriage return b' ' 13u8
Tab b' ' 9u8

For characters that are hard to write or read, you can write their code in hexadecimal instead. A byte literal of the form b'xHH', where HH is any two-digit hexadecimal number, represents the byte whose value is HH. For example, you can write a byte literal for the ASCII “escape” control character as b'x1b', since the ASCII code for “escape” is 27, or 1B in hexadecimal. Since byte literals are just another notation for u8 values, consider whether a simple numeric literal might be more legible: it probably makes sense to use b'x1b' instead of simply 27 only when you want to emphasize that the value represents an ASCII code.

You can convert from one integer type to another using the as operator. We explain how conversions work in “Type Casts”, but here are some examples:

assert_eq!(   10_i8  as u16,    10_u16); // in range
assert_eq!( 2525_u16 as i16,  2525_i16); // in range

assert_eq!(   -1_i16 as i32,    -1_i32); // sign-extended
assert_eq!(65535_u16 as i32, 65535_i32); // zero-extended

// Conversions that are out of range for the destination
// produce values that are equivalent to the original modulo 2^N,
// where N is the width of the destination in bits. This
// is sometimes called "truncation".
assert_eq!( 1000_i16 as  u8,   232_u8);
assert_eq!(65535_u32 as i16,    -1_i16);

assert_eq!(   -1_i8  as u8,    255_u8);
assert_eq!(  255_u8  as i8,     -1_i8);

Like any other sort of value, integers can have methods. The standard library provides some basic operations, which you can look up in the online documentation. Note that the documentation contains separate pages for the type itself (search for “i32 (primitive type)”, say), and for the module dedicated to that type (search for “std::i32”). For example:

assert_eq!(2u16.pow(4), 16);            // exponentiation
assert_eq!((-4i32).abs(), 4);           // absolute value
assert_eq!(0b101101u8.count_ones(), 4); // population count

The type suffixes on the literals are required here: Rust can’t look up a value’s methods until it knows its type. In real code, however, there’s usually additional context to disambiguate the type, so the suffixes aren’t needed.

Note that method calls have a higher precedence than unary prefix operators, so be careful when applying methods to negated values. Without the parentheses around -4i32 in the second assertion, -4i32.abs() would apply the abs method to the positive value 4, producing positive 4, and then negate that, producing -4.

Floating-Point Types

Rust provides IEEE single- and double-precision floating-point types. Following the IEEE 754-2008 specification, these types include positive and negative infinities, distinct positive and negative zero values, and a not-a-number value:

Type Precision Range
f32 IEEE single precision (at least 6 decimal digits) Roughly –3.4 × 1038 to +3.4 × 1038
f64 IEEE double precision (at least 15 decimal digits) Roughly –1.8 × 10308 to +1.8 × 10308

Rust’s f32 and f64 correspond to the float and double types in C and C++ implementations that support IEEE floating point, and in Java, which always uses IEEE floating point.

Floating-point literals have the general form diagrammed in Figure 3-1.

(Diagram of a floating-point literal, showing integer part, fractional part,            exponent, and type suffix.)
Figure 3-1. A floating-point literal

Every part of a floating-point number after the integer part is optional, but at least one of the fractional part, exponent, or type suffix must be present, to distinguish it from an integer literal. The fractional part may consist of a lone decimal point, so 5. is a valid floating-point constant.

If a floating-point literal lacks a type suffix, Rust infers whether it is an f32 or f64 from the context, defaulting to f64 if both would be possible. (Similarly, C, C++, and Java all treat unsuffixed floating-point literals as double values.) For the purposes of type inference, Rust treats integer literals and floating-point literals as distinct classes: it will never infer a floating-point type for an integer literal, or vice versa.

Some examples of floating-point literals:

Literal Type Mathematical value
–1.5625 Inferred −(1 916)
2. Inferred 2
0.25 Inferred ¼
1e4 Inferred 10,000
40f32 f32 40
9.109_383_56e-31f64 f64 Roughly 9.10938356 × 10–31

The standard library’s std::f32 and std::f64 modules define constants for the IEEE-required special values like INFINITY, NEG_INFINITY (negative infinity), NAN (the not-a-number value), and MIN and MAX (the largest and smallest finite values). The std::f32::consts and std::f64::consts modules provide various commonly used mathematical constants like E, PI, and the square root of two.

The f32 and f64 types provide a full complement of methods for mathematical calculations; for example, 2f64.sqrt() is the double-precision square root of two. The standard library documentation describes these under the names “f32 (primitive type)” and “f64 (primitive type)”. Some examples:

assert_eq!(5f32.sqrt() * 5f32.sqrt(), 5.); // exactly 5.0, per IEEE
assert_eq!((-1.01f64).floor(), -2.0);
assert!((-1. / std::f32::INFINITY).is_sign_negative());

Again, method calls have a higher precedence than prefix operators, so be sure to correctly parenthesize method calls on negated values.

As with integers, you usually won’t need to write out type suffixes on floating-point literals in real code, because the context will determine the type. When it doesn’t, however, the error messages can be surprising. For example, the following doesn’t compile:

println!("{}", (2.0).sqrt());

Rust complains:

error: no method named `sqrt` found for type `{float}` in the current scope

This can be a little bewildering; where else but on a floating-point type would one expect to find a sqrt method? The solution is to spell out which type you intend, in one way or another:

println!("{}", (2.0_f64).sqrt());
println!("{}", f64::sqrt(2.0));

Unlike C and C++, Rust performs almost no numeric conversions implicitly. If a function expects an f64 argument, it’s an error to pass an i32 value as the argument. In fact, Rust won’t even implicitly convert an i16 value to an i32 value, even though every i16 value is also an i32 value. But the key word here is implicitly: you can always write out explicit conversions using the as operator: i as f64, or x as i32. The lack of implicit conversions sometimes makes a Rust expression more verbose than the analogous C or C++ code would be. However, implicit integer conversions have a well-established record of causing bugs and security holes; in our experience, the act of writing out numeric conversions in Rust has alerted us to problems we would otherwise have missed. We explain exactly how conversions behave in “Type Casts”.

The bool Type

Rust’s Boolean type, bool, has the usual two values for such types, true and false. Comparison operators like == and < produce bool results: the value of 2 < 5 is true.

Many languages are lenient about using values of other types in contexts that require a Boolean value: C and C++ implicitly convert characters, integers, floating-point numbers, and pointers to Boolean values, so they can be used directly as the condition in an if or while statement. Python permits strings, lists, dictionaries, and even sets in Boolean contexts, treating such values as true if they’re nonempty. Rust, however, is very strict: control structures like if and while require their conditions to be bool expressions, as do the short-circuiting logical operators && and ||. You must write if x != 0 { ... }, not simply if x { ... }.

Rust’s as operator can convert bool values to integer types:

assert_eq!(false as i32, 0);
assert_eq!(true  as i32, 1);

However, as won’t convert in the other direction, from numeric types to bool. Instead, you must write out an explicit comparison like x != 0.

Although a bool only needs a single bit to represent it, Rust uses an entire byte for a bool value in memory, so you can create a pointer to it.


Rust’s character type char represents a single Unicode character, as a 32-bit value.

Rust uses the char type for single characters in isolation, but uses the UTF-8 encoding for strings and streams of text. So, a String represents its text as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, not as an array of characters.

Character literals are characters enclosed in single quotes, like '8' or '!'. You can use any Unicode character you like: '錆' is a char literal representing the Japanese kanji for sabi (rust).

As with byte literals, backslash escapes are required for a few characters:

Character Rust character literal
Single quote, ' '''
Backslash, ''
Newline ' '
Carriage return ' '
Tab ' '

If you prefer, you can write out a character’s Unicode code point in hexadecimal:

  • If the character’s code point is in the range U+0000 to U+007F (that is, if it is drawn from the ASCII character set), then you can write the character as 'xHH', where HH is a two-digit hexadecimal number. For example, the character literals '*' and 'x2A' are equivalent, because the code point of the character * is 42, or 2A in hexadecimal.

  • You can write any Unicode character as 'u{HHHHHH}', where HHHHHH is a hexadecimal number between one and six digits long. For example, the character literal 'u{CA0}' represents the character “ಠ”, a Kannada character used in the Unicode Look of Disapproval, “ಠ_ಠ”. The same literal could also be simply written as 'ಠ'.

A char always holds a Unicode code point in the range 0x0000 to 0xD7FF, or 0xE000 to 0x10FFFF. A char is never a surrogate pair half (that is, a code point in the range 0xD800 to 0xDFFF), or a value outside the Unicode codespace (that is, greater than 0x10FFFF). Rust uses the type system and dynamic checks to ensure char values are always in the permitted range.

Rust never implicitly converts between char and any other type. You can use the as conversion operator to convert a char to an integer type; for types smaller than 32 bits, the upper bits of the character’s value are truncated:

assert_eq!('*' as i32, 42);
assert_eq!('ಠ' as u16, 0xca0);
assert_eq!('ಠ' as i8, -0x60); // U+0CA0 truncated to eight bits, signed

Going in the other direction, u8 is the only type the as operator will convert to char: Rust intends the as operator to perform only cheap, infallible conversions, but every integer type other than u8 includes values that are not permitted Unicode code points, so those conversions would require runtime checks. Instead, the standard library function std::char::from_u32 takes any u32 value and returns an Option<char>: if the u32 is not a permitted Unicode code point, then from_u32 returns None; otherwise, it returns Some(c), where c is the char result.

The standard library provides some useful methods on characters, which you can look up in the online documentation by searching for “char (primitive type)”, and for the module “std::char”. For example:

assert_eq!('*'.is_alphabetic(), false);
assert_eq!('β'.is_alphabetic(), true);
assert_eq!('8'.to_digit(10), Some(8));
assert_eq!('ಠ'.len_utf8(), 3);
assert_eq!(std::char::from_digit(2, 10), Some('2'));

Naturally, single characters in isolation are not as interesting as strings and streams of text. We’ll describe Rust’s standard String type and text handling in general in “String Types”.


A tuple is a pair, or triple, or quadruple, ... of values of assorted types. You can write a tuple as a sequence of elements, separated by commas and surrounded by parentheses. For example, ("Brazil", 1985) is a tuple whose first element is a statically allocated string, and whose second is an integer; its type is (&str, i32) (or whatever integer type Rust infers for 1985). Given a tuple value t, you can access its elements as t.0, t.1, and so on.

Tuples aren’t much like arrays: for one thing, each element of a tuple can have a different type, whereas an array’s elements must be all the same type. Further, tuples allow only constants as indices, like t.4. You can’t write t.i or t[i] to get the i’th element.

Rust code often uses tuple types to return multiple values from a function. For example, the split_at method on string slices, which divides a string into two halves and returns them both, is declared like this:

fn split_at(&self, mid: usize) -> (&str, &str);

The return type (&str, &str) is a tuple of two string slices. You can use pattern-matching syntax to assign each element of the return value to a different variable:

let text = "I see the eigenvalue in thine eye";
let (head, tail) = text.split_at(21);
assert_eq!(head, "I see the eigenvalue ");
assert_eq!(tail, "in thine eye");

This is more legible than the equivalent:

let text = "I see the eigenvalue in thine eye";
let temp = text.split_at(21);
let head = temp.0;
let tail = temp.1;
assert_eq!(head, "I see the eigenvalue ");
assert_eq!(tail, "in thine eye");

You’ll also see tuples used as a sort of minimal-drama struct type. For example, in the Mandelbrot program in Chapter 2, we needed to pass the width and height of the image to the functions that plot it and write it to disk. We could declare a struct with width and height members, but that’s pretty heavy notation for something so obvious, so we just used a tuple:

/// Write the buffer `pixels`, whose dimensions are given by `bounds`, to the
/// file named `filename`.
fn write_image(filename: &str, pixels: &[u8], bounds: (usize, usize))
    -> Result<(), std::io::Error>
{ ... }

The type of the bounds parameter is (usize, usize), a tuple of two usize values. Admittedly, we could just as well write out separate width and height parameters, and the machine code would be about the same either way. It’s a matter of clarity. We think of the size as one value, not two, and using a tuple lets us write what we mean.

The other commonly used tuple type, perhaps surprisingly, is the zero-tuple (). This is traditionally called the unit type because it has only one value, also written (). Rust uses the unit type where there’s no meaningful value to carry, but context requires some sort of type nonetheless.

For example, a function that returns no value has a return type of (). The standard library’s std::mem::swap function has no meaningful return value; it just exchanges the values of its two arguments. The declaration for std::mem::swap reads:

fn swap<T>(x: &mut T, y: &mut T);

The <T> means that swap is generic: you can use it on references to values of any type T. But the signature omits the swap’s return type altogether, which is shorthand for returning the unit type:

fn swap<T>(x: &mut T, y: &mut T) -> ();

Similarly, the write_image example we mentioned before has a return type of Result<(), std::io::Error>, meaning that the function returns a std::io::Error value if something goes wrong, but returns no value on success.

If you like, you may include a comma after a tuple’s last element: the types (&str, i32,) and (&str, i32) are equivalent, as are the expressions ("Brazil", 1985,) and ("Brazil", 1985). Rust consistently permits an extra trailing comma everywhere commas are used: function arguments, arrays, struct and enum definitions, and so on. This may look odd to human readers, but it can make diffs easier to read when entries are added and removed at the end of a list.

For consistency’s sake, there are even tuples that contain a single value. The literal ("lonely hearts",) is a tuple containing a single string; its type is (&str,). Here, the comma after the value is necessary to distinguish the singleton tuple from a simple parenthetic expression.

Pointer Types

Rust has several types that represent memory addresses.

This is a big difference between Rust and most languages with garbage collection. In Java, if class Tree contains a field Tree left;, then left is a reference to another separately created Tree object. Objects never physically contain other objects in Java.

Rust is different. The language is designed to help keep allocations to a minimum. Values nest by default. The value ((0, 0), (1440, 900)) is stored as four adjacent integers. If you store it in a local variable, you’ve got a local variable four integers wide. Nothing is allocated in the heap.

This is great for memory efficiency, but as a consequence, when a Rust program needs values to point to other values, it must use pointer types explicitly. The good news is that the pointer types used in safe Rust are constrained to eliminate undefined behavior, so pointers are much easier to use correctly in Rust than in C++.

We’ll discuss three pointer types here: references, boxes, and unsafe pointers.


A value of type &String (pronounced “ref String”) is a reference to a String value, a &i32 is a reference to an i32, and so on.

It’s easiest to get started by thinking of references as Rust’s basic pointer type. A reference can point to any value anywhere, stack or heap. The expression &x produces a reference to x; in Rust terminology, we say that it borrows a reference to x. Given a reference r, the expression *r refers to the value r points to. These are very much like the & and * operators in C and C++. And like a C pointer, a reference does not automatically free any resources when it goes out of scope.

Unlike C pointers, however, Rust references are never null: there is simply no way to produce a null reference in safe Rust. And Rust references are immutable by default:


Immutable reference, like const T* in C.

&mut T

Mutable reference, like T* in C.

Another major difference is that Rust tracks the ownership and lifetimes of values, so mistakes like dangling pointers, double frees, and pointer invalidation are ruled out at compile time. Chapter 5 explains Rust’s rules for safe reference use.


The simplest way to allocate a value in the heap is to use Box::new:

let t = (12, "eggs");
let b = Box::new(t);  // allocate a tuple in the heap

The type of t is (i32, &str), so the type of b is Box<(i32, &str)>. Box::new() allocates enough memory to contain the tuple on the heap. When b goes out of scope, the memory is freed immediately, unless b has been moved—by returning it, for example. Moves are essential to the way Rust handles heap-allocated values; we explain all this in detail in Chapter 4.

Raw Pointers

Rust also has the raw pointer types *mut T and *const T. Raw pointers really are just like pointers in C++. Using a raw pointer is unsafe, because Rust makes no effort to track what it points to. For example, raw pointers may be null, or they may point to memory that has been freed or that now contains a value of a different type. All the classic pointer mistakes of C++ are offered for your enjoyment.

However, you may only dereference raw pointers within an unsafe block. An unsafe block is Rust’s opt-in mechanism for advanced language features whose safety is up to you. If your code has no unsafe blocks (or if those it does have are written correctly), then the safety guarantees we emphasize throughout this book still hold. For details, see Chapter 21.

Arrays, Vectors, and Slices

Rust has three types for representing a sequence of values in memory:

  • The type [T; N] represents an array of N values, each of type T. An array’s size is a constant determined at compile time, and is part of the type; you can’t append new elements, or shrink an array.

  • The type Vec<T>, called a vector of Ts, is a dynamically allocated, growable sequence of values of type T. A vector’s elements live on the heap, so you can resize vectors at will: push new elements onto them, append other vectors to them, delete elements, and so on.

  • The types &[T] and &mut [T], called a shared slice of Ts and mutable slice of Ts, are references to a series of elements that are a part of some other value, like an array or vector. You can think of a slice as a pointer to its first element, together with a count of the number of elements you can access starting at that point. A mutable slice &mut [T] lets you read and modify elements, but can’t be shared; a shared slice &[T] lets you share access among several readers, but doesn’t let you modify elements.

Given a value v of any of these three types, the expression v.len() gives the number of elements in v, and v[i] refers to the i’th element of v. The first element is v[0], and the last element is v[v.len() - 1]. Rust checks that i always falls within this range; if it doesn’t, the expression panics. The length of v may be zero, in which case any attempt to index it will panic. i must be a usize value; you can’t use any other integer type as an index.


There are several ways to write array values. The simplest is to write a series of values within square brackets:

let lazy_caterer: [u32; 6] = [1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16];
let taxonomy = ["Animalia", "Arthropoda", "Insecta"];

assert_eq!(lazy_caterer[3], 7);
assert_eq!(taxonomy.len(), 3);

For the common case of a long array filled with some value, you can write [V; N], where V is the value each element should have, and N is the length. For example, [true; 10000] is an array of 10,000 bool elements, all set to true:

let mut sieve = [true; 10000];
for i in 2..100 {
    if sieve[i] {
        let mut j = i * i;
        while j < 10000 {
            sieve[j] = false;
            j += i;


You’ll see this syntax used for fixed-size buffers: [0u8; 1024] can be a one-kilobyte buffer, filled with zero bytes. Rust has no notation for an uninitialized array. (In general, Rust ensures that code can never access any sort of uninitialized value.)

An array’s length is part of its type and fixed at compile time. If n is a variable, you can’t write [true; n] to get an array of n elements. When you need an array whose length varies at runtime (and you usually do), use a vector instead.

The useful methods you’d like to see on arrays—iterating over elements, searching, sorting, filling, filtering, and so on—all appear as methods of slices, not arrays. But Rust implicitly converts a reference to an array to a slice when searching for methods, so you can call any slice method on an array directly:

let mut chaos = [3, 5, 4, 1, 2];
assert_eq!(chaos, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

Here, the sort method is actually defined on slices, but since sort takes its operand by reference, we can use it directly on chaos: the call implicitly produces a &mut [i32] slice referring to the entire array. In fact, the len method we mentioned earlier is a slice method as well. We cover slices in more detail in “Slices”.


A vector Vec<T> is a resizable array of elements of type T, allocated on the heap.

There are several ways to create vectors. The simplest is to use the vec! macro, which gives us a syntax for vectors that looks very much like an array literal:

let mut v = vec![2, 3, 5, 7];
assert_eq!(v.iter().fold(1, |a, b| a * b), 210);

But of course, this is a vector, not an array, so we can add elements to it dynamically:

assert_eq!(v.iter().fold(1, |a, b| a * b), 30030);

You can also build a vector by repeating a given value a certain number of times, again using a syntax that imitates array literals:

fn new_pixel_buffer(rows: usize, cols: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
    vec![0; rows * cols]

The vec! macro is equivalent to calling Vec::new to create a new, empty vector, and then pushing the elements onto it, which is another idiom:

let mut v = Vec::new();
assert_eq!(v, vec!["step", "on", "no", "pets"]);

Another possibility is to build a vector from the values produced by an iterator:

let v: Vec<i32> = (0..5).collect();
assert_eq!(v, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);

You’ll often need to supply the type when using collect (as we’ve done here), because it can build many different sorts of collections, not just vectors. By making the type for v explicit, we’ve made it unambiguous which sort of collection we want.

As with arrays, you can use slice methods on vectors:

// A palindrome!
let mut v = vec!["a man", "a plan", "a canal", "panama"];
// Reasonable yet disappointing:
assert_eq!(v, vec!["panama", "a canal", "a plan", "a man"]);

Here, the reverse method is actually defined on slices, but the call implicitly borrows a &mut [&str] slice from the vector, and invokes reverse on that.

Vec is an essential type to Rust—it’s used almost anywhere one needs a list of dynamic size—so there are many other methods that construct new vectors or extend existing ones. We’ll cover them in Chapter 16.

A Vec<T> consists of three values: a pointer to the heap-allocated buffer allocated to hold the elements; the number of elements that buffer has the capacity to store; and the number it actually contains now (in other words, its length). When the buffer has reached its capacity, adding another element to the vector entails allocating a larger buffer, copying the present contents into it, updating the vector’s pointer and capacity to describe the new buffer, and finally freeing the old one.

If you know the number of elements a vector will need in advance, instead of Vec::new you can call Vec::with_capacity to create a vector with a buffer large enough to hold them all, right from the start; then, you can add the elements to the vector one at a time without causing any reallocation. The vec! macro uses a trick like this, since it knows how many elements the final vector will have. Note that this only establishes the vector’s initial size; if you exceed your estimate, the vector simply enlarges its storage as usual.

Many library functions look for the opportunity to use Vec::with_capacity instead of Vec::new. For example, in the collect example, the iterator 0..5 knows in advance that it will yield five values, and the collect function takes advantage of this to pre-allocate the vector it returns with the correct capacity. We’ll see how this works in Chapter 15.

Just as a vector’s len method returns the number of elements it contains now, its capacity method returns the number of elements it could hold without reallocation:

let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(2);
assert_eq!(v.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 2);

assert_eq!(v.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 2);

assert_eq!(v.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 4);

The capacities you’ll see in your code may differ from those shown here. Vec and the system’s heap allocator may round up requests, even in the with_capacity case.

You can insert and remove elements wherever you like in a vector, although these operations shift all the elements after the insertion point forward or backward, so they may be slow if the vector is long:

let mut v = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

// Make the element at index 3 be 35.
v.insert(3, 35);
assert_eq!(v, [10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 50]);

// Remove the element at index 1.
assert_eq!(v, [10, 30, 35, 40, 50]);

You can use the pop method to remove the last element and return it. More precisely, popping a value from a Vec<T> returns an Option<T>: None if the vector was already empty, or Some(v) if its last element had been v:

let mut v = vec!["carmen", "miranda"];
assert_eq!(v.pop(), Some("miranda"));
assert_eq!(v.pop(), Some("carmen"));
assert_eq!(v.pop(), None);

You can use a for loop to iterate over a vector:

// Get our command-line arguments as a vector of Strings.
let languages: Vec<String> = std::env::args().skip(1).collect();
for l in languages {
    println!("{}: {}", l,
             if l.len() % 2 == 0 {
             } else {

Running this program with a list of programming languages is illuminating:

$ cargo run Lisp Scheme C C++ Fortran
   Compiling fragments v0.1.0 (file:///home/jimb/rust/book/fragments)
     Running `.../target/debug/fragments Lisp Scheme C C++ Fortran`
Lisp: functional
Scheme: functional
C: imperative
C++: imperative
Fortran: imperative

Finally, a satisfying definition for the term functional language.

Despite its fundamental role, Vec is an ordinary type defined in Rust, not built into the language. We’ll cover the techniques needed to implement such types in Chapter 21.


A slice, written [T] without specifying the length, is a region of an array or vector. Since a slice can be any length, slices can’t be stored directly in variables or passed as function arguments. Slices are always passed by reference.

A reference to a slice is a fat pointer: a two-word value comprising a pointer to the slice’s first element, and the number of elements in the slice.

Suppose you run the following code:

let v: Vec<f64> = vec![0.0,  0.707,  1.0,  0.707];
let a: [f64; 4] =     [0.0, -0.707, -1.0, -0.707];

let sv: &[f64] = &v;
let sa: &[f64] = &a;

On the last two lines, Rust automatically converts the &Vec<f64> reference and the &[f64; 4] reference to slice references that point directly to the data.

By the end, memory looks like Figure 3-2.

borrowing a slice of a vector
Figure 3-2. A vector v and an array a in memory, with slices sa and sv referring to each

Whereas an ordinary reference is a non-owning pointer to a single value, a reference to a slice is a non-owning pointer to several values. This makes slice references a good choice when you want to write a function that operates on any homogeneous data series, whether stored in an array, vector, stack, or heap. For example, here’s a function that prints a slice of numbers, one per line:

fn print(n: &[f64]) {
    for elt in n {
        println!("{}", elt);

print(&v);  // works on vectors
print(&a);  // works on arrays

Because this function takes a slice reference as an argument, you can apply it to either a vector or an array, as shown. In fact, many methods you might think of as belonging to vectors or arrays are actually methods defined on slices: for example, the sort and reverse methods, which sort or reverse a sequence of elements in place, are actually methods on the slice type [T].

You can get a reference to a slice of an array or vector, or a slice of an existing slice, by indexing it with a range:

print(&v[0..2]);    // print the first two elements of v
print(&a[2..]);     // print elements of a starting with a[2]
print(&sv[1..3]);   // print v[1] and v[2]

As with ordinary array accesses, Rust checks that the indices are valid. Trying to borrow a slice that extends past the end of the data results in a panic.

We often use the term slice for reference types like &[T] or &str, but that is a bit of shorthand: those are properly called references to slices. Since slices almost always appear behind references, we use the shorter name for the more common concept.

String Types

Programmers familiar with C++ will recall that there are two string types in the language. String literals have the pointer type const char *. The standard library also offers a class, std::string, for dynamically creating strings at runtime.

Rust has a similar design. In this section, we’ll show all the ways to write string literals, then introduce Rust’s two string types. We provide more detail about strings and text handling in Chapter 17.

String Literals

String literals are enclosed in double quotes. They use the same backslash escape sequences as char literals:

let speech = ""Ouch!" said the well.

In string literals, unlike char literals, single quotes don’t need a backslash escape, and double quotes do.

A string may span multiple lines:

println!("In the room the women come and go,
    Singing of Mount Abora");

The newline character in that string literal is included in the string, and therefore in the output. So are the spaces at the beginning of the second line.

If one line of a string ends with a backslash, then the newline character and the leading whitespace on the next line are dropped:

println!("It was a bright, cold day in April, and 
    there were four of us—
    more or less.");

This prints a single line of text. The string contains a single space between “and” and “there”, because there is a space before the backslash in the program, and no space after the dash.

In a few cases, the need to double every backslash in a string is a nuisance. (The classic examples are regular expressions and Windows paths.) For these cases, Rust offers raw strings. A raw string is tagged with the lowercase letter r. All backslashes and whitespace characters inside a raw string are included verbatim in the string. No escape sequences are recognized.

let default_win_install_path = r"C:Program FilesGorillas";

let pattern = Regex::new(r"d+(.d+)*");

You can’t include a double-quote character in a raw string simply by putting a backslash in front of it—remember, we said no escape sequences are recognized. However, there is a cure for that too. The start and end of a raw string can be marked with pound signs:

    This raw string started with 'r###"'.
    Therefore it does not end until we reach a quote mark ('"')
    followed immediately by three pound signs ('###'):

You can add as few or as many pound signs as needed to make it clear where the raw string ends.

Byte Strings

A string literal with the b prefix is a byte string. Such a string is a slice of u8 values—that is, bytes—rather than Unicode text:

let method = b"GET";
assert_eq!(method, &[b'G', b'E', b'T']);

This combines with all the other string syntax we’ve shown: byte strings can span multiple lines, use escape sequences, and use backslashes to join lines. Raw byte strings start with br".

Byte strings can’t contain arbitrary Unicode characters. They must make do with ASCII and xHH escape sequences.

The type of method shown here is &[u8; 3]: it’s a reference to an array of three bytes. It doesn’t have any of the string methods we’ll discuss in a minute. The most string-like thing about it is the syntax we used to write it.

Strings in Memory

Rust strings are sequences of Unicode characters, but they are not stored in memory as arrays of chars. Instead, they are stored using UTF-8, a variable-width encoding. Each ASCII character in a string is stored in one byte. Other characters take up multiple bytes.

Figure 3-3 shows the String and &str values created by the code:

let noodles = "noodles".to_string();
let oodles = &noodles[1..];
let poodles = "ಠ_ಠ";
(A String owns its buffer. A &str is a fat pointer to someone else's characters.)
Figure 3-3. String, &str, and str

A String has a resizable buffer holding UTF-8 text. The buffer is allocated on the heap, so it can resize its buffer as needed or requested. In the example, noodles is a String that owns an eight-byte buffer, of which seven are in use. You can think of a String as a Vec<u8> that is guaranteed to hold well-formed UTF-8; in fact, this is how String is implemented.

A &str (pronounced “stir” or “string slice”) is a reference to a run of UTF-8 text owned by someone else: it “borrows” the text. In the example, oodles is a &str referring to the last six bytes of the text belonging to noodles, so it represents the text “oodles”. Like other slice references, a &str is a fat pointer, containing both the address of the actual data and its length. You can think of a &str as being nothing more than a &[u8] that is guaranteed to hold well-formed UTF-8.

A string literal is a &str that refers to preallocated text, typically stored in read-only memory along with the program’s machine code. In the preceding example, poodles is a string literal, pointing to seven bytes that are created when the program begins execution, and that last until it exits.

A String or &str’s .len() method returns its length. The length is measured in bytes, not characters:

assert_eq!("ಠ_ಠ".len(), 7);
assert_eq!("ಠ_ಠ".chars().count(), 3);

It is impossible to modify a &str:

let mut s = "hello";
s[0] = 'c';    // error: the type `str` cannot be mutably indexed
');  // error: no method named `push` found for type `&str`

For creating new strings at run time, use String.

The type &mut str does exist, but it is not very useful, since almost any operation on UTF-8 can change its overall byte length, and a slice cannot reallocate its referent. In fact, the only operations available on &mut str are make_ascii_uppercase and make_ascii_lowercase, which modify the text in place and affect only single-byte characters, by definition.


&str is very much like &[T]: a fat pointer to some data. String is analogous to Vec<T>:

  Vec<T> String
Automatically frees buffers Yes Yes
Growable Yes Yes
::new() and ::with_capacity() static methods Yes Yes
.reserve() and .capacity() methods Yes Yes
.push() and .pop() methods Yes Yes
Range syntax v[start..stop] Yes, returns &[T] Yes, returns &str
Automatic conversion &Vec<T> to &[T] &String to &str
Inherits methods From &[T] From &str

Like a Vec, each String has its own heap-allocated buffer that isn’t shared with any other String. When a String variable goes out of scope, the buffer is automatically freed, unless the String was moved.

There are several ways to create Strings:

  • The .to_string() method converts a &str to a String. This copies the string:

    let error_message = "too many pets".to_string();
  • The format!() macro works just like println!(), except that it returns a new String instead of writing text to stdout, and it doesn’t automatically add a newline at the end.

    assert_eq!(format!("{}°{:02}′{:02}″N", 24, 5, 23),
  • Arrays, slices, and vectors of strings have two methods, .concat() and .join(sep), that form a new String from many strings.

    let bits = vec!["veni", "vidi", "vici"];
    assert_eq!(bits.concat(), "venividivici");
    assert_eq!(bits.join(", "), "veni, vidi, vici");

The choice sometimes arises of which type to use: &str or String. Chapter 5 addresses this question in detail. For now it will suffice to point out that a &str can refer to any slice of any string, whether it is a string literal (stored in the executable) or a String (allocated and freed at run time). This means that &str is more appropriate for function arguments when the caller should be allowed to pass either kind of string.

Using Strings

Strings support the == and != operators. Two strings are equal if they contain the same characters in the same order (regardless of whether they point to the same location in memory).

assert!("ONE".to_lowercase() == "one");

Strings also support the comparison operators <, <=, >, and >=, as well as many useful methods and functions that you can find in the online documentation by searching for “str (primitive type)” or the “std::str” module (or just flip to Chapter 17). Here are a few examples:

assert_eq!("ಠ_ಠ".replace("ಠ", "■"), "■_■");
assert_eq!("    clean
".trim(), "clean");

for word in "veni, vidi, vici".split(", ") {

Keep in mind that, given the nature of Unicode, simple char-by-char comparison does not always give the expected answers. For example, the Rust strings "thu{e9}" and "theu{301}" are both valid Unicode representations for thé, the French word for tea. Unicode says they should both be displayed and processed in the same way, but Rust treats them as two completely distinct strings. Similarly, Rust’s ordering operators like < use a simple lexicographical order based on character code point values. This ordering only sometimes resembles the ordering used for text in the user’s language and culture. We discuss these issues in more detail in Chapter 17.

Other String-Like Types

Rust guarantees that strings are valid UTF-8. Sometimes a program really needs to be able to deal with strings that are not valid Unicode. This usually happens when a Rust program has to interoperate with some other system that doesn’t enforce any such rules. For example, in most operating systems it’s easy to create a file with a filename that isn’t valid Unicode. What should happen when a Rust program comes across this sort of filename?

Rust’s solution is to offer a few string-like types for these situations:

  • Stick to String and &str for Unicode text.

  • When working with filenames, use std::path::PathBuf and &Path instead.

  • When working with binary data that isn’t character data at all, use Vec<u8> and &[u8].

  • When working with environment variable names and command-line arguments in the native form presented by the operating system, use OsString and &OsStr.

  • When interoperating with C libraries that use null-terminated strings, use std::ffi::CString and &CStr.

Beyond the Basics

Types are a central part of Rust. We’ll continue talking about types and introducing new ones throughout the book. In particular, Rust’s user-defined types give the language much of its flavor, because that’s where methods are defined. There are three kinds of user-defined types, and we’ll cover them in three successive chapters: structs in Chapter 9, enums in Chapter 10, and traits in Chapter 11.

Functions and closures have their own types, covered in Chapter 14. And the types that make up the standard library are covered throughout the book. For example, Chapter 16 presents the standard collection types.

All of that will have to wait, though. Before we move on, it’s time to tackle the concepts that are at the heart of Rust’s safety rules.

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