Chapter 6. The JavaScript XMLHttpRequest and Web APIs

The JavaScript XMlHttpRequest and web APIs might be difficult to say three times fast, but it’s really not as complicated as it sounds. It is a simple client and server relationship. The JavaScript XMLHttpRequest is the client making the requests, and the web API  is the server sending the responses.

In the client–server restaurant example discussed in the previous chapter, I referred to the server as the kitchen and the client as the customer. This chapter will focus on a type of kitchen and how this kitchen operates.

It goes without saying that not every restaurant operates the same. In some restaurants, you can drive up to a window to order your food. Some restaurants are open to the public and other restaurants may only serve as a cafeteria inside of a large company campus.

A client–server relationship that most of us participate in is surfing the Internet. Oftentimes we think of ourselves as traveling, or exploring around the Internet. In reality, we are usually sitting and staring into a screen. The Internet browser isn’t going anywhere either. It just sits in place, as if at a table in a restaurant, making requests and receiving responses. Once the server gives us our response, it is done with us and moves on to some other entity making a request.

The request being made by the Internet browser is for a resource. When we are “surfing the Internet,” we either click a link with a URL or we directly type in a URL in our browser. URL stands for Universal Resource Locator. The URLs we use in our Internet browsing are for locating HTML resources, which allows us to see our websites, including the one with pictures of cute kittens. In this scenario, the resource we are requesting has a content type of text/html.

Another client–server relationship that doesn’t directly involve humans is a web API. A web API serves content over HTTP just like a website does, but it is not meant for human eyes. You can think of it as a restaurant that caters to code because the majority of requests to these servers are made by code.

Programming code doesn’t usually order up pictures of cute kittens to look at like we do. Its appetite usually consists of requesting data. This chapter is about a type of client that orders up JSON (a resource with a content type of application/json), and the type of restaurant that caters to these customers: web APIs.

Let’s begin by taking a look at web APIs, and the role JSON has within a web API.

Web APIs

Unlike humans, code doesn’t have a pair of eyes that want to read an article or view a picture. Code needs to view that “something” in a format that it can read (parse). This is where a data interchange format (like JSON, shown in Example 6-1) steps into the picture.

Example 6-1. JSON weather data from the OpenWeatherMap web API
    "dt": 1433383200,
    "temp": {
        "day": 293.5,
        "min": 293.5,
        "max": 293.5,
        "night": 293.5,
        "eve": 293.5,
        "morn": 293.5
    "pressure": 1015.06,
    "humidity": 98,
    "weather": [
            "id": 802,
            "main": "Clouds",
            "description": "scattered clouds",
            "icon": "03n"
    "speed": 2.86,
    "deg": 134,
    "clouds": 44

The JSON weather data example can be “read” by any code capable of parsing JSON. This JSON resource can be requested with a URL (the code example is a subset of the full JSON document):

Though many public web APIs like OpenWeatherMap are for “reading,” many APIs such as the PayPal API are more interactive. A web API is a set of instructions and standards for interacting with a service over HTTP. That interaction can include create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and the web API will have a reference outlining these instructions and standards.

For example, according to the PayPal API reference, I can create a new invoice with the PayPal API by posting JSON to the URL:

In Example 6-2, we have JSON representing an invoice to be sent as a request to the PayPal API.

Example 6-2. An invoice for the PayPal API
    "merchant_info": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "Bob",
        "last_name": "Bobberson",
        "business_name": "Bob Equipment, LLC",
        "phone": {
            "country_code": "001",
            "national_number": "5555555555"
        "address": {
            "line1": "123 Fake St.",
            "city": "Somewhere",
            "state": "OR",
            "postal_code": "97520",
            "country_code": "US"
    "billing_info": [
            "email": "[email protected]"
    "items": [
            "name": "Widgets",
            "quantity": 20,
            "unit_price": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "value": 89
    "note": "Special Widgets Order!",
    "payment_term": {
        "term_type": "NET_45"
    "shipping_info": {
        "first_name": "Some",
        "last_name": "Guy",
        "business_name": "Not applicable",
        "address": {
            "line1": "456 Real Fake Dr",
            "city": "Some Place",
            "state": "OR",
            "postal_code": "97501",
            "country_code": "US"

With the PayPal API, once the invoice is created, I can request (read), update, and delete that invoice.

Operations done behind the scenes in JavaScript, such as the request for the weather data, are referred to as asynchronous. Asynchronous operations are operations that take place in the background without interrupting the main transmission.

In the case of JavaScript asynchronous operations, the “main transmission” would be the display of the web browser. For example, a news web page might include a sidebar with real-time weather data. While you’re reading your news article, code in the background could asynchronously update the weather display every 60 seconds. This operation would not require the page to reload, nor would it interrupt your page scrolling to read your article. The only thing on the page to change would be the sidebar with the weather data.

The asynchronous (background) operations of JavaScript are referred to as AJAX. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. When we are making behind-the-scenes requests for JSON, this would technically be Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON (AJAJ). However, the term “AJAX” has been used for so long that it has become less of an acronym and more of a word to describe any asynchronous operations in JavaScript. Here in this book and elsewhere, you will see the term AJAX used to describe Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON. This is not done in error.

Let’s take a look at how we can achieve AJAX with JSON and the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest.

The JavaScript XMLHttpRequest

Though the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest sounds like it has to do with XML, we use it for making HTTP requests. During the time it was named with XML in it, XML was the star data interchange format for making these types of requests. However, XMLHttpRequest is not restricted to XML. We use it to request JSON despite its name.

Earlier, I began several phrases with “Code that fetches.” The JavaScript XMLHttpRequest is code that fetches a resource. This phraseology is common when talking about HTTP requests, though in reality the code isn’t chasing through cyberspace like a dog fetching a ball. The code sits where it is and politely asks for the resource to be delivered.

If we return to the restaurant example, we can imagine the JavaScript code sitting at a restaurant table. The JavaScript code doesn’t go to the kitchen to request JSON, nor does it yell across the restaurant. There is protocol in a restaurant. That protocol requires you to summon a waiter who writes down your order and carries it to the kitchen.

There is also protocol that allows code to send requests to web servers that may be hundreds or thousands of miles away. The very foundation of data communication that allows us to visit our favorite websites is based on a protocol called HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). When we type into our Internet browser, we are using the HyperText Transfer Protocol to make a request for a resource. In the case of the cute kittens website, that resource is an HTML page with cute kitten images embedded into it. Code that needs to make a request for a JSON resource uses the same protocol (HTTP).

In JavaScript, the code that uses the protocol to make this request is the XMLHttpRequest. JavaScript is an object-oriented language, so naturally the XMLHttpRequest is an object. Once it is created by using the syntax new XmlHttpRequest() (Example 6-3), and assigned to a variable, it has functions that can be called to request resources from a location.

Example 6-3. A JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object
var myXmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

The XMLHttpRequest is an object, and Example 6-3 shows the creation of a new XMLHttpRequest object. Even if you don’t know JavaScript, if you’ve read the book up to this point, your knowledge of JSON will help you visualize a JavaScript object. After all, JSON is based on the literal notation of JavaScript objects.

We say that a JavaScript object has properties. These “properties” are simply name-value pairs. The properties of the XMLHttpRequest are named onreadystatechange, readyState, response, responseText, responseType, responseXML, status, statusText, timeout, ontimeout, upload, and withCredentials. Note the inconsistency on the casing of these properties. Some use camelCase and others are all lowercase. This may cause hairpulling in your future if you decide to write your own XMLHttpRequest code, as you will not only need to remember what the properties are called, but the different casing.

One of the key differences between a typical object in programming and a JSON object is that JSON lacks executable instructions. JSON is composed only of properties because it is meant for data interchange. A typical object in programming will also include functions (or methods). For example, I can describe my shoes in JSON with name-value pairs such as: "color": "pink" and "brand": "crocs". What I cannot do in JSON is give life to those shoes, by calling a function (or method) such as shoe.walk().

The available functions of the XMLHttpRequest that we are most interested in are:

  • open(method, url, async (optional), user (optional), password (optional))
  • send()

The available properties of the XMLHttpRequest that we are most interested in are:

Has a value of a function that we can define in our code.
Returns a value ranging from 0–4 that represents a status code.
Returns the HTTP status code (like 200 for success).
When the response is successful, this will contain the body of the response as text (JSON if this is what we are requesting).

For those of you not familiar with JavaScript, here is a mind-bender: a property can have a function for a value. This is possible in JavaScript because a function is an object. An object is a type of data, and therefore can be assigned to a variable (property), modified, and passed around. In the programming world, these are called first-class functions. The onreadystatechange property has a value of a function.

Example 6-4 creates a new XMLHttpRequest object and gets JSON from the OpenWeatherMap API.

Example 6-4. A new XMLHttpRequest object
var myXMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "";

myXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (myXMLHttpRequest.readyState === 4 && myXMLHttpRequest.status === 200) {
        var myObject = JSON.parse(myXMLHttpRequest.responseText);
        var myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObject);
}"GET", url, true);

In the example, on the second line of code I’m creating a variable that contains the URL for a JSON resource. I then create a function and assign it to the onreadystatechange property of myXMLHttpRequest. This function will be executed every time the readyState property changes. In the function, I check to see if the readyState is 4 (code for “done”) and that the HTTP status is 200 (code for success). If both of those things are true, I then parse the JSON into a JSON object.

Two terms that you will often hear about when JSON is turned into text from an object and then from an object back into text are serialization and deserialization. Serialization is the act of converting the object into text. Deserialization is the act of converting the text back into an object.

In Example 6-5, the JavaScript is deserializing with JSON.parse(). In the responseText, the JSON is simply text as a data interchange format. Once it is parsed by JSON.parse(), it is no longer JSON, but a JavaScript object.

Example 6-5. Deserialization
var myJSON = JSON.parse(myXMLHttpRequest.responseText);

This deserialization with JSON.parse() is necessary because the JSON is not yet an object. Remember that JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. While it is in its JSON form, it is a literal representation of an object in the form of text. In order for JSON to become a real object, it must be deserialized. In JavaScript, we can also serialize the JSON with JSON.stringify().

In Example 6-6, the myObject variable gets the deserialized JSON. This is now an object. The myJSON variable gets the serialized object. This is now JSON.

Example 6-6. Object deserialized and then serialized
// the JSON response deserialized 
var myObject = JSON.parse(myXMLHttpRequest.responseText); 

// The object serialized
var myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObject); 

Finally, the last two lines in my example are setting up the request and then sending it via the HTTP protocol (Example 6-7).

Example 6-7. The request for JSON is set up and sent"GET", url, true);

You may find it strange that the code that handles the JSON response appears before the request is sent. I even talked about it before I talked about the request being set up and sent. The function value of the onreadystatechange property is an EventHandler. The underlying JavaScript engine (not my code) has logic to access the properties value (my function) every time the ready state changes. The ready states from 0–4 are:

0 for UNSENT
The state before the open() function has been executed.
1 for OPENED
The state after the open() function has been executed but before send() has been executed.
The state after the send() function has been executed and headers and status are available.
The headers have been received but the response text is still being retrieved.
4 for DONE
Complete; the full message with headers and body has been received.

Dealing with status codes for ready states may seem confusing. In Chapter 7, we will see how the XMLHttpRequest can be simplified with jQuery. With jQuery, we can get JSON with a simple getJSON() function, and deal with status in a more human-readable way: done(), fail(), always().

In my example, I used a URL that belongs to the OpenWeatherMap API. This is a web service that provides weather data through an API. The API has URLs for both XML and JSON resources for a variety of weather data. My example showed how I requested and received JSON from this API on the client side with JavaScript. However, Internet browsers have rules about sharing for security purposes. The same-origin policy states that a website should only have these sort of background requests with sites on the same domain. This is to protect users because unless they know what Internet browser developer tools are, they can’t see these requests happening.

The code I shared in my example could be executed in a script on a site with the URL This is the origin domain because it is the URL of the original request. The URL for the API is:

The domain does not match the origin domain of This clearly violates the same-origin policy. This background request and response is only made possible by some hoops that the makers of the OpenWeatherMap API jumped through. Let’s take a look at these hoops and loopholes to see how behind-the-scenes requests with public APIs are made possible.

Relationship Woes and Rules About Sharing

I realize I left you on a cliffhanger back there. I just showed you some code that does work, but violates same-origin Internet browser rules. It shouldn’t work, but it does, only because of a hoop that the makers of the OpenWeatherMap API jumped through. Sounds like a bad soap opera, where two people can’t make up their minds what their relationship is. Will the browser allow the request to the public web API? Stay tuned.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Some web developers can go years writing JavaScript AJAX code that makes requests from public web APIs without ever running into same-origin policies. This is because most public APIs have implemented CORS on their own servers. The server supplies some extra properties in the response header prefixed with Access-Control-Allow (Example 6-8).

Example 6-8. The Access-Control-Allow headers from the OpenWeatherMap API response for the resource at
Access-Control-Allow-Methods:GET, POST

These headers define whether credentials are allowed, which of the HTTP methods are allowed (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, CONNECT), and most importantly, which origin domains are allowed. In the example, the asterisk (*) is supplied. This is a wildcard that says any origin domain is allowed.

CORS makes it possible for sites like OpenWeatherMap to share their data in a way that allows users to include it in AJAX interactions on the client side. Additionally, CORS can be used to disallow websites from doing mischievous things with an API such as CSRF. If you remember the example from Chapter 5, a bad guy was able to link to JSON in a <script> tag and exploit the trust of a banking site. A security measure that the bank could put in place is to implement CORS and include the headers shown in Example 6-9 in its response.

Example 6-9. CORS used as a security measure

In the example, POST is the only allowed method. If someone tried to request this resource from a URL in a <script> tag (using the GET method), the browser will not allow it. Additionally, by specifying the URL of the origin site for the bank, the Internet browser will deny access to any website other than

Implementing CORS is not always an option, and JSON is not always hosted by a full-fledged web API. Perhaps you have two sites with two different domains ( and and you want to share a JSON file from to This is where JSON-P comes in.


JSON-P stands for JSON with padding. I mentioned in Chapter 5 that <script> tags are exempt from same-origin policies. JSON-P uses this exemption to request JSON from servers without the same origin.

JSON-P is not as ideal as CORS, since it is classified as a workaround (CORS is the preferred method, as it is a standard). However, when push comes to shove, sometimes a workaround like this is needed. You need a relationship between and, and the browser rules about sharing can make this frustrating when CORS is not an option.

The “padding” in JSON-P is very simple. It’s JavaScript added to the JSON document. See Example 6-10.

Example 6-10. JSON with padding (JSON-P)
        "animal": "cat"

The JavaScript “padding” in this JSON document is a call to a function with the JSON supplied as a parameter. Function parameters provide a way to pass data into the function. For example, if I wanted a function that added two numbers together, I would need a way to pass those two numbers into the function.

This function is defined in our client-side code, in our JavaScript (Example 6-11).

Example 6-11. The function declared in our JavaScript
function getTheAnimal(data) {
    var myAnimal = data.animal; // will be "cat"

After the function is declared in the JavaScript, some setup is required. This is the part of JSON-P that takes advantage of the <script> tag exemption from the same-origin policy. See Example 6-12.

Example 6-12. The <script> tag is created and dynamically appended to the HTML document after the <head> tag
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "";

For servers implementing JSON-P, it is also customary to allow the user to decide what the function should be named. This is usually passed in via the URL as a query string parameter. See Example 6-13.

Example 6-13. A name for the function communicated to the server via the query string
script.src = "";

The server would receive my function name in the callback and generate the padding dynamically in the JSON file. See Example 6-14.

Example 6-14. A dynamically named function in the JSON padding
        "animal": "cat"

JSON-P still requires effort on the server side, as the JSON resource must contain the JavaScript padding. Both CORS and JSON-P require an effort on the server side. Therefore, a cross-domain XMLHttpRequest by a client is dependent on the server of the JSON resource for success.

Key Terms and Concepts

This chapter covered the following key terms:

A set of instructions and standards for interacting with a service over HTTP.
A JavaScript object, primarily used in AJAX programming, that retrieves data from a URL without reloading the page.
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
The protocol that is the very foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
The act of converting the object into text.
The act of converting the serialized text back into an object.
Same-origin policy
The Internet browser requires scripts to originate from the same domain for security.
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
Allows resources (e.g., a JSON document) to be requested from another domain outside of the domain of the requestor by defining permission in the response headers.
JSON with padding (JSON-P)
Uses the <script> tag exemption from the same-origin policy to request JSON from servers without the same origin.

We also  discussed these key concepts:

  • The relationship between the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest and a web API is a client–server relationship.
  • XMLHttpRequest isn’t just for XML. We use it to request JSON resources as well.
  • A website caters to humans, and a web API caters to code. Both serve resources over HTTP.
  • The same-origin policy can cause relationship woes for client–server interactions between JavaScript and a JSON resource.
  • A cross-domain XMLHttpRequest by a client is dependent on the server of the JSON resource for success.
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