Chapter 2. Concepts

This chapter explains the core concepts underpinning Cloud Foundry. Understanding these concepts paints a complete picture of why and how you should use the platform. These concepts include the need to deal with undifferentiated heavy lifting and why cloud-based operating systems are essential in protecting your cloud investment. This chapter also touches on the philosophical perspectives behind Cloud Foundry with its opinionated do more approach. Operational aspects, including release engineering through BOSH, and built-in resilience and fault tolerance are also introduced. Finally, some of the core capabilities of the platform beyond container orchestration are introduced, including the aggregated streaming of logs and metrics and the user access and authentication (UAA) management.

Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting

Cloud Foundry is a platform for running applications and one-off tasks. The essence of Cloud Foundry is to provide companies with the speed, simplicity, and control they need to develop and deploy applications. It achieves this by undertaking many of the burdensome boilerplate responsibilities associated with delivering software. These types of responsibilities are referred to as undifferentiated heavy lifting, tasks that must be done—for example, container orchestration or application placement—but that are not directly related to the development of revenue-generating software. The following are some examples of undifferentiated heavy lifting:

  • Provisioning VMs, OSs, middleware, and databases

  • Application runtime configuration and memory tuning

  • User management and SSO integration

  • Load balancing and traffic routing

  • Centralized log aggregation

  • Scaling

  • Security auditing

  • Providing fault tolerance and resilience

  • Service discovery

  • Application placement and container creation and orchestration

  • Blue/green deployments with the use of canaries

If you do not have a platform to abstract the underlying infrastructure and provide the aforementioned capabilities, this additional burden of responsibility remains yours. If you are spending significant time and effort building bespoke environments for shipping software, refocusing investment back into your core business will provide a huge payoff. Cloud Foundry allows enterprises to refocus effort back into the business by removing as much of the undifferentiated heavy lifting as possible.

The Cloud Operating System

As an application platform, Cloud Foundry is infrastructure-agnostic, sitting on top of your infrastructure of choice. As depicted in Figure 2-1, Cloud Foundry is effectively a cloud-based operating system that utilizes cloud-based resources, which are hidden and abstracted away from the end user. As discussed in Chapter 1, in the same way that the OS on your phone, tablet, or laptop abstracts the underlying physical compute resource, Cloud Foundry abstracts the infrastructure’s compute resource (specifically virtual storage, networking, RAM, and CPU). The net effect is that Cloud Foundry serves both as a standard and efficient way to deploy applications and services across different cloud-computing environments. Conversely, if you are stuck with directly using IaaS–specific APIs, it requires knowledge of the developer patterns and operations specific to the underlying IaaS technology, frequently resulting in applications becoming tightly coupled to the underlying infrastructure.

Cloud Foundry
Figure 2-1. Cloud Foundry layers forming a cloud-based OS

Do More

Historically the long pole of application delivery, the part on the critical path that blocks progress, has been the IT department. This results in a concept I call server hugging, whereby developers hold on to (and hug) a plethora of VMs just in case they need them again someday.

Nowadays, businesses no longer need to be constrained by lengthy IT processes or organizational silos. Cloud Foundry provides a contractual promise to allow businesses to move with velocity and establish a developer–feedback loop so that they can tightly align products to user expectations. With Cloud Foundry, product managers get their business back and IT engineers can focus on more interesting issues and get to eat dinner at home.

Platforms are concerned not only with providing environments and middleware for running applications. For example, Cloud Foundry takes on the responsibility of keeping applications up and running in the face of failures within the system. It also provides security, user administration, workload scheduling, and monitoring capabilities. Onsi Fakhouri, Pivotal’s Vice President of Research and Development, famously tweeted this haiku:

Here is my source code,
run it on the cloud for me.
I do not care how!

Onsi’s quote captures the essence of Cloud Foundry’s do more capability. Cloud Foundry is about doing more on behalf of both the developer and operator so that they can focus on what really differentiates the business. This characteristic is seen all throughout the Cloud Foundry ecosystem. You can take a similar approach with BOSH, Cloud Foundry’s release-engineering system, and state, “Here are my servers, make them a Cloud Foundry. I do not care how!”

The Application as the Unit of Deployment

Traditionally, deploying application code required provisioning and deploying VMs, OSs, and middleware to create a development environment for the application to run in. After that environment was provisioned, it required patching and ongoing maintenance. New environments were then created as the application moved through the deployment pipeline.

Early incarnations of platforms centered on middleware: defining complex topology diagrams of application servers, databases, and messaging engines into which you could drop your application. When this topology diagram (or blueprint) was defined, you then specified some additional configuration such as IP addresses and ports to bring the defined topology and applications into existence. Although this was a step in the right direction, from a developer’s perspective there was still a layer of complexity that you needed to configure for each deployment.

Cloud Foundry differs from traditional provisioning and orchestration engines in a fundamental way: it uses middleware and infrastructure directly, allowing streamlined development through self-service environments. Developers can build, deploy, run, and scale applications on Cloud Foundry without having to be mindful of the specific underlying infrastructure, middleware, and container implementation.

Cloud Foundry allows the unit of deployment, i.e., what you deploy to run your application, to be isolated to just the application itself. Even though there are some benefits to encapsulating both your application and dependencies as a precomposed container image, I still believe it is more secure and more efficient to keep just the application as the unit of deployment and allow the platform to handle the remaining concerns. The trade-offs between both approaches are discussed further in Chapter 9; however, the benefit of Cloud Foundry is that it supports both approaches. Buildpacks are discussed at length in that chapter, but for now, it is enough to know that buildpacks provide the framework and runtime support for your applications. A specific buildpack is used to package your application with all of its dependencies. The resulting staged application is referred to as a droplet.

On-boarding developers is easy; they can deploy applications to Cloud Foundry using existing tool chains with little to no code modification. It enables the developer to remove the cost and complexity of configuring infrastructure for their applications. Using a self-service model, developers can deploy and scale applications without being directly locked into the IaaS layer.

Because developers no longer need to concern themselves with, for example, which application container to use, which version of Java, and which memory settings or garbage-collection (GC) policy to employ, they can simply push their applications to Cloud Foundry, and the applications run. This allows developers to focus on delivering applications that offer business value. Applications can then be bound to a wide set of backing services that are available on demand.

Units of Deployment

The phrase “the application is the unit of deployment” is used liberally. Applications as the sole unit of currency has changed with the emergence of Diego, Cloud Foundry’s new runtime. Cloud Foundry now supports both applications running as long running processes (LRPs) and discrete “run once” tasks such as Bash scripts and Cron-like jobs. Diego LRPs are also referred to as application instances, or AIs. What you deploy, be it an actual app or just a script, is not important. The key takeaway is the removal of the need for deploying additional layers of technology.

Using cf push Command to Deploy

Cloud Foundry provides several ways for a user to interact with it, but the principal avenue is through its CLI. The most renowned CLI command often referenced by the Cloud Foundry community is $ cf push.

You use the cf push command to deploy your application. It has demonstrably improved the deployment experience. From the time you run cf push to the point when the application is available, Cloud Foundry performs the following tasks:

  • Uploads and stores application files

  • Examines and stores application metadata

  • Stages the application by using a buildpack to create a droplet

  • Selects an appropriate execution environment in which to run the droplet

  • Starts the AI and streams logs to the Loggregator

This workflow is explored in more depth in Chapter 6.


Although it is part of the cf push workflow, staging is a core Cloud Foundry concept. Cloud Foundry allows users to deploy a prebuilt Docker image or an application artifact (source code or binaries) that has not yet been containerized. When deploying an application artifact, Cloud Foundry will stage the application on a machine or VM known as a Cell, using everything required to compile and run the apps locally, including the following:

  • The OS stack on which the application runs

  • A buildpack containing all languages, libraries, dependencies, and runtime services the app uses

The staging process results in a droplet that the Cell can unpack, compile, and run. You can then run the resulting droplet (as in the case of a Docker image) repeatedly over several Cells. The same droplet runs the same app instances over multiple Cells without incurring the cost of staging every time a new instance is run. This ability provides deployment speed and confidence that all running instances from the same droplet are identical.

Self-Service Application Life Cycle

In most traditional scenarios, the application developer and application operator typically perform the following:

  • Develop an application

  • Deploy application services

  • Deploy an application and connect (bind) it to application services

  • Scale an application, both up and down

  • Monitor an application

  • Upgrade an application

This application life cycle is in play until the application is decommissioned and taken offline. Cloud Foundry simplifies the application life cycle by offering self-service capabilities to the end user. Adopting a self-service approach removes hand-offs and potentially lengthy delays between teams. For example, the ability to deploy an application, provision and bind applications to services, scale, monitor, and upgrade are all offered by a simple call to the platform.

With Cloud Foundry, as mentioned earlier, the application or task itself becomes the single unit of deployment. Developers just push their applications to Cloud Foundry, and those applications run. If developers require multiple instances of an application to be running they can use cf scale to scale the application to N number of AIs. Cloud Foundry removes the cost and complexity of configuring infrastructure and middleware per application. Using a self-service model, users can do the following:

  • Deploy applications

  • Provision and bind additional services, such as messaging engines, caching solutions, and databases

  • Scale applications

  • Monitor application health and performance

  • Update applications

  • Delete applications

Deploying and scaling applications are completely independent operations. This provides the flexibility to scale at will, without the cost of having to redeploy the application every time. Users can simply scale an application with a self-service call to the platform. Through commercial products such as Pivotal Cloud Foundry, you can set up autoscaling policies for dynamic scaling of applications when they meet certain configurable thresholds.

Removing the infrastructure, OS, and middleware configuration concerns from developers allows them to focus all their effort on the application instead of deploying and configuring supporting technologies. This keeps the development focus where it needs to be, on the business logic that generates revenue.

The Twelve-Factor Contract

An architectural style known as cloud-native applications has been established to describe the design of applications specifically written to run in a cloud environment. These applications avoid some of the antipatterns that were established in the client-server era, such as writing data to the local filesystem. Those antipatterns do not work as well in a cloud environment because, for example, local storage is ephemeral given that VMs can move between different hosts. The Twelve-Factor App explains the 12 principles underpinning cloud-native applications.

Platforms offer a set of contracts to the applications and services that run on them. These contracts ensure that applications are constrained to do the right thing. Twelve Factor can be thought of as the contract between an application and a cloud-native platform.

There are benefits to adhering to a contract that constrains things correctly. Twitter is a great example of a constrained platform. You can write only 140 characters, but that constraint becomes an extremely valuable feature of the platform. You can do a lot with 140 characters coupled with the rich features surrounding that contract. Similarly, platform contracts are born out of previously tried-and-tested constraints; they are enabling and make doing the right thing—good developer practices—easy for developers.

Release Engineering through BOSH

In addition to developer concerns, the platform provides responsive IT operations, with full visibility and control over the application life cycle, provisioning, deployment, upgrades, and security patches. Several other operational benefits exist, such as built-in resilience, security, centralized user management, and better insights through capabilities like aggregated metrics and logging.

Rather than integrating, operating, and maintaining numerous individual components, the platform operator deals only with the platform. Structured platforms handle all the aforementioned undifferentiated heavy lifting tasks.

The Cloud Foundry repository is structured for use with BOSH. BOSH is an open source tool chain for release-engineering, deployment, and life cycle management. Using a YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) deployment manifest, BOSH creates and deploys (virtual) machines1 on top of the targeted computing infrastructure and then deploys and runs software (in our case Cloud Foundry and supporting services) on to those created machines. Many of the benefits to operators are provided through using BOSH to deploy and manage Cloud Foundry. BOSH is often overlooked as just another component of Cloud Foundry, but it is the bedrock of Cloud Foundry and a vital piece of the ecosystem. It performs monitoring, failure recovery, and software updates with zero-to-minimal downtime. Chapter 10 discusses BOSH at length.

Rather than utilizing a bespoke integration of a variety of tools and techniques that provide solutions to individual parts of the release-engineering goal, BOSH is designed to be a single tool covering the entire set of requirements of release engineering. BOSH enables software deployments to be:

  • Automated

  • Reproducible

  • Scalable

  • Monitored with self-healing failure recovery

  • Updatable with zero-to-minimal downtime

BOSH translates intent into action via repeatability by always ensuring every provisioned release is identical and repeatable. This removes the challenge of configuration drift and removes the sprawl of snowflake servers.

BOSH configures infrastructure through code. By design, BOSH tries to abstract away the differences between infrastructure platforms (IaaS or physical servers) into a generalized, cross-platform description of your deployment. This provides the benefit of being infrastructure agnostic (as far as possible).

BOSH performs monitoring, failure recovery, software updates, and patching with zero-to-minimal downtime. Without such a release-engineering tool chain, all these concerns remain the responsibility of the operations team. A lack of automation exposes the developer to unnecessary risk.

Built-In Resilience and Fault Tolerance

A key feature of Cloud Foundry is its built-in resilience. Cloud Foundry provides built-in resilience and self-healing based on control theory. Control theory is a branch of engineering and mathematics that uses feedback loops to control and modify the behavior of a dynamic system. Resiliency is about ensuring that the actual system state (the number of running applications, for example) matches the desired state at all times, even in the event of failures. Resiliency is an essential but often costly component of business continuity.

Cloud Foundry automates the recovery of failed applications, components, and processes. This self-healing removes the recovery burden from the operator, ensuring speed of recovery. Cloud Foundry, underpinned by BOSH, achieves resiliency and self-healing through:

  • Restarting failed system processes

  • Recreating missing or unresponsive VMs

  • Deployment of new AIs if an application crashes or becomes unresponsive

  • Application striping across availability zones (AZs) to enforce separation of the underlying infrastructure

  • Dynamic routing and load balancing

Cloud Foundry deals with application orchestration and placement focused on even distribution across the infrastructure. The user should not need to worry about how the underlying infrastructure runs the application beyond having equal distribution across different resources (known as availability zones). The fact that multiple copies of the application are running with built-in resiliency is what matters.

Cloud Foundry provides dynamic load balancing. Application consumers use a route to access an application; each route is directly bound to one or more applications in Cloud Foundry. When running multiple instances, it balances the load across the instances, dynamically updating its routing table. Dead application routes are automatically pruned from the routing table, with new routes added when they become available.

Without these capabilities, the operations team is required to continually monitor and respond to pager alerts from failed apps and invalid routes. By replacing manual interaction with automated, self-healing software, applications and system components are restored quickly with less risk and downtime. The resiliency concern is satisfied once, for all applications running on the platform, as opposed to developing customized monitoring and restart scripts per application. The platform removes the ongoing cost and associated maintenance of bespoke resiliency solutions.

Self-Healing Processes

Traditional infrastructure as code tools do not check whether provisioned services are up and running. BOSH has strong opinions on how to create your release, forcing you to create a monitor script for the process. If a BOSH-deployed component has a process that dies, the monitor script will try to restart it.

Self-Healing VMs

BOSH has a Health Monitor and Resurrector. The Health Monitor uses status and life cycle events to monitor the health of VMs. If the Health Monitor detects a problem with a VM, it can trigger an alert and invoke the Resurrector. The Resurrector automatically recreates VMs identified by the Health Monitor as missing or unresponsive.

Self-Healing Application Instance Count

Cloud Foundry runs the application transparently, taking care of the application life cycle. If an AI dies for any reason (e.g., because of a bug in the application) or a VM dies, Cloud Foundry can self-heal by restarting new instances so as to keep the desired capacity to run AIs. It achieves this by monitoring how many instances of each application are running. The Cell manages its AIs, tracks started instances, and broadcasts state messages. When Cloud Foundry detects a discrepancy between the actual number of running instances versus the desired number of available AIs, it takes corrective action and initiates the deployment of new AIs. To ensure resiliency and fault tolerance, you should run multiple AIs for a single application. The AIs will be distributed across multiple Cells for resiliency.

Resiliency Through Availability Zones

Finally, Cloud Foundry supports the use of availability zones (AZs). As depicted in Figure 2-2, you can use AZs to enforce separation of the underlying infrastructure. For example, when running on AWS, you can directly map Cloud Foundry AZs to different AWS AZs. When running on vCenter, you can map Cloud Foundry AZs to different vCenter Cluster and resource-pool combinations. Cloud Foundry can then deploy its components across the AZs. When you deploy multiple AIs, Cloud Foundry will distribute them evenly across the AZs. If, for example, a rack of servers fails and brings down an entire AZ, the AIs will still be up and serving traffic in the remaining AZs.

Cloud Foundry
Figure 2-2. Application resiliency through Cloud Foundry AZs

Aggregated Streaming of Logs and Metrics

Cloud Foundry provides insight into both the application and the underlying platform through aggregated logging and metrics. The logging system within Cloud Foundry is known as the Loggregator. It is the inner voice of the system, telling the operator and developer what is happening. It is used to manage the performance, health, and scale of running applications and the platform itself, via the following:

  • Logs provide visibility into behavior; for example, application logs can be used to trace through a specific call stack.

  • Metrics provide visibility into health; for example, container metrics can include memory, CPU, and disk-per-app instance.

Insights are obtained through storing and analyzing a continuous stream of aggregated, time-ordered events from the output streams of all running processes and backing services. Application logs are aggregated and streamed to an endpoint via Cloud Foundry’s Loggregator Firehose. Logs from the Cloud Foundry system components can also be made available and processed through a separate syslog drain. Cloud Foundry produces both the application and system logs to provide a holistic view to the end user.

Figure 2-3 illustrates how application logs and syslogs are separated as streams, in part to provide isolation and security between the two independent concerns, and in part due to consumer preferences. Generally speaking, app developers do not want to wade through component logs to resolve an app-specific issue. Developers can trace the log flow from the frontend router to the application code from a single log file.

Cloud Foundry
Figure 2-3. The Loggregator system architecture used for aggregating application logs and metrics

In addition to logs, metrics are gathered and streamed from system components. Operators can use metrics information to monitor an instance of Cloud Foundry. Furthermore, Cloud Foundry events show specific events such as when an application is started or stopped. The benefits of aggregated log, metric, and event streaming include the following:

  • You can stream logs to a single endpoint.

  • Streamed logs provide timestamped outputs per application.

  • Both application logs and system-component logs are aggregated, simplifying their consumption.

  • Metrics are gathered and streamed from system components.

  • Operators can use metrics information to monitor an instance of Cloud Foundry.

  • You can view logs from the command line or drain them into a log management service such as an ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), Splunk, or PCF Metrics.

  • Viewing events is useful when debugging problems. For example, it is useful to be able to correlate an app instance event (like an app crash) to the container’s specific metrics (high memory prior to crash).

The cost of implementing an aggregated log and metrics-streaming solution involves bespoke engineering to orchestrate and aggregate the streaming of both syslog and application logs from every component within a distributed system into a central server. Using a platform removes the ongoing cost and associated maintenance of bespoke logging solutions.


For enterprises working with cloud-based infrastructure, security is a top concern. Usually the security teams have the strongest initial objections to Cloud Foundry because it works in a way that is generally unprecedented to established enterprise security teams. However, as soon as these teams understand the strength of Cloud Foundry’s security posture, my experience is that they become one of your strongest champions.

Distributed System Security

Cloud Foundry offers significant security benefits over traditional approaches to deploying applications because it allows you to strengthen your security posture once, for all applications deployed to the platform. However, securing distributed systems involves inherent complexity. For example, think about these issues:

  • How much effort is required to automatically establish and apply network traffic rules to isolate components?

  • What policies should be applied to automatically limit resources in order to defend against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks?

  • How do you implement role-based access controls (RBAC) with in-built auditing of system access and actions?

  • How do you know which components are potentially affected by a specific vulnerability and require patching?

  • How do you safely patch the underlying OS without incurring application downtime?

These issues are standard requirements for most systems running in corporate data centers. The more custom engineering you use, the more you need to secure and patch that system. Distributed systems increase the security burden because there are more moving parts, and with the advances in container technology, new challenges arise, such as “How do you dynamically apply microsegmentation at the container layer?” Additionally, when it comes to rolling out security patches to update the system, many distributed systems suffer from configuration drift—namely, the lack of consistency between supposedly identical environments. Therefore, when working with complex distributed systems (specifically any cloud-based infrastructure), environmental risk factors are intensified.

The Challenge of Configuration Drift

Deployment environments (such as staging, quality assurance, and production) are often complex and time-consuming to construct and administer, producing the ongoing challenge of trying to manage configuration drift to maintain consistency between environments and VMs. Reproducible consistency through release-engineering tool chains such as Cloud Foundry’s BOSH addresses this challenge.

Environmental Risk Factors for Advanced Persistent Threats

Malware known as advanced persistent threats (APTs) needs three risk factors in order to thrive:

  1. Time

  2. Leaked or misused credentials

  3. Misconfigured and/or unpatched software

Given enough time, APTs can observe, analyze, and learn what is occurring within your system, storing away key pieces of information at will. If APTs obtain credentials, they can then further access other systems and data such as important ingress points into your protected data layer. Finally, unpatched software vulnerabilities provide APTs the freedom to further exploit, compromise, and expose your system.

Challenge of Minimal Change

There has been a belief that if enterprises deliver software with velocity, the trade-off is they must reduce their security posture and increase risk. Therefore, traditionally, many enterprises have relied on a concept of minimal change to mitigate risk and reduce velocity. Security teams establish strict and restrictive policies in an attempt to minimize the injection of new vulnerabilities. This is evident by ticketing systems to make basic configuration changes to middleware and databases, long-lived transport layer security (TLS) credentials, static firewall rules, and numerous security policies to which applications must adhere.

Minimal change becomes compounded by complexity of the environment. Because machines are difficult to patch and maintain, environmental complexity introduces a significant lag between the time a vulnerability is discovered and the time a machine is patched, be it months, or worse, even years in some production enterprise environments.

The Three Rs of Enterprise Security

IThese combined risk factors provide a perfect ecosystem in which APTs can flourish, and minimal change creates an environment in which all three factors are likely to occur. Cloud Foundry inverts the traditional enterprise security model by focusing on the three Rs of enterprise security: rotate, repave, repair.2"

  1. Rotate the credentials frequently so that they are valid only for short periods of time.

  2. Repave (rebuild) servers and applications from a known good state to cut down on the amount of time an attack can live.

  3. Repair vulnerable software as soon as updates are available.

For the three Rs to be effective in minimizing the APT risk factors, you need to implement them repeatedly at high velocity. For example, data center credentials can be rotated hourly, servers and applications can be rebuilt several times a day, and complete vulnerability patching can be achieved within hours of patch availability. With this paradigm in mind, faster now equates to a safer and stronger security posture.

Because every component within Cloud Foundry is created with the same OS image, Cloud Foundry eases the burden of rolling out these OS and software-release updates by using BOSH. BOSH redeploys updated VMs, component by component, to ensure zero-to-minimal downtime. This ultimately removes patching and updating concerns from the operator and provides a safer, more resilient way to update Cloud Foundry while keeping applications running. It is now totally possible to rebuild every VM in your data center from a known good state, as desired, with zero application downtime.

In addition, you can rebuild and redeploy the applications themselves from a known good release, upon request, with zero downtime. These rebuilding, repairing, and redeploying capabilities ensure that the patch turnaround time for the entire stack is as fast and as encompassing as possible, reaching every affected component across the stack with minimal human intervention. Cadence is limited only by the time it takes to run the pipeline and commit new code.

In addition to patching, if for any reason a component becomes compromised, you can instantly recreate it by using a known and clean software release and OS image, and move the compromised component into a quarantine area for further inspection.

There are additional detailed technical aspects that further improve security; for example, using namespaces for all containerized processes. I suggest reviewing the individual components for a more detailed understanding of how components such as Garden or the UAA help to further increase the security posture.

UAA Management

Role-based access defines who can use the platform and how. Cloud Foundry uses RBAC, with each role granting permissions to a specific environment the user is targeting. All collaborators target an environment with their individual user accounts associated with a role that governs what level and type of access the user has within that environment. Cloud Foundry’s UAA is the central identity management service for both users and applications. It supports federated login, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), SSO, and multifactor authentication. UAA is a powerful component for strengthening your security posture for both user and application authentication. Chapter 15 looks at UAA in more detail.

Organizations and Spaces

Most developers are familiar with using VMs for development and deployment. Cloud Foundry is a virtualization layer (underpinned by containers) on top of a virtualization layer underpinned by VMs. Therefore, users do not have direct access to a specific machine or VM; rather, they simply access a logical partition of resources to deploy their apps.

To partition and allocate resources, Cloud Foundry uses logical boundaries known as Organizations (Orgs) and Spaces. Orgs contain one or more Spaces. Users can belong to any number of Orgs and/or Spaces, and users can have unique roles and permissions in each Org or Space to which they belong.

Orgs and Spaces provide the following:

  • Logical separation and assignment of Cloud Foundry resources

  • Isolation between different teams

  • Logical isolation of development, test, staging, and production environments

For some enterprise customers with traditional silos, defining their required Orgs and Spaces can at first seem complex. Ideally, development teams should have autonomy to create and manage their own Spaces, as required. For development teams embracing microservices, the best approach is to organize teams by the big-A application—meaning a group of related (small-a) applications or services that can collectively and appropriately be grouped together, often referred to as bulkheading.

Ultimately, you know your business and how your developers work, so use these logical structures to provide meaningful working environments and pipelines for your developers.


An Org is the top level of separation. A logical mapping could be to your business unit, a big-A application, or some other reasonable bounded context. When working with large enterprises that might have 200 developers in a business unit, I normally try to shift their thinking to the “Two-Pizza Team” model for application development. However, the actual number of developers within an Org or Space should not be a contentious point if it maps well to the physical organization and does not impede development or deployment.


Every application and service is scoped to a Cloud Foundry Space. A Space provides a shared location that a set of users can access for application development, deployment, and maintenance. Every Space belongs to one Org. Each Org contains at least one Space but could contain several, and therefore can contain a broader set of collaborators than a single Space.

Environment Variables for Properties

The cf push command is the user saying to Cloud Foundry, “Here is my application artifact; run it on the cloud for me. I do not care how!”

The “I do not care how” needs explaining. There are properties you should care about, and these properties are configured by environment variables. Cloud Foundry uses environment variables to inform a deployed application about its environment. Environment variables include the following:

  • How much memory to use

  • What routes should be bound to the application

  • How many instances of an application should be run

  • Additional app-specific environment properties

The Cloud Foundry user can configure all of these properties.

Spaces are more of a developer concern. I believe there should be a limit to the amount of developers in a Space because there is a requirement for a level of trust due to the scope of shared resources and exposed environment variables that reside at the Space level. For the hyper security-conscious who have no trust between application teams, one Space per application is the only way forward. In reality, a Space for a big-A application might be more appropriate.

Colocation and Application Interactions

When considering the logical separations of your Cloud Foundry deployment, namely what Orgs and Spaces to construct, it is important to consider your application-to-application and application-to-services interactions. Although this consideration is more of a microservices consideration, an understanding of application and service boundaries is beneficial in understanding any colocation requirements. An example of this would be an application needing to access a corporate service in a specific data center or network. These concerns and their subsequent impacts become more noticeable at scale. You will need to design, understand, and document service discovery and app-to-app dependency, and additional frameworks such as Spring Cloud can significantly help here.

Resource Allocation

In addition to defining team structures, you can use Orgs and Spaces for assigning appropriate resources to each team.

Collaborators in an Org share the following:

  • Resource quota

  • Applications

  • Services availability

  • Custom domains

Domains Hosts and Routes

To enable traffic from external clients, applications require a specific URL known as a route. A route is a URL comprised of a domain and an optional host as a prefix. The host in this context is the portion of the URL referring to the application or applications, such as these:

  • my-app-name is the host prefix
  • is the domain
  • is the route


Application consumers use a route to access an application. Each route is directly bound to one or more applications in Cloud Foundry. When running multiple instances, Cloud Foundry automatically load balances application traffic across multiple AIs through a component called the GoRouter. Because individual AIs can come and go for various reasons (scaling, app deletion, app crash), the GoRouter dynamically updates its routing table. Dead routes are automatically pruned from the routing table and new routes are added when they become available. Dynamic routing is a powerful feature. Traditional manual route table maintenance can be slow because it often requires submitting tickets to update or correct domain name server (DNS) or load balancer components. Chapter 7 discusses these various routing concepts further.


Domains provide a namespace from which to create routes. Cloud Foundry uses domains within routes to direct requests to specific applications. You can also register and use a custom domain, known as an owned domain. Domains are associated with Orgs and are not directly bound to applications. Domains can be shared, meaning that they are registered to multiple Orgs, or private, registered to only one Org. Owned domains are always private.

Context Path–Based Routing

A context path in a URL extends a top-level route with additional context so as to route the client to either specific application functionality or a different application. For example, can be extended to to direct a client to a homepage.

In the preceding example, your clients can reach the application via Therefore, if a client targets that route and uses a different context path, it will still reach only a single application. For example, and will both be routed by GoRouter to your app my-app-name.

This approach works if all the functionality under the route can be served by a single app. However, when using microservices, there is a need to have a unified top-level route that can be backed by a number of microservices. Each service uses the same top-level domain but can be individually reached by different paths in the URL. The microservices collectively serve all supported paths under the domain With context path–based routing, you can independently scale those portions of your app that are experiencing high/low traffic.

Rolling Upgrades and Blue/Green Deployments

As discussed in “Security”, both the applications running on the platform and the platform itself allow for rolling upgrades and zero-downtime deployment through a distributed consensus.

You can update applications running on the platform with zero downtime through a technique known as blue/green deployments.


This chapter walked you through the principal concepts of Cloud Foundry. For example, you should now understand the meaning of a cloud OS, and the importance of the twelve-factor contract. The primary premise of Cloud Foundry is to enable the application development-to-deployment process to be as fast as possible. Cloud Foundry, underpinned by the BOSH release-engineering tool chain, achieves this by doing more on your behalf. Cloud Foundry provides the following:

  • Built-in resiliency through automated recovery and self-healing of failed applications, components, and processes

  • Built-in resiliency through striping applications across different resources

  • Authentication and authorization for both users and applications, with the addition of RBAC for users

  • Increased security posture with the ability to rotate credentials and repave and repair components

  • The ability to update the platform with zero downtime via rolling upgrades across the system

  • Speed in the deployment of apps with the ability to connect to a number of services via both platform-managed service brokers and services running in your existing IT infrastructure

  • Built-in management and operation of services for your application, such as metrics and log aggregation, monitoring, autoscaling, and performance management

Now that you understand both the concepts and capabilities of Cloud Foundry, you are ready to learn about the individual components that comprise a Cloud Foundry deployment.

1 The terms VM and machine are used interchangeably because BOSH can deploy to multiple infrastructure environments ranging from containers to VMs, right down to configuring physical servers.

2 The three Rs of enterprise security is a phrase coined in an article by Justin Smith, a cloud identity and security expert. I strongly suggest that if you’re interested in enterprise security, you read the full article titled The Three R’s of Enterprise Security.

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