Chapter 3. Components

This chapter explores the details of Cloud Foundry components. If you are keen to begin your journey by deploying Cloud Foundry, you are free to jump ahead to Chapter 4 and refer to this chapter at a later time.

Cloud Foundry is a distributed system involving several different components. Distributed systems balance their processing loads over multiple networked machines.1 They are optimized between efficiency and resiliency against failures. Cloud Foundry is comprised of a modular distributed architecture with discrete components utilized for dedicated purposes.

It is important for the operator to understand what comprises the Cloud Foundry distributed system. For example, some components are responsible for system state and you need to back them up. Other components are responsible for running your applications, and therefore you most probably want more than one instance of those components to remain running to ensure resiliency. Ultimately, understanding these components and where their boundaries of responsibility lie is vital when it comes to establishing concerns such as resiliency and disaster recovery.

In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

  1. The core components, including their purpose and boundary of responsibility

  2. The flow of communication and interaction between components

  3. The components responsible for state2

Component Overview

The Cloud Foundry components are covered in detail in the Cloud Foundry documentation. The Cloud Foundry code base is being rapidly developed by a growing open source team of around 250 developers. Any snapshot in time is going to change almost immediately. This book focuses not on the specific implementations that are subject to change, but on the purpose and function of each component. The implementation details change; the underlying patterns often remain.

We can group by function the components that make up Cloud Foundry into different layers. Table 3-1 lists these layers.

Table 3-1. Cloud Foundry component layers
Layer Compoenents


GoRouter, TCPRouter, and external load balancera

Authentication and user management

User Access and Authentication Management

Application life cycle and system state

Cloud Controller, Diego’s core components (e.g., BBS and Brain)

App storage and execution

blobstore (including app artifacts/droplets and the Application Life-Cycle Binaries), Diego Cell (Garden, and runC)


Service Broker, User Provided Service


NATS (Network Address Translation) Messaging Bus

Metrics and logging

Loggregator (including Doppler and the Firehose)

a The external load balancer is not a Cloud Foundry component; it fronts the traffic coming into Cloud Foundry.

Figure 3-1 provides a visual representation of these components.

Cloud Foundry
Figure 3-1. Cloud Foundry component layers

To discuss the core components and their role within Cloud Foundry, we will take a top-down approach beginning with components that handle traffic coming into Cloud Foundry.

Routing via the Load Balancer and GoRouter

All HTTP-based traffic first enters Cloud Foundry from an external load balancer fronting Cloud Foundry. The load balancer is primarily used for routing traffic to the GoRouter.

Load Balancer Preference

The choice of load balancer is according to your preference. Infrastructure hosted on AWS often use Amazon’s elastic load balancer (ELB). On-premises deployments such as those on vSphere or OpenStack take advantage of existing enterprise load balancers such as F5’s BIG-IP.

The load balancer can either handle secure socket layer (SSL) decryption and then route traffic on to the GoRouter, or pass the SSL connection on to the GoRouter for SSL decryption.

The GoRouter receives all incoming HTTP traffic from the load balancer. The term “router” can be misleading to networking engineers who expect routers to implement specific networking standards. Conceptually, the router should be treated as a reverse proxy, responsible for centrally managing and routing all incoming HTTP(S) traffic to the appropriate component. Traffic will typically be passed on to either an application or the Cloud Controller:

  • Application users target their desired applications via a dedicated domain. The GoRouter will route application traffic to the appropriate AI running on a Diego Cell. If multiple AIs are running, the GoRouter will round-robin traffic across the AIs to distribute the workload.3

  • Cloud Foundry users address the Cloud Controller: Cloud Foundry’s API known as the CAPI. Some client traffic will go directly from the GoRouter to the UAA; however, most UAA calls are initiated from the Cloud Controller.

The GoRouter periodically queries Diego, Cloud Foundry’s container runtime system, for information on the location of the Cells and containers on which each application is currently running.

Applications require a route for external traffic to access them. The GoRouter uses a routing table to keep track of the available applications. Because applications can have multiple AIs, all with a single route, each route has an associated array of host:port entries. The host is the Diego Cell machine running the application. The GoRouter regularly recomputes new routing tables based on the Cell’s IP addresses and the host-side port numbers for the Cell’s containers.

Routing is an important part of Cloud Foundry. Chapter 7 discusses the GoRouter and routing in general in greater detail.

User Management and the UAA

As traffic enters Cloud Foundry, it needs to be authenticated. Cloud Foundry’s UAA service is the central identity management service for managing:

  • Cloud Foundry developers

  • Application clients/end users

  • Applications requiring application-to-application interactions

The UAA is an OAuth2 authorization server, that issues access tokens for client applications to use when they act on behalf of Cloud Foundry users; for example, when they request access to platform resources. The UAA is based on the most up-to-date security standards like OAuth, OpenID Connect, and System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM). It authenticates platform users via their Cloud Foundry credentials. When users register an account with the Cloud Foundry platform, the UAA acts as the user identity store, retaining user passwords in the UAA database. The UAA can also act as a SSO service. It has endpoints for managing user accounts and registering OAuth2 clients as well as various other management functions. In addition, you can configure the UAA’s user-identity store to either store user information internally or connect to an external user store through LDAP or SAML. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Users can use LDAP credentials to gain access to the Cloud Foundry platform instead of registering a separate account.

  • Operators can use SAML to connect to an external user store in order to enable SSO for users who want to access Cloud Foundry.

The UAA has its own database known as the UAADB. Like all databases responsible for system state, this is a critical component and you must make backups. Chapter 15 looks at the UAA in more detail.

The Cloud Controller

The Cloud Controller exposes Cloud Foundry’s REST API. Users of Cloud Foundry target the Cloud Controller so that they can interact with the Cloud Foundry API (CAPI). Clients directly interact with the Cloud Controller for tasks such as these:

  • Pushing, staging, running, updating, and retrieving applications

  • Pushing, staging, and running discrete one-off tasks

You can interact with the Cloud Controller in the following three ways:

  • A scriptable CLI

  • Language bindings (currently Java)

  • Integration with development tools (IDEs) to ease the deployment process

You can find a detailed overview of the API commands at API Docs. The V3 API extends the API to also include Tasks in addition to applications LRPs.

The Cloud Controller is responsible for the System State and the Application Life-Cycle Policy.

System State

The Cloud Controller uses two components for storing state: a blobstore and a database known as the CCDB.

The Cloud Controller blobstore

To store large binary files such as application artifacts and staged application droplets, Cloud Foundry’s Cloud Controller uses a blobstore that holds different types of artifacts:

  • Application code packages—unstaged files that represent an application

  • Resource files

  • Buildpacks

  • Droplets and other container images

Resource files are uploaded to the Cloud Controller and then cached in the blobstore with a unique secure hash algorithm (SHA) so as to be reused without reuploading the file. Before uploading all the application files, the Cloud Foundry CLI issues a resource match request to the Cloud Controller to determine if any of the application files already exist in the resource cache. When the application files are uploaded, the Cloud Foundry CLI omits files that exist in the resource cache by supplying the result of the resource-match request. The uploaded application files are combined with the files from the resource cache to create the complete application package.

Droplets are the result of taking an app package and staging it via a processing buildpack to create an executable binary artifact. The blobstore uses FOG so that it can use abstractions like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or a mounted network file system (NFS) for storage.


The Cloud Controller, via its CCDB, also maintains records of the logical hierarchical structure including available orgs, spaces, apps, services, service instances, user roles, and more. It maintains users’ information and how their roles map to orgs and spaces.

The Application Life-Cycle Policy

The Cloud Controller is responsible for the Application Life-Cycle Policy. Conceptually, the Cloud Controller is Cloud Foundry’s CPU that drives the other components. For example, when you use the cf push command to push an application or task to Cloud Foundry, the Cloud Controller stores the raw application bits in its blobstore, creates a record to track the application metadata in its database, and directs the other system components to stage and run the application.

The Cloud Controller is application and task centric. It implements all of the object modeling around running applications (handling permissions, buildpack selection, service binding, etc.). The Cloud Controller is concerned with policy; for example, “run two instances of my application,” but the responsibility of orchestration and execution has been passed to Diego.

Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Many companies choose to interact with Cloud Foundry through a continuous delivery pipeline such as that uses machines to utilize the CAPI. This approach reduces human error and offers deployment repeatability.

Application Execution

The components responsible for executing your applications and tasks include Diego, Garden (a container management API), and an Open Container Initiative (OCI)–compatible4 backend container implementation (like runC).


Diego is the container runtime architecture for Cloud Foundry. Whereas the Cloud Controller is concerned with policy, it is Diego that provides the scheduling, orchestration, and placement of applications and tasks. Diego is designed to keep applications available by constantly monitoring their states and reconciling the actual system state with the expected state by starting and stopping processes as required. Chapter 6 covers Diego at length.

Garden and runC

Garden is a platform-agnostic Go API for container creation and management. Garden has pluggable backends for different platforms and runtimes, including Linux, Windows, and runC, an implementation of the OCI specification. Chapter 8 looks at containers in detail.

Metrics and Logging

As discussed in “Aggregated Streaming of Logs and Metrics”, system logs and metrics are continually generated and streamed from every component. In addition, AIs should produce logs as a continual stream for each running AI. Cloud Foundry’s logging system is known as the Loggregator. The Loggregator aggregates component metrics and application logs into a central location using a Metron agent.

Metron Agent

The Metron agent comes from the Loggregator subsystem and resides on every VM. It gathers a mix of metrics and log statistics from the Cloud Foundry components; for example, the Metron agent gathers application logs from the Cloud Foundry Diego hosts known as Cells. Operators can use the collected component logs and metrics to monitor a Cloud Foundry deployment. These metrics and logs can be forwarded by a syslog forwarder onto a syslog drain. It is possible to drain syslogs into multiple consumers. You can set up as many syslog “sinks” for an application as you want. Each sink will receive all messages.

Metron has the job of forwarding application logs and component metrics to the Loggregator subsystem by taking traffic from the various emitter sources (Cells in the case of apps) and routing that logging traffic to one or more Loggregator components. An instance of the Metron agent runs on each VM in a Cloud Foundry system and logs are therefore co-located on the emitter sources.


The Loggregator (log aggregator) system continually streams logging and metric information. The Loggregator’s Firehose provides access to application logs, container metrics (memory, CPU, and disk-per-app instance), some component metrics, and component counter/HTTP events. If you want to see firsthand the output from the Loggregator, you can invoke the CF CLI command $ cf logs APP, as demonstrated in the following example:

2017-02-14T13:10:32.260-08:00 [RTR/0] [OUT] -
[2017-02-14T21:10:32.250+0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 0 946
""... "" "10.10.147
.77:60076" x_forwarded_for:"" x_forwarded_proto:"https"
vcap_request_id:"2c28e2fe-54f7-48d7-5f0b-aaead5ab5c7c" response_time
:0.009104115 app_id:"ff073944-4d18-4c73-9441-f1a4c4bb4ca3" app_index:"0"

The Firehose does not provide component logs. Component logs are retrieved through an rsyslog drain.


Most component machines communicate with one another internally through HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Temporary messages and data are captured in two locations:

  • A Consul server stores the longer-lived control data such as component IP addresses and distributed locks that prevent components from duplicating actions.

  • Diego’s bulletin board system (BBS) stores a real-time view of the system, including the more frequently updated and disposable data such as Cell and application status, unallocated work, and heartbeat messages.

The Route-Emitter component still uses the NATS messaging system, a lightweight distributed publish–subscribe message queuing system, to broadcast the latest routing tables to the routers.

Additional Components

In addition to the aforementioned core system components, there are other components that comprise the Cloud Foundry ecosystem.


A stack is a prebuilt root filesystem (rootfs). Stacks are used along with droplets (the output of buildpack staging). They provide the container filesystem used for running applications.

Cells can support more than one stack if configured correctly; however, a Cell must ensure buildpack and stack compatibility. For example, a Windows “stack” cannot run on Linux VMs. Therefore, to stage or run a Linux app, a Cell running a Linux stack must be available (and have free memory).

A Marketplace of On-Demand Services

Applications often depend on additional backing services such as databases, caches, messaging engines, or third-party APIs. Each Cloud Foundry deployment has the concept of a marketplace. The Cloud Foundry marketplace is a platform extension point. It exposes a set of services that are available for developers to use in support of running applications. Developers do not build applications in isolation. Applications often require additional middleware services such as data persistence, search, caching, graphing, messaging, API management, and more.

The platform operator exposes additional services to the marketplace through service brokers, route services, and user-provided services. The marketplace provides Cloud Foundry users with the self-service, on-demand provisioning of additional service instances. The platform operator can expose different service plans to different Cloud Foundry Orgs. Developers are able to view and create service instances only for service plans that have been configured to be visible for their targeted Org and Space. You can make service plans public and visible to all, or private to limit service visibility.

A service can offer different service plans to provide varying levels of resources or features for the same service. An example service plan is a database service offering small, medium, or large plans with differing levels of concurrent connections and storage sizes. The provisioned service provides a unique set of credentials that can be used to bind and connect an application to the service.

Services not only enhance applications through providing middleware; they are concerned with all possible components to enable development teams to move quickly, including, for example, GitHub, Pivotal Tracker, CI services, and route services. For example, you can expose to the marketplace any application running on the platform that offers a service for others to consume. One advantage of this approach is that the service broker plans can prepopulate datastores with a specific schema or set of data (such as a sample customer set required for unit testing). Another example could be a service broker plan to provide specific preconfigured templates for apps.

Service brokers

Developers can provision service instances and then bind those instances to an application via a service broker responsible for providing the service instance.

A service broker interacts with the Cloud Controller to provision a service instance. Service brokers advertise a catalog of service offerings and service plans (e.g., a single-node MySQL plan or a clustered multinode MySQL plan). A service broker implements the CAPI to provide the user with the following:

  • List service offerings

  • Provision (create) and deprovision (delete) service instances

  • Enable applications to bind to, and unbind from, the service instances

In general, provision reserves service resources (e.g., creates a new VM) and bind delivers the required information for accessing the resource to an application. The reserved resource is known, in Cloud Foundry parlance, as a service instance.

The service instance is governed by the broker author. What a service instance represents can vary not just by service, but also by plan. For example, an instance could be a container, a VM, or a new table and user in an existing database. Plans could offer a single database on a multitenant server, a dedicated datastore cluster, or simply an account and specific configuration on a running Cloud Foundry application. The key concern is that the broker implements the required API to interact with the Cloud Controller.

User-provided services

In addition to Cloud Foundry-managed service instances, operators can expose existing services via user-provided services. This allows established services such as a customer database to be bound to Cloud Foundry applications.

Buildpacks and Docker Images

How do you run applications inside Cloud Foundry? Applications can simply be pushed through the following CF CLI command:

$ cf push

There are currently two defined artifact types that you can cf push:

  • A standalone application

  • A prebuilt Docker image (that could contain additional runtime and middleware dependencies)

You can push standalone applications in both the form of a prebuild artifact such as a war/jar file or, in some cases, via raw source code such as a link to a Git remote.

Because a standalone application is not already part of a container image, when it is pushed to Cloud Foundry the buildpack process runs a compile phase. This involves compiling any source code and packaging the application and runtime dependencies into an executable container image. The buildpack process is also responsible for constructing the application runtime environment, deploying the application, and, finally, starting the required processes.

Buildpacks are a core link in the chain of the Cloud Foundry deployment process if you are deploying only an application artifact (e.g., JAR, WAR, Ruby, or Go source). The buildpack automates the following:

  • The detection of an application framework

  • The application compilation (known in Cloud Foundry terminology as staging)

  • Running the application

The officially supported buildpacks are listed at This list includes Ruby, Java (including other JVM-based languages), Go, Python, PHP, Node.js, and the binary and staticfile buildpacks.

Numerous additional community buildpacks exist. You can extend buildpacks or create new ones for specific language, framework, and runtime support. For example, the reason you might extend the Java buildpack (JBP) is to add support for additional application servers or a specific monitoring agent.

Buildpacks take your application artifact and containerize it into what Cloud Foundry calls a droplet. However, if you already have an OCI-compatible container image such as a Docker image, you can use cf push to move that directly to Cloud Foundry in order to run it. Containerization is the delivery mechanism for applications. This is true whether you push an application that Cloud Foundry containerizes into a droplet, or you push a prebuilt Docker image.

Infrastructure and the Cloud Provider Interface

Cloud Foundry relies on existing cloud-based infrastructure. The underlying infrastructure will have implementation-specific details. For example, vSphere’s vCenter deals with clusters and resource pools, whereas AWS deals with regions and AZs. There are, however, some fundamental capabilities that need to be available and set up prior to installing Cloud Foundry:

  • Networks and subnets (typically a /22 private network)

  • VMs with specified CPU and memory requirements

  • Storage for VMs

  • File server or blobstore

  • DNS, certificates, and wildcard domains

  • Load balancer to pass traffic into the GoRouter

  • NAT5 for traffic flowing back to the load balancer

Cloud Foundry abstracts away infrastructure-specific implementations through the use of a cloud provider interface (CPI). Chapter 10 examines this topic further.

The Cloud Foundry GitHub Repository

Cloud Foundry uses the git system on GitHub to version-control all source code, documentation, and other resources such as buildpacks. Currently, the integrated Cloud Foundry code base can be located at cf-deployment. To check out Cloud Foundry code from GitHub, use the master branch because it points to the most recent stable final release.


By design, Cloud Foundry is a distributed system involving several components, grouped into the following functional layers:

  • Routing for handling application and platform user traffic

  • Authentication and user management

  • Application life cycle and system state through the Cloud Controller and Diego’s BBS

  • Container runtime and app execution through Diego

  • Services via the service marketplace

  • Messaging

  • Metrics and logging

Decoupling Cloud Foundry into a set of services allows each individual function to grow and evolve as required. Each Cloud Foundry component has a well-defined responsibility, and the different components interact with one another and share state in order to achieve a common goal. This loose coupling is advantageous:

  • You can scale individual components in isolation

  • You can swap and replace components to extend the platform capability

  • You can promote a pattern of reuse

Now that you are aware of the components that comprise Cloud Foundry, you are ready to begin creating a Cloud Foundry instance. Chapter 4 defines the prerequisites for installing Cloud Foundry.

1 The terms VM and machine are used interchangeably because BOSH can leverage and deploy to multiple infrastructure environments ranging from containers, to VMs, right down to configuring physical servers.

2 System state, along with configuration, is the most critical part of your environment; everything else is just wiring. Processes can come and go, but your system state and configuration must maintain integrity.

3 The GoRouter supports Sticky Session configuration if required.

4 The OCI is an open governance structure for the express purpose of creating open industry standards around container formats and runtime. For more information, see

5 NAT is only required if you are using nonroutable addresses.

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