Chapter 9. Using Tags from Automate

Tags are a very powerful feature of CloudForms. They allow us to add Smart Management capabilities to the objects in the WebUI such as virtual machines, hosts, or clusters; to create tag-related filters; and to group, sort, or categorize items by tag.

For example, we might assign a tag to a virtual machine to identify which department or cost center owns the VM. We could then create a chargeback rate for billing purposes and assign the rate to all VMs tagged as being owned by a particular department or cost center.

We might also tag virtual machines with a Location or Data Center tag. We could create a filter view in the WebUI to display all VMs at a particular location so that we instantly can see which systems might be affected if we run a data center failover or power test.

Tags are not only applied to virtual machines. We often tag our virtual infrastructure components—such as hosts, clusters, or datastores—with a Provisioning Scope tag. When we provision new virtual machines, our Automate workflow must determine where to put the new VM (a process known as placement). We can use the Provisioning Scope tag to determine a best fit for a particular virtual machine, based on a user’s group membership. In this way we might, for example, place all virtual machines provisioned by users in a development group on a nonproduction cluster.

These are just three examples of how tags can simplify systems administration and help our Automate workflows. Fortunately, Automate has comprehensive support for tag-related operations.

Creating Tags and Categories

Tags are defined and used within the context of tag categories. We can check whether a category exists, and if not, create it:

unless $evm.execute('category_exists?', 'data_center')
                    :name => 'data_center',
                    :single_value => false,
                    :perf_by_tag => false,
                    :description => "Data Center")

We can also check whether a tag exists within a category, and if not, create it:

unless $evm.execute('tag_exists?', 'data_center', 'london')
                    :name => 'london',
                    :description => 'London East End')

Tag and category names must be lowercase, and optionally contain underscores. They have a maximum length of 30 characters. The tag and category descriptions can be free text.

Assigning and Removing Tags

We can assign a category/tag to an object (in this case, a virtual machine) as follows:

vm = $evm.root['vm']

We can remove a category/tag from an object like so:

vm = $evm.root['vm']

Testing Whether an Object Is Tagged

We can test whether an object (in this case, a user group) is tagged with a particular tag, like so:

ci_owner = 'engineering'
groups = $evm.vmdb(:miq_group).find(:all)
groups.each do |group|
  if group.tagged_with?("department", ci_owner)
    $evm.log("info", "Group #{group.description} is tagged")

Retrieving an Object’s Tags

We can use the tags method to retrieve the list of all tags assigned to an object:

group_tags = group.tags

This method also enables us to retrieve the tags in a particular category (in this case, using the tag name as a symbol):

all_department_tags = group.tags(:department)
first_department_tag = group.tags(:department).first

When called with no argument, the tags method returns the tags as "category/tag" strings. When called with an argument of tag category, the method returns the tag name as the string.

Searching for Specifically Tagged Objects

We use the find_tagged_with method to search for objects tagged with a particular tag:

tag = "/managed/department/legal"
hosts = $evm.vmdb(:host).find_tagged_with(:all => tag, :ns => "*")

This example shows that categories themselves are organized into namespaces behind the scenes. In practice the only namespace that seems to be in use is /managed, and we rarely need to specify this.


The find_tagged_with method has a slightly ambiguous past. It was present in CloudForms 3.1 but returned active records rather than MiqAeService objects. It disappeared as an Automate method in CloudForms 3.2 but thankfully is back with CloudForms 4.0 and now returns service model objects as expected.

Practical Example

We could discover all infrastructure components tagged with /department/engineering. We might wish to find out the service model class name of the object and the object’s name, for example. We could achieve this using the following code snippet:

tag = '/department/engineering'
[:vm_or_template, :host, :ems_cluster, :storage].each do |service_object|
  these_objects = $evm.vmdb(service_object).find_tagged_with(:all => tag,
                                                             :ns => "/managed")
  these_objects.each do |this_object|
    service_model_class = "#{this_object.method_missing(:class)}".demodulize
    $evm.log("info", "#{service_model_class}: #{}")

On a small CloudForms 4.0 system, this prints:

MiqAeServiceManageIQ_Providers_Redhat_InfraManager_Template: rhel7-generic
MiqAeServiceManageIQ_Providers_Redhat_InfraManager_Vm: rhel7srv010
MiqAeServiceManageIQ_Providers_Openstack_CloudManager_Vm: rhel7srv031
MiqAeServiceStorage: Data

This code snippet shows an example of where we need to work with or around Distributed Ruby (dRuby). The following loop enumerates through these_objects, substituting this_object on each iteration:

these_objects.each do |this_object|

Normally this is transparent to us and we can refer to the object methods, such as name, and all works as expected.

Behind the scenes, however, our automation script is accessing all of these objects remotely via its dRuby client object. We must bear this in mind if we also wish to find the class name of the remote object.

If we call this_object.class, we get the string "DRb::DRbObject", which is the correct class name for a dRuby client object. We have to tell dRuby to forward the class method call on to the dRuby server, and we do this by calling this_object.method_missing(:class). Now we get returned the full module::class name of the remote dRuby object (such as MiqAeMethodService::MiqAeServiceStorage), but we can call the demodulize method on the string to strip the MiqAeMethodService:: module path from the name, leaving us with MiqAeServiceStorage.

Getting the List of Tag Categories

On versions prior to CloudForms 4.0, getting the list of tag categories was slightly challenging. Both tags and categories are listed in the same classifications table, but tags also have a nonzero parent_id value that ties them to their category. To find the categories from the classifications table, we had to search for records with a parent_id of zero:

categories = $evm.vmdb('classification').find(:all,
                                              :conditions => ["parent_id = 0"])
categories.each do |category|
  $evm.log(:info, "Found category: #{} (#{category.description})")

With CloudForms 4.0 we now have a categories association directly from an MiqAeServiceClassification object, so we can say:

$evm.vmdb(:classification).categories.each do |category|
  $evm.log(:info, "Found category: #{} (#{category.description})")

Getting the List of Tags in a Category

We occasionally need to retrieve the list of tags in a particular category, and for this we have to perform a double lookup—once to get the classification ID, and again to find MiqAeServiceClassification objects with that parent_id:

classification = $evm.vmdb(:classification).find_by_name('cost_center')
cost_center_tags = {}
$evm.vmdb(:classification).find_all_by_parent_id( do |tag|
  cost_center_tags[] = tag.description

Finding a Tag’s Name, Given Its Description

Sometimes we need to add a tag to an object, but we only have the tag’s free-text description (perhaps this matches a value read from an external source). We need to find the tag’s snake_case name to use with the tag_apply method, but we can use more Rails syntax in our find call to look up two fields at once:

department_classification = $evm.vmdb(:classification).find_by_name('department')
tag = $evm.vmdb('classification').find(
                            :conditions => ["parent_id = ? AND description = ?",
                  , 'Systems Engineering'])
tag_name =

The tag names aren’t in the classifications table (just the tag description). When we call, Rails runs an implicit search of the tags table for us, based on the

  Tag Load (0.6ms)  SELECT "tags".* FROM "tags" WHERE "tags"."id" = 44 LIMIT 1
  Tag Inst Including Associations (0.1ms - 1rows)
    => "syseng"

Finding a Specific Tag (MiqAeServiceClassification) Object

We can just search for the tag object that matches a given category/tag, as follows:

tag = $evm.vmdb(:classification).find_by_name('department/hr')

Anything returned from $evm.vmdb(:classification) is a MiqAeServiceClassification object, not a text string.

Deleting a Tag Category

With CloudForms 4.0 we can now delete a tag category using the RESTful API:

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'


  def rest_action(uri, verb, payload=nil)
    headers = {
      :content_type  => 'application/json',
      :accept        => 'application/json;version=2',
      :authorization => "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64("#{@user}:#{@pass}")}"
    response =
      :method      => verb,
      :url         => uri,
      :headers     => headers,
      :payload     => payload,
      verify_ssl: false
    return JSON.parse(response.to_str) unless response.code.to_i == 204

  servername   = $evm.object['servername']
  @user        = $evm.object['username']
  @pass      = $evm.object.decrypt('password')

  uri_base = "https://#{servername}/api/"

  category = $evm.vmdb(:classification).find_by_name('network_location')
  rest_return = rest_action("#{uri_base}/categories/#{}", :delete)
  exit MIQ_OK

rescue RestClient::Exception => err
  unless err.response.nil?
    $evm.log(:error, "REST request failed, code: #{err.response.code}")
    $evm.log(:error, "Response body:
  exit MIQ_STOP
rescue => err
  $evm.log(:error, "[#{err}]
  exit MIQ_STOP

In this example we define a generic method called rest_action that uses the Ruby rest-client gem to handle the RESTful connection. We extract the CloudForms server’s credentials from the instance schema just as we did in Chapter 4, and we retrieve the service model of the tag category that we wish to delete, to get its ID.

Finally, we make a RESTful DELETE call to the /api/categories URI, specifying the tag category ID to be deleted.


In this chapter we’ve seen how we can work with tags from our Automation scripts, and we’ll use these techniques extensively as we progress through the book.

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