Chapter 1. The React Native Toolchain

React Native lives in an ecosystem with dozens of little software tools. You have transpilers (Babel, Metro, Webpack), package managers (NPM, Yarn), linters, unit test frameworks, and more. This chapter will cover the language basics and the minimum set of open source tools you will be working with in your React Native project. You’re probably writing your React Native application with JavaScript or some kind of transpiled source that compiles down to JavaScript, like TypeScript or ES6+. I hope this chapter will help acquaint you with JavaScript’s breakneck speed.


Recently the React Native team has partnered with Expo to deliver React Native applications in development without running a local development environment. This is a great way to explore React Native and get a taste, but you will likely want to work with the hardware at some point, at which point a local development environment will be critical to your productivity.

1.1 Setting Up Your Development Environment

If you’re working with any of these tools in other web projects, you might find yourself having to troubleshoot your environment. Like a carpenter arriving on a job site, you need to know how all the tools work and if they need to be fixed.

React Native is a package that includes three programming environments: Node.js, iOS, and Android. NPM, the Node Package Manager, needs to be in good working order.


React Native is a software library that depends on a lot of different tools. How do we know if all of them are configured correctly? Let’s review them and make sure.

Node and Watchman

Node.js (usually abbreviated to “Node”) enables your computer to run JavaScript locally in the same way that a web browser runs JavaScript when a web page is executed. Because Node.js runs directly on top of your operating system, Node code can wrap or bind to C libraries and solve the same programming problems that are suited to languages like PHP, Python, PERL, and Ruby.

Watchman is a little utility that watches for file changes locally and triggers events. This tool makes it possible to execute updated code on your Simulator without having to recompile the whole project. Installation is quick and easy.

Installing Node.js

Installing Node depends on your operating system. The best place to get started is The Node.js website. If you are running on Mac OS, you may find it preferable to install Node.js through Homebrew, a Mac OS package manager.

Check that Node is properly installed

You may find yourself with many versions of Node.js installed on your computer. Version managers like the Node Version Manager (NVM) can help you keep different versions of Node installed, with each development project configured with its own version of Node.

POSIX-style operating systems (Linux, BSD, Mac OS) can rely on symbolic links (symlink) to support multiple versions.

You shouldn’t be surprised if you have two versions of Node installed using Homebrew with Mac OS. This is what your installation should look like, except with your own username and date information next to the directories listed:

$> which node
$> node -v

I’m using version 8.6.0 of Node; however, if I check the Homebrew directory (default is /usr/local/Cellar) I will discover a symlink (alias to the actual location):

$>ls -l /usr/local/bin/node
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jon  admin  29 27 Sep 15:14 /usr/local/bin/node ->

A little more digging and I’ll find other versions of Node that have been superseded:

$>ls -l /usr/local/Cellar/node
 total 0
 drwxr-xr-x  14 jon  admin  476 11 May 14:14 7.10.0
 drwxr-xr-x  14 jon  admin  476 25 Apr 13:41 7.9.0
 drwxr-xr-x  14 jon  admin  448 27 Sep 15:14 8.6.0

Your results will likely be different; however, what is important is that you have a recent version of Node installed and accessible to your project.


The NPM is two things: a package management tool running from the command line and a global catalog of open source packages available at your fingertips.

The react-native package in NPM includes JavaScript ES6 modules that rely on platform-specific code. For example, the <Text /> React Native component is implemented by RCTText.m in iOS and in Android.

What About Using Yarn?

React Native has historically been set up with NPM, but Yarn is gaining ground in the JavaScript community. Yarn is a faster alternative to NPM that still relies on the NPM registry. A yarn.lock file ensures that dependencies are maintained correctly. Yarn will start by checking the yarn.lock file, then look for package.json, making the transition to Yarn seamless.

NPM packages can live globally or within a node_modules folder for a given project. React Native is best installed globally, whereas project-related dependencies should be downloaded to a local folder. This approach allows you to run React Native’s command-line tool, react-native-cli, anywhere. Specific versions of the React Native can be part of your project’s dependencies.

Check that NPM is properly installed

$> which npm

Your terminal should return with a path. Check the version:

$> npm -v

Install the React Native command-line tools

$> npm install -g react-native-cli

Xcode (required for iOS)

Xcode is Apple’s official development environment for building and running applications on Mac OS and iOS. You will need Xcode (available only on Mac OS) installed in order to compile the React Native components that are backed by Objective-C and Swift.

Xcode also ships with command-line tools, which are necessary to build code from the command line and to bind to the Mac OS libraries from Node.js.

Running Xcode Beta

With regular updates to iOS, you may have a beta of Xcode on your development machine. Having multiple versions of Xcode will result in multiple versions of the iOS Simulator. I’ve found it best under these circumstances to launch the Simulator from Xcode rather than the command line.


Android and Java go together like sugar and butter—together they make delicious experiences possible. React Native on Android is no different. The React components you write in JavaScript will ultimately touch the Android Java Virtual Machine. In order to run Android locally, you need the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.

Download the JDK (minimum version 8) from the Oracle website.

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official development environment for building and deploying Android applications. It’s free to download. Once you have it set up, it comes with yet another package manager. Fortunately, the React Native Getting Started guide goes through all the details step by step.

1.2 Writing ES6 with Babel

Babel brings a 20-year programming language into the twenty-first century. With Babel, you can write JavaScript with some syntactic enhancements that make your code more expressive. Common patterns, like transforming data structures, handling this in the appropriate scope, and inheriting from classes become part of the native development experience.

Babel enables these syntactic improvements to the language through a series of syntax transformers. Each transformer runs through your code, taking newer ES6 language features and transforming them into equivalent behaviors in JavaScript syntax.

The following ES6 code is transformed automatically using the react-native preset.

Save the following to a file called babel-transform.js:

AsyncStorage.getItem("loginParameters").then( (login) => {
	this.setState({ login });

From the command line, run:

$> babel babel-transform.js

Babel should return (formatted for readability):

var _this=this;

AsyncStorage.getItem("loginParams").then( function(login) {
		login: login

The React Native preset has:

  1. Expanded { login } into { login: login }.

  2. Replaced the => operator with a reference to _this defined in the outer method scope.

Working with React Native almost always means using React and the JSX preprocessor. The JSX preprocessor enables XML syntax inside of JavaScript files. The Babel transpiler has plug-ins for handling JSX out of the box.

Any of the React Native initialization scripts will include a .babelrc file in the root folder of the application. It should look like this:

  "presets": ["react-native"]

At the time of this writing, the React Native preset is shorthand for the following Babel transpilations:

  • class-properties

  • es2015-arrow-functions

  • es2015-block-scoping

  • es2015-classes

  • es2015-computed-properties

  • es2015-destructuring

  • es2015-for-of

  • es2015-function-name

  • es2015-literals

  • es2015-modules-commonjs

  • es2015-parameters

  • es2015-shorthand-properties

  • es2015-spread

  • es2015-template-literals

  • flow-strip-types

  • object-assign

  • object-rest-spread

  • react-display-name

  • react-jsx-source

  • react-jsx


In the previous example, es2015-shorthand-properties and es2015-arrow-functions were applied to the one-line code snippet referenced at the beginning of this recipe.

Let’s add a new syntax transformer that will add support for do blocks to our environment.


The do block is a helpful combination of a switch operator and a function. You may find this syntax useful when switching out the appropriate React component based on something in this.state or this.props:

$>npm i  --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-do-expressions

Create a simple file called babel.js in your project folder:

WelcomeHeader = (username) => do {
  if(username !== undefined) {
    `Welcome, ${username}.`;
  } else {
    'Hello there, stranger!';

console.log(WelcomeHeader('Mr. Robot'));

Add the transform to babel.rc:

  "presets": ["react-native"],
  "plugins": ["syntax-do-expressions"]

Now try converting the file with Babel:

$>babel babel.js
WelcomeHeader=function WelcomeHeader(username)
{return username!==undefined?'Welcome,
'+username+'.':'Hello there, stranger!';};
console.log(WelcomeHeader('Mr. Robot'));

Try running the code example with babel-node:

$>babel-node babel.js
Welcome, Mr. Robot.
Hello there, stranger!

See Also

Support for decorators is upcoming in Babel. Currently this transform can be handled using the transform-decorators-legacy transform.

Decorators are functions that wrap existing code. Since higher order functions—functions that call JSX components in other functions—are wrapping code, the decorator transform provides syntax for declaring this wrapping code.

1.3 Organizing Project Files

Organizing code is tricky. One of the greatest software engineers of our time, Robert C. Martin, shared the following insight about directory structures and how they impact software architecture:

So what does the architecture of your application scream? ... do they scream: Rails, or Spring/Hibernate, or ASP? ... Tell readers about the system, not about the frameworks you used in your system. If you are building a health-care system, then when new programmers look at the source repository, their first impression should be: “Oh, this is a health-care system.”

Robert C. Martin, Screaming Architecture (30 September 2011)

With tools like react-native init and create-react-native-app we’re given a great starting point for structuring our application. You should treat this as a starting point and nothing more.

Create React Native App

If you are looking for some project scaffolding, the React Community has put together create-react-native-app, a library that will help you set up a React Native project with some helpful defaults. This is a great tool as long as your project is purely written in JavaScript and a limited list of supported Expo libraries. Eventually, you may want to eject the app from the scaffolding and manage the build process yourself.


Your React Native application is taking off! You can barely keep the bits on the digital shelves. You are responding to feature requests as soon as they come in. The result is lots of new code. The architectural seams of your project are giving way: code is being duplicated and you find yourself repeating components and business logic. Worst of all, these duplicates are hard to find because your project structure doesn’t surface dependencies to your project team.


There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to how to structure your application. Most React Native applications will have directories that describe components, screens, state management, and utilities. You will know that your structure fits well when you strike a balance: having directories with a cluster of files that implement a feature and not having too many folders to keep track of at any given time.

Some examples

It’s helpful to see the end in the beginning: how sophisticated will the application ultimately become? Will it need to be localized into multiple languages? Will it have to support different user types or roles? Following are three example folder structures from some popular open source React Native applications.

Notice how they all communicate a blueprint of the main aspects of the application.


Bullet is a cryptocurrency management tool:

├── actions
├── api
├── assets
│   ├── fonts
│   └── icons
├── components
│   ├── adverts
│   ├── bull
│   ├── converter
│   ├── currencies
│   ├── errors
│   ├── graphs
│   ├── navigations
│   ├── news
│   ├── portfolio
│   ├── search
│   └── utilities
├── configuration
├── constants
├── middleware
├── mock
├── navigations
├── properties
│   ├── languages
│   └── themes
├── reducers
├── schematics
├── screens
├── styles
└── utilities

Chain Conference app

This mobile application was built for a conference:

├── App
│   ├── Components
│   │   └── Styles
│   ├── Config
│   ├── Containers
│   │   └── Styles
│   ├── Fixtures
│   ├── I18n
│   │   └── languages
│   ├── Images
│   │   ├── Icons
│   │   │   └── sun-phases
│   │   └── sponsors
│   ├── Lib
│   ├── Navigation
│   │   └── Styles
│   ├── Redux
│   ├── Sagas
│   ├── Services
│   ├── Themes
│   ├── Transforms
│   └── Videos
├── AppIcon
├── Tests
│   ├── Components
│   ├── Sagas
│   └── Services
├── _art
├── android
└── ios

MatterMost mobile chat application

A sophisticated asynchronous chat application frontend to a cloud-based team collaboration product:

├── android
├── app
│   ├── actions
│   │   ├── device
│   │   └── views
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── at_mention
│   │   ├── autocomplete
│   │   │   ├── at_mention
│   │   │   ├── channel_mention
│   │   │   └── emoji_suggestion
│   │   ├── channel_drawer
│   │   │   ├── channels_list
│   │   │   │   ├── filtered_list
│   │   │   │   ├── list
│   │   │   │   └── switch_teams
│   │   │   ├── drawer_swipper
│   │   │   └── teams_list
│   │   ├── channel_intro
│   │   ├── channel_link
│   │   ├── custom_list
│   │   │   ├── channel_list_row
│   │   │   └── user_list_row
│   │   ├── emoji
│   │   ├── emoji_picker
│   │   ├── error_list
│   │   ├── file_attachment_list
│   │   ├── file_upload_preview
│   │   ├── inverted_flat_list
│   │   ├── layout
│   │   ├── markdown
│   │   │   └── markdown_code_block
│   │   ├── offline_indicator
│   │   ├── options_context
│   │   ├── post
│   │   ├── post_attachment_opengraph
│   │   ├── post_body
│   │   ├── post_body_additional_content
│   │   ├── post_header
│   │   ├── post_list
│   │   ├── post_profile_picture
│   │   ├── post_textbox
│   │   │   └── components
│   │   │       └── typing
│   │   ├── profile_picture
│   │   ├── radio_button
│   │   ├── reactions
│   │   ├── root
│   │   ├── search_bar
│   │   ├── search_preview
│   │   ├── slack_attachments
│   │   ├── status_bar
│   │   └── status_icons
│   ├── constants
│   ├── i18n
│   ├── mattermost_managed
│   ├── notification_preferences
│   ├── push_notifications
│   ├── reducers
│   │   ├── device
│   │   ├── navigation
│   │   └── views
│   ├── screens
│   │   ├── about
│   │   ├── add_reaction
│   │   ├── channel
│   │   │   └── channel_post_list
│   │   ├── channel_add_members
│   │   ├── channel_info
│   │   ├── channel_members
│   │   ├── code
│   │   ├── create_channel
│   │   ├── edit_post
│   │   ├── image_preview
│   │   ├── load_team
│   │   ├── login
│   │   ├── login_options
│   │   ├── mfa
│   │   ├── more_channels
│   │   ├── more_dms
│   │   │   └── selected_users
│   │   ├── notification
│   │   ├── options_modal
│   │   ├── root
│   │   ├── search
│   │   ├── select_server
│   │   ├── select_team
│   │   ├── settings
│   │   │   ├── advanced_settings
│   │   │   ├── general
│   │   │   ├── notification_settings
│   │   │   ├── notification_settings_email
│   │   │   ├── notification_settings_mentions
│   │   │   ├── notification_settings_mentions_keywords
│   │   │   ├── notification_settings_mobile
│   │   │   └── settings_item
│   │   ├── sso
│   │   ├── thread
│   │   └── user_profile
│   ├── selectors
│   ├── store
│   ├── styles
│   └── utils
│       └── sentry
├── assets
├── fastlane
└── test


React Native applications will use React components. Each React component will live in its own file. These components are usually presentational components,1 meaning that they can be used without any knowledge of an external dependency. React applications assume that it is the component’s responsibility to declare what it needs from its consumer. A simple component could just be a single JavaScript file in the components/ folder.

Here are some files you may wish to include with a component. This is an example of a Dropdown component that depends on a few different files:

JSX component file


Specific styles




Index file


Writing Cross-Platform Components

Sometimes the iOS and Android version of a component differ so greatly that it makes sense to have a completely different component for each. The React Native compiler is intelligent enough to infer the correct variation based on the file suffix and folder structure. For example, a Dropdown component can be inside of a /dropdown folder with three files:, dropdown.ios.js, and index.js. The index.js will automatically reference the correct version of the component based on the suffix:

import Dropdown from './dropdown';
export default Dropdown;

The rest of your application is spared from having to know that there are two implementations of Dropdown!


Screens, also called containers, are components that also have some sort of state management. Most applications will have some library or framework for handling state across different pages. By using a library like React Navigation described in Recipe 2.4, you will already be indicating which components are screens that a user will navigate to. Not all containers can be considered screens; for example, a login form could be considered a container that will rest inside a number of different screens.

// components/root/container.js
import Guest from "../guest";
import LoggedIn from "../loggedIn";
import { StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';

const RouteConfig = {
  guest: { screen: Guest.container },
  loggedIn: { screen: LoggedIn.container },
export default StackNavigator(RouteConfig);

Screens are often kept in their own folder, making the state management dependencies very clear.

GraphQL mutations


GraphQL queries


Redux actions


Redux types


State management

Global state management is often handled outside the components/ and screens/ directories.

GraphQL libraries like Relay and Apollo will bring their own conventions for managing GraphQL queries and mutations. If you decide to use a Flux-inspired architecture, like Redux or MobX, it may make sense to keep Action Creators or any code that the screen may call to talk to the larger application in the folder. See Recipe 2.5 for an example of global state management.


Most projects will also include files with functions, business logic, or other helper code. These files will often live in a lib/ or utils/ folder. If you find yourself writing a lot of utility code, it may be a sign that a separate package or module needs to be written that can simply be referenced by your React Native application.


Let the application domain dictate the structure. For example, you may be working on a reporting application with hundreds of little components that come together in a beautiful mobile dashboard. You will likely have hundreds of components in a /components folder with slight variations.

Another application might be dozens of little forms as part of a customer loan application. In this case state might need to be managed across views and validated throughout. Business logic might find its way peppered through the components or in some state management library like redux. Another approach is called Ducks, a proposed way of structuring redux-driven applications.

How do you know if your project files are well organized? Interview someone on your team and see if they can find their way around the the project intuitively. If you find yourself changing files across several directories every time a new, distinct feature is developed, then you might want to consider reorganizing your project files.

1.4 Dealing with Catastrophic Failure

Like a mousse that won’t set, sometimes we have to face catastrophic failure. Fortunately React Native provides a set of common tools for debugging applications.


You have an error and you don’t know what you changed or you find yourself with a warning and are struggling to track it down.


Unlike real cooking, we can save ourselves the unpleasant task of starting from scratch simply by using version control. Even if I don’t plan on sharing my React Native experiments with the world, I make a point of using git locally to keep different versions of my project. This way I can refactor away and always have a waypoint in my development trail to refer to. A git checkout is all that’s required to undo a fatal red screen of death as shown in Figure 1-1.

Using source control means that you can undo without worry
Figure 1-1. The React Native red screen of death (RedBox)

Rely on the React Native debugger. You can access it by doing a Hardware > Shake Gesture in the iOS Simulator. With Android, you will need to run ⌘M on a Mac. You can refresh your app by typing rr in the Android Simulator or ⌘R in the iOS Simulator. See more details in the React Native Debugging Guide. See an example of the React Native debugging toolbar on iOS in Figure 1-2.

Enable the debugging tools within the simulator
Figure 1-2. React Native applications have a debugging toolbar

Because React Native relies on JavaScript, you can use console.log() or the debugger directive in your components to output a variable or stop the render midstream and treat the Chrome console as an expression viewer.

If you think everything should be running correctly, try quitting the React Native Packager (usually a node process), clean your build with Xcode or Android Studio, and reinstall and run the application.

If your application uses the popular Redux state management library, the redux-devtools-extension might help with stepping through the state changes in your application. You might also want to try the react-devtools standalone debugger provided by Facebook. The React Native Debugging guide provides some helpful insights as well. Lastly, Reactotron provides a desktop application for inspecting React Native applications in real time.


There are a number of developer tools for React. If something works with React, there’s a good chance that someone is making it work with React Native.

1 Dan Abramov discusses the difference between presentational components and container components in greater detail in this Medium post.

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