Chapter 1. Reductions in Spark

The focus of this chapter is to present the concept of reduction transformations in Spark. Typically, a reduction is over a set of values per key. Most of data algorithms and ETL require reduction of values by some keys (such as finding mean and median over a set of stock values). This chapter covers

  • Reduction concepts

  • What is a monoid?

  • Reductions in Spark

  • Most important Spark reduction transformations:

    • reduceByKey()

    • combineBykey()

    • groupBykey()

    • aggregateByKey()

    • sortByKey()

The main goal of this chapter is to present reduction transformations on Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). This chapter covers how to work with pair RDDs of (key, value) pairs, which are a common data abstraction required for many operations in Spark. Pair RDDs are commonly used to perform aggregations (sum, average, median, T-test, …), and often we will do some initial ETL (extract, transform, and load) to get our data into a `(key, value) form. With pair RDDs you may perform any desired aggregation over a set of values.

Spark supports powerfull reducer transformations and actions. All reducers by keys are denoted by <reducer_name>ByKey() transformations, which accepts a source RDD[(K, V)] and creates a target RDD[(K, C)] (for some transformations such as reduceByKey(), the V and C are the same. The function of <reducer_name>ByKey() transformation is to reduce all values of a given key (for all unique keys).

The reduction by key can be simply

  • An average of all values

  • Sum and count of all values

  • Mode and median of all values

  • Standard deviation of all values

  • T-test of all values

For some of the reduction operations (such as median — which is the “middle” of a sorted list of numbers), you do need all values at the same time before finding the median. But for some other functions, such as sum and count of all values, the reducer does not need all values at the same time. For example, if you want to find the median of all values, then groupByKey() will be a good choice, but this transformation does not do well if a key has lots of values (which might cause an OOM problem). On the otherhand if you want to find the sum and count of all values, then the reduceByKey() will be a good choice, which merges the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce function.

The purpose of this chapter is to show the most important Spark’s reduction transformations by simple working PySpark examples. Spark has many reduction transformations, but we will focus on the transformations used by most of the Spark applications.

Since pair RDDs are required for reducer transormations by keys, next I present creating pair RDDs.

Creating Pair RDDs

Given a set of keys and their associated values, a reduction transformation is a transformation to reduce values of each key using an algorithm (sum of value, median of values, …). The reduction transformations presented in this chapter will work on (key, value) pairs. This means that RDD elements must conform to (key, value) pairs. There are several ways to create pair RDDs in Spark. The simple way to way create pair RDDs is by a map() function that returns (key, value) pairs. Also, to create a set of (key, value) pairs, you may use parallelize() on collections (such as list of tupes and dictionaries). To perform any reductions by keys (such as reduceByKey(), groupByKey(), …), your RDD must be a pair RDD, where each element is a (key, value) pair.

Example: Using Collections

You may use Python’s collections to create pair RDDs. The following illustrates how to create pair RDDs:

>>> key_value = [('A', 2), ('A', 4), ('B', 5), ('B', 7)]
>>> pair_rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(key_value)
>>> pair_rdd.collect() 1
[('A', 2), ('A', 4), ('B', 5), ('B', 7)]
>>> pair_rdd.count()
>>> hashmap = pair_rdd.collectAsMap()
>>> hashmap
{'A': 4, 'B': 7}

pair_rdd has two keys as {'A', 'B'}

Example: Using map() Transformation

Suppose you have weather-related data and you want to create pairs of (city_id, temprature). Assume that you input has the following format:


With a map() transformation and a simple Pythn function, you can create your desired pair RDD.

  • Create a function to create (key, value) pair

def create_key_value(rec):
  tokens = rec.split(",")
  city_id = tokens[0]
  temprature = tokens[3]
  return (city_id, temprature) 1

key is city_id and value is temprature

  • Use map() to create pair RDD:

input_path = <your-temprature-data-path>
rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(input_path)
pair_rdd =
# or we may write it using lambda as
pair_rdd = rec: create_key_value(rec))

The are many other ways to create (key, value) pair RDDs: such as map(), reduceByKey(), combineByKey(), etc. For example, reduceByKey() accepts a source RDD of (K, V) and produces a target RDD of (K, V). On the otherhand combineByKey() accepts a source RDD of (K, V) and produces a target RDD of (K, C) where V and C can be different data types (if desired).

Reducer transformations

Typically, a reducer transformation reduces the data size from a larger batch of values (such as list of numbers) to a smaller one (such as sum, median, or average of the list of numbers). An example of a reducer by key can be:

  • find sum and average of all values

  • find mean, mode and median of all values

  • calculate mean and standard deviation of all values

  • find (min, max, count) for all values

  • find Top-10 of all values

In a nutshell, the reduce transformation roughly corresponds to the fold operation (also termed reduce, accumulate, aggregate) in functional programming. Reducer transformations are either applied to all data elements (such as finding sum of all elements) or to all elements per key (such as finding sum of all elements per key).

A simple addition reduction over a set of numbers {47, 11, 42, 13} for a single partition is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

Figure 1-1. Reduction Concept

Another addition reduction concept is illustrated by the Figure 4.2. This is a reduction, which adds the elements of 2 partitions (note that Spark manages data using partitions — called chunks — that helps parallelize distributed data processing with minimal network traffic for sending data between executors). The final reduced values for Partition-1 and Partition-2 are 21 and 18. Each partition performs local reductions and finally the result of two partitions are reduced.

reduction concept
Figure 1-2. Reduction Concept

Reducer is a core concept in functional programming, which reduces a set of objects (such as numbers, strings, lists, …) into a single value (such as sum of numbers, concatenation of string objects). Spark and MapReduce paradigm use the reducer concept to aggregate a set of values into a single value for a given set of keys. In the simplest form consider the following (key, value) pairs (where key is a String and value is a list of Integers)

(key1, [1, 2, 3])
(key2, [40, 50, 60, 70, 80])
(key3, [8])

The most simple reducer will be an addition function over a set of values per key. Once we apply the addition reducer, the result will be:

(key1, 6)
(key2, 300)
(key3, 8)

Or you may reduce each (key, value) to (key, pair) where pair is (sum-of-values, count-of-values):

(key1, (6, 3))
(key2, (300, 5))
(key3, (8, 1))

Reducers are designed to operate concurrently and independently: meaning that there is no synchronization between reducers. The more resources a Spark cluster has, reductions can be done faster. In the worst possible case, if we have only one reducer, then reduction will work as a queue operation. In general, a cluster will offer many reducers (depending on the resource availability) for the reduction transformation.

In MapReduce programming paradigm, the programmer defines a mapper and a reducer with the following map() and reduce() signatures:

  • map: (K~1~, V~1~) -> [(K~2~, V~2~)]

  • reduce: (K~2~, [V~2~]) -> [(K~3~, V~3~)]

The map() function maps a (key~1~, value~1~) pair into a set of (key~2~, value~2~) pairs. After all maps are completed, the sort and shuffle automatically is done (provided by the MapReduce paradigm and not done by the programmer). The the sort and shuffle phase of MapReduce paradigm is very similar to the Spark’s groupByKey() transformation

The reduce() function reduces a (key~2~, [value~2~]) pair into a set of (key~3~, value~3~) pairs

The convention [...] is used to denote a list of objects (or an iterable list of objects). Therefore, we can say that a reducer transformation takes a list of values and reduces it to a tangible result (such as sum of values, average of values, or your desired data structure).

In MapReduce and distributed algorithms, reduction (the so called reduce() function) step is a required operation in solving a problem. Spark provides an easy to use rich set of reduction transformations. Throught the chapter we’ll discuss Spark’s reduction transformations (such as reduceByKey(), groupByKey(), aggregateByKey(), and combineByKey()) on a given list of (key, value) pairs, typically emitted by mappers or generated by an ETL program. In general, the combineByKey() is more general than reduceByKey() and aggregateByKey().

The groupByKey() transformation is very simple to use and its reduction transformation concept is illustrated by the Figure 4.3. In this example, we have four unique keys {A, B, C, P } and their associated values are grouped as a list of integers. In this example,

  • Source RDD:

    • RDD[(String, Integer)]

    • Each element is a pair of (String, Integer)

  • Target RDD:

    • RDD[(String, [Integer])]

    • Each element is a pair of (String, [Integer]), where value is a list/iterable of integers.

Informally and in a nutshell, Spark’s groupByKey() transformation works very similar to the SQL’s GROUP BY statement.

groupbykey reduction example
Figure 1-3. The groupByKey() transformation example

You should note that, by default, Spark reductions do not sort the reduced values. For example looking at Figure 3, the reduced value for key B can be [4, 8] or [8, 4]. If desired, you may sort the values before the final reduction. Therefore, if your reduction algorithm requires sorting, then you should sort values explicityly.

Next, we focus on Spark’s reduction transformations on RDDs. In general most of the Spark applications will require several reductions by keys

Spark’s Reductions

Spark is a fast and general engine for large scale data processing. Spark provides a high-level MapReduce API (such as map() and reduce()) and beyond (such as filter() and many other useful reduction by key transformations). Indeed, Spark’s API is a superset (by providing natural join and merge functionalities) of Hadoop’s classic MapReduce API. Spark’s operations (transformations and actions) is much more powerful, higher level, easy to use, and faster than Hadoop’s classic MapReduce paradigm. According to Spark documentation, you may run Spark programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk. In summary, Spark is easier, richer, and faster than Hadoop’s classic MapReduce programming model. The API in this chapter is based on Spark-3.0.0.

Spark offers a set of high-level and powerful by key reducers. Some of the most important and common reducers are listed in Table 1.

Table 1-1. Spark’s Reductions
Transformation Purpose


Combine values with the same key


Group values with the same key


Aggregate the values of each key, using given combine functions and a neutral “zero value”.


Generic function to combine the elements for each key using a custom set of aggregation functions.

We will discuss these reduction transformations in the context of PySpark examples.

Internally , the aggregateByKey(), reduceByKey() and groupByKey() are implemented by combineByKey(). The aggregateByKey() transformation is similar to reduceByKey() but you can provide initial values (per partition) when performing aggregation. Using reduceByKey() will provide the most optimized performance (without writing 3 additional functions  — create_combiner, merge_value, merge_combiners — that you have to provide for the combineByKey()). If you can not (such as when the input and result types differ from each other) use reduceByKey(), then consider using combineByKey(), which you have to provide 3 additional small functions.

Finally, if solving the group-by-key aggregation by reduceByKey() or combineByKey() is very hard and complex, then you may use the groupByKey(). While the use of combineByKey() takes a little more work than using a groupByKey() call, but avoiding groupByKey() can improve your spark job performance by reducing the amount of data sent across the network. If you are going to use groupByKey(), then make sure that you have enough memory in your cluster to handle all of values per key. When possible, use combineByKey() or reduceByKey() transformation to reduce the amount of shuffle data.

What is a Reduction?

According to a couple of dictionaries: reduction is defined as:

  • the act of making something smaller in size, amount, number, etc.

  • the act of reducing something

  • an amount by which something is reduced

  • the act or process of reducing : the state of being reduced

  • the action or fact of making a specified thing smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.

  • the process of converting an amount from one denomination to a smaller one, or of bringing down a fraction to its lowest terms.

Our focus will be on reductions, where the source RDD is of the form RDD[(K, V)] (an RDD where elements are pairs of (K, V) — this is called a pair RDD). In Spark and MapReduce paradigm, the reduction is the process of applying some function f() on the values (V~1~, V~2~, ..., V~n~) for every key K in the RDD[(K, V)] (called a pair RDD). The function f() can be something as trivial as summation of the values or can be as complex as your requirement.

Therefore, we will assume that each RDD has a set of keys and for each key (such as K) we have a set of values as illustrated below.

{ (K, V~1~), (K, V~2~), ..., (K, V~n~) }

Of course this a simplistic view of a reducer. In real applications, values for the same key (here denoted as K) can come from many different partitions and each partition can come from a different server. Note that there is no order (such as ascending or descending) between the values

{ V~1~, V~2~, ..., V~n~ }

for a given key K. In Spark, based on your selected transformation (such as groupByKey(), reduceByKey(), or combineByKey()) sort and shuffle phase can be done very differently, which might have a different efficiency and scale-out.

Spark’s Reduction Transformations

Spark (Table 1.2) provides the following <reduction-name>ByKey() transformation functions over a set of (key, value) pairs (partial listing):

Table 1-2. Spark’s Reduction Transformations
Reduction Transformation Description


Group the values for each key in the RDD into a single sequence


Merge the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce function


Generic function to combine the elements for each key using a custom set of aggregation functions


Aggregate the values of each key, using given combine functions and a neutral “zero value”


Merge the values for each key using an associative function and a neutral “zero value” …)


Count the number of elements for each key, and return the result to the master as a Map


Return a subset of this RDD sampled by key (via stratified sampling)


Sort the RDD by key, so that each partition contains a sorted range of the elements in ascending order


Return an RDD with the pairs from this whose keys are not in other

These group of transformation functions act on (key, value) pairs represented by RDDs. For example, in Java programming language, (key, value) pairs are represented by JavaPairRDD<K,V>, but since Python is a type-less language, (key, value) pairs are represented as (key, value), which is a tuple of 2 elements. Therefore, Spark provides several ways to do reductions on data. Here, I will discuss the performance of each reduction function with respect to the size of values per given unique key. It has been well documented that, for example, the performance of Spark’s reduceByKey() is much better than groupByKey() when aggregation or reduction is done over a lot of values per given key.

In this chapter, we will look only into reductions of data over a set of given unique keys. For example, given the following (key, value) pairs for key=K:

{ (K, V~1~), (K, V~2~), ..., (K, V~n~)}

We are assuming that the key K has a list of n ( n > 0 ) values:

[V~1~, V~2~, ..., V~n~]

To keep it simple, the goal of reduction is to generate the following pair (or a set of new (key, value) pairs):

(K, R)


f(V~1~, V~2~, ..., V~n~) -> R

where the function f() is called a reducer or reduction function. Spark provides a set of transformations (such as groupByKey(), reduceByKey(), combineByKey(), aggregateByKey(), …) to apply function f() over a list of values: [V~1~, V~2~, ..., V~n~]. To find the educed value, R, we have many options in Spark, but the performance and scalability of these transformation will differ based on the number of values processed over a set of keys. Spark does not impose any ordering among the values ([V~1~, V~2~, ..., V~n~]) to be reduced.

Simple Warmup Example

Suppose we have a list of pairs: (K, V) where K (as a key) is a String and V (as a value) is an Integer number:

 ('alex', 2), ('alex', 4), ('alex', 8),
 ('jane', 3), ('jane', 7),
 ('rafa', 1), ('rafa', 3), ('rafa', 5), ('rafa', 6),
 ('clint', 9)

In this example, we have 4 unique keys:

{ 'alex', 'jane', 'rafa', 'clint' }

Suppose we want to combine (add the values) the values per key. The result of this reduction will be:

 ('alex', 14),
 ('jane', 10),
 ('rafa', 15),
 ('clint', 9)


  key: alex =>    14 = 2+4+8
  key: jane =>    10 = 3+7
  key: rafa =>    15 = 1+3+5+6
  key: clint =>    9 (single value, no operation is done)

There are so many ways to add these numbers to get the desired result. How did we arrive with these reduced (key, value) pairs? For this example, we may use any of the Spark transformations. Aggregating the values per key or combining the values per key is a reduction function. In classic MapReduce paradigm, this is called a “reduce by key” (or simply reduce) function. The MapReduce’s framework calls the application’s (user defined) “reduce” function once for each unique key in the sorted order of keys. The “reduce” function can iterate through the values that are associated with that key and produce zero or more outputs as (key, value) pairs. The “reduce” function solves the problem of combining the elements of each unique key to a single value. Note that in some applications, the result might be more than a single value.

Here I present 4 different solutions using Spark’s transformations. For all solutions, we will use the following Python data and key_value_pairs (as RDD[(String, Integer)]), which represents a set of (key=String, value=Integer) pairs.

>>> data = 1
 ('alex', 2), ('alex', 4), ('alex', 8),
 ('jane', 3), ('jane', 7),
 ('rafa', 1), ('rafa', 3), ('rafa', 5), ('rafa', 6),
 ('clint', 9)
>>> key_value_pairs = spark.SparkContext.parallelize(data) 2
>>> key_value_pairs.collect()
 ('alex', 2), ('alex', 4), ('alex', 8),
 ('jane', 3), ('jane', 7),
 ('rafa', 1), ('rafa', 3), ('rafa', 5), ('rafa', 6),
 ('clint', 9)

Python collection: list of pairs


key_value_pairs is an RDD[(String, Integer)]

Solution by reduceByKey()

Adding values for a given key is pretty straightforward. Add every 2 values and keep going. This is the most efficient solution since combiners are used at worker levels and finally the partition values are added. A reducing addition (+) function is an associative binary operation. The source and target RDDs for reduceByKey() transformation can be stated as:

source RDD: RDD[(K, V)]
target RDD: RDD[(K, V))

Note that source and target data types of RDD values (V) are the same (this is a limitation on the reduceByKey() — this limitation can be removed by using the combineByKey() or aggregateByKey()).

Using Lambda Expressions

This solution uses reduceByKey() and Lambda Expressions (anonymous function):

# a is (an accumulated) value for key=K
# b is a value for key=K
sum_per_key = key_value_pairs.reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a+b)
[('jane', 10), ('rafa', 15), ('alex', 14), ('clint', 9)]

Using Functions

Instead of using Lambda Expressions, you may use a defined function, such as add:

from operator import add
sum_per_key = key_value_pairs.reduceByKey(add)
[('jane', 10), ('rafa', 15), ('alex', 14), ('clint', 9)]

Adding values per key by reduceByKey() is an optimized solution, since aggregation will happen in all partitions before final aggregation of the all partitions. According to Spark: reduceByKey() merges the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce function. This means that combiners (optimized mini-reducers) are used in all cluster nodes before merging the values per partitions.

Solution by groupByKey()

We can solve this problem by using the groupByKey() transformation, but this solution will not have an ideal performance since we will move lots of data to the reducer nodes.

sum_per_key = key_value_pairs
                 .grouByKey() 1
                 .mapValues(lambda values: sum(values)) 2
[('jane', 10), ('rafa', 15), ('alex', 14), ('clint', 9)]

Group values (similar to SQL’s GROUP BY) per key, now each key will have a set of Integer values; for example these three pairs {('alex', 2), ('alex', 4), ('alex', 8)} will be reduced to a single pair of ('alex', [2, 4, 8])


Add values per key using Python’s sum() function

The source and target RDDs for groupByKey() transformation can be stated as:

source RDD: RDD[(K, V)] 1
target RDD: RDD[(K, [V])) 2

Value is a type V


Value is an iterable/list of V as [V]

Note that source and target data types are not the same. The value data type for source RDD is V, while the the value data type for taget RDD is [V] (as a iterable/list of V — denoted as [V]).

Solution by aggregateByKey()

In simplest form, the aggregateByKey() transformation is defined as:

aggregateByKey(zero_value, seq_func, comb_func)

source RDD: RDD[(K, V)]
target RDD: RDD[(K, C))

V and C can be different data types.

According to Spark: aggregateByKey() aggregates the values of each key, using given combine functions and a neutral “zero value”. This function can return a different result type, C, than the type of the values in the source RDD, V. Thus, we need one operation for merging a V into a C (per partition) and one operation for merging two C’s (merging values of two partitions) into a single C. The former operation is used for merging values within a single partition, and the latter is used for merging values between partitions. To avoid memory allocation, both of these functions are allowed to modify and return their first argument instead of creating a new C. Note that C and V can be different data types. For this example both are Integer data types.

Sum of values is presented by using the aggregateByKey() transformation:

# zero_value -> C
# seq_func: (C, V) -> C
# comb_func: (C, C) -> C
>>> sum_per_key = key_value_pairs.aggregateByKey(
... 0, 1
... (lambda C, V: C+V), 2
... (lambda C1, C2: C1+C2) 3
... )
>>> sum_per_key.collect()
[('jane', 10), ('rafa', 15), ('alex', 14), ('clint', 9)]

zero_value : initial value, applied per partition


seq_func : used on single partition


comb_func : combining values of partitions

Solution by combineByKey()

The combineByKey() transformation is the most general and powerful among all reduce by key transformations. In its simplest form, the combineByKey() transformation is defined as:

combineByKey(create_combiner, merge_value, merge_combiners)

source RDD: RDD[(K, V)]
target RDD: RDD[(K, C))

V and C can be different data types.

Generic function to combine the elements for each
key using a custom set of aggregation functions.

The combineByKey() transformation turns an RDD[(K, V)] into a result of type RDD[(K, C)], for a “combined type” C. Note that V and C can be different data types (this is the power of combineByKey()), but for this example, both are Integer data types.

The combineByKey() interface allows you to customize combining behavior. This transformation enable us to create a custome combined data type C as well as customizing the reduction and combining behavior.

To use this transformation, we have to provide three functions:

  • create_combiner, which turns a single V into a C (e.g., creates a one-element list). This is used within a single partition to initialize a C.

  • merge_value, to merge a V into a C (e.g., adds it to the end of a list). This is used within a single partition to aggregate values into a C.

  • merge_combiners, to combine two C’s into a single C (e.g., merges the lists). This is used in merging values from two partitions.

>>> sum_per_key = key_value_pairs.combineByKey(
...           (lambda v: v), 1
...           (lambda C,v: C+v), 2
...           (lambda C1,C2: C1+C2) 3
... )
>>> sum_per_key.collect()
[('jane', 10), ('rafa', 15), ('alex', 14), ('clint', 9)]

create_combiner : initial value per partition


merge_value : used on single partitions


merge_combiners : combine partitions into final result

Overall, the combineByKey() transformation is the most powerful reduction in Spark, since the data type of values (V) of source RDD can be different from the data type of values (C) of target RDD. For example, reduceByKey() is a very special case of combineByKey(): V and C are the same data types. For example, using combineByKey(), V can be an Integer data type, while C can be a pair of (Float, Integer) or other composite data types.

To see the real power of the combineByKey() transformation, lets find mean of values per key. To solve this, we create a combined data type (C) as (sum, count), which will hold the sum of values and their associated count:

# C = combined type as (sum, count)
>>> sum_count_per_key = key_value_pairs.combineByKey(
...           (lambda v: (v, 1)),
...           (lambda C,v: (C[0]+v, C[1]+1),
...           (lambda C1,C2: (C1[0]+C2[0], C1[1]+C2[1]))
... )
>>> mean_per_key = sum_count_per_key.mapValues(lambda C: C[0]/C[1])

Given 3 partitions named {P1, P2, P3}, the following figure shows how to create a Combiner (data type C), how to Merge a value into a Combiner, and finally how to merge two combiners.

combinebykey working 01
Figure 1-4. The combineByKey() transformation example

Next, I will discuss the concept of a Monoid, which will help us to understand the concept of combiners in reduction transformations.

What is a Monoid?

Since Spark’s reductions execute on a partition by partition basis (i.e., your reducer function is distributed rather than being a sequential function), you need to make sure that your reducer function is semantically correct. To write proper reducers, which will generate correct output and results, we do need to understand the concept of a monoid. When reducing values, if your reducer function is not a monoid, then your final result will not be a correct value. This will be demonstrated shortly. In a nutshell, we can say that reducers are morphisms of monoids. The first step in creating a proper reducer is to identify the monoid. I will define monoid and provide some related examples shortly.

In algebra, a monoid is an algebraic structure with a single associative binary operation and an identity element (also called a Zero element). For our purposes, I will provide an informal definition of a monoid:

M = (T, f, Zero) is a monoid, where

  • T is a data type

  • f() is a binary operation: f: (T, T) -> T

  • Zero: T (an instance of T)

The Zero is an identity (neutral) element of type T and does not necessarily mean number zero. With the properties specified below, the triple (T, f, Zero) is called a monoid. Here are the monoidic properties:

Let a, b, c, Zero be type of T

Then the following properties must hold:

  • Binary operation:

f: (T, T) -> T
  • Neutral element:

for all a in T:

f(Zero, a) = a
f(a, Zero) = a
  • Associativity:

for all a, b, c in T:

f(f(a, b), c) = f(a, f(b, c))

Not every binary operation in the world is a monoid. For example, the mean (average of numbers over a set of Integers) function is not a monoid and the proof is given below. Below we prove that the mean() is not an associative function and therefore it is not a monoid.

mean(10, mean(30, 50)) != mean(mean(10, 30), 50)


   mean(10, mean(30, 50))
      = mean (10, 40)
      = 25

   mean(mean(10, 30), 50)
      = mean (20, 50)
      = 35

   25 != 35

Therefore, mean() function over a set of Integers is not a monoid. Let’s look at some examples.

Monoid Examples

To help you understand monoids, here are some monoid examples:

  • Integers with addition:

       ((a + b ) + c) = (a + (b + c))
       0 + n = n
       n + 0 = n
       The Zero element for addition is number 0.
  • Integers with multiplication:

       ((a * b) * c) = (a * (b * c))
       1 * n = n
       n * 1 = n
       The Zero element for multiplication is number 1.
  • Strings with concatenation:

       (a + (b + c)) = ((a + b) + c)
       "" + s = s
       s + "" = s
       The Zero element for concatenation is an empty string of size 0.
  • Lists with concatenation:

       List(a, b) + List(c, d) = List(a,b,c,d)
  • Sets with their union:

       Set(1,2,3) + Set(2,4,5)
          = Set(1,2,3,2,4,5)
          = Set(1,2,3,4,5)
       S + {} = S
       {} + S = S
       The Zero element is an empty set {}.

Non-Monoid Examples

Here are some non-monoid examples:

  • Integers with mean function:

       mean(mean(a,b),c) != mean(a, mean(b,c))
  • Integers with subtraction:

       ((a - b) -c) != (a - (b - c))
  • Integers with division:

       ((a / b) / c) != (a / (b / c))
  • Integers with mode:

    mode(mode(a, b), c) != mode(a, mode(b, c))
  • Integers with median:

    median(median(a, b), c) != median(a, median(b, c))

Therefore, when writing a reducer, you need to make sure that your reduction function is a monoid, otherwise your reduced value might not be correct. This is because all algorithms operate in parallel on partitioned data: this means that writing distributed algorithms on Spark are much different than writing sequential algorithms on a single server. In some cases, it is possible to convert a non-monoid into a monoid. For example, to find mean of numbers, with a simple change to our data structures we are able to find the correct mean of numbers. There is no algorithm to convert a non-monoid structure to a monoid automatically.

Next, I introduce a simple problem (movies and users) and then prodvide solutions using reduce by key transformations.

Movie Problem

The goal of this example is to present a basic problem and then provide solutions by using different Spark reduction transformations by means of PySpark. For all reduction transformations, I have carefully selected the data types such that they form a monoid.

The movie problem is stated as: given a set of users, movies, and ratings, the goal is to find an average rating of all movies by a user. Therefore if a user (with userID=100) has rated 4 movies (rating is in the range of 1 to 5):

(100, "Lion King", 4.0)
(100, "Crash", 3.0)
(100, "Dead Man Walking", 3.5)
(100, "The Godfather", 4.5)

Then we want to generate the following output:

(100, 3.75)


    3.75 = mean(4.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.5)
         = (4.0 + 3.0 + 3.5 + 4.5) / 4
         = 15.0 / 4

For this example, note that reduceByKey() transformation over a set of ratings will not always produce the correct output, since the mean of means is not equal to the mean of all input numbers. Average (or mean) is not an algebraic monoid over a set of float/integer numbers) and here is a simple proof:

mean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
   = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) / 6
   = 21 / 6
   = 3.5 [correct result]

Now, let’s make a mean function as distributed function (we used 3 partitions here):

Partition-1: (1, 2, 3)
Partition-2: (4, 5)
Partition-3: (6)

Next, we compute the mean of partitions:

mean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  =  mean (

  = mean(1, 2, 3)
  = mean( mean(1,2), 3)
  = mean( (1+2)/2, 3)
  = mean(1.5, 3)
  = (1.5+3)/2
  = 2.25

  = mean(4,5)
  = (4+5)/2
  = 4.5

  = mean(6)
  = 6

Once all partitions are processed, therefore:

mean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  =  mean (
  = mean(2.25, 4.5, 6)
  = mean(mean(2.25, 4.5), 6)
  = mean((2.25 + 4.5)/2, 6)
  = mean(3.375, 6)
  = (3.375 + 6)/2
  = 9.375 / 2
  = 4.6875  [incorrect result]

To compute mean of ratings per user, we can use a monoid data structure (which supports associativity and commutativity) such as a pair of (sum, count), where sum is the total sum of all numbers — ratings —  we have visited (per partition) and count is the number of ratings we have visited so far:

Let's define: mean(pair(sum, count)) = sum / count

  = mean (mean(1,2,3), mean(4,5), mean(6))
  = mean( pair(1+2+3, 1+1+1), pair(4+5, 1+1), pair(6,1))
  = mean( pair(6, 3), pair(9, 2), pair(6,1))
  = mean( mean(pair(6, 3), pair(9, 2)), pair(6,1))
  = mean( pair(6+9, 3+2), pair(6,1))
  = mean( pair(15, 5), pair(6,1))
  = mean( pair(15+6, 5+1))
  = mean( pair(21, 6))
  = 21 / 6 = 3.5 [correct result]

Note that mean of different partitions is not associative, but by using monoid (we force associativity and commutativity — defined below) we can achieve associativity. Therefore, you may apply the

# a = (sum1, count1)
# b = (sum2, count2)
# f(a, b) = a + b
#         = (sum1+sum2, count1+count2)
reduceByKey(lambda a, b: f(a, b))

when your function f() is commutative and associative. For example, the addition (+) operation is commutative and sssociative, but the average function does not satisfy the Commutative and Associative properties.

  • Commutative: ensuring that the result would be independent of the order of elements in the RDD being aggregated

    f(A, B) = f(B, A)
  • Associative: ensuring that any two elements associated in the aggregation at a time does not effect the final result

    f( f(A, B), C ) = f( A, f(B, C))

Therefore, to find the average per key, we can use reduceBykey(), but we have to change our combined data structure to be a monoid, which are presented in the following sections.

Input Data Set to Analyze

To show different Spark solutions to our problem, we use a data set from MovieLens. Consider a set of data (file named as ratings.csv), which has users, movies, and ratings. I downloaded the input from MovieLens. According to MovieLens: “these datasets will change over time”. So at the time of your download, these data sizes might have changed. For simplicity, I am assuming that you have downloaded and unzipped the files at /tmp/movielens/ directory. Note that, there is not any requirement to put the files under my suggested location and you may place your files at your preferred directory and hence update your input-paths accordingly.

The data we want to analyze has the following properties:

  • 22,000,000 ratings

  • 580,000 tag applications

  • 33,000 movies

  • 240,000 users

For details, please visit the following links:

The data download can be done from this link from GroupLens.

Note that, the full movie dataset ( is 264 MB. If you want to run/test/debug the programs listed here by a small movies data set (the smaller set is more manageable), then you may download it from the Latest MovieLens Small Dataset.

Ratings Data File Structure (ratings.csv)

All ratings are contained in the file ratings.csv. Each line of this file after the header row represents one rating of one movie by one user, and has the following format:


Let’s understand the input file ratings.csv:

  • The lines within this file are ordered first by userId, then, within user, by movieId.

  • Ratings are made on a 5-star scale, with half-star increments (0.5 stars - 5.0 stars).

  • Timestamps represent seconds since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of January 1, 1970 (this field is ignored in our analysis).

After unzipping the downloaded file, you should have the following files:

# ls -l /tmp/movielens/
       8,305  README.txt
     725,770  links.csv
   1,729,811  movies.csv
 620,204,630  ratings.csv
  21,094,823  tags.csv

Find out the number of records:

# wc -l /tmp/movielens/ratings.csv
 22,884,378 /tmp/movielens/ratings.csv

Next, examine the content of ratings.csv:

# head -6 /tmp/movielens/ratings.csv

Since we are using RDDs, we do not need the metadata associated with data. Therefore, I removed the first line (as header line) from the ratings.txt file:

# tail -n +2 ratings.csv >
# wc -l ratings.csv
22,884,378 ratings.csv

Solution Using aggregateByKey()

To find average rating by user, first we do the following step: map each record into (key, value) pairs as:

     (userID-as-key, rating-as-value)

The simplest way to add up your values per key is to use the reduceByKey(). But, we can not use the reduceByKey() to find average rating by user since the mean/average function is not a monoid over a set of ratings (as float numbers). To preserve a monoid operation, we use a pair data structure (a tuple of 2 elements) to hold a pair of values: (sum, count) where sum is the aggregated sum of ratings and count is the number of ratings we have added (i.e., sum) so far.

Let’s prove that the pair structure (sum, count) with an “addition” operator over a set of numbers is a monoid:

  • Zero Element
    The Zero element is (0.0, 0)

    f(A, Zero) = A
    f(Zero, A) = A
    A = (sum, count)
    f(A, Zero)
      = (sum+0.0, count+0)
      = (sum, count)
      = A
    f(Zero, A)
      = (0.0+sum, 0+count)
      = (sum, count)
      = A
  • Commutative: ensuring that the result would be independent of the order of elements in the RDD being aggregated

    f(A, B) = f(B, A)
    A = (sum1, count1)
    B = (sum2, count2)
    f(A, B)
      = (sum1+sum2, count1+count2)
      = (sum2+sum1, count2+count1)
      = f(B, A)
  • Associative: ensuring that any two elements associated in the aggregation at a time does not effect the final result

    f( f(A, B), C ) = f( A, f(B, C))
    A = (sum1, count1)
    B = (sum2, count2)
    C = (sum3, count3)
    f( f(A, B), C )
      = f ((sum1+sum2, count1+count2), (sum3, count3))
      = (sum1+sum2+sum3, count1+count2+count3)
      = (sum1+(sum2+sum3), count1+(count2+count3))
      = f( A, f(B, C))

Therefore, we frequently use aggregateByKey() to do more complicated calculations (like averages). Note that the aggregateByKey() is more suitable for compute aggregations for keys, example aggregations such as sum, avg, standard deviation, etc.

First take a look at the signature of aggregateByKey() in simple form:

aggregateByKey(zero_value, seq_func, comb_func)

To use aggregateByKey(), programmer has to provide the following 3 basic functions. Below, C is a combined data type:

aggregateByKey : RDD[(K, V)] --> RDD[(K, C)]

    zero_value -> C  1
    seq_func(C, V) -> C  2
    comb_func(C, C) -> C  3

Create a C from zero_value (so called an initial value) per partition


Merge a V and a C into a single C (inside a partition)


Combine two C’s into a single C (combining two partitions)

C is a combined data structure, which in our case here, denotes a pair of (sum, count). Aggregate the values of each key, using given combine functions and a neutral “zero value” (the “zero value” is really not the zero value such as 0 — also it can be real zero if desired), but a starting initial value per partition). This function can return a different result type, C, than the type of the values in this RDD, V. Thus, we need one operation for merging a V into a C and one operation for merging two’s. The former operation is used for merging values within a partition, and the latter is used for merging values between partitions. To avoid memory allocation, both of these functions are allowed to modify and return their first argument instead of creating a new C.

To make things simple, we define a very basic python function, create_pair(), which accepts a record of movie rating data and return a pair of (userID, rating):

# define a function, which accepts a CSV record
# and returns a pair of (userID, rating)
# Parameters: rating_record (as CSV String)
# rating_record = "userID,movieID,rating,timestamp"
def create_pair(rating_record):
	tokens = rating_record.split(",")
	userID = tokens[0]
	rating = float(tokens[2])
	return (userID, rating)

Next we test the Python function:

key_value_1 = create_pair("3,2394,4.0,920586920")
print key_value_1
('3', 4.0)
key_value_2 = create_pair("1,169,2.5,1204927694")
print key_value_2
('1', 2.5)

Here is a PySpark solution using aggregateByKey(). The combined type (as C) to denote values for the aggregateByKey() is a pair of (sum-of-ratings, count-of-ratings).

# spark : an instance of SparkSession
ratings_path = "/tmp/movielens/"
rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(ratings_path)
# load user-defined python function
ratings = rec : create_pair(rec)) 1
# C = (C[0], C[1]) = (sum-of-ratings, count-of-ratings)
# zero_value -> C = (0.0, 0)
# seq_func: (C, V) -> C
# comb_func: (C, C) -> C
sum_count = ratings.aggregateByKey( 2
    (0.0, 0), 3
    (lambda C, V: (C[0]+V, C[1]+1)), 4
    (lambda C1, C2: (C1[0]+C2[0], C1[1]+C2[1])) 5

Source RDD is ratings = [(userID, rating), ...] = RDD[(String, Float)]


Target RDD is sum_count = [(userID, (sum-of-ratings, count-of-ratings)), ...] = RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]


zero_value : initial value per partition


seq_func : used within a single partition


comb_func : used to combine results of partitions

Let’s break down what’s happening by each line. Call the aggregateByKey() function and create a result set “template” with the initial values.

We’re starting the data out as (0.0, 0) which will hold our sum of ratings (as 0.0) and count of records (as 0). For each row of data we’re going to do some adding. Note that (0.0, 0) is so called a zero_value, which is the initial value per partition.

C is the new template, so C[0] is referring to our “sum” element (sum-of-ratings) where C[1] is the “count” element (count-of-ratings).

V is a row’s worth of the original data. So you have to pull the right element from the original data. V is the rating.

Final step, you’re combining RDDs if they were processed on multiple partitions on different machines. Simply add C1 values to C2 values based on the template we made.

The data in sum_count RDD will end up looking like:

  = [(userID, (sum-of-ratings, count-of-ratings)), ...]
  = RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]

  (100, (40.0, 10)),
  (200, (51.0, 13)),
  (300, (340.0, 90)),

Therefore, userID=100 have rated 10 movies and sum of all his ratings is 40.0 and userID=200 have rated 13 movies and sum of all his ratings is 51.0, and so on.

So in order to get the actual average, we need to call the mapValues() transformation and divide the first entry (sum) by the second entry (count).

# x =  (sum-of-ratings, count-of-ratings)
# x[0] = sum-of-ratings
# x[1] = count-of-ratings
# avg = sum-of-ratings / count-of-ratings
average_rating = sum_count.mapValues(lambda x: (x[0]/x[1])) 1

average_rating = RDD[(String, Float)] = RDD[(userID, average-rating)]


Let’s examine average_rating RDD:

  (100, 4.00),
  (200, 3.92),
  (300, 3.77),

Next, I present the logic behind aggregateByKey().

How does aggregateByKey() work?

Per key, each partition is initialized with the zero value, which is an initial combined data type (C). Then then the zero value is merged with the first value in the partition, which creates a new C. Then the second value is merged with the resulting C and this continues until we merge all values. If the same key goes to multiple partitions, then these values are combined together, which results in a new C.

Figures 4.5 and 4.6 show how aggregateByKey() works with different zero values. The zero value is applied per key per partition. This means that if a key X is in N partitions, then the zero-value is applied N times (each of these N partition will be initialized to zero-value for key X).

Figures 4.5 show that how aggregateByKey() works with zero-value=(0, 0).

aggregatebykey working 00 400dpi
Figure 1-5. aggregateByKey() with zero-value=(0, 0)

Note that the zero-value is used per key per partition. Therefore you should select the zero-value in such a way to not give you wrong results.

Figures 4.6 show that how aggregateByKey() works with zero-value=(10, 20). .aggregateByKey() with zero-value=(10, 20)

aggregatebykey working 01 400dpi

Next, I present a complete solution to the movies problem by using aggregateByKey().

PySpark Solution using aggregateByKey()

Here, I present a solution by using the aggregateByKey() transformation. To save space, I have trimmed the output generated by PySpark shell.

Step 1: Read Data and Create Pairs

Here we read data and create (key, value) pairs, where key is a userID and value is a rating.

# ./bin/pyspark
SparkSession available as 'spark'.
>>># create_pair() returns a pair (userID, rating)
>>># rating_record = "userID,movieID,rating,timestamp"
>>> def create_pair(rating_record):
...     tokens = rating_record.split(",")
...     return (tokens[0], float(tokens[2]))
>>> key_value_test = create_pair("3,2394,4.0,920586920")
>>> print key_value_test
('3', 4.0)
>>> ratings_path = "/tmp/movielens/"
>>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(ratings_path)
>>> rdd.count()
>>> ratings = rec : create_pair(rec))
>>> ratings.count()
>>> ratings.take(3)
[(u'1', 2.5), (u'1', 3.0), (u'1', 5.0)]

Step 2: Use aggregateByKey() to Sum Up Ratings

Once (key, value) pairs are created, we now can apply the aggregateByKey() transformation to sum up the ratings. The initial value of (0.0, 0) is used per partition: where 0.0 is the sum of the ratings and 0 is the number of raters.

>>># C is a combiner data structure as (sum, count)
>>> sum_count = ratings.aggregateByKey( 1
...     (0.0, 0), 2
...     (lambda C, V: (C[0]+V, C[1]+1)), 3
...     (lambda C1, C2: (C1[0]+C2[0], C1[1]+C2[1]))) 4

>>> sum_count.count()

>>> sum_count.take(3)
 (u'145757', (148.0, 50)),
 (u'244330', (36.0, 17)),
 (u'180162', (1882.0, 489))

Target RDD will be RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]


zero_value: C is initialized to (0.0, 0) per partition


seq_func: add a single value of V to a C (used in a single partition)


comb_func: combine values of partitions (add two C ’s to create a single C)

You have an option of using Python functions instead of lambda expressions. To compute sum_count with functions, we need to write the following functions:

# C = (sum, count)
# V is a single value of type Float
def seq_func(C, V):
    return (C[0]+V, C[1]+1)

# C1 = (sum1, count1)
# C2 = (sum2, count2)
def comb_func(C1, C2):
    return (C1[0]+C2[0], C1[1]+C2[1])

Now, we can compute sum_count by the defined functions:

sum_count = ratings.aggregateByKey(
    (0.0, 0),

Step 3: Find Average Rating

The previous step created RDD elements of the following type:

    (userID, (sum-of-ratings, number-of-ratings))

Next, we do the final calculation to find the average arating:

>>># x refers to a pair of (sum-of-ratings, number-of-ratings)
>>># where
>>>#      x[0] denotes sum-of-ratings
>>>#      x[1] denotes number-of-ratings
>>> average_rating = sum_count.mapValues(lambda x:(x[0]/x[1]))
>>> average_rating.count()

>>> average_rating.take(3)
 (u'145757', 2.96),
 (u'244330', 2.1176470588235294),
 (u'180162', 3.8486707566462166)

Next, I present a solution to the movies problem by using groupByKey().

Complete PySpark Solution by groupByKey()

For a given set of (K, V) pairs, groupByKey() has the following signature:

groupByKey(numPartitions=None, partitionFunc=<function portable_hash>)
groupByKey : RDD[(K, V)] --> RDD[(K, [V])]

Let the source RDD be as RDD[(K, V)], then the groupByKey() transformation groups the values for each key (say K) in the RDD into a single sequence as [V] (list/iterable of V ’s). Hash-partitions the resulting RDD with the existing partitioner/parallelism level. The ordering of elements within each group is not guaranteed, and may even differ each time the resulting RDD is evaluated.

Based on the API, you may customize the number of partitions (numPartitions) and partitioning function (partitionFunc).

Note that this operation may be very expensive. If you are grouping large number of values in order to perform an aggregation (such as a sum or average or a statistical function) over each key, using combineByKey(), aggregateByKey() or reduceByKey() will provide much better scalability and performance. Also note that the groupByKey() transformation is assuming that the data for a key will fit in memory, if you have large amount of data for a give key which will not fit in memory, then you might get “out of memory” error.

When possible, you should avoid using groupByKey(). While groupByKey() and reduceByKey() transformations can produce the correct answer, the reduceByKey() works much better (i.e., scales-out better) on a large dataset. That’s because Spark knows it can combine output with a common key on each partition before shuffling the data.

Here are more functions to prefer over groupByKey():

  • combineByKey() can be used when you are combining elements but your return type may differ from your input value type.

  • foldByKey() merges the values for each key using an associative function and a neutral “zero value” (initial value per partition).

PySpark Solution using groupByKey()

Here, I present a complete solution by using the groupByKey() transformation:

Step 1: Read Data and Create Pairs

Here we read data and create (key, value) pairs, where key is a userID and value is a rating.

>>># spark : SparkSession
>>> def create_pair(rating_record):
...     tokens = rating_record.split(",")
...     return (tokens[0], float(tokens[2]))
>>> key_value_test = create_pair("3,2394,4.0,920586920")
>>> print key_value_test
('3', 4.0)

>>> ratings_path = "/tmp/movielens/"
>>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(ratings_path)
>>> rdd.count()
>>> ratings = rec : create_pair(rec)) 1
>>> ratings.count()
>>> ratings.take(3)
 (u'1', 2.5),
 (u'1', 3.0),
 (u'1', 5.0)

ratings is an RDD[(String, Float)] = RDD[(userID, rating)]

Step 2: Use groupByKey() to Group Ratings

Once (key, value) pairs are created, we now can apply the groupByKey() transformation to group all ratings for a user. This step creates (userID, [R~1~, ..., R~n~]), where R~1~, … R~n~ are all of the rating for a unique userID.

As you will notice below, the groupByKey() transformation works exactly as SQL’s GROUP BY semantics. It groups values of the same key as iterable of values.

>>> ratings_grouped = ratings.groupByKey() 1
>>> ratings_grouped.count()
>>> ratings_grouped.take(3)
 (u'145757', <ResultIterable object at 0x111e42e50>), 2
 (u'244330', <ResultIterable object at 0x111e42dd0>),
 (u'180162', <ResultIterable object at 0x111e42e10>)
>>> ratings_grouped.mapValues(lambda x: list(x)).take(3) 3
 (u'145757', [2.0, 3.5, ..., 3.5, 1.0]),
 (u'244330', [3.5, 1.5, ..., 4.0, 2.0]),
 (u'180162', [5.0, 4.0, ..., 4.0, 5.0])

ratings_grouped is an RDD[(String, [Float])] = RDD[(String, [rating1, rating2, ...])]


The full name of ResultIterable is pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable


For debugging, convert ResultIterable object to list of Integers

Step 3: Find Average Rating

To find average rating per user, we sum up all ratings and then calculate the average.

>>># x refers to all ratings for a user as [R1, ..., Rn]
>>># x : ResultIterable object
>>> average_rating = ratings_grouped.mapValues(lambda x: sum(x)/len(x)) 1
>>> average_rating.count()
>>> average_rating.take(3)
 (u'145757', 2.96),
 (u'244330', 2.12),
 (u'180162', 3.85)

average_rating is RDD[(String, Float)] = RDD[(userID, average-rating)]

I presented multiple solutions to the same movie problem by using reduceByKey(), aggregateByKey() combineByKey(), and groupByKey(). This means that there are many ways to solve the same data problem. When possible reduceByKey() is preferable to all others. But for solving some problems (such as finding median of values per key), if you need all values at the same time, then groupByKey() is a prefered transformation. Next I examinr the “Shuffle Step” in reduction transformations.

Shuffle Step in Reductions

Once all mappers have completed emitting (key, value) pairs, then the MapReduce’s magic happens: the sort and shuffle step. The sort and shuffle basically groups data by their associated keys and sends the results to reducers. This step is different (from the efficiency and scalability point of view) for different transformations.

In a nutshell, shuffling is a process of redistributing data across partitions that may or may not cause moving data across JVM processes or even over the wire (between executors on separate servers). Shuffling is the process of data transfer between stages (to be explained shortly).

What is the shuffle in general? I am going to explain the “shuffling” concept by an example. Imagine that you have a 100-nodes Spark cluster and each node has a list of (URL, frequency) pairs in a table and you want to calculate the total frequency per URL. This way you would set the “URL” as your key, and for each pair you would emit “frequency” as a value. After this you would sum up frequencies for each key (i.e., URL), which would be an answer to your question — total amount of frequencies for each unique URL. But when you store the data across the cluster, how can you sum up the values for the same key stored on different servers? The only way to do so is to make all the values for the same key be on the same server, after this you would be able to sum them up. This process is called shuffling.

There are many transformations (such as reduceByKey() and join()) that require shuffling of the data across the cluster, for instance table join – to join two RDDs on the field “chromosomeID”, you must be sure that all the data for the same values of “chromosomeID” for both of the RDDs are stored in the same chunks. These examples show that shuffling is important, required, and expensive operation. Shuffling data for groupByKey() is different from shuffling of reduceByKey() data. This difference in shuffling means that each transformation has a different performance. Therefore, it is very important to properly select and use reduction transformations.

I will illustrate the shuffling concept by a simple word count example. PySpark solves the word count problem by:

# spark : SparkSession
# we use 5 partitions for textFile(), flatMap() and map()
# we use 3 partitions for the reduceBykey() reduction
rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile("input.txt", 5)
   .flatMap(lambda line: line.split(" "))
   .map(lambda word: (word, 1))
   .reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b, 3)  1

3 is the number of partitions

According to Spark documentation, RDD operations are compiled into a DAG (directed acyclic graph) of RDD objects, where each RDD points to the parent it depends on (illustrated as Figure 6.4). At shuffle boundaries, the DAG is partitioned into so-called stages (Stage-1, Stage-2, …) that are going to be executed in order. Since shuffling involves copying data across executors and servers, making the shuffle is a complex and costly operation. Since shuffling is a costly operation, we have to be careful in selecting proper reductions.

shuffling concept 01
Figure 1-6. Spark’s Shuffle Concept

Since we directed the reduceByKey() transformation to create 3 partitions, the result RDD will be partitioned into 3 chunks as depicted by Figure 4.7.

Shuffle Step for groupByKey()

The groupByKey() shuffle step is pretty straightforward. It does not merge the values for the key but directly the shuffle step happens and large volume of data gets sent to each partition (no change is done to the initial data values). The merging of values for each key happens after the shuffle step. For groupByKey(), a lot of data needs to be stored on final worker node (reducer) therefore resulting in OOM (out of memory error —  if there are lots of data per key). The shuffle step is demonstrated below. Note that after groupByKey(), you do need to call mapValues() to generate you final desired output.

groupbykey shuffle step
Figure 1-7. Shuffle Step for groupByKey()

The groupByKey() call makes no attempt at merging or combining values, so it’s an expensive operation due to moving large amount of data over network.

Shuffle Step for reduceByKey()

Per worker node, data is combined so that at each partition there is at most one value for each key. Then shuffle happens and it is sent over the network to some particular executor for some action such as reduce. Note that after reduceByKey(), you do need need to call mapValues() to generate you final desired output. In general, a reduceByKey() can be repalced by a pair of groupByKey() and mapValues().

reducebykey shuffle step
Figure 1-8. Shuffle Step for reduceByKey()

Complete PySpark Solution using reduceByKey()

In its simplest form, reduceByKey() transformation has the following signature (source and target data types — V —  must be the same):

reduceByKey(func, numPartitions=None, partitionFunc)
reduceByKey: RDD[(K, V)] --> RDD[(K, V)]

The reduceByKey() transformation, merges the values for each key using an *associative* and *commutative* reduce function. This will also perform the merging locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly to a "combiner" in MapReduce. Output will be partitioned with `numPartitions partitions, or the default parallelism level if numPartitions is not specified. Default partitioner is hash-partition.

Since we want to find the average rating for all movies rated by a user, and we know that mean of means is not a mean function (mean is not a monoid), therefore we will add up all ratings for a user and keep track of the number of movies rated: then (sum_of_ratings, count_of_movies) is a monoid over an addition function, but at the end we need one more mapValues() transformation to find the actual average rating by dividing sum_of_ratings over count_of_movies. The complete solution using reduceByKey() is given below. Note that reduceBykey() is efficient and scalable than a groupBykey() transformation, since merge and combine are done locally before sending data for the final reduction.

Step 1: Read Data and Create Pairs

Here we read data and create (key, value) pairs, where key is a userID and value is a pair of (rating, 1). To use reduceByKey for finding average, we need to find the (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters). This is because mean function is not a “monoid”, so we create (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters) to act as a monoid.

  • Read input data and create an RDD[String]:

>>># spark : SparkSession
>>> ratings_path = "/tmp/movielens/"
>>># rdd: RDD[String]
>>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(ratings_path)
>>> rdd.take(3)
  • Transform RDD[String] to RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]

>>> def create_combined_pair(rating_record):
...     tokens = rating_record.split(",")
...     userID = tokens[0]
...     rating = float(tokens[2])
...     return (userID, (rating, 1))
>>># ratings: RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]
>>> ratings = rec : create_combined_pair(rec)) 1
>>> ratings.count()

>>> ratings.take(3)
 (u'1', (2.5, 1)),
 (u'1', (3.0, 1)),
 (u'1', (5.0, 1))

Create pair RDD

Step 2: Use reduceByKey() to Sum up Ratings

Once (userID, (rating, 1)) pairs are created, we now can apply the reduceByKey() transformation to sum up all ratings and raters for a user. The output of this step will be : (userID, (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters)).

>>># x refers to (rating1, frequency1)
>>># y refers to (rating2, frequency2)
>>># x = (x[0] = rating1, x[1] = frequency1)
>>># y = (y[0] = rating2, y[1] = frequency2)
>>># x + y = (rating1+rating2, frequency1+frequency2)
>>># ratings is the source RDD 1
>>> sum_and_count = ratings.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: (x[0]+y[0],x[1]+y[1]))  2
>>> sum_and_count.count()
>>> sum_and_count.take(3) 3
 (u'145757', (148.0, 50)),
 (u'244330', (36.0, 17)),
 (u'180162', (1882.0, 489))

Source RDD (ratings) is RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]


Target RDD (sum_and_count) is RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]


Notice that the data types for the source and target are the same

Step 3: Find Average Rating

To find average rating per user, we divide “sum of ratings” by the “number of raters”.

>>># x refers to (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters)
>>># x = (x[0] = sum_of_ratings, x[1] = number_of_raters)
>>># avg = sum_of_ratings / number_of_raters = x[0] / x[1]
>>> avgRating = sum_and_count.mapValues(lambda x : x[0] / x[1])
>>> avgRating.take(3)
 (u'145757', 2.96),
 (u'244330', 2.1176470588235294),
 (u'180162', 3.8486707566462166)

Complete PySpark Solution using combineByKey()

The combineByKey() is a general and extended version of reduceByKey() where the result type can be different than the values being aggregated. The reduceByKey() ’s limitation is that the reduced values data types must be the same data type as input (as defined in the Spark documentation). This means that, given the following:

# let rdd represents (key, value) pairs
# where value is of type T
rdd2 = rdd.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: func(x,y))

Then func(x,y) must create a value of type T.

Overall, the combineByKey() transformation is just such an optimization which aggregates values for a given key before sending it to the designated reducer. When using the combineByKey(), values are aggregated and merged into one value at each partition then each partition value is merged into a single value. Note that the type of the combined (result) value does not have to match the type of the original value (which solves the limitation of reduceByKey()). Using reduceByKey() or combineByKey(), in shuffle step, data is combined so each partition outputs at most one value for each key to send over the network.

For a given set of (K, V) pairs, combineByKey() has the following signature (this transformation has many different versions, here we show the simplest form):

combineByKey(create_combiner, merge_value, merge_combiners)
combineByKey : RDD[(K, V)] --> RDD[(K, C)]

V and C can be different data types.

This is a generic function to combine the elements for each key using a custom set of aggregation functions. It converts an RDD[(K, V)] into a result of type RDD[(K, C)], for a “combined type” C. Note that C is a combined data structure. It can be a simple data type such as Integer and String or it can be a composite data structure such as pair (key, value) or triplet (x, y, z) or any desired data structure. The C being any data type, makes combineByKey() a very powerful reducer.

Let the source RDD be RDD[(K, V)]. Then we have to provide three basic functions:

  • create_combiner:
    which turns a V (a single value) into a C (e.g., creates a one-element list of type C). This is done once per partition.

    create_combiner: (V) -> C
  • merge_value:
    to merge a V into a C (e.g., adds it to the end of a list). This is applied to every element within a single partition.

    merge_value: (C, V) -> C
  • merge_combiners:
    to combine two C ’s into a single one (e.g., merges the lists). This is applied for two partitions.

    merge_combiners: (C, C) -> C

To avoid memory allocation, both merge_value and merge_combiners are allowed to modify and return their first argument instead of creating a new C (this can avoid creating new objects, which can be costly if you have a lot of data). Finally, note that V and C can be different data types (in reduceByKey(), V and C have to be the same data types).

In addition, users can control (by providing additional parameters) the partitioning of the output RDD, the serializer that is use for the shuffle, and whether to perform map-side aggregation (if a mapper can produce multiple items with the same key). The combineByKey() transformation is more general and you have the flexibility to specify whether you would like to perform map-side combine. However, it is a little bit more complex to use (at least you need to provide 3 small custom functions).

PySpark Solution using combineByKey()

To solve “average rating by user”, we use a pair of (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters) as a “combined data structure.

Step 1: Read Data and Create Pairs

Here we read data and create (key, value) pairs, where key is a userID and value is rating.

>>># spark : SparkSession
>>># create and return a pair of (userID, rating)
>>> def create_pair(rating_record):
...     tokens = rating_record.split(",")
...     return (tokens[0], float(tokens[2]))
>>> key_value_test = create_pair("3,2394,4.0,920586920")
>>> print key_value_test
('3', 4.0)

>>> ratings_path = "/tmp/movielens/"
>>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(ratings_path) 1
>>> rdd.count()
>>> ratings = rec : create_pair(rec)) 2
>>> ratings.count()
>>> ratings.take(3)
 (u'1', 2.5),
 (u'1', 3.0),
 (u'1', 5.0)

rdd : RDD[String]


ratings : RDD[(String, Float)]

Step 2: Use combineByKey() to Sum up Ratings

Once (userID, rating) pairs are created, we now can apply the combineByKey() transformation to sum up all ratings and number of raters for a user. The output of this step will be :

(userID, (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters))
>>># v is a rating from (userID, rating)
>>># C represents (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters)
>>># C[0] denotes sum_of_ratings
>>># C[1] denotes number_of_raters
>>># ratings : source RDD  1
>>> sum_count = ratings.combineByKey( 2
          (lambda v: (v, 1)), 3
          (lambda C,v: (C[0]+v, C[1]+1)), 4
          (lambda C1,C2: (C1[0]+C2[0], C1[1]+C2[1])) 5
>>> sum_count.count()
>>> sum_count.take(3)
 (u'145757', (148.0, 50)),
 (u'244330', (36.0, 17)),
 (u'180162', (1882.0, 489))

RDD[(userID, rating)] = RDD[(String, Float)]


RDD[(userID, (sum-of-ratings, count-of-ratings))] = RDD[(String, (Float, Integer))]


create_combiner: which turns a V (a single value) into a C as (V, 1)


create_combiner: to merge a V (rating) into a C as (sum, count)


merge_combiners: to combine two C ’s into a single C

Step 3: Find Average Rating

To find average rating per user, we divide “sum of ratings” by the “number of raters”.

>>># x = (sum_of_ratings, number_of_raters)
>>># x[0] = sum_of_ratings
>>># x[1] = number_of_raters
>>># avg = sum_of_ratings / number_of_raters
>>> average_rating = sum_count.mapValues(lambda x:(x[0] / x[1]))
>>> average_rating.take(3)
 (u'145757', 2.96),
 (u'244330', 2.1176470588235294),
 (u'180162', 3.8486707566462166)

Comparison of Reductions

This chapter presented some of the most important Spark’s reduction transformations (listed below) by simple concrete examples. We discussed the following reducers:

  • reduceByKey()

  • groupByKey()

  • combineByKey()

  • aggregateByKey()

Let’s compare four of the most important <reducer-name>ByKey() transformations. Note that, in the following table, V and C can be different data types.

Table 1-3. Comparison of Reductions
Reduction Source RDD Target RDD


RDD[(K, V)]

RDD[(K, V)]


RDD[(K, V)]

RDD[(K, [V])]


RDD[(K, V)]

RDD[(K, C)]


RDD[(K, V)]

RDD[(K, C)]

We learned that some of the reduction transformations (such as reduceByKey() and combineByKey()) are preferable over groupByKey() and this is due to the shuffle step for groupByKey() is more expensive than the shuffle step for reduceByKey() and combineByKey(). When possible, use reduceByKey() over groupByKey(). Overall, for large volume of data, reduceByKey() and combineByKey() will scale out better than groupByKey().

This chapter tried to answer few of the key questions such as :

  • Which reduction transformation to use?

  • Which transformation is more efficient?

  • When to use reduceByKey() over groupByKey()?

To understand reduction transformation we need to understand the following:

  • The underlying architecture of the reduction transformations

  • The “shuffle phase” of the reduction transformations (the most important)

We learned that in Shuffle Step of reduceByKey(): the data is combined (and less data is sent over network) so that at each partition there is at most one value for each key and then shuffle happens and it is sent over the network to some particular executor for some action such as reduce. While in groupByKey() Shuffle Step: it does not merge the values for the key but directly the shuffle step happens and lots of data gets sent to each partition, almost same as the initial data. In groupByKey() the merging of values for each key happens after the shuffle step and lots of data needs to be stored on final worker node (reducer) thereby resulting (may be) in out of memory problem.

While both of these Spark transformations (reduceByKey() and groupByKey()) will produce the correct answer, the reduceByKey() works much better on a large dataset. That’s because Spark knows it can combine output with a common key on each partition before shuffling the data. You may use combineByKey() when you are combining elements but your return type differs from your input value type.

When possible, you should replace groupByKey() with reduceByKey() to improve scalability and performance (in some cases). The reduceByKey() transformation performs map side combine which can reduce network IO and shuffle size where as groupByKey() will not perform any map side combine at all.

We found out that the aggregateByKey() transformation is more suitable for compute aggregations for keys, example aggregations such as sum, average, variance, etc. The important rule here is that the extra computation spent for map side combine can reduce the size sent out to other worker nodes and driver. If your requirements satisfies this rule, you probably should use aggregateByKey() (at minimum, you need to implement three basic functions: create_combiner, merge_value, and merge_combiners —  these functions were discussed in the early sections of this chapter.


  • The reduceByKey() transformation is more efficient when we run this on large data set. This transformation’s output type has to be the same as input value types.

  • The combineByKey() transformation is a generic reduction and does not have restrictions of the reduceByKey(): output type can be different form input types.

  • When possible, avoid groupByKey() on big data, which can cause “out of memory” and “out of disk space” Problems.

  • When possible, use reduceByKey() or combineByKey() over groupByKey()

  • Make sure that your reducer is a monoid, otherwise you might get wrong reduced values.

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