Chapter 2. Micro-Frontends Principles

At the beginning of my career, I remember working on many software projects where small or medium-size teams were developing a monolithic application with all the functionalities of a platform available in a single artifact, the product produced during the development of a software, and deployed to a web server.

When we have a monolith, we write a lot of code that should harmoniously work together. In my experience, we tend to pre-optimize or even over-engineer our application logic. Abstracting reusable parts of our code can create a more complex codebase and sometimes the effort of maintaining a complex logic doesn’t pay off in the long run. Unfortunately, something that looked straightforward at the time could look very unwieldy a few months later.

In the past decade, public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud started to gain traction. Nowadays they are popular for delegating what is increasingly becoming a commodity, freeing up organizations to focus on what really matters in a business: the services offered to the final users.

Although cloud systems allowed us to scale our projects in an easier way than before, monoliths, unfortunately, require us to scale not just a single part of our system but the entire system, causing many headaches if the said system is not modularized or written with high standards.

Furthermore, working on a monolith codebase with distributed teams and co-located ones could be challenging, particularly after reaching medium or large team sizes because of the communication overhead and centralized decisions where a few people decide for everyone.

In the long run, companies with large monoliths usually slow down all the operations needed to advance any new feature, losing the great momentum they had at the beginning of a project where everything was easier and smaller with few complications and risks.

Also, with monolith applications, we have to deploy the entire codebase every single time, which comes with a higher chance of breaking the application program interfaces (APIs) in production, introducing new bugs, and making more mistakes, especially when the codebase is not rock solid or extensively tested.

Solving these and many other challenges its staff faces, a company might move from complex monolith codebases to multiple smaller codebases and scoped domains called microservices.

Nowadays microservices architecture is a well-known, established pattern used by many organizations across the world.

Microservices split a unique codebase into smaller parts, each of them with a subset of functionalities compared to a monolith. This business logic is embraced by developers because the problem solved by a microservice is simpler than looking at thousands of lines of code.

Another significant advantage is that we can scale part of the application and use the right approach for a microservice instead of a one-size-fits-all approach similar to a monolith. However, there are also some pitfalls to working with microservices. The investment on automation, observability, and monitoring has to be completed to have a distributed system under control. Another pitfall is the wrong definition of a microservice’s boundary, for instance, having a microservice that is too small for completing an action inside a system relying on other microservices causing a strong coupling between services and forcing them to be deployed together every time. When this phenomenon is extended across multiple services we risk to end with a big ball of mud or a system that is so complex that it is hard to extend.

Microservices bring many benefits to the table but could bring many cons as well. In particular, when we are embracing them in a project, the complexity of having a microservice architecture could become more painful than beneficial. Considering the amount of architecture available in software development, we should pick microservices only when needed and not choose them recklessly just because it is the latest and greatest approach.

Micro-frontends are an emerging approach to defining software deliveries along business and responsibility boundaries in contrast to the monolithic approaches we have taken with Web development in the past. Keep in mind, however, that just like microservices aren’t a universal answer to all software decomposition, neither are micro-frontends. To understand where they fit in and even what they are, let’s look at some of the forces that are pushing us in this direction.

Monolith to Microservices

When we start a new project or even a new business offering a service online, the first iteration should be used for understanding if our business could succeed or not.

Usually, we start by identifying a tech stack, a list of tech services used to build and run a single app, that is familiar to our team. By minimizing the bells and whistles around the system and concentrating on the bare minimum we’re able to quickly gather information about our business idea directly from our users. This is also called an MVP or minimum viable product.

Often we design our API layer as a unique codebase (monolith) so we need to set up one continuous integration or continuous delivery pipeline for the project. Integrating observability in a monolith application is quite easy; we just need to run an agent per virtual machine or container for retrieving the health status of our application servers. The deployment process is trivial, considering we need to handle one automation strategy for the entire APIs layer, one deployment and release strategy and when the traffic starts to increase we can scale our machine horizontally, having as many application servers as needed to fulfill the users’ requests.
That’s also why monolithic architecture are often a good choice for new projects considering we can focus more on the business logic of an application instead of investing too much effort on other aspects such as automation for instance.

Where are we going to store our data? We have to decide which database better suits our project needs—a graph, a NoSQL, or a SQL database? Another decision that must be made is whether we want to host our database on a cloud service or on-premises. We should select the database that will fit our business case better.
For instance if we need to create a concrete view of data to populate a user interface probably having a NoSQL database would make more sense than any other database, at the same time we can say that using a graph database for mapping relations between users like in a social network application would be a better fit for this kind of database.

Finally, we need to choose a technology for representing our data, such as within a browser or a mobile application. We can pick the best-known JavaScript framework available or our favorite programming language; we can decide to use server-side rendering or a Single Page Application architecture; then we define our code conventions, linting, and CSS rules.

At the end, we should end up with what you can see in Figure 2-1:

Monolith Application with Single Page Application
Figure 2-1. Monolith Application with Single Page Application

Hopefully, the business ideas and goals behind our project will be validated and more users will subscribe to our online service or buy the products we sell.

Moving to Microservices

Now imagine that thanks to the success of our system, our company decides to scale up the tech team, hiring more engineers, QAs, scrum masters, and so on.

While monitoring our logs and dashboards, we realize not all our APIs are scaling organically. Some of them are highly cacheable, so the content delivery network (CDNs) are serving the vast majority of the clients. Our

origin servers are under pressure only when our APIs are not cacheable. Luckily enough, they’re not all our APIs, just a small part of them.

Splitting our monolith starts to make more sense at this point, considering the internal growth and our better understanding of how the system works.

Embracing microservices also means reviewing our database strategy and, therefore, having multiple databases that are not shared across microservices; if needed, our data is partially replicated, so each microservice reduces the latency for returning the response.

Suddenly we are moving toward a consistent ecosystem with many moving parts that are providing more agility and less risk than before.

Each team is responsible for its set of microservices. Team members can make decisions on the best database to choose, the best way to structure the schemas, how to cache some information for making the response even faster, and which programming language to pick for the job. Basically we are moving to a world where each team is entitled to make decisions and be responsible for the services they are running in production, where a generic solution for the entire system is not needed besides the key decisions, like logging and monitoring, as we can see from Figure 2-2.

Microservices with Single Page Application
Figure 2-2. Microservices with Single Page Application

However, we are still missing something here. We are able to scale our APIs layer and our persistent layers with well-defined patterns and best practices, but what happens when our business is growing and we need to scale our frontend teams, too?

Introducing Micro-Frontends

So far on the frontend, we didn’t have many options for scaling our applications, for several reasons. Up to a few years ago, there wasn’t a strong need to do so because having a fat server, where all the business logic runs, and a thin client, for

displaying the result of the computation made available by the servers, was the standard approach.

This has changed a lot in the past few years. Our users are looking for a better experience when they are navigating in our web platforms, including more interactivity and better interactions.

Companies have arisen that provide services with a subscription model, and many people are embracing those services. Now it’s normal to watch videos on demand instead of on a linear channel, to listen to our favorite music inside an application instead of buying CDs, to order food from a mobile app instead of calling a restaurant.

This shift of behaviors requires us to improve our users’ experience and provide a frictionless path to accomplish what a user wants without forgetting quality content or services.

In the past we would have approached those problems by dividing parts of our application in a shared components library, abstracting some business logic in other libraries so they could be reused across different parts of the application. In general, we would have tried to reuse as much code as possible.

I’m not advocating against solutions that are still valid and fit perfectly with many projects, but we encounter quite a few challenges when embracing them.

For instance, when we have a medium or large team of developers, all the rules applied to the codebase are often decided once, and we stick with them for months or even years because changing a single decision would require a lot of effort across the entire codebase and be a large investment for the organization.

Also, many decisions made during the development could result in trade-offs due to lack of time, ideal consistency, or simply laziness. We must consider that a business, like technology, evolves at a certain pace and it’s unavoidable.

Code abstraction is not a silver bullet either; prematurely abstracting code for reuse often causes more problems than benefits. I have frequently seen abstractions make code thousands of times more complicated than necessary to be reused just twice inside the same project. Many developers are prone to over-engineering some solutions, thinking they will reuse them tens if not hundreds of times, but in reality they use them far fewer times. Using libraries across multiple projects and teams could end up producing more complexity than benefits such as making the codebase more complex or requiring more effort on manual testing or adding overhead in communications.

We also need to consider the monolith approach on the frontend. Such an approach won’t allow us to improve our architecture in the long run, particularly if we are working on platforms meant to be available for our users for many years or if we have distributed teams in different time zones.

Asking any business to extensively revise the tech it uses will cause a large investment upfront before it gets any results.

Now the question becomes quite obvious: Do we have the opportunity to use a well-known pattern or architecture that offers the possibility of adding new

features quickly, evolving with the business, and delivering part of the application autonomously without big-bang releases?

I picture something like Figure 2-3:

Micro architectures combined  this is a high level diagram showing how Microservices and Micro frontends can live together
Figure 2-3. Micro-architectures combined, this is a high-level diagram showing how Microservices and Micro-frontends can live together

The answer is yes, we can definitely do it and it’s where micro-frontends come to rescue.

This architecture makes more sense when we deal with mid-large companies and during the following chapters we are going to explore how to successfully structure our micro-frontends architectures.

However, first we need to understand what are the main principles behind micro-frontends to leverage as a guidance during the development of our projects.

Microservices Principles

At the beginning of my journey into micro-frontends, I stepped back from the technical side and looked at the principles behind other architectures for scaling a soft‐

ware project. Would those principles be applicable to the frontend too?

Microservices’ principles offer quite a few useful concepts. Sam Newman has highlighted these ideas in his book - Building Microservices (O’Reilly). I’ve summarized the theories in Figure 2-4:

Microservices principles
Figure 2-4. Microservices principles

Let’s discuss the above principles and see how they apply to the frontend.

Modeled Around Business Domains

Modeling around business domains is a key principle brought up by domain-driven design (DDD). It starts from the assumption that each piece of software should reflect what the organization does and that we should design our architectures based on domains and subdomains, leveraging ubiquitous languages shared across the business.

When working from a business point of view, this provides several benefits, including a better understanding of the system, an easier definition of a technical representation of a business domain, and clear boundaries on which a team should operate. We will discuss this topic extensively in the next chapters.

Culture of Automation

Considering that microservices are a multitude of services that should be autonomous, we need a robust culture of automating the deployment of independent units in different environments. In my experience this is a key process for leveraging micro‐ services architecture; having a strong automation culture allows us to move faster and in a reliable way.

Hide Implementation Details

Hiding implementation details when releasing autonomously is crucial. If we are sharing a database between microservices, we won’t be able to change the database schema without affecting all the microservices relying on the original schema. DDD teaches us how to encapsulate services inside the same business domain, exposing only what is needed via APIs and hiding the rest of the implementation. This allows us to change internal logic at our own pace without impacting the rest of the system.

Decentralize All the Things

Decentralizing the governance empowers developers to make the right decision at the right stage to solve a problem. With a monolith, many key decisions are often made by the most experienced people in the organization. These decisions, however, frequently lead to trade-offs alongside the software lifecycle. Decentralizing these decisions could have a positive impact on the entire system by allowing a team to take a technical direction based on the problems they are facing, instead of creating compromises for the entire system.

Deploy Independently

Independent deployment is key for microservices. With monoliths, we are used to deploying the entire system every time, with a greater risk of live issues and longer times for deploying and rolling back our artifacts. With microservices, however, we can deploy autonomously without increasing the possibility of breaking our entire API layer. Furthermore, we have solid techniques, like blue-green deployment or canary releases that allow us to release a new version of a microservice with even less risk, which clears the path for new or updated APIs.

Isolate Failure

Because we are splitting a monolith into tens, if not hundreds, of services, if one or more microservices becomes unreachable due to network issues or service failures, the rest of the system should be available for our users. There are several patterns for providing graceful failures with microservices and the fact that they are autonomous and independent just reinforces the concept of isolating failure.

Highly Observable

One reason that you would favor monolithic architecture in comparison to microservices is that it is easier to observe a single system than a system split in multiple services. Microservices provide a lot of freedom and flexibility, but this doesn’t come for free; we need to have an eye on everything through logs, monitors, and so on. For example, we must be ready to follow a specific client request end to end inside our system. Keeping the system highly observable is one of the main challenges of microservices.

Embracing these principles in a microservices environment will require a shift in mindset not only for your software architecture but also for how your company is organized. It involves moving from a centralized to a decentralized paradigm, enabling cross-functional teams to own their business domains end to end. This can be a particularly huge change for medium to large organizations.

Applying Principles to Micro-frontends

Now that we’ve grasped the principles behind microservices, let’s find out how to apply them to a frontend application.

Modeled Around Business Domains

Modeling micro-frontends to follow DDD principles is not only possible but also very valuable. Investing time at the beginning of a project to identify the different business domains and how to divide the application will be very useful when you add new functionalities or depart from the initial project vision in the future. DDD can provide a clear direction for managing backend projects, but we can also apply some of these techniques on the frontend. Granting teams full ownership of their business domain can be very powerful, especially when product teams are empowered to work with technology teams.

Culture of Automation

As for the microservices architecture, we cannot afford to have a poor automation culture inside our organization; otherwise any micro-frontends approach we are going to take will end up a pure nightmare for all our teams. Considering that every micro-frontends project contains tens or hundreds of different parts, we must ensure that our continuous integration and deployment pipelines are solid and have a fast feedback loop for embracing this architecture. Investing time in getting our automation right will result in the smooth adoption of micro-frontends.

Hide Implementation Details

Hiding implementation details and working with contracts are two essential practices, especially when parts of our application need to communicate with each other. It’s crucial to define upfront a contract between teams and for all parties respect that during the entire development process. In this way each team will be able to change the implementation details without impacting other teams unless there is an API contract change. These practices allow a team to focus on the internal implementation details without disrupting the work of other teams. Each team can work at its own pace, without external dependencies, creating a more effective integration.

Decentralization over Centralization

Decentralizing a team’s decisions finally moves us away from a one-size-fits-all approach that often ends up being the lowest common denominator. Instead, the team will use the right approach or tool for the job. As with microservices, the team is in the best position to make certain decisions when it becomes an expert in the business domain. This doesn’t mean each team should take its own direction but rather that the tech leadership (architects, principal engineers, CTOs) should provide some guardrails between which team can operate without needing to wait for a central decision. This leads to a sharing culture inside the organization becoming essential for introducing successful practices across teams.

Deploy Independently

Micro-frontends allow teams to deploy independent artifacts at their own speed. They don’t need to wait for external dependencies to be resolved before deploying.

When we combine this approach with microservices, a team can own a business domain end to end, with the ability to make technical decisions based on the challenges inside their business domain rather than finding a one-size-fits-all approach.

Isolate Failure

Isolating failure in SPAs isn’t a huge problem due to their architecture, but it is with micro-frontends. In fact, micro-frontends may require composing a user interface at runtime, which may result in network failures or 404s for one or more files. To avoid impacting the user experience, we must provide alternative content or hide a specific part of the application.

Highly Observable

Frontend observability is becoming more prominent every day, with tools like Sentry and LogRockets providing great visibility for every developer. Using these tools is essential to understanding where our application is failing and why. For microservices, where anything can fail at any given point, being able to resolve the issue quickly is far more important than preventing problems, This moves us toward a paradigm where we can better invest our resources by remaining ready to address system failures than trying to completely prevent them. As with all microservices’ principles, this is applicable to the frontend, too.

The exciting part of recognizing these principles on the front- and backend is that, finally, we have a solution that will empower our development teams to own the entire range of a business domain, offering a simpler way to divide labor across the organization and iterate improvements swiftly into our system.

When we start this journey into the micro-world we need to be conscious of the level of complexity we are adding to a project, which may not be required for any other projects.

There are plenty of companies that prefer using a monolith over microservices because of the intrinsic complexity they bring to the table. For the same reason we must understand when and how to use micro-frontends properly, as not all projects are suitable for them.

Micro-frontends are not a silver bullet

It’s very important that we use the right tool for the right job. Too often I have seen projects failing or drastically delayed due to poor architectural decisions.

We need to remember that:


Micro-frontends are not appropriate for every application because of their nature and the potential complexity they add at the technical and organizational levels.

Micro-frontends are a sensible option when we are working on software that requires an iterative approach and long-term maintenance, when we have projects that require a development team of over 30 developers or when we want to replace a legacy project in an iterative way.

However, they are not a silver bullet for all frontend applications, such as server-side rendering, SPAs, or even single HTML pages.

Micro-frontends architecture has plenty of benefits but also has plenty of drawbacks and challenges. If the latter exceed the former, micro-frontends are not the right

approach for a project. We will explore the pros and cons of this architecture later in the book.


In this chapter we introduced what micro-frontends are, what their principles are, and how those principles are linked to the well-known, established microservices architecture.

Next, we will explore how to structure a micro-frontends project from an architectural point of view and the key technical challenges to understand when we design our frontend applications using micro-frontends.

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