Part 3 Useful Python


Parts one and two gave you a good foundation in the Python language and a good understanding of software design. You’ve built some substantial applications, and hopefully you’ve built some of your own programs, too. You also know about the importance of testing and documentation and have seen the powerful Python tools that can help you with these tasks.

Now it’s time to move on to the really cool stuff. In this third part, you’ll learn how to make Python programs that have graphical user interfaces, talk to the Internet, and work over the network. Then, we’ll round things off with an exploration of game development in Python.

In this part, the balance of the content changes slightly. There will be a bit less talking and a lot more doing. Expect to see more “Make Something Happen” sections as we explore how to build useful applications using popular Python frameworks. We’ll also have more “Make Something Happen: Development Challenges” where you can take our example code and “run with it” to create programs of your own.

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