

Accounts type 66

ADDCOLUMNS function 229230, 234, 242, 319

additive measures 82

ADDMISSINGITEMS function 243244

affinity 286

AGGREGATE function 201

AggregateFunction property 79, 80, 81, 82, 87

aggregate functions 8789, 232, 247


semi-additive 8889

Aggregation Design Wizard 324

AggregationMemoryLimitMax property 313

AggregationMemoryLimitMin property 313

aggregations 293, 323, 324326

partition 331

processing 313

ALLEXCEPT function 236

ALL function 234, 241243

allocations 265268

ALTER SCHEMA permissions 293

ALTER TRACE permission 293

Analysis Services 6, 32

Analysis Services DDL Task 119

Analysis Services Management Object (AMO) client library 135

Analysis Services Stored Procedure (ASSP) 311

Analysis Services stored procedures (ASSP) 217219

Analyze In Excel dialog box 150151, 160161

ANCESTOR function 196

AND function 254

AND logic 238

AND operator 239


ASSP. See Analysis Services Stored Procedure

AttributeHierarchyEnabled property 25

AttributeHierarchyVisible property 6465

AttributeKey 25

attribute member groups 321322

attribute members 22, 24

grouping into ranges 2526

AttributeName 25

Attribute property 76

attribute relationships 332333

defining 6977

performance tuning and 76

properties 7576

attributes 8, 22

configuration, in the Date dimension 68

converting to member property 25

granularity 37, 8586

mixing, from multiple hierarchies 177

parent 45

AttribuuteHierarchyEnabled property 65

audit key 9, 11

AutoFilter menu 102

AVERAGEA function 247

AVERAGE function 247

AverageOfChildren function 88

AVERAGEX function 248

axis naming 175


bidirectional filters 113, 114115

BillOfMaterials (BOM) type 66

Boolean expressions 215, 238, 239, 254


in queries 307, 311312, 317318

BufferMemoryLimit property 313

bulk-mode evaluation 311

business intelligence (BI) semantic model

defined 1

multidimensional 196

tabular 1

business key 8

business logic 206, 219

business requirements 34

ByAccount function 88

ByAttribute setting 312313

ByTable setting 312313


cached queries 300

cache warming 312

calculated columns 110, 123124, 133, 137

calculated measures 77, 86, 202203, 206209, 229, 293

creating 246256

date and time functions 250252

filter functions 253254

logical functions 254255

mathematical functions 247249

time intelligence functions 250252

variables 255256

calculated members 200, 209210

calculated tables 124125

CALCULATE function 207, 223, 233237, 241, 249, 261

to transform row context 235236

with ALL 234

CALCULATETABLE function 237, 245246


query-scope 199206

CALENDARAUTO function 125

CALENDAR function 125

cardinality 110

Cardinality property 76

CASE statement 202

cell-by-cell evaluation 311, 312

cell-level security 213217, 311

Change Settings dialog box 339

Channel type 66

child members 201

CHILDREN function 195

client-side impersonation 100

CLOSINGPERIOD function 197

Color attribute 64

Color hierarchy 184

columnar storage 130134

column filters 102

column names

syntax for 224


calculated 110, 123124, 133, 137

filtering 238240, 241244

columnstore indexes 155

compatibility level 99, 128

composite keys 25, 46

conditional expressions 202203


refresh interval settings 138142

security and permissions 143154

tabular model

storage and data refresh 129138

conformed dimensions 26

Connection Manager 13

constrained delegation 129

CONTAINS function 153

CoordinatorExecutionMode property 315

COUNTA function 247

COUNTBLANK function 247

Count function 88

COUNTROWS function 247, 319

COUNTX function 248

CPU utilization 314316, 321

CREATE CACHE statement 310

CREATE command 211

CREATE MEMBER command 207, 208, 209, 210, 219

cube dimensions 47


adding measures to 7778

custom MDX solutions in 206222

developing 2730

dimensions in 3675

measure groups in 8386

measures in 7789

Cube Wizard 2730

Currency type 66, 67

CURRENTMEMBER function 202, 311

CUSTOMDATA function 154

CustomData property 154

Customers type 67



aggregation 293

compression 131133

numeric 10

real time access to 155162

data analysis

using DAX 258267

Data Analysis Expression (DAX) language 104105, 171

creating formulas using 222265

performing analysis using 258267

database dimensions 47

database role 143, 145148


multidimensional. See multidimensional databases

OLAP 2, 5


tabular. See tabular data model

DataDir property 288

data mining dimension models 5456

data mining model viewer 56

Data Mining Wizard 5455

data model

designing 211, 322328

snowflake dimension design 6

star schema 46

tabular 97170

data provider

installation 13

data retrieval

for MDX queries 34

data source

development 1215

filtering 101102

tabular data model 99100

view design 1618

with DirectQuery 155156

DataSourceImpersonationInfo database property 15

data source view (DSV) 1618

data table 124125

DataType property 79

data warehouse 124

data warehouses 2

DATEDIFF function 250

date dimension 8

date functions 250252

DATESYTD function 252

Date type 68

DAX formula engine 300

DAX functions 156

DAX queries 306

calculated measures 246256

CALCULATE function 233237

comments in 239

evaluation context 230233, 238

filter 237246

for allocations 265268

for ratio to parent calculations 261264

for top ranked items 258260

for variance 260261

incorrect order of operations 232

ORDER BY clause in 224225

query-scoped measures 228230

START AT sub-clause in 225

structure of 223228

tracing 302303

tuning 317319

variables in 255256

DAY function 265

DefaultMeasure property 174

DefaultMember property 174

default members 212213

DEFINE clause 228229

Define Relationship dialog box 37

degenerate dimension column 10


multidimensional database project 3132

options 127

SSAS 279291

tabular data model 126129

transactional 32, 127

DESCENDANTS function 191195

Description property 79

design warnings 30

development cycle, 9, 12, 16, 19, 13, 138, 143, 52, 152, 71, 255

Diagram view 109

dictionary encoding 131132

dictionary fragmentation 136137

dimensional modeling techniques 4

dimension models

data mining 5456

fact 3840

many-to-many 5761

parent-child 4045

reference 4953

regular 3638

roleplaying 4549

slowly changing 6165

dimension processing 312313, 316, 334335

dimensions 23

changing, and mining structures 75

conformed 26

database vs. cube 47

developing 1927

for roleplaying 47

in cubes 3675

intermediate 52

linked 2627

materializing 53

optimization 323

snowflake 117

storage models and 35

dimension security 213217

dimension tables 6

attributes 8

lineage or audit key 9

primary key for 8

SCD history 89

dimension types 6668

dimension usage 3638

Dimension Wizard 1923

DirectQuery mode 117, 128, 129, 155162

conversion to 156157

convert in-memory queries to 162

data source for 155156, 157

limitations 156157

modeling with 157160

with Excel and PivotTables 162

with Oracle and Teradata 161162

DirectQuery query plans 306

DirectQuery With In-Memory option 128

discretization properties 26, 322

disk layout

configuration of 288289

Display Folder 106

DisplayFolder property 79

DistinctCount function 88

DIVIDE function 249, 258

division operator (/) 249

DMVs. See dynamic management views

domain controllers 154

drillthrough limits 322

dynamic link library (DLL) files 217

dynamic management views (DMVs) 289, 307, 309

dynamic security 153155


EffectiveUserName property 151

END SCOPE statement 220

EOMONTH function 265

ErrorConfiguration property 332

error handling 339

EVALUATE clause 223, 228

evaluation context

function arguments and 238

of queries 230233

Excel 106, 171, 300

DirectQuery with 162

Extended Events 300, 305306

Extensible Markup Language for Analysis (XMLA) 15, 140

extract-transform-load (ETL) processes 317

extract-transform-load (ETL) tool 67, 104


fact dimension model 3840

factless fact table 11

fact tables 1012

file system cache 281, 293

filter context 230231

filter DAX queries 237246

ADDMISSINGITEMS function 243244

ALL function 241243

FILTER function 237240

filter direction 111115

FILTER function 190191, 237240, 318

filter functions 253254


bidirectional 113, 114115

column 102

data source 101102

MDX queries 182

partition 119

row 102, 148152

financial account data 66

FirstChild function 88

FirstNonEmpty function 88


for DESCENDANTS function 192

Flight Recorder 288289

FORE_COLOR property 208

foreign keys 9, 10, 17, 40, 46, 54, 107, 109

FORMAT function 226

FormatString property 79, 80

FORMAT_STRING property 200

formula engine 300, 318

FREEZE statement 220

FROM clause 173

Full Control (Administrator) permissions 147

Full Control (Administrator) role 214

fully qualified column names 224

functions. See also specific functions

aggregate 8789, 232, 247

arguments 238

date and time 250252

DAX 156, 222265

filter 253254

in MDX queries 182199

iterator 237

iterator aggregate 248249

KPI 343

late binding in 311

logical 254255

mathematical 247249

navigation 195196

nested 239240

nonadditive 87

semiadditive 87

set 183195

statistical 201203

string 203205

time 197199

user-defined 311


Geography type 67

Get Data From Cache events 314

granularity attributes 37, 8586

Grid view 109

GroupAffinity property 285286

GROUP BY clause 72, 226227


HardMemoryLimit property 284

Hard Memory Limit threshold 283

HASONEFILTER function 319

HASONEVALUE function 319

HEAD function 187


attribute relationships and 69

default members 212

leaf level 207

natural 71, 73, 116, 323

parent-child 4045, 117

ragged 40

sets 176

storage 134

tabular model 115117

unique names for 69

unnatural 7274

user-defined 65, 6977, 261, 323


managing 67

SCD 910

history tracking 8

Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) storage model 33, 35


IFERROR function 319

IF function 254, 266

IgnoreUnrelatedDimension property 84

ImpersonateCurrentUser option 129

impersonation account

read permission for 16

Impersonation Settings property 128

incremental development 104

indexes 133, 317

columnstore 155

In-Memory option 128

in-memory queries

converting to DirectQuery 162

in-memory storage 130

in-memory tabular query monitoring 300306

In-Memory with DirectQuery option 128


data providers 13

instance placement 289291

IntelliSense 105

intermediate dimensions 52

internal rate of return (IRR) calculations 217

Internal VertiPaq Scan 304

IO trashing 312

ISBLANK function 319

ISEMPTY function 319

ISERROR function 319

ISFILTERED function 263, 266

iterator aggregate functions 248249

iterator functions 237


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files 346

joins 317, 327


key attribute 24

KeyColumn property 322

key performance indicators (KPIs) 340345

Kimball, Ralph 4


LANGUAGE property 210

LastChild function 88

LastNonEmpty function 88

leaf level 207

lineage key 9, 11

linked dimensions 2627

linked measure groups 85

linked tables 126

locale ID values 210

LogDir property 286287

logical AND 238

logical functions 254255

logical keys 17

logical primary keys 51

logical query plan 301, 303

logical solutions 206219

calculated measures 207210

calculated members 209210

default members 212213

named sets 211213

SCOPE statements 219222

LowMemoryLimit property 284


Manage Relationships dialog box 109110, 112

many-to-many dimensional models 5761

many-to-one cardinality 110

materialization 318

dimension 53

mathematical functions 247249

MAXA function 247

Max function 88

MAX function 247

MAXX function 248

MDX formula engine 300

MDX objects 172173, 206

MDX queries. See Multidimensional Expression (MDX) queries

architecture 300

axes in 175

calculation results caching 206

conditional expressions 202203

creating 171206

filtering 182

functions 182199

identifying bottlenecks in 307

in SSRS 205

members and sets 176178

Profiler trace of 297

query-scoped calculations 199206

steps in processing 182

stucturee oof 173176

tuning 311312

tuples 178180, 188, 208

tuple sets 181182, 244

with single measure 175

MDX solutions, custom 206222

Analysis Services stored procedures 217219

calculated measures 206

calculated members 209210

default members 212213

dimension and cell-level security 213217

named sets 211213

SCOPE statements 219222

measure columns 11

MeasureExpression property 79

measure groups 8386

properties 8485

remote linked 85

measures 2

adding to cubes 7778

additive 82

aggregate functions 87

calculated 77, 86, 229, 246256, 293

designing and implementing 7782

filter by 240

name assignment 229

properties of 7879, 80

query-scoped 228230

tabular data model 104107

member expressions 200

MEMBER keyword 200

member property 25

members 176178

calculated 209210

default 212213

MEMBERS function 183186

MembersWithDataCaption property 43

MembersWithData property 43


management 312314

nonshrinkable 280

non-union memory access 285288

property values 282, 284

shrinkable 281

memory configuration 138, 140

Memory HardMemoryLimit property 281

memory limits

configuration 280285

default 281

multidimensional-mode 280282

tabular-mode 283285

Memory LowMemoryLimit property 281

Memory TotalMemoryLimit property 281

Metadata folder 204

MINA function 247

Min function 88

MIN function 247

MINX function 248

model design 322328

model viewer

data mining 56

monitoring tools 307310

dynamic management views (DMVs) 309

Performance Monitor 308309

Task Manager 309

trace events 310

Msmdsrv.exe process 280, 283, 286

Msmdsrv.ini file 145

multidimensional databases 196

creating, using SSAS 233

cube development 2730

data source development 1215

data source view design 1618

developing dimensions 1927

project creation 1213

project deployment 3132

soure table design 211

defining attribute relationships 6977

dimensions in cubes 3675

KPIs in 342345

measures and measure groups 7789

model optimization 322327

role-based security 213217

star schema for 46

storage model for 3335

Multidimensional Expression (MDX) queries 34

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language 171

multidimensional-mode memory limits 280282

Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) storage model 3334

multidimensional performance issues 311317

multidimensional processing tuning 316317

multidimensional query monitoring 292300

multidimensional translations 345346

multi-threaded operations 286


NameColumn property 61

named calculations 18

named queries 18, 5051, 5860, 84

named sets 211213

NAME function 204, 205

Name property 76, 79, 80, 85

NamingTemplate property 43

natural hierarchies 71, 73, 116, 323

natural key 8

navigation functions 195196

nested FILTER functions 239240

Network Load Balancing (NLB) clusters 291

NEXTMEMBER function 196, 204

nonadditive functions 87

None function 88

NONEMPTY function 190191

NON EMPTY keyword 189190

nonshrinkable memory 280

non-union memory access (NUMA) 285288

NOT ISFILTERED function 263

NUMA. See non-union memory access

numeric data 10



cubes 2730

MDX 172173, 206

named sets 211213

processing options 134138

renaming 18, 24

ON COLUMNS clause 175

one-to-one cardinality 110

online analytical processing (OLAP) databases 2, 5

online transactional processing (OLTP) system 279

ON ROWS clause 175

OPENINGPERIOD function 197

Oracle 161162

ORDER BY clause 74, 224225, 226, 227

OrderBy property 24, 186

ORDER function 186188, 191

OR function 254

Organization type 67

OR logic 238, 239


PARALLELPERIOD function 198199

parallel processing 338339

parent attributes 45

parent-child dimension models 4045, 117

PARENT function 195

ParentIsBlankSelfOrMissing setting 44

ParentIsBlank setting 44

ParentIsMissing setting 45

ParentIsSelf setting 44

Partition Manager 119120, 159, 159160, 160

partition processing 315316

partitions 326327

adding 328330

aggregations 331

defragmentation 136137

DirectQuery mode and 157, 158160

multidimensional models 121

processing 328334, 337

processing scripts for 140

properties 332333

remote 290

storage 330331

tabular model 117121

writeback 333

Partition Wizard 328330

performance counters 308, 310, 315, 321

performance issues

CPU utilization and 314316

memory management and 312314

multidimensional 311317

query bottlenecks 311312

resolving 310321

tabular 317321

tabular processing memory consumption 320321

tabular processing time 319320

performance management 291328

Performance Monitor 307, 308309

performance monitoring

drillthrough limits 322

identify bottlenecks in queries 307

in-memory tabular query monitoring 300306

model design 322328

monitoring tools 307310

multidimensional query monitoring 292300

usability limits 321322

performance tuning

attribute relationships and 76

PERIODSTODATE function 199200


additive 143, 217

assigning 146

database 147, 214

user 293

permissions table 153

PerNumaNode property 287

perspectives 122123

physical query plan 301, 305

pivot tables 79, 8182, 82

with allocations 267268

with average and variance measures 261

with calculated measures 209210

with calculated members 210

with consolidated ratio to parent variables 265

with count measures 249

with filtered measures 253, 254

with measures containing variables 258

with named sets 211, 212

with ranking measure 260

with ratio to parent variables 263

PivotTables 106, 111112, 116, 150

DirectQuery with 162

Power BI Desktop 171


importing model from 126

Power View 106, 171

PREVIOUSMONTH function 251252

PREVMEMBER function 196

primary keys 8, 17, 51, 109

Prior Year Sales formula 252

Prior YTD Sales formula 252

ProactiveCaching property 334

Process Add operation 320, 336

Process Add operations 135

Process Affected Objects setting 339

Process Clear operation 336

Process Clear operations 135136

Process Clear Structure operation 337

Process Database dialog box 138139

Process Database role 147, 214

Process Data operation 320, 336

Process Data operations 136

Process Default operation 336, 337

Process Default operations 136

Process Defrag operations 136137

Process Full operation 336, 337

Process Full operations 134, 137

Process Index operation 337


dimension 334335

multidimensional objects 336338

partition 328334, 337

settings 338339

ProcessingGroup property 334

ProcessingMode property 332

processing operations

creating 138140

options 134138

Processing Order setting 338

Processing Pool Job Queue Length 315, 321

ProcessingPriority property 332333

processor groups 285

Process Recalc operation 320, 321

Process Recalc operations 136, 137

Process Structure operation 337

Process Thread Pool 312313

Process Update operation 336, 337

Products type 67

project creation 1213

Promotion type 67

PROPERTIES function 205

pseudo-SQL 317318


qualified names 176

Quantitative type 67


bottlenecks 311312, 317318

cached 300

converting in-memory to DirectQuery 162

DAX 222265, 306

CALCULATE function 233237

comments in 239

evaluation context 230233

filter 237246

incorrect order of operations 232

query-scoped measures 228230

structure of 223228

tracing 302303

tuning 317319

variables in 255256

evaluation context 238

identify bottlenecks in 307

MDX 34

architecture 300

creating 171206

functions 182199

members and sets 176178

structure of 173176

tuning 311312

tuples 178180

tuple sets 181182, 244

named 18, 5051, 5860, 84

optimization of 322328

performance, and SCD modeling 65

slow 292, 311

SQL 155156, 173, 174, 316

VertiPaq 318319

query binding 329

Query Editor 119

Query Mode property 128

query monitoring

in-memory tabular 300306

multidimensional 292300

Query Parser 292

query performance

natural hierarchy and 71

query plans 301, 303, 305, 306

query processing architecture 294, 300301

query-scoped calculations 199206

query-scoped measures 228230

Query Subcube events 307, 312

Query Subcube Verbose events 307

Query Thread Pool 314


ragged hierarchies 40

random access memory (RAM) 131

RANK function 259

RANKX function 259

Rates type 67

ratio to parent calculations 261264

Read Definition role 214

read permission 16

Read permissions 147, 153

reference dimension models 4953

refresh interval settings 138142

refresh operations 142

Register Server Assembly dialog box 217218

regular dimension models 3638

RELATED function 238

Relational OLAP (ROLAP) storage model 33, 3435

relational tables 317


cardinality 110111

filter direction 111115

manually adding 109

storage 134

tabular data model 107115

RelationshipType property 76, 332333

remote partitions 290

ROLAP dimension 313

role-based security 213217, 270274

role-based security model 143154

database role 143145, 145148

server administrator role 143145

roleplaying dimension models 4549

Roles property 151

rolling window strategy 118119

ROLLUP syntax 227, 234, 242243

RootMemberIf property 44

row context 230, 231232

row filters 102

row filter security 148152

ROW function 244245

row-level security

configuration 148154

row-oriented storage 130

run length encoding 132133


sales quota allocations 265268


Scan_Vertipaq operators 301302

SCD. See slowly changing dimension

Scenario type 68

SCOPE statements

defining 219222

Script View 207208, 211


cell-level 213217, 311

dimension 213217

dynamic 153155

role-based 143154, 213217, 270274

row filter 148152

row-level 148154

testing 150152, 154155, 216

SELECT clause 173, 174, 175

Select Creation Method page 19

SELECT DISTINCT statements 334

SELECT statement 18, 51, 74, 334

semi-additive aggregation 8889

semiadditive functions 8788

sequential processing 338339

server administrator role 143145

server-side impersonation 100

server tuning 311

service account 285

set alias 311

set expressions 195, 200

set functions 183195

SET keyword 200

sets 176178

named 211213

tuple 181182, 244

SETTOSTR function 203, 204

shrinkable memory 281

SIBLINGS function 196

Slice property 333

slowly changing dimension models 6165

slowly changing dimension (SCD) 69

snowflake dimension design 6, 117

solution structure 12

sort order

for attribute members 24

Source property 79

source table design 211

business requirements 34

primary key 8

star schema 46

SQL queries 155156, 173, 174, 316

SQL Server

authentication 13

SQL Server Agent 141142

SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 1, 2


disk layout 288289

memory limits 280285

non-union memory access 285288

usability limits 321322

creating multidimensional databases using 233

cube development 2730

data source development 1215

data source view design 1618

developing dimensions 1927

project creation 1213

project deployment 3132

soure table design 211

dimension processing 334335

instance placement 289291

key performance indicators 340345

options for copying database 290

partition processing 328334

performance monitoring and optimization 291328

identify bottlenecks in queries 307

in-memory tabular query monitoring 300306

model design 322328

monitoring tools 307310

multidimensional query monitoring 292300

process monitoring 307

query performance 307

resolving performance issues 310321

planning and deployment 279291

role-based security 143154

tabular model for 97170

translations 345346

SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2015 (SSDT) 2, 98, 125126, 328

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 6, 119, 289

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 16, 120121, 281

SQL Server Profiler 297, 300, 307, 310

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 171, 289, 300

SQL Server stored procedures 217

SSAS. See SQL Server Analysis Services

SSAS cache

clearing 296

SSAS server

reconnecting to 48

SSIS. See SQL Server Integration Services

SSMS. See SQL Server Management Studio

star schema 46

START AT sub-clause 225

statistical functions 201203


options 330331

partition 330331

row-oriented 130

tabular model 129138

columnar 130134

DirectQuery 129, 155162

in-memory 130

storage engine cache 293

storage engine tuning 308, 311

storage model 3335


MOLAP 3334

ROLAP 3435

stored procedures

Analysis Services 217219, 311

SQL Server 217

string functions 203205

STRTOMEMBER function 203, 204

Structured Query Language (SQL) 173

subcube operations 293

Sum function 87

SUM function 201, 202, 232, 247


SUMMARIZE function 225228, 229, 236, 237, 319

with ROLLUP syntax 242243

SUMX function 233, 248

surrogate keys 8, 10

SWITCH function 254, 266

syntax coloring 105


Table Import Wizard 125, 157

table names

syntax for 223


calculated 124125

creating relationships between 1718

denormalization 327

pivot. See pivot tables

relational 317

renaming 18

time 124125

tabular data model 97170

adding data 99103

calculated columns 123124

calculated measures 246256

compatibility level 99


refresh interval settings 138142

row-level security 148154

security and permissions 143148

storage and data refresh 129138

deployment 126129

designing 97125

diagram view of 108

for real time data access 155162

hierarchies 115117

importing from Microsoft PowerPivot 126

KPIs in 340342

measures 104107

optimization 327328

partitions 117121

perspectives 122123

processing options 134138

project creation 98103

publishing, from Visual Studio 125126

relationships 107115

time table 124125

Tabular Model Scripting Language (TMSL) 135, 140

tabular-mode memory limits 283285

Tabular Object Model (TOM) 135

tabular performance issues 317321

tabular processing

memory consumption 320321

optimizing CPU utilization during 321

tuning to reduce time 319320

tabular translations 346

Task Manager 307, 309

TempDir property 289

temporary files 289

Teradata 161162

THIS function 220

Thread Pool Command property 286

Thread Pool IOProcess process 286

thread pools 284286, 312313

thread tuning 315

time functions 197199, 250252

time intelligence function 250252

time series analysis 197, 250252

time table

creating 124125

Time type 67, 68

TMSL. See Tabular Model Scripting Language

TOM. See Tabular Object Model

TOPCOUNT function 188, 212

TOPN function 258260

top ranked items 258260

TotalMemoryLimit property 284, 313

Total Memory Limit value 283

TOTALYTD function 251

trace events 292, 296297, 302303, 307, 310

extended 305306

Trace Properties dialog box 295

transactional deployment 32, 127

Transaction Mode setting 338

transactions 138


adding 26

multidimensional 345346

tabular 346

tuples 178180, 188, 207, 208, 293, 291

tuple sets 181182, 244

Type 1 dimensions 78

Type 2 dimensions 7


UnaryOperatorColumn property 45

UNION function 244245

UNIQUENAME function 204, 205

unique names 176

UnknownMember property 2324

unnatural hierarchy 7274

unqualified column names 224

usability limits 321322

usage-based optimization 289

Usage-Based Optimization Wizard 326

user-defined functions 311

user-defined hierarchies 65, 6977, 261, 323

USERNAME function 153154

user permissions 293

Utility type 68


value encoring 132

variables 255256

variance 260261

vectors 298, 299

VertiPaqMemoryLimit property 138, 284

VertiPaq operators 284, 305

VertiPaqPagingPolicy property 138, 285

VertiPaq queries 318319

VertiPaq Scan events 304, 307

VertiPaq SE Query Begin events 317318

VertiPaq SE Query End events 307, 317318

VertiPaq storage engine 299


data source 1618

dynamic management 309

Visible property 76, 79

Visual Studio

publishing tabular model from 125126


WHERE clause 119, 158, 180, 181, 200, 208, 291, 318

Windows login 14

Windows privileges 285

WITH clause 200, 211

writeback partitions 333

writeback processing 338339

Writeback Table Options setting 338

write permission 16


XMLA. See Extensible Markup Language for Analysis

xVelocity 103, 134


YTD function 199

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