Flux is intended to help individuals and organizations reshape their relationship to uncertainty and change, in order to sustain a healthy and productive outlook. Throughout the book, call-out boxes are provided to prompt self-reflection, curiosity, and conversation. Many of the callout boxes include questions and exercises designed to help you open a Flux Mindset and develop your Flux Superpowers. Below is a selection of those questions (plus a few extras!) curated to help assess your “fluxiness” and spur meaningful discussions. They can be used with your friends, colleagues, family, team members, leadership circles, mastermind groups, and even strangers. They are appropriate for individual consideration as well as one-on-one and small-group settings. Enjoy!

For even more questions, ideas, and inspiration, please head to fluxmindset.com.

Your Flux Mindset Baseline

1. What kinds of change do you love? What kinds of change do you hate?

2. What gives you meaning and purpose?

3. To whom and to what do you turn in times of uncertainty?

4. To whom and to what are you committed, no matter what?

5. Growing up, were you taught to fear change or embrace it?

6. What “makes you, you”? How much is due to accidents of birth (privilege or lack of it)?

7. What one word best describes your relationship to change today?

Run Slower

1. When something takes longer than expected, do you tend to feel agitated or to appreciate the delay?

2. In which areas of your life do you feel that you’re running too fast?

3. When did the pressure to run faster begin? Did you notice it at that time?

4. From whom or where does your “need for speed” come? Are you driving yourself to run faster, or are others driving you?

5. What are your typical coping mechanisms? Which ones have been most useful? Which ones need help?

6. If you slowed down, what do you think you’d discover?

See What’s Invisible

1. Do you tend to trust your head or your heart more?

2. When your peers tell you to turn right, do you ever want to turn left instead?

3. Can you detect invisible patterns?

4. How aware are you of the rules that govern your life? How explicit are they?

5. How has privilege (or lack of privilege) affected your script? What kind(s) of privilege?

Get Lost

1. When you take a wrong turn and end up somewhere you’ve never been before (and had no intention of going), do you typically feel frustrated, fearful, or intrigued by that new place?

2. Do you tend to see detours as hassles or adventures?

3. When you were growing up, were you encouraged to hang out with people who are like you or different from you? What were those people like? What did you learn?

4. When you are faced with uncertainty, who or what grounds you and helps you find your way?

5. To what extent do other cultures or traditions factor into your worldview? How are these scripts different from yours? How did you learn about them?

Start with Trust

1. Can the average person be trusted? Why or why not? What influences your response?

2. Are you usually quick to trust or quick to mistrust?

3. Do you trust yourself? When does your trust in yourself falter most?

4. If something can’t be measured, does it exist?

5. When you ask people to “trust you,” how does it feel?

Know Your “Enough”

1. Is more really better? Why or why not?

2. When you give someone else a gift, is that a loss or gain for you?

3. How do you define “enough” today? Do you define it differently for yourself versus other people? Why or why not?

4. How do you define your self-worth? What metrics do you use?

5. Think about someone who exemplifies “enough.” What makes you think this?

Create Your Portfolio Career

1. What would be your professional identity if you lost your job today?

2. How would you describe your greatest career aspiration? Could you draw it?

3. What’s the first thing you ask when you meet someone new (other than their name)?

4. Does the idea of changing roles every few years excite you or scare you? Why?

5. If you could be anything, what would it be?

Be All the More Human (and Serve Other Humans)

1. Do you tend to think in terms of “me” or “we”?

2. Do you maintain an appropriate balance with technology? Why or why not?

3. How would you characterize your yin-yang (im)balance today?

4. What happens to your emotions and well-being when you disconnect from technology? Can you recall the last time you went completely offline for more than a day?

5. Do you feel that you’re able to show up “fully human”? Why or why not? Is there a difference between your offline and online experiences in this regard?

Let Go of the Future

1. When you make plans, do you generally expect that they will work out?

2. Mentally, where do you spend most of your time: in the past, the present, or the future?

3. Describe something that you recently let go of. How did it feel? How did it go?

4. How does “not knowing” make you feel?

5. Have you ever scenario mapped your life? If so, how did it go? If not, would you like to? Why or why not?

Organizational Flux and Leadership

1. How would you rate your organization’s ability to flux? Are select people, teams, or departments “fluxier” than others? Why do you think that may be the case?

2. What typically happens in your organization when there is an unexpected delay or disruption?

3. Think about your leadership style. Do you expect your colleagues and partners to act quickly, to stay the course, and/or to agree with your decisions? Why or why not?

4. How do you feel when trying to meet expectations set by others? How do you feel when setting expectations for others?

5. How do you feel about sharing power with others?

And finally … What other questions does Flux raise for you?

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