


characteristics, 67–68

defined, 3–4, 67

developing, 64–66

zero-duration, 68

Actual Costs for Work Performed (ACWP), 146

Aerospace Industries Association, 209

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 128–129

American National Standards Institute, 207

American Shipbuilding Association, 209

American Society for Testing and

Materials (ASTM), 223

analytical elements, 49–50

ANSI/EIA-748 standard, 142–143, 207, 210

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), 223


BCWP (Budgeted Costs for Work Performed), 146

BCWS (Budgeted Costs for Work Scheduled), 146

BDC (Business Design Concepts) process model, 93–97

Bills of Material (BOM), 83

BIM (building information modeling), 221

BOM (Bills of Material), 83

bottom-up cost estimation, 138–140

Budgeted Costs for Work Performed (BCWP), 146

Budgeted Costs for Work Scheduled (BCWS), 146

budgeting, cost management and, 146

building information modeling (BIM), 221

Business Design Concepts (BDC) process model, 93–97

Byrom, Richard, 251


CA (control account), 4, 58–59

Caltrans (California DOT), 114, 228–233, 351–356

category A enterprises, 193–197

category B enterprises, 197–198

category C enterprises, 198–199

category D enterprises, 199–200

category E enterprises, 200

CCDR (Contractor Cost Data Report), 145

CDRL (contract data requirements list), 145

CER (cost-estimating relationship), 75

chart of accounts 1, 141–142

Clinger-Cohen Act (1996), 258

collection of historical data, 140–141

collegial development, 36

communications in project management, 146–148

computer software configuration item (CSCI), 162

configuration management, 162–163

construction management classification systems, 217–221, 223–226

CSI MasterFormat, 219, 221–223, 227, 243–244

generic WBS template, 233–235

highway construction, 228–233

OmniClass, 223–228

project life cycle, 173–174

Project WBS, 239–243

WBS and, 219–221

Construction Specification Institute. See CSI (Construction Specification Institute)

consumer product life cycle, 169–171

contract data requirements list (CDRL), 145

Contractor Cost Data Report (CCDR), 145

contractors, WBS requirements and, 201–202

contract performance report (CPR), 145

contract WBS (CWBS), 144–145, 150–151, 195

control account (CA), 4, 58–59

Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR), 145

cost estimates

bottom-up cost estimation, 138–140

of project life cycles, 196

software products, 113–114, 138–140

cost-estimating relationship (CER), 75

cost management

applications supporting, 137–138

bottom-up cost estimation, 138–140

budgeting and work authorizations, 146

chart of accounts linkages, 141–142

collection of historical data, 140–141

EVMS implementation, 142–146

Cost/Schedule Status Report, 146

CPR (contract performance report), 145

cross-cutting elements

defined, 4, 14

as Level 2 elements, 39, 46–47

project management elements, 40, 52–54

types of, 47–52

CSCI (computer software configuration item), 162

C/SCSC, 205–207, 209

CSDR (Cost and Software Data Reporting), 145

CSI (Construction Specification Institute)

IPEL support, 114

MasterFormat, 219, 221–223, 227, 243–244

work breakdown system, 218–220, 317–326

CWBS (contract WBS), 144–145, 150–151, 195


Data Item Description (DID), 145

decimal numbering system, 75–77

Defense Acquisition Deskbook, 156, 160, 204

Defense Acquisition University, 204

Defense Standard Improvement Council, 22

Defense Systems Management College, 204


defined, 4, 71

intermediate outputs versus, 71–73

Department of Defense. See DoD (Department of Defense)

DID (Data Item Description), 145

DI-MGMT-81334B, 145

DoD (Department of Defense) directives, 21, 24–25, 145, 212

early activities, 19–22

historical performance management, 203–209

integrated product teams, 153

life cycle for major product acquisition, 171–173

PPM and, 197

Program WBS and, 172

recent activities, 22–26

on risk management, 156, 160

DoD Directive 5000.1, 212

DoD Directive 5000.2, 25, 212

DoD Directive 5000.2-R, 24

DoD Directive 5000.4-M-1, 145

DoD Directive 5010.20, 21

Dunn, Heather, 300


EAC (Estimate at Completion), 146

Earned Value Management System. See EVMS (Earned Value Management System)

Earned Value Management System (ANSI), 207

Earned Value Management Systems Intent Guide, 143

Earned Value Practice Standard, 211

Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), 207, 209

Electronic Product Information Cooperation (EPIC), 223

elements. See WBS elements

elephant breakdown structure, 7–9

end items, 4

Enterprise Resource Planning. See ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)


category A, 193–197

category B, 197–198

category C, 198–199

category D, 199–200

category E, 200

outsourcing WBS requirements, 201–202

standard WBS for, 200–201

EPIC (Electronic Product Information Cooperation), 223

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) results breakdown elements, 46

WBS examples, 250–252, 271–299

Estimate at Completion (EAC), 146

EVMS (Earned Value Management System)

control account and, 58

EIA standard, 142

government involvement, 205–207

implementing, 142–146

numbering considerations, 74

WBS Director support, 103

EVMS Implementation Guide, 143–145, 210

examples. See WBS examples


FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 193–197, 311–316

FAA Acquisition System Tracker (FAST), 193

Fleet Ballistic Missile Maintenance Training Facility, 18


General Electric Corporation, 18

General Services Administration (GSA), 190, 235–239

Glasgow, Tonia, 300

government involvement directives, 21, 24–25, 145

early activities, 17–22

integrated product teams, 153

performance management, 203–216

Program WBS, 172

project life cycles, 171–173, 178–179

recent activities, 22–26

on risk management, 156, 160

WBS and, 28–29

Government Performance and Results Act, 197

GSA (General Services Administration), 190, 235–239

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 26–28, 38, 211


Handbook for Preparation of Statement of Work (SOW), 134

Hewitt, Paul, 235, 357

highway construction, 228–233

historical data, collecting, 140–141

human resource management integrated project teams, 153–155

team building, 152–153


IBRs (integrated baseline reviews), 147

Information Technology Capital Planning and Investment Control Guide, 258

Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA), 258

input elements, 70–71

integrated baseline reviews (IBRs), 147

integrated product and process development (IPPD), 153

integrated project teams (IPTs), 152–155, 212

integrative elements, 47–49

intermediate outputs, 71–73

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 224

International Project Estimating, Ltd. (IPEL), 114, 235

IPPD (integrated product and process development), 153

IPTs (integrated project teams), 152–155, 212

ISO 12006-2, 224

IT projects

government performance management, 210–211

life cycle planning, 175–178

results breakdown elements, 45–46

WBS example, 263–267


Kohlmeier, Dennis, 271


Level 2 elements

cross-cutting elements, 39, 46–52

product breakdown elements, 38–41

project management elements, 40, 52–54, 78

results breakdown elements, 39, 44–46

service breakdown elements, 39, 41–43

types of, 38–40

Levin, Ginger, 271, 300, 306

life cycles. See project life cycles

Lockheed Martin, 20

low-rate initial production (LRIP), 172


Manual of Practice (MOP), 221

Martin Marietta, 20

MasterFormat (CSI), 219, 221–223, 227, 243–244

MasterSpec software, 223

Microsoft Project

Visio WBS Modeler, 97–100

WBS Chart Pro support, 90–92, 105–106, 109

WBS Code Definition feature, 76, 108

WBS Director, 101–103

WBS example, 251

WBS support, 104–109

milestones, 68

MIL-HDBK-245D, 134

MIL-HDBK-881, 22–24, 143, 172


government performance management, 25, 207, 213, 215

PPM and, 197, 199

MIL-STD-881, 21–22

MIL-STD-881A, 21–22

MIL-STD-881B, 22

Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), 114

museum projects program life cycle, 174–175, 179–180

WBS example, 256–257


NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

government performance management, 19, 204, 208

WBS example, 267–268

NASA PERT and Companion Cost System Handbook, 24–26

National Defence Industrial Association (NDIA), 143

National Security Industrial Association, 209

NDIA (National Defence Industrial Association), 143

Nightingale, Daniel, 271

numbering systems, 74–77


OBS (organizational breakdown structure), 4, 59, 81

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 223

OMB (Office of Management and Budget)

government performance management, 208, 210–211

on life cycle planning, 178–179

project integration management and, 160

on WBS, 29


1995/2004 editions, 343–348

Development Committee, 327–330

overview, 223–228

Table 22 sample page, 349–350

Tables (Edition 1.0), 331–342

100 percent rule, 34–37, 78

organizational breakdown structure (OBS), 4, 59, 81

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 223


defined, 6

WBS as, 6–8, 77–78

output elements, 70–71

outsourcing WBS requirements, 201–202


Pando, John, 271

Paus, Denise, 271

PBS (Project Breakdown Structure), 83

performance management

defined, 203

government policies, 207–209

historical government involvement, 204–207

Performance Management Association (PMA), 211

performance measurement baseline (PMB), 147

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), 17–19, 205

PERT Implementation Manual, 20

PIPTs (program IPTs), 153

PMA (Performance Management Association), 211

PMB (performance measurement baseline), 147

PMBOK Guide (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge), 26–28, 38, 211

PMI (Project Management Institute), 26–27, 211

PM Network magazine, 26

portfolio management. See PPM (project portfolio management)

portfolios, 4

PPM (project portfolio management) defined, 187–188

enterprise-wide standards, 192–201

outsourcing WBS requirements, 201–202

overview, 188–190

planning, 191–192

WBS roles in, 190–191

Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures, 27–28

Primavera Project Planner, 109–113

principles and concepts. See WBS principles process elements, 50–52

procurement management, 148–151

product breakdown elements, 38–41

product projects

Level 2 elements for, 38–39, 46–47, 79–80

100 percent rule and, 37

WBS principles, 118

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), 17–19, 205

program IPTs (PIPTs), 153

programs, 4

program WBS

DoD interpretation, 172

life cycles and, 179–186

Project Breakdown Structure (PBS), 83

project charter, 131–133

project elements, 4

project integration management configuration management, 162–163

defined, 160–161

project plan, 161

systems engineering, 163–164

project life cycles

construction projects, 173–174

consumer product projects, 169–171

cost estimates of, 196

DoD major product acquisitions, 171–173

establishing goals over, 212

generic, 167–169

IT projects, 175–178

museum programs, 174–175, 179–180

OMB projects, 178–179

project management

communications, 146–148

cost management, 137–146

FAA WBS and, 196

human resource management, 152–155

Microsoft Project support, 104–109

Primavera Project Planner support, 109–113

process steps, 16–17, 127–131

procurement management, 148–151

project integration management, 160–164

risk management, 155–160

scope management, 131–134

technical performance management, 151–152

terms and definitions, 3–6

time management, 134–137

The Project Management Body of Knowledge, 26

project management elements, 40, 52–54, 78

Project Management Institute (PMI), 26–27, 211

Project Management Journal, 26

project plan, 161

Project Planning and Scheduling (Haugan), 82

project portfolio management. See PPM (project portfolio management)

project quality, 151–152

Project Resource Manual, 221


defined, 4, 188

outlining, 6–8, 77–78

phases within, 185–186

types of, 38

project scope. See scope management

project teams

building, 152–153

integrated, 152–155

Project WBS (PWBS), 229–230, 239–243


quality, project, 151–152

QuantumPM, LLC, 101


RAM (responsibility assignment matrix), 5

RBS (resource breakdown structure), 81–82

RBS (risk breakdown structure), 5, 157–160

request for proposal (RFP), 148–151

resource allocation

human resource management and, 152–155

PPM and, 189

resource breakdown structure (RBS), 81–82

responsibility assignment matrix (RAM), 5

results breakdown elements, 39, 44–46

results projects

Level 2 elements for, 39, 44–46

100 percent rule and, 37

phases within, 185

WBS principles, 119

RFP (request for proposal), 148–151

risk breakdown structure (RBS), 5, 157–160

risk management, 155–160

Risk Management Guide, 160


scope creep, 163

scope management

configuration management and, 162–163

project charter, 131–133

project considerations, 13–14

statement of work, 133–134

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), 307

Sea System WBS, 213–215

Sedlacek, Scott, 300

service breakdown elements, 39, 41–43

service projects

Level 2 elements for, 39–43

100 percent rule and, 37

WBS principles, 119

Shipbuilders Council of America, 210

SMM7 standard, 114, 220

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), 307

software products

cost-estimating software, 113–114, 138–140

MasterSpec, 223

Microsoft Project, 104–109

Primavera Project Planner, 109–113

project management, 104–113

Visio WBS Modeler, 97–100

WBS Chart Pro, 88–97, 105–106, 109

WBS Director, 101–103

SOO (statement of objectives), 148–149

SOW (statement of work) procurement management, 148–150

scope management, 133–134

Spallation Neutron Source project, 261–263

standard WBS (SWBS), 230

statement of objectives (SOO), 148–149

statement of work (SOW)

procurement management, 148–150

scope management, 133–134

subprojects, 5

SWBS (standard WBS), 230

Sweets catalog, 222–223

systems engineering, 163–164


tasks, 5

teams, project, 152–155

technical performance management, 151–152

time management, 134–137


University of Wisconsin, 271, 300

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 258

U.S. Department of Defense. See DoD (Department of Defense)

U.S. Department of Energy, 261–263


Vengsarkar, Abhijit, 300

Visio WBS Modeler, 97–100


WBS. See work breakdown structure (WBS)

WBS Chart Pro

Business Design Concepts model, 93–97

features, 88–93, 105–106, 109

WBS checklist, 124

WBS dictionary

defined, 5, 56–58

ERP implementation, 277–299

WBS Director, 101–103

WBS elements. See also Level 2 elements

construction industry, 237–239

defined, 5

descriptions, 54–56

input versus output elements, 70–71

WBS examples

book-writing project, 253–254

dinner party project, 254–255

elephants, 7–9

ERP implementation, 250–252, 271–299

IT program, 263–267

museum project, 256–257

project planning phase, 258–261

Roaming to Win project, 300–307

sewage treatment plant, 268–271

Spallation Neutron Source project, 261–263

WBS level, 5. See also Level 2 elements

WBS principles

common across project types, 119–121

product projects, 118

results projects, 119

service projects, 119

Work Authorization Form, 60

work authorizations, 146

work breakdown structure (WBS). See also Level 2 elements

alternative categorization schemes, 83–85

appropriate level of detail, 61–63

defined, 5, 10–12

development steps, 8–9, 37, 121–123

early government activities, 17–22

in government sector, 28–29

international standard, 357–366

numbering considerations, 74–77

outlining projects, 6–8, 77–78

in private sector, 28–29

in project management process, 16–17

recent government activities, 22–26

terms and definitions, 3–6

types of, 37

Work Breakdown Structure Handbook, 22–24, 143, 172

Work Breakdown Structures for Defense Materiel Items, 21–22, 140, 207

work elements, 5

work packages

Caltrans on, 229–230

defined, 5, 60–61

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