
1 Using a photo reference as a guide, I sketch out the balanced, triangular composition of the basket and three kittens. I build each feline shape with ovals indicating the position of the head, chest, and hindquarters. I also mark a few guidelines for the facial features and suggest the general shape of the legs and paws. I continue to develop the kittens, adding triangular shapes to the ears that follow the tilt of each head. I also sketch the tails of the two cats outside the basket.


2 At this point, I erase the initial guidelines and focus on refining the outline of the cats. I add the eyes, nose, and mouth to each kitten and define the individual sections of the paws. Then I begin to create the weave pattern of the basket with parallel diagonal strokes.


3 Next I complete the outline of the kittens, retracing the initial sketch with short, broken marks to suggest fluffy hair. I also further develop the texture of the basket, adding more parallel horizontal strokes to define the separate bands. Then I add curved strokes to the basket handle, to suggest roundness.


4 I continue to add texture to the basket and the kittens, switching between an H and a 2B pencil. I also vary the thickness of each stroke by alternating between the sharp point and the flat side of the pencil lead. As I develop each area, I’m careful to do so at the same rate to maintain an even balance.


5 To finish, I darken the basket shadows by stroking over them with the flat side of the pencil tip, following the direction of previously placed strokes. I use the same technique to add cast shadows under the kittens and basket. These dark areas will contrast nicely with the white highlights on the kittens. To finish the kittens’ coats, I lightly shade with a blending stump to produce softer, more subtle shadows.

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