


A working with SME who has full-time
accident prevention, 6-7 job, 126-127
ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, worksheet, 142
Implement, and Evaluate) model, communication, starting projects and
72-74 importance of, 23-25
Amend, K., 6, 27, 66, 76, 97, 128, 135 content development meetings, 82-83
  cost savings, 7
B course design document
blogs, 61 checklist, 56
  combining different organizational
C structures, 53-55
challenges contents of, 40
active training, prevailing with, 131-132 example of, 41-42
concrete answers unavailable, 134-136 have learners choose topics, 52-53
content, determining what is needed, information, keeping track of types of,
125-126 44-45
content, making interactive, 133 objectives of course, 42
equipment unavailable, 134 organization by case study, 48
global audience, dealing with, 136-137 organization by concepts, from difficult
redesigning existing course, 127-128 and then from easy to difficult, 49-50
SMEs disagree on content, 133 organization by concepts, from easy to
technical content is too complicated, difficult, 48-49
124-125 organization by concepts, variation of,
technology, constant changing, 138 50-52
The Course That Never Gets Finished, organization by order of job process,
128-130 46-47
time constraints, working with, 130-131  
  relevancy of, 25
organization by product or service, review (edit) of, 85-88
47-48 types of data to seek, 58
organized versus unorganized lists of worksheets, 70
topics, 45 design document. See course design document
outline, completeness of, 42-43  
outline, purpose of, 40, 42 E
parallel and unparallel topics, 43-44 emails, use of, 63
purpose of, 26, 39 exercises
worksheets, 56 activities, types of, 96
course design meeting, initial assessment of, 106-107
purpose of, 25-26 building a library of, 103
questions to ask, 27-35 case study, 100
what should be accomplished, 26 categories of, 98-102
who should attend, 26 ideas for, 103-106
worksheet, 37-38 learner listening versus learner acquisition
course products/services of knowledge, 94
assessment of success, 34 primacy-recency effect, 94-96
changes in, keeping up with, 30-31 response-oriented, 98
competitors, identifying, 33 worksheets, 108-109
experts, identifying, 32-33  
how did target audience learn about, 30 F
informational resources, 33 forums, 61
long lead-time items, 34  
new versus existing, 30 G
organizational fit and, 31 goals. See objectives
preferred method of communication, 33  
prerequisites, 32 I
previous versions, 31-32 information, gathering. See data and data
course starter packet, 35-37 collection
  Internet, use of, 61
data and data collection J
challenges of, 66-69 job materials, 81
course objectives and, 65  
external sources of, 61-62 L
from SMEs, 79-85 lecture-based training, problems with, 6, 94,
inconsistent, 67 95-96
internal sources of, 58-61  
jargon, handling technical, 68 M
limited sources, 66 Matta, S., 5, 65, 113
missing or unequal, 66-67 mistrust, 67-68
mistrust, 67-68 Murdock, B., 94
optimizing techniques, 63-64 Murdock, P., 27, 124, 132, 137
organizing, 64-65  
proprietary material, 68-69 N
  needs analysis, 24
nontechnical training, differences between nonnative speakers, assisting, 137
technical training and, 4-5  
O tangents, problem with, 83-85
objectives target audiences
course, 25, 27 educational qualifications, 28-29
SMART, 29 global, dealing with, 136-137
  how they learned about project/services,
P 30
pilot course identifying, 28
assessment of, 114-117 importance of, 24
assisting instructor during, 113-114 job descriptions, 28
obtaining data from, 83 resources used by, 30
postcourse maintenance, 117-118 secondary, 29
run-through before, 112-113 types of, 3
updating content, 118 work environment, 29
worksheets, 119-121 Taylor, B., 5, 130
PowerPoint, skeleton, 81-82 technical organization, defined, 5
primacy-recency effect, 94-96 technical training
professional organizations, information defined, 2-3
from, 62 differences between nontechnical training
  and, 4-5
Q role of, 5-7
quality control, 7 technical training developer, initial course
  design meeting and, 26
S technical training projects, example of,
serial position effect, 95 143-146
SMART goals/objectives, 29 technology, dealing with constant changing,
stakeholders, initial course design meeting 138
and, 26 to-do lists, 79-80
subject matter experts (SMEs) troubleshooting. See challenges
ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop,  
Implement, and Evaluate) model, W
72-74 websites, use of, 61, 62
disagreements on content, 133 Wikipedia, 61
initial course design meeting and, 26 worksheets
obtaining data from, 79-85 challenges and solutions, 142
preparing, for project, 75-78 course design document checklist, 56
review (edit) session with, 85-88 course design meeting, 37-38
role of, 4-5, 75 course development handout, 90
tangents, problem with, 83-85 course structure, choosing, 56
as trainers, helping, 112-114 data collection, 70
what is expected of, 76-77 editing criteria handout, 91
working with those who have full-time exercises, 108-109
job, 126-127 pilot course, 119-121
worksheets, 80-81, 90-92 SME, 80-81, 90-92
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