


(communication category), 34

affinity diagrams, 71–72


for business modeling workshops, 116–126

for business process modeling workshops, 116–126

conducting meetings using, 21–22

for deliverable inspection meeting, 174–180

as management technique, 76

preparing, 14–18

for prototype review meetings, 130–136

for requirements elicitation interviews, 85–92

for requirements elicitation workshops, 97–107

for requirements specification review meetings, 154–166

for risk management workshops, 139–148

tabling items on, 21

analysis. See group analysis skills anonymous brainstorming, 69

artifacts, 16


bad faith, 35

behaviors, managing, 35, 76

binary searches, 69

brainstorming, 65–72

brainwriting, 69

break-out groups, 46–47

BSLC (business solution life cycle), 61, 170

business modeling workshops

agenda for, 116–126

challenges, 111

meeting management, 111–113

participants in, 111

purpose and benefit, 110

business opportunities,

framing, 43–44

business problems, framing, 43

business process modeling workshops agenda for, 116–126

challenges, 114

meeting management, 114–116

participants in, 114

purpose and benefits, 113–114

business solution life cycle

(BSLC), 61, 170


cause-and-effect diagram, 53–56

closing meetings, 22–23, 76

collaboration, team, 13, 15

communication categories, 34–35. See also group communication skills conflict resolution, 20, 27

consensus decision-making, 63–65

content leadership, 27

content, separating from process, 41–42


debriefing, 84

decision grids, 74–75

decision-making. See group


deficiency assessment, 50–51

deliverable inspection meetings

agenda for, 174–180

challenges, 171

meeting management, 172–174

participants in, 172

purpose and benefits, 171


(communication category), 35

discovery sessions, 79


communication categories, 34–35

controlling meeting, 60, 76

facilitated, 26–27, 45, 76


effective meetings. See also meeting management

alternatives to, 3–4

closing, 22–23

conducting, 21–22

controlling discussions in, 60

following up after, 23

goals of, 3

opening, 18–19

purpose of, 2–3

reasons for, 3

results of inadequacies, 6

types of, 1, 4–5


facilitating commitment, 59

facilitating leadership style, 42


benefits of, 26–27

defined, 25

skills required, 40

subject matter expertise versus, 27

team, 61

techniques for, 21–22


defined, 25

development activities for, 181

leading discussions, 33–35

planning for success, 35–37

skills required, 39–40, 182


as communication category, 34

debriefing and, 84

requirements elicitation via, 79

fishbone diagram, 54–56

flip charts, 47–48

floating questions, 59

focus groups, 4

focusing questions, 59

following up after meetings, 23, 84

force field analysis, 52–53


gap analysis, 50–51

ground rules, establishing, 19–21

group analysis skills

break-out groups, 46–47

facilitated discussions, 44–45

flip charts, 47–48

force field analysis, 52–53

framing problems/opportunities, 43–44

gap analysis, 50–51

identifying interests, 42

presentations, 45–46

root cause analysis, 53–56

separating content from process, 41–42

storyboards, 48–50

SWOT analysis, 51–52

group communication skills

asking pointed questions, 58–60

choosing words carefully, 57

listening, summarizing, reframing, 57–58

group decision-making

brainstorming in, 66–72

consensus in, 63–65

decision grids in, 74–75

meeting ground rules for, 20

multivoting in, 72–73

nominal group technique in, 73–74

options for, 63

selecting process, 16

surveys in, 65–66

group leadership, 60–62

group process models

group decision-making, 62–75

group leadership, 60–62

keeping meetings on track, 75–77


(communication category), 35


idea mapping, 69–70

informational meetings, 4


(communication category), 35

interests, identifying, 42


description, 4

requirements elicitation via, 79, 81–92

Ishikawa diagram, 53–56


JAD (joint application design)

workshop, 93

Jung, Carl, 32


knowledge café, 69



facilitating style of, 42

group, 60–62

presentation style of, 42

team, 61–63

lessons learned, collecting, 23


MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), 32–33

meeting management. See also agendas; effective meetings

for business modeling workshops, 112–113

for business process modeling workshop, 114–116

closing meetings, 22–23, 76

conducting meetings, 21–22

for deliverable inspection meeting, 172–174

designing objectives, 12

determining participants, 12–14

establishing foundation, 11–12

establishing ground rules, 19–21

following up after meetings, 23

keeping meetings on track, 75–77

managing behaviors, 35, 76

opening meetings, 18–19, 76

preparing agenda, 14–18

for prototype review meetings, 128–129

for requirements elicitation interviews, 83–85

for requirements elicitation workshops, 95–96

for requirements specification review meetings, 152–154

for risk management workshops, 138–139

motivation, effective facilitation and, 28

multivoting, 72

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI), 32–33


nominal group technique (NGT), 73–74


objectives, defining, 12

opening meetings, 18–19, 76

opportunities (SWOT), 51–52

ownership, effective facilitation and, 27



in business modeling workshops, 111

in deliverable inspection meeting, 172

determining, 12–14

effective facilitation and, 26

in prototype review meetings, 128

in requirements elicitation interviews, 82

in requirements elicitation workshops, 94

in requirements specification review meetings, 152

in risk management workshops, 138

personality, measuring, 32–33

planning for success, 35–37

play (communication category), 35

political agendas, 13

presentation leadership style, 42

presentations, 45–46

prioritizing brainstorming ideas, 68

probing questions, 59

processes. See also group process models

business process modeling workshops, 113–126

facilitation as, 25

focusing on, 2

separating from content, 41–42

validation, 169

verification, 169

process leadership, 27

prompting questions, 59

prototype review meetings

agenda for, 130–136

challenges, 127

meeting management, 128–129

participants in, 128

purpose and benefits, 127


with prototype review meetings, 127–136

requirements elicitation via, 79


quality, effective facilitation and, 26


as communication category, 34

facilitators’ skill sets, 182–183

with pointed questions, 58–60

sequential, 71

20 questions, 69–71


redirecting questions, 59

red-letter words, 57

reframing questions, 59

Request for Quote (RFQ), 170

requirements analysis meetings

agendas for, 116–126, 130–136, 139–148

business modeling workshops, 110–113, 116–126

business process modeling workshops, 113–126

challenges with, 110–111, 114, 127, 137

prototype review meetings, 127–136

purpose of, 109–110

risk management workshops, 137–148

requirements elicitation meetings

agendas for, 85–92, 97–107

challenges with, 80, 82, 93–94

interview process, 79, 81–92

preparing for, 16–18

purposes of, 79–80

roles and responsibilities for, 80–81

techniques for, 79

workshop process, 16–18, 79, 93–107

requirements specification review meetings

agenda for, 154–166

challenges with, 150

meeting management, 152–154

participants in, 152

purpose of, 149–151

requirements validation meetings

agenda for, 174–180

challenges, 170–171

deliverable inspection meeting, 171–180

purpose, 169–170

RFQ (Request for Quote), 170

risk management workshops

agenda for, 139–148

challenges, 137

meeting management, 138–139

participants in, 138

purpose and benefits, 137

root cause analysis, 53–56, 70


sequential questioning, 71

Six Sigma program, 26

skill building, effective

facilitation and, 27

storyboards, 48–50

strategic focus, effective

facilitation and, 27

strengths (SWOT), 51–52

subject matter expertise, 27, 42

summarizing questions, 59


as decision-making tools, 65–66

requirements elicitation via, 79

SWOT analysis, 51–52


tabling agenda items, 21

team collaboration, 13, 15

team development

facilitating, 27–33, 61

five-stage model, 61–62

team leadership, 61–62

teams, defined, 29

threats (SWOT), 51–52

Total Quality Management

movement, 26

20 questions, 69–71


validation process, 169

verification process, 169


weaknesses (SWOT), 51–52

words, choosing carefully, 57

working sessions, 4


business modeling, 110–113, 116–126

business process modeling, 113–126

description, 4

joint application design, 93

organizing, 18

requirements elicitation, 16–18, 79, 93–106

risk management, 137–148

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