Structuring Your Programs

I mentioned in Chapter 1 that breaking up a program into reasonably self-contained units is basic to the development of any program of a practical nature. When confronted with a big task, the most sensible thing to do is break it up into manageable chunks. You can then deal with each small chunk fairly easily and be reasonably sure that you've done it properly. If you design the chunks of code carefully, you may be able to reuse some of them in other programs.

One of the key ideas in the C language is that every program should be segmented into functions that are relatively short. Even with the examples you've seen so far that were written as a single function, main(), other functions are also involved because you've still used a variety of standard library functions for input and output, for mathematical operations, and for handling strings.

In this chapter, you'll look at how you can make your programs more effective and easier to develop by introducing more functions of your own.

In this chapter you'll learn:

  • How data is passed to a function
  • How to return results from your functions
  • How to define your own functions
  • The advantages of pointers as arguments to functions

Program Structure

As I said right at the outset, a C program consists of one or more functions, the most important of which is the function main() where execution starts. When you use library functions such as printf() or scanf(), you see how one function is able to call up another function in order to carry out some particular task and then continue execution back in the calling function when the task is complete. Except for side effects on data stored at global scope, each function in a program is a self-contained unit that carries out a particular operation. When a function is called, the code within the body of that function is executed, and when the function has finished executing, control returns to the point at which that function was called. This is illustrated in Figure 8-1, where you can see an idealized representation of a C program structured as five functions. It doesn't show any details of the statements involved--just the sequence of execution.


Figure 8-1. Execution of a program made up of several functions

The program steps through the statements in sequence in the normal way until it comes across a call to a particular function. At that point, execution moves to the start of that function—that is, the first statement in the body of the function. Execution of the program continues through the function statements until it hits a return statement or reaches the closing brace marking the end of the function body. This signals that execution should go back to the point immediately after where the function was originally called.

The set of functions that make up a program link together through the function calls and their return statements to perform the various tasks necessary for the program to achieve its purpose. Figure 8-1 shows each function in the program executed just once. In practice, each function can be executed many times and can be called from several points within a program. You've already seen this in the examples that called the printf() and scanf() functions several times.

Before you look in more detail at how to define your own functions, I need to explain a particular aspect of the way variables behave that I've glossed over so far.

Variable Scope and Lifetime

In all the examples up to now, you've declared the variables for the program at the beginning of the block that defines the body of the function main(). But you can actually define variables at the beginning of any block. Does this make a difference? "It most certainly does, Stanley," as Ollie would have said. Variables exist only within the block in which they're defined. They're created when they are declared, and they cease to exist at the next closing brace.

This is also true of variables that you declare within blocks that are inside other blocks. The variables declared at the beginning of an outer block also exist in the inner block. These variables are freely accessible, as long as there are no other variables with the same name in the inner block, as you'll see.

Variables that are created when they're declared and destroyed at the end of a block are called automatic variables, because they're automatically created and destroyed. The extent within the program code where a given variable is visible and can be referenced is called the variable's scope. When you use a variable within its scope, everything is OK. But if you try to reference a variable outside its scope, you'll get an error message when you compile the program because the variable doesn't exist outside of its scope. The general idea is illustrated in the following code fragment:

  int a = 0;                                     /* Create a        */
  /* Reference to a is OK here       */
  /* Reference to b is an error here */
      int b = 10;                                /* Create b        */
      /* Reference to a and b is OK here */
  }                                              /* b dies here     */
  /* Reference to b is an error here */
  /* Reference to a is OK here       */
}                                                /* a dies here     */

All the variables that are declared within a block die and no longer exist after the closing brace of the block. The variable a is visible within both the inner and outer blocks because it's declared in the outer block. The variable b is visible only within the inner block because it's declared within that block.

While your program is executing, a variable is created and memory is allocated for it. At some point, which for automatic variables is the end of the block in which the variable is declared, the memory that the variable occupies is returned back to the system. Of course, while functions called within the block are executing, the variable continues to exist; it is only destroyed when execution reaches the end of the block in which it was created. The time period during which a variable is in existence is referred to as the lifetime of the variable.

Let's explore the implications of a variable's scope through an example.

Variable Scope and Functions

The last point to note, before I get into the detail of creating functions, is that the body of every function is a block (which may contain other blocks, of course). As a result, the automatic variables that you declare within a function are local to the function and don't exist elsewhere. Therefore, the variables declared within one function are quite independent of those declared in another function or in a nested block. There's nothing to prevent you from using the same name for variables in different functions; they will remain quite separate.

This becomes more significant when you're dealing with large programs in which the problem of ensuring unique variables can become a little inconvenient. It's still a good idea to avoid any unnecessary or misleading overlapping of variable names in your various functions and, of course, you should try to use names that are meaningful to make your programs easy to follow. You'll see more about this as you explore functions in C more deeply.


You've already used built-in functions such as printf() or strcpy() quite extensively in your programs. You've seen how these built-in functions are executed when you reference them by name and how you are able to transfer information to a function by means of arguments between parentheses following the function name. With the printf() function, for instance, the first argument is usually a string literal, and the succeeding arguments (of which there may be none) are a series of variables or expressions whose values are to be displayed.

You've also seen how you can receive information back from a function in two ways. The first way is through one of the function arguments in parentheses. You provide an address of a variable through an argument to a function, and the function places a value in that variable. When you use scanf() to read data from the keyboard, for instance, the input is stored in an address that you supply as an argument. The second way is that you can receive information back from a function as a return value. With the strlen() function, for instance, the length of the string that you supply as the argument appears in the program code in the position where the function call is made. Thus, if str is the string "example", in the expression 2*strlen(str), the value 7, which the function returns, replaces the function call in the expression. The expression will therefore amount to 2*7. Where a function returns a value of a given type, the function call can appear as part of any expression where a variable of the same type could be used.

Of necessity you've written the function main() in all your programs, so you already have the basic knowledge of how a function is constructed. So let's look at what makes up a function in more detail.

Defining a Function

When you create a function, you need to specify the function header as the first line of the function definition, followed by the executable code for the function enclosed between braces. The block of code between braces following the function header is called the function body.

  • The function header defines the name of the function, the function parameters (in other words, what types of values are passed to the function when it's called), and the type for the value that the function returns.
  • The function body determines what calculations the function performs on the values that are passed to it.

The general form of a function is essentially the same as you've been using for main(), and it looks like this:

Return_type  Function_name( Parameters - separated by commas )

The statements in the function body can be absent, but the braces must be present. If there are no statements in the body of a function, the return type must be void, and the function will have no effect. You'll recall that I said that the type void means "absence of any type," so here it means that the function doesn't return a value. A function that does not return a value must also have the return type specified as void. Conversely, for a function that does not have a void return type, every return statement in the function body must return a value of the specified return type.

Although it may not be immediately apparent, presenting a function with a content-free body is often useful during the testing phase of a complicated program. This allows you to run the program with only selected functions actually doing something; you can then add the function bodies, step by step, until the whole thing works.

The parameters between parentheses are placeholders for the argument values that you must specify when you call a function. The term parameter refers to a placeholder in the function definition that specifies the type of value that should be passed to the function when it is called. A parameter consists of the type followed by the parameter name that is used within the body of the function to refer to that value when the function executes. The term argument refers to the value that you supply corresponding to a parameter when you call a function. I'll explain parameters in more detail in the "Function Parameters" section later in this chapter.

Note The statements in the body of a function can also contain nested blocks of statements. But you can't define a function inside the body of another function.

The general form for calling a function is the following expression:

Function_name(List of Arguments - separated by commas)

You simply use the function's name followed by a list of arguments separated by commas in parentheses, just as you've been doing with functions such as printf() and scanf(). A function call can appear as a statement on a line by itself, like this:

printf("A fool and your money are soon partners,");

A function that's called like this can be a function that returns a value. In this case the value that's returned is simply discarded. A function that has been defined with a return type of void can only be called like this.

A function that returns a value can, and usually does, participate in an expression. For example

result = 2.0*sqrt(2.0);

Here, the value that's returned by the sqrt() function (declared in the <math.h> header file) is multiplied by 2.0 and the result is stored in the variable result. Obviously, because a function with a void return type doesn't return anything, it can't possibly be part of an expression.

Naming a Function

The name of a function can be any legal name in C that isn't a reserved word (such as int, double, sizeof, and so on) and isn't the same as the name of another function in your program. You should take care not to use the same names as any of the standard library functions because this would prevent you from using the library function of the same name, and it would also be very confusing.

One way of differentiating your function names from those in the standard library is to start them with a capital letter, although some programmers find this rather restricting. A legal name has the same form as that of a variable: a sequence of letters and digits, the first of which must be a letter. As with variable names, the underline character counts as a letter. Other than that, the name of a function can be anything you like, but ideally the name that you choose should give some clue as to what the function does. Examples of valid function names that you might create are as follows:

cube_root    FindLast    Explosion    Back2Front

You'll often want to define function names (and variable names, too) that consist of more than one word. There are two common approaches you can adopt that happen to be illustrated in the first two examples:

  • Separate each of the words in a function name with an underline character.
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word.

Both approaches work well. Which one you choose is up to you, but it's a good idea to pick an approach and stick to it. You can, of course, use one approach for functions and the other for variables. Within this book, both approaches have been sprinkled around to give you a feel for how they look. By the time you reach the end of the book, you'll probably have formed your own opinion as to which approach is best.

Function Parameters

Function parameters are defined within the function header and are placeholders for the arguments that need to be specified when the function is called. The parameters for a function are a list of parameter names and their types, and successive parameters are separated by commas. The entire list of parameters is enclosed between the parentheses that follow the function name.

Parameters provide the means by which you pass information from the calling function into the function that is called. These parameter names are local to the function, and the values that are assigned to them when the function is called are referred to as arguments. The computation in the body of the function is then written using these parameter names, which will have the values of the arguments when the function executes. Of course, a function may also have locally defined automatic variables declared within the body of the function. Finally, when the computation has finished, the function will exit and return an appropriate value back to the original calling statement.

Some examples of typical function headers are shown in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. Examples of Function Headers

Function Header Description
bool SendMessage(char *text) This function has one parameter, text, which is of type "pointer to char," and it returns a value of type bool.
void PrintData(int count, double *data) This function has two parameters, one of type int and the other of type "pointer to double." The function does not return a value.
char message GetMessage(void) This function has no parameters and returns a pointer of type char.

You call a function by using the function name followed by the arguments to the function between parentheses. When you actually call the function by referencing it in some part of your program, the arguments that you specify in the call will replace the parameters in the function. As a result, when the function executes, the computation will proceed using the values that you supplied as arguments. The arguments that you specify when you call a function need to agree in type, number, and sequence with the parameters that are specified in the function header. The relationship and information passing between the calling and called function is illustrated in Figure 8-2.

If the type of an argument to a function does not match the type of the corresponding parameter, the compiler will insert a conversion of the argument value to the parameter type where this is possible. This may result in truncation of the argument value, when you pass a value of type double for a parameter of type int, for example, so this is a dangerous practice. If the compiler cannot convert an argument to the required type, you will get an error message.

If there are no parameters to a function, you can specify the parameter list as void, as you have been doing in the case of the main() function.


Figure 8-2. Passing arguments to a function

Specifying the Return Value Type

Let's take another look at the general form of a function:

Return_type  Function_name(List of Parameters - separated by commas)

The Return_type specifies the type of the value returned by the function. If the function is used in an expression or as the right side of an assignment statement, the return value supplied by the function will effectively be substituted for the function in its position. The type of value to be returned by a function can be specified as any of the legal types in C, including pointers. The type can also be specified as void, meaning that no value is returned. As noted earlier, a function with a void return type can't be used in an expression or anywhere in an assignment statement.

The return type can also be type void *, which is a "pointer to void." The value returned in this case is an address value but with no specified type. This type is used when you want the flexibility to be able to return a pointer that may be used for a variety of purposes, as in the case of the malloc() function for allocating memory. The most common return types are shown in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2. Common Return Types

Type Meaning Type Meaning
int Integer, 2 or 4 bytes int * Pointer to int
short Integer, 2 bytes short * Pointer to short
long Integer, 4 bytes long * Pointer to long
long long Integer, 8 bytes long long * Pointer to long
char Character, 1 byte char * Pointer to char
float Floating-point, 4 bytes float * Pointer to float
double Floating-point, 8 bytes double * Pointer to double
long double Floating-point, 12 bytes long double * Pointer to long double
void No value void * Pointer to undefined type

Of course, you can also specify the return type to a function to be an unsigned integer type, or a pointer to an unsigned integer type. A return type can also be an enumeration type or a pointer to an enumeration type. If a function has its return type specified as other than void, it must return a value. This is achieved by executing a return statement to return the value.

Note In Chapter 11 you will be introduced to objects called structs that provide a way to work with aggregates of several data items as a single unit. A function can have parameters that are structs to pointers to a struct type and can also return a struct or a pointer to a struct.

The return Statement

The return statement provides the means of exiting from a function and resuming execution of the calling function at the point from which the call occurred. In its simplest form, the return statement is just this:


In this form, the return statement is being used in a function where the return type has been declared as void. It doesn't return any value. However, the more general form of the return statement is this:

return expression;

This form of return statement must be used when the return value type for the function has been declared as some type other than void. The value that's returned to the calling program is the value that results when expression is evaluated.

Caution You'll get an error message if you compile a program that contains a function defined with a void return type that tries to return a value. You'll get an error message from the compiler if you use a bare return in a function where the return type was specified to be other than void.

The return expression can be any expression, but it should result in a value that's the same type as that declared for the return value in the function header. If it isn't of the same type, the compiler will insert a conversion from the type of the return expression to the one required where this is possible. The compiler will produce an error message if the conversion isn't possible.

There can be more than one return statement in a function, but each return statement must supply a value that is convertible to the type specified in the function header for the return value.

Note The calling function doesn't have to recognize or process the value returned from a called function. It's up to you how you use any values returned from function calls.

The Pass-By-Value Mechanism

There's a very important point to be made in Program 8.3, which is illustrated in Figure 8-4.


Figure 8-4. Passing arguments to a function

The important point is this: copies of the values of value1 and value2 are transferred to the function as arguments, not the variables themselves. This means that the function can't change the values stored in value1 or value2. For instance, if you input the values 4.0 and 6.0 for the two variables, the compiler will create separate copies of these two values on the stack, and the average() function will have access to these copies when it's called. This mechanism is how all argument values are passed to functions in C, and it's termed the pass-by-value mechanism.

The only way that a called function can change a variable belonging to the calling function is by receiving an argument value that's the address of the variable. When you pass an address as an argument to a function, it's still only a copy of the address that's actually passed to the function, not the original. However, the copy is still the address of the original variable. I'll come back to this point later in the chapter in the section "Pointers As Arguments and Return Values."

The average() function is executed with the values from value1 and value2 substituted for the parameter names in the function, which are x and y, respectively. The function is defined by the following statements:

float average(float x, float y)
  return (x + y)/2.0f;

The function body has only one statement, which is the return statement. But this return statement does all the work you need. It contains an expression for the value to be returned that works out the average of x and y. This value then appears in place of the function in the assignment statement back in main(). So, in effect, a function that returns a value acts like a variable of the same type as the return value.

Note that without the f on the constant 2.0, this number would be of type double and the whole expression would be evaluated as type double. Because the compiler would then arrange to cast this to type float for the return value, you would get a warning message during compilation because data could be lost when the value is converted from type double to type float before it is returned.

Instead of assigning the result of the function to value3, you could have written the last printf() statement as follows:

printf(" The average is: %f", average(value1, value2));

Here the function average() would receive copies of the values of the arguments. The return value from the function would be supplied as an argument to printf() directly, even though you haven't explicitly created a place to store it. The compiler would take care of allocating some memory to store the value returned from average(). It would also take the trouble to make a copy of this to hand over to the function printf() as an argument. Once the printf() had been executed, however, you would have had no means of accessing the value that was returned from the function average().

Another possible option is to use explicit values in a function call. What happens then? Let's stretch the printf() statement out of context now and rewrite it like this:

printf(" The average is: %f", average(4.0, 6.0));

In this case if the literal 4.0 and 6.0 don't already exist, the compiler would typically create a memory location to store each of the constant arguments to average(), and then supply copies of those values to the function—exactly as before. A copy of the result returned from the function average() would then be passed to printf().

Figure 8-5 illustrates the process of calling a function named useful() from main() and getting a value returned.


Figure 8-5. Argument passing and the return value

The arrows in the figure show how the values correspond between main() and useful(). Notice that the value returned from useful() is finally stored in the variable x in main(). The value that's returned from useful() is stored in the variable c that is local to the useful() function. This variable ceases to exist when execution of the useful() function ends, but the returned value is still safe because a copy of the value is returned, not the original value stored in c. Thus, returning a value from a function works in the same way as passing an argument value.

Function Declarations

In a variation of Program 8.3, you could define the function main() first and then the function average():

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  /* Code in main() ... */

float average(float x, float y)
  return (x + y)/2.0;

As it stands this won't compile. When the compiler comes across the call to the average() function, it will have no idea what to do with it, because at that point the average() function has not been defined. For this to compile you must add something before the definition of main() that tells the compiler about the average() function.

A function declaration is a statement that defines the essential characteristics of a function. It defines its name, its return value type, and the type of each of its parameters. You can actually write it exactly the same as the function header and just add a semicolon at the end if you want. A function declaration is also called a function prototype, because it provides all the external specifications for the function. A function prototype enables the compiler to generate the appropriate instructions at each point where you use the function and to check that you use it correctly in each case. When you include a header file in a program, the header file adds the function prototypes for library functions to the program. For example, the header file <stdio.h> contains function prototypes for printf() and scanf(), among others.

To get the variation of Program 8.3 to compile, you just need to add the function prototype for average() before the definition of main():

#include <stdio.h>
float average(float, float);                   /* Function prototype */

int main(void)
  /* Code in main() ... */

float average(float x, float y)
  return (x + y)/2.0;

Now the compiler can compile the call to average() in main() because it knows all its characteristics, its name, its parameter types, and its return type. Technically, you could put the declaration for the function average() within the body of main(), prior to the function call, but this is never done. Function prototypes generally appear at the beginning of a source file prior to the definitions of any of the functions. The function prototypes are then external to all of the functions in the source file, and their scopes extend to the end of the source file, thereby allowing any of the functions in the file to call any function regardless of where you've placed the definitions of the functions.

It's good practice to always include declarations for all of the functions in a program source file, regardless of where they're called. This approach will help your programs to be more consistent in design, and it will prevent any errors occurring if, at any stage, you choose to call a function from another part of your program. Of course, you never need a function prototype for main() because this function is only called by the host environment when execution of a program starts.

Pointers As Arguments and Return Values

You've already seen how it's possible to pass a pointer as an argument to a function. More than that, you've seen that this is essential if a function is to modify the value of a variable that's defined in the calling function. In fact, this is the only way it can be done. So let's explore how all this works out in practice with another example.

const Parameters

You can qualify a function parameter using the const keyword, which indicates that the function will treat the argument that is passed for this parameter as a constant. Because arguments are passed by value, this is only useful when the parameter is a pointer. Typically you apply the const keyword to a parameter that is a pointer to specify that a function will not change the value pointed to. In other words, the code in the body of the function will not modify the value pointed to by the pointer argument. Here's an example of a function with a const parameter:

bool SendMessage(const char* pmessage)
  /* Code to send the message */
  return true;

The compiler will verify that the code in the body of the function does not use the pmessage pointer to modify the message text. You could specify the pointer itself as const too, but this makes little sense because the address is passed by value so you cannot change the original pointer in the calling function.

Specifying a pointer parameter as const has another useful purpose. Because the const modifier implies that the function will not change the data that is pointed to, the compiler knows that an argument that is a pointer to constant data should be safe. On the other hand, if you do not use the const modifier with the parameter, so far as the compiler is concerned, the function may modify the data pointed to by the argument. A good C compiler will at least give you a warning message when you pass a pointer to constant data as the argument for a parameter that you did not declare as const.

Tip If your function does not modify the data pointed to by a pointer parameter, declare the function parameter as const. That way the compiler will verify that your function indeed does not change the data. It will also allow a pointer to a constant to be passed to the function without issuing a warning or an error message.

To specify the address that a pointer contains as const, you place the const keyword after the * in the pointer type specification. Here is a code fragment containing a couple of examples of pointer declaration that will illustrate the difference between a pointer to a constant and a constant pointer:

int value1 = 99;
int value2 = 88;

const int pvalue = &value1;            /* pointer to constant */
int const cpvalue = &value1;           /* Constant pointer    */

pvalue = &value2;                      /* OK: pointer is not constant   */
*pvalue = 77;                          /* Illegal: data is constant */

cpvalue = &value2;                     /* Illegal: pointer is constant  */
*cpvalue = 77;                          /* OK: data is not constant */

If you wanted the parameter to the SendMessage() function to be a constant pointer, you would code it as:

bool SendMessage(char *const pmessage)
  /* Code to send the message    */
  /* Can change the message here */
  return true;

Now the function body can change the message but not the address in pmessage. As I said, pmessage will contain a copy of the address so you might as well declare the parameter with using const in this case.

Returning Pointer Values from a Function

You've seen how you can return numeric values from a function. You've just learned how to use pointers as arguments and how to store a pointer at an address that's passed as an argument. You can also return a pointer from a function. Let's look first at a very simple example.

You can look at a more practical application of returning pointers by modifying Program 8.6. You could write the routine str_in() in this example as follows:

char *str_in(void)
  char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];            /* Space to store input string */
  char *pString = NULL;               /* Pointer to string           */

  if(gets(buffer) == NULL)            /* NULL returned from gets()?  */
    printf(" Error reading string. ");
    exit(1);                          /* Error on input so exit       */

  if(buffer[0] == '')               /* Empty string read?          */
    return NULL;

  pString = (char*)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1);

  if(pString == NULL)                 /* Check memory allocation     */
    printf(" Out of memory.");
    exit(1);                          /* No memory allocated so exit  */
  return strcpy(pString, buffer);     /* Return pString              */

Of course, you would also have to modify the function prototype to this:

char *str_in(void);

Now there are no parameters because you've declared the parameter list as void, and the return value is now a pointer to a character string rather than an integer.

You would also need to modify the for loop in main(), which invokes the function to

for(count=0; count < NUM_P ; count++)         /* Max of NUM_P strings      */
    if((pS[count] = str_in())== NULL)           /* Stop input on NULL return */

You now compare the pointer returned from str_in() and stored in pS[count] with NULL, as this will indicate that an empty string was entered or that a string was not read because of a read error. The example would still work exactly as before, but the internal mechanism for input would be a little different. Now the function returns the address of the allocated memory block into which the string has been copied. You might imagine that you could use the address of buffer instead, but remember that buffer is local to the function, so it goes out of scope on return from the function. You could try it if you like to see what happens.

Choosing one version of the function str_in() or the other is, to some extent, a matter of taste, but on balance this latter version is probably better because it uses a simpler definition of the parameter, which makes it easier to understand. Note, however, that it does allocate memory that has to be released somewhere else in the program. When you need to do this it's best to code the function that will release the memory in tandem with coding the function that allocates it. That way, there's less risk of a memory leak.

Incrementing Pointers in a Function

When you use an array name as an argument to a function, a copy of the address of the beginning of the array is transferred to the function. As a result, you have the possibility of treating the value received as a pointer in the fullest sense, incrementing or decrementing the address as you wish. For example, you could rewrite the str_out() function in Program 8.6 as follows:

void str_out(char *p[] , int n)
  printf(" Your input sorted in order is: ");
  for(int i = 0 ; i<n ; i++)
    printf("%s ", *p);               /* Display a string           */
    free(*p);                         /* Free memory for the string */
    *p++ = NULL;

You replace array notation with pointer notation in the printf() and free() function calls. You wouldn't be able to do this with an array declared within the function body, but because you have a copy of the original array address, it's possible here. You can treat the parameter just like a regular pointer. Because the address you have at this point is a copy of the original in main(), this doesn't interfere with the original array address pS in any way.

There's little to choose between this version of the function and the original. The former version, using array notation, is probably just a little easier to follow. However, operations expressed in pointer notation often execute faster than array notation.


You're not done with functions yet, so I'll postpone diving into another chunky example until the end of the next chapter, which covers further aspects of using functions. So let's pause for a moment and summarize the key points that you need to keep in mind when creating and using functions:

  • C programs consist of one or more functions, one of which is called main(). The function main() is where execution always starts, and it's called by the operating system through a user command.
  • A function is a self-contained named block of code in a program. The name of a function is in the same form as identifiers, which is a unique sequence of letters and digits, the first of which must be a letter (an underline counts as a letter).
  • A function definition consists of a header and a body. The header defines the name of the function, the type of the value returned from the function, and the types and names of all the parameters to the function. The body contains the executable statements for the function, which define what the function actually does.
  • All the variables that are declared in a function are local to that function.
  • A function prototype is a declaration statement terminated by a semicolon that defines the name, the return type, and the parameter types for a function. A function prototype is required to provide information about a function to the compiler when the definition of a function doesn't precede its use in executable code.
  • Before you use a function in your source file, you'd either define the function or declare the function with a function prototype.
  • Specifying a pointer parameter as const indicates to the compiler that the function does not modify the data pointed to by the function.
  • Arguments to a function should be of a type that's compatible with the corresponding parameters specified in its header. If you pass a value of type double to a function that expects an integer argument, the value will be truncated, removing the fractional part.
  • A function that returns a value can be used in an expression just as if it were a value of the same type as the return value.
  • Copies of the argument values are transferred to a function, not the original values in the calling function. This is referred to as the pass-by-value mechanism for transferring data to a function.
  • If you want a function to modify a variable that's declared in its calling function, the address of the variable needs to be transferred as an argument.

That covers the essentials of creating your own functions. In the next chapter, you'll add a few more techniques for using functions. You'll also work through a more substantial example of applying functions in a practical context.


The following exercises enable you to try out what you've learned in this chapter. If you get stuck, look back over the chapter for help. If you're still stuck, you can download the solutions from the Source Code area of the Apress web site (, but that really should be a last resort.

Exercise 8-1. Define a function that will calculate the average of an arbitrary number of floating-point values that are passed to the function in an array. Demonstrate the operation of this function by implementing a program that will accept an arbitrary number of values entered from the keyboard, and output the average.

Exercise 8-2. Define a function that will return a string representation of an integer that is passed as the argument. For example, if the argument is 25, the function will return "25". If the argument is −98, the function will return "-98". Demonstrate the operation of your function with a suitable version of main().

Exercise 8-3. Extend the function that you defined for the previous example to accept an additional argument that specifies the field width for the result, and return the string representation of the value right-justified within the field. For example, if the value to be converted is −98 and the field width argument is 5, the string that is returned should be " −98". Demonstrate the operation of this function with a suitable version of main().

Exercise 8-4. Define a function that will return the number of words in a string that is passed as an argument. (Words are separated by spaces or punctuation characters. Assume the string doesn't contain embedded single or double quotes—that is, no words such as "isn't.") Define a second function that will segment a string that's passed as the first argument to the function into words, and return the words stored in the array that's passed as the second argument. Define a third function that will return the number of letters in a string that's passed as the argument. Use these functions to implement a program that will read a string containing text from the keyboard and then output all the words from the text ordered from the shortest to the longest.

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