acai berry juice, 275

agave nectar syrup, 361

Alaskan pollack, 238

Alaskan salmon, 240

algae, 254

almond butter, 165

almond oil, 333

almonds, 165

aloe vera juice, 276

Amen, Daniel, 185

American eel, 239

amla, 120


acai berry juice, 276

almond oil, 333

amla, 120

apples, 105, 107

apricots, 108

asparagus, 24

avocados, 109, 110

barley grass, 253

beans, 92

bee pollen, 247

black currants, 113

black tea, 298, 299, 300

blueberries, 73, 114

broccoli, 27

cabbage, 31

cantaloupe, 126

carambola, 161

cardamom, 309

carrots, 32, 33

cauliflower, 34

chia seeds, 170

chicken, 216

chickpeas, 94

chocolate, 251

cinnamon, 310

coconut oil, 336

coffee, 280

cranberries, 115

cranberry juice, 282

curcumin, 326

dates, 131

eggplant, 40

flaxseed oil 342

garbanzo beans, 94

ginger, 317, 318

goji berries, 118

golden berries, 119

gooseberries, 120

grapefruit, 134

grapes, 136

green tea, 298, 299, 301

guava, 138

honey, 358

introduction to, 13

kale, 48

kimchi, 256

kiwifruit, 143

lemon, 145

licorice, 257

maca, 52

milk and, 302

mulberries, 121

mushrooms, 55

noni juice, 291

oatmeal, 83

okra, 56

olive oil, 339, 340

onions, 58

oranges, 150

oregano, 320

papaya, 151

peaches, 152

peanuts, 173, 174

persimmons, 160

pineapple, 153

pistachios, 176

plums, 155

pomegranate, 292, 293

poultry, 216

propolis, 247

prunes, 155

pumpkin, 62

purslane, 64

raisins, 156

raspberries, 123

red beans, 92

red palm oil, 346

red wine, 294, 297

rosemary, 322

salmon, 241

sauerkraut, 260

sage, 323

sesame oil, 348

sesame seeds, 180, 181

shrimp, 228

spinach, 65, 66

spirulina, 254

star fruit, 161

strawberries, 123, 124

sunflower seeds, 182

sweet potatoes, 69, 70

tahini, 180, 181

thyme, 324

tomatoes, 72

turmeric, 326

wheatgrass juice, 253

whey protein powder, 268

white tea, 298

apple cider vinegar, 327

apples, 105

apricots, 108

arame, 262

arginine, 163

artichokes, 21

artificial sweeteners, 356

arugula, 22

asparagus, 23

aspartame, 360

Asprey, Dave, 197, 350

Atlantic bluefin tuna, 239

Atlantic cod, 239

Atlantic flatfish, 239

Atlantic pollack, 238

Atlantic salmon, 239

avocado oil, 334

avocados, 109

Axe, Josh, 273

bananas, 111

barley grass, 253

beans and legumes

antioxidants, 92

cancer, 92

chickpeas, 93

diabetes, 92

fiber, 91

garbanzo beans, 93

green peas, 95

lentils, 99

red beans, 92

tamarind, 101

beef, 218

bee pollen, 247, 248

beets, 24

Belgian endive, 41


acai berry juice, 275

aloe vera juice, 276

black tea, 299

coffee, 279

cranberry juice, 282

green drinks, 252

green tea, 299, 300

juicing vs. blending, 287

matcha, 301

noni juice, 290

pomegranate juice, 292

red wine, 294

tea, 298

vegetable juice, 284

water, 303

white tea, 298

bison, 223

bitter melon, 159

black currants, 113

black pepper, 329

blackstrap molasses, 357

black tea, 299

blueberries, 113

blue-green algae, 254

blood sugar. See also glycemic load.

Alaskan salmon, 241

almonds, 166

aloe vera juice, 277

apple cider vinegar, 328

apples, 106

avocados, 110

bananas, 112

beans, 90, 91, 92

bitter melon, 159

camel milk, 202

cassava flour, 352

cereals, 63

chickpeas, 93

cinnamon, 310, 311

dandelion, 39

dates, 131

fiber and, 96

figs, 132

fish oil and, 285

flax, 342

fruit and, 104

garbanzo beans, 94

ginger, 318

green tea, 301

honey, 359

Jerusalem artichokes, 46

juicing and, 285, 287

lentils, 99

licorice, 257

maca, 52

mangoes, 148

mulberries, 121

oatmeal, 83

parsley, 321

peaches, 152

peanuts, 174

pineapple, 153

potatoes, 70

potato starch, 354

quince, 161

rice, 87

salmon, 241

sardines, 234

stevia, 360

sweet potatoes, 69

vinegar, 328

watermelon, 157

whey protein powder, 269

whole grains, 81

bok choy, 25

Brazil nuts, 167

Brewer’s yeast, 272

broccoli, 26

broccoli rabe, 28

bromelain, 153, 154

brown rice, 87

Brussels sprouts, 29

buffalo, 223

Bulgarian yogurt, 206

butter, 197

cabbage, 30, 260

calf’s liver, 221

camel milk, 202

canola oil, 349

cantaloupe, 124

carambola, 161

cardamom, 309

carrots, 32

cashews, 169

cassava flour, 352

catfish, 239

cauliflower, 34

caviar, 239

cayenne peppers, 58

celery, 35

cereal grains, 80

cereal grasses, 253

cheese, 199

cherries, 126

chia seeds, 170


dark meat, 216

eggs, 213

free-range, 211, 212, 216

light meat, 216

organic, 209, 211, 212

chickpeas, 93

Chilean sea bass, 239

chile peppers, 58

Chinese cabbage, 255

chlorella, 254

chocolate, 249

Christianson, Alan, 192

cinnamon, 310

clams, 232

cloves, 312

coconut, 128

coconut oil, 335

cod, 238, 239

coffee, 279

cold-pressed juice, 288

collagen protein powder, 270

collard greens, 37

cow’s milk, 201, 302

crab, 239

cranberries, 115

cranberry juice, 282

crayfish, 228

cremini mushrooms, 55

cricket flour, 353

cumin, 313


Bulgarian yogurt, 206

butter, 197

camel milk, 202

cancer and, 195

cheese, 199

cow’s milk, 201, 302

ghee, 198

goat’s milk, 202

goat’s milk yogurt, 206

Greek yogurt, 205, 206

homogenization, 195

hormones, 194

kefir, 206

lactose intolerance, 206

lassi, 206

pasteurization, 195

production, 194

sheep’s milk yogurt, 206

yogurt, 203

dandelion, 38

dark chocolate, 249

dates, 130

Eades, Mary Dan, 225

Eades, Michael, 225

edamame, 189

eel, 239

eggplant, 40


cancer, 214

cholesterol, 214, 215

eyes, 214

free-range, 211

omega-3s, 215

organic, 209, 211

salmonella, 215

yolks, 213

elderberries, 116

elk, 223

endive, 41

Equal, 360

erythritol, 356, 360

escarole, 41

extra-virgin olive oil, 339

fennel, 42

fermented soy, 190


acorn squash, 67

almonds, 166

apples, 106

apricots, 108

artichokes, 21

asparagus, 23, 24

avocados, 110

cashews, 169

cassava flour, 352

bananas, 112

beans, 91

bitter melon, 159

bok choy, 26

Brazil nuts, 168

broccoli, 27, 162

broccoli rabe, 28

brown rice, 87

cabbage, 31

carrots, 33

cauliflower, 35

chia seeds, 170

chickpeas, 93, 94

cloves, 312

coconut, 128

collard greens, 37

cranberries, 115

dandelion, 39

dates, 130, 131

edamame, 189

eggplant, 40

figs, 132

filberts, 171

flaxseed, 342

garbanzo beans, 93, 94

goji berries, 118

grapefruit, 135

green beans, 44

green peas, 95

green soybeans, 189

guava, 139

hazelnuts, 171

hemp seeds, 344

importance of, 96

introduction to, 12

jackfruit, 142

Jerusalem artichokes, 46

jicama, 47

juicing, 285, 288

kale, 49

kiwifruit, 143

kohlrabi, 49

leeks, 50

lentils, 99, 100

macadamia nuts, 172

mangoes, 147

miso, 190

oatmeal, 83, 162

okra, 56

oranges, 150

papaya, 151

parsnips, 76

peaches, 152

pears, 159

pecans, 175

peppers, 59, 162

persimmons, 160

pineapple, 153

potato starch, 354

prunes, 155

pumpkin, 63

quince, 161

quinoa, 85

raspberries, 122

rice, 87, 192

rutabagas, 77

sacha inchi nuts, 179

sauerkraut, 260

sesame seeds, 181

snow peas, 77

spaghetti squash, 67

squash, 67, 68

strawberries, 124

sunflower seeds, 183

sweet potatoes, 69, 70

Swiss chard, 71

tahini, 181

teff, 86

turnips, 74

wheat germ, 267

whole grains, 81

figs, 132

filberts, 171


Alaskan pollack, 238

Alaskan salmon, 240

American eel, 239

Atlantic bluefin tuna, 239

Atlantic cod, 239

Atlantic flatfish, 239

Atlantic pollack, 238

Atlantic salmon, 239

catfish, 239

caviar, 239

Chilean sea bass, 239

clams, 232

cod, 238, 239

crab, 239

crayfish, 228

eel, 239

flatfish, 239

flounder, 238

halibut, 238

king crab, 239

lobsters, 229

mackerel, 230

mercury, 243

mussels, 232

ocean perch, 238

orange roughy, 238, 239

oysters, 232

pollack, 238

prawns, 228

rockfish, 238

salmon, 239, 240

sardines, 234

scallops, 232

sea bass, 239

shark, 239

shrimp, 228, 239

tuna, 236, 239

white fish, 237

flatfish, 239

flounder, 238


cassava flour, 352

cricket flour, 353

potato starch, 354

free-range eggs, 211

free-range poultry, 211, 212, 216

French endive, 41


amla, 120

apples, 105

apricots, 108

avocados, 109

bananas, 111

bitter melon, 159

black currants, 113

blueberries, 113

cantaloupe, 124

carambola, 161

cherries, 126

coconut, 128

cranberries, 115

dates, 130

elderberries, 116

figs, 132

goji berries, 118

golden berries, 119

gooseberries, 120

grapefruit, 133

grapes, 136

guava, 138

honeydew, 140

jackfruit, 142

kiwifruit, 143

lemons, 145

limes, 146

mangoes, 147

mangosteen, 148

mulberries, 121

oranges, 149

papaya, 151

peaches, 152

pears, 159

persimmons, 160

pineapple, 153

prunes, 154

quince, 161

raisins, 156

raspberries, 122

star fruit, 161

strawberries, 123

watermelon, 157

garlic, 314

ghee, 198

ginger, 317

Gittleman, Ann Louise, 47, 78, 145, 282

glucose. See blood sugar.

glycemic load. See also blood sugar.

bananas, 112

beans, 92

carrots, 33

chia seeds, 170

fish oil and, 285

grapes, 137

introduction to, 12

juicing and, 285

lentils, 99

Lo Han, 360

mangoes, 148

monk fruit, 360

oatmeal, 83, 84

potatoes, 354

peaches, 152

pineapple, 153

quinoa, 85

rice, 87

sage, 323

source and, 16

squash, 69

sweet potatoes, 70

watermelon, 157

whole grains, 81

goat’s milk, 202

goat’s milk yogurt, 206

goji berries, 118

golden berries, 119

gooseberries, 120

grain-fed meat, 210


brown rice, 87

cereal grains, 80

civilization and, 80

oatmeal, 82

quinoa, 85

rice, 87

teff, 86

whole grains, 80

grapefruit, 133

grapes, 136

grass-fed meat, 210, 218

Greek yogurt, 205, 206

green beans, 43

green peas, 95

green soybeans, 189

green tea, 299, 300

guava, 138

halibut, 238

hazelnuts, 171

hemp seed oil, 343


apple cider vinegar, 327

black pepper, 329

cardamom, 309

cinnamon, 310

cloves, 312

cumin, 313

garlic, 314

ginger, 317

mustard seeds, 319

oregano, 320

parsley, 321

rosemary, 322

sage, 323

thyme, 324

turmeric, 325

vinegar, 327

hijiki, 262

honey, 358

honeydew, 140

horseradish, 44

Houston, Mark, 36, 88, 340

jackfruit, 142

jalapeño peppers, 58

Jerusalem artichokes, 46

jicama, 47

kale, 48

kefir, 206

kelp, 262

ketones, 337

kimchi, 255

king crab, 239

kiwifruit, 143

kohlrabi, 49

kombu, 262

lamb, 220

lassi, 206

lectins, 90

leeks, 50

lemons, 145

lentils, 99

licorice, 256

limes, 146

limonoids, 150

lobsters, 229

Lo Han, 360

maca, 51

macadamia nut oil, 344

macadamia nuts, 172

mackerel, 230

maitake mushrooms, 53

mangoes, 147

mangosteen, 148

manuka honey, 358

Masley, Steven, 12, 63, 68, 96, 102, 109, 129, 164, 212

matcha, 301


bison, 223

buffalo, 223

calf’s liver, 221

dark meat poultry, 216

elk, 223

fat, 212

free-range poultry, 211, 212, 216

grain-fed, 210

grass-fed, 210, 218

lamb, 220

light meat poultry, 216

liver, 221

organic, 209, 211, 212

venison, 223

wild game, 223

milk. See cow’s milk; goat’s milk; camel milk.

miso, 190

molasses, 357

monk fruit, 360

mulberries, 121

mushrooms, 53

mussels, 232

mustard seeds, 319

natto, 191

noni juice, 290

nori, 262

nuts and seeds

almond butter, 165

almonds, 165

Brazil nuts, 167

cashews, 169

chia seeds, 170

filberts, 171

hazelnuts, 171

macadamia nuts, 172

peanut butter, 173

peanuts, 173

pecans, 175

pepitas, 177

pistachio nuts, 176

pumpkin seeds, 177

sacha inchi nuts, 178

sesame butter, 180

sesame seeds, 180

sunflower seeds, 182

tahini, 180

walnuts, 183

oatmeal, 82

ocean perch, 238

oils. See also omega-3s.

almond oil, 333

avocado oil, 334

balance, 331

canola oil, 349

coconut oil, 335

extra-virgin olive oil, 339

flaxseed oil, 341

hemp seed oil, 343

inflammation, 332

macadamia nut oil, 344

MCT oil, 338

olive oil, 339

omega-6s, 331

red palm oil, 346

sesame oil, 348

okra, 56

olive oil, 339

olives, 258


beef, 198, 210, 218, 219

black currants, 113

buffalo, 207

canola oil, 349

cheese, 200

chia seeds, 170

chicken, 211

chlorella, 254

cod, 88

currants, 113

eggs, 212, 215

filberts, 171

flaxseed, 341, 342

hazelnuts, 171

hemp seed oil, 343, 344

herring, 88

introduction to, 10

juicing with, 285

lamb, 220

macadamia nut oil, 345

mackerel, 231

milk, 201

nuts, 164

oils, 330, 332

olive oil, 339

purslane, 64

sacha inchi nuts, 179

salmon, 240, 242

sardines, 234

tuna, 88, 236

walnuts, 184

wild game, 88, 224

onions, 57

orange roughy, 238, 239

oranges, 149

oregano, 320

oysters, 232

papaya, 151

parsley, 321

parsnips, 76

peanut butter, 173

peanuts, 173

pears, 159

pecans, 175

pepitas, 177

peppers, 58

Perlmutter, David, 79, 204, 245, 337

persimmons, 160

Pescatore, Fred, 306, 344, 348, 349

pineapple, 153

pistachio nuts, 176

pollack, 238

pomegranate juice, 292

potato starch, 354


dark meat, 216

free-range, 211, 212, 216

light meat, 216

organic, 209, 211, 212

prawns, 228

propolis, 247

prunes, 154

pumpkin, 61

pumpkin seeds, 177

purple cabbage, 260

purslane, 64

quince, 161

quinoa, 85

raisins, 156

raspberries, 122

raw honey, 358

raw organic cow’s milk, 201

red beans, 92

red cabbage, 260

red palm oil, 346

red wine, 294

reishi mushrooms, 54, 55

rice, 87

rockfish, 238

rosemary, 322

royal jelly, 247, 248

rutabagas, 77

saccharin, 361

sacha inchi nuts, 178

sage, 323

salmon, 239, 240

sardines, 234

sauerkraut, 259, 261

scallops, 232

sea bass, 239

Sears, Barry, 162

seaweed, 261


chia seeds, 170

pepitas, 177

pumpkin seeds, 177

sesame butter, 180

sesame seeds, 180

sunflower seeds, 182

tahini, 180

sesame butter, 180

sesame oil, 348

sesame seeds, 180

shark, 239

sheep’s milk yogurt, 206

shiitake mushrooms, 54

shrimp, 228, 239

Sinatra, Stephen T., 13, 66, 185, 191, 197, 207, 241, 251, 314, 347

snow peas, 77

soy foods

edamame, 189

fermented soy, 190

green soybeans, 189

miso, 190

natto, 191

tempeh, 190

toxins, 187

specialty foods

algae, 254

arame, 262

barley grass, 253

bee pollen, 247, 248

blue-green algae, 254

Brewer’s yeast, 272

cereal grasses, 253

Chinese cabbage, 255

chlorella, 254

chocolate, 249

collagen protein powder, 270

dark chocolate, 249

hijiki, 262

kelp, 262

kimchi, 255

kombu, 262

licorice, 256

nori, 262

olives, 258

propolis, 247

royal jelly, 247, 248

sauerkraut, 259, 261

seaweed, 261

spirulina, 254

sprouts, 263

umeboshi plums, 264

wakame, 263

wheat germ, 266

wheatgrass juice, 253

whey protein powder, 268

spinach, 65

spirulina, 254

Splenda, 360

sprouts, 263

squash, 67

star fruit, 161

stevia, 360

strawberries, 123

summer squash, 67

Sunett, 361

sunflower seeds, 182

Sweet One, 361

sweet peppers, 60

sweet potatoes, 69

Swiss chard, 71

tahini, 180

tamarind, 101

tea, 298

teff, 86

tempeh, 190

thyme, 324

tomatoes, 72

Top Ten Lists

Alan Christianson, 192

Ann Louise Gittleman, 78

Barry Sears, 162

Daniel Amen, 185

Dave Asprey, 350

David Perlmutter, 245

Fred Pescatore, 306

Jeff Volek, 362

J. J. Virgin, 329

Josh Axe, 273

Mark Houston, 88

Mary Dan Eades, 225

Michael Eades, 225

Stephen T. Sinatra, 207

Steven Masley, 102

tuna, 236, 239


dark meat, 216

light meat, 216

turmeric, 325

turnips, 74

umeboshi plums, 264

vegetable juice, 284


artichokes, 21

arugula, 22

asparagus, 23

beets, 24

Belgian endive, 41

bok choy, 25

broccoli, 26

broccoli rabe, 28

Brussels sprouts, 29

cabbage, 30, 260

carrots, 32

cauliflower, 34

cayenne peppers, 58

celery, 35

chile peppers, 58

collard greens, 37

cremini mushrooms, 55

dandelion, 38

eggplant, 40

endive, 41

escarole, 41

fennel, 42

French endive, 41

green beans, 43

horseradish, 44

jalapeño peppers, 58

Jerusalem artichokes, 46

jicama, 47

kale, 48

kohlrabi, 49

leeks, 50

maca, 51

maitake mushrooms, 53

mushrooms, 53

okra, 56

onions, 57

parsnips, 76

peppers, 58

pumpkin, 61

purslane, 64

reishi mushrooms, 54, 55

rutabagas, 77

shiitake mushrooms, 54

snow peas, 77

spinach, 65

squash, 67

summer squash, 67

sweet peppers, 60

sweet potatoes, 69

Swiss chard, 71

tomatoes, 72

turnips, 74

watercress, 75

white-button mushrooms, 55

winter squash, 67

venison, 223

vinegar, 327

Virgin, J. J., 329

Volek, Jeff, 328, 362

wakame, 263

water, 303

watercress, 75

watermelon, 157

wheat germ, 266

wheatgrass juice, 253

whey protein powder, 268

white-button mushrooms, 55

white fish, 237

white tea, 298

whole grains, 80

wild game, 223

winter squash, 67

yogurt, 203

yolks, 213

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