97 A Good Idea

Where does a good idea come from? As unsexy as it might sound, many of the best ideas for graphic identities come directly from a business plan, drawing inspiration from constraints and the target audience. But clearly, the world’s best graphic identities also draw upon other unseen inspirations.

Good designers draw from a variety of their life experiences—art, pop culture, children’s television, etc. That’s why so many designers like to be sponges when it comes to sources of inspiration. Designers should look for non-project ways of being inspired and renewed. It’s not only good for mental health but also for professional development.

It’s important for professional designers to not be overly committed to their personal interests—at least at work. Professional designers get paid to solve other people’s problems, not chase after their own pet pursuits. At the same time, designers who become indistinguishable from businesspeople risk losing a creative edge, a competitive advantage, and the empathy that good design requires.

1. Mediterranean Games
Studio International
Boris Ljubicic

2. Proof Wine Marketing
Alphabet Arm Design
Aaron Belyea, Ryan Frease

3. Libreria Formatos Bookstore
Xose Teiga

4. Town of Kutina
Studio International
Boris Ljubicic, Igor Ljubicic



Good design is also appropriate design. Each of these graphic identities draws inspiration from the context of their respective organizations: the name “Proof” for an open-minded wine marketing firm, books for a bookstore, the Olympic rings and the sea for the Mediterranean Games, and a cityscape for the town of Kutina.

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