9 A Sense of Place

Like colors on an artist’s palette, program elements in a physical space mix together to paint a cohesive picture. This introduces an important opportunity for creating a compelling brand experience.

The most successful retail chains and product showrooms excel at creating meaningful, ownable brand identities within their commercial environments. Think about how materials, color, and space come together to deliver different customer experiences at a Starbucks store as opposed to Victoria’s Secret or Costco. How big is the front door? What color are the walls? How low is the ceiling? How wide are the aisles? How are the products arranged? Where is the cashier?

When working to translate a brand into a physical environment, look for inspiration in any impactful space that leaves an impression: a five-star hotel, New York City’s Central Park, an art museum, a corporate lobby. Good brand identities express a sense of place.

1. Tihany Design
Mirko IliImage Corp
Mirko IliImagec

2. Blue Bamboo Yoga
Marko Zonta, Mike Kasperski, Peter C. Wong

3. The Dorchester Collection
John Rushworth



Physical spaces present an opportunity to envelop the customer in a brand experience. Consider the experience you are trying to create and whether the physical environment helps deliver it.

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