1 Illustrative Logos

All illustrative logos are pictures, but they cover quite a range of meaning. Some literally illustrate a product or service. Others symbolically represent an idea or metaphor more loosely related to an organization’s mission. A third group suggests meaning or captures a spirit rather than illustrating something specific.

The more literal an illustrative logo is, the less work a potential customer needs to do to interpret it. If your client is a dentist, and you create a logo for her practice that resembles a toothbrush, her logo functions like a highway sign. It says, “This is the dentist, not the cobbler.”

Sometimes, an illustration can be concrete while its meaning remains abstract. Name your moving company Mayflower Transit, and using a picture of the famous Pilgrim vessel for your graphic identity becomes the obvious choice—provided you can make a connection in the minds of your potential customers between the thing being illustrated and a meaningful aspect of your business.

Apple provides the classic example of an illustrative logo with its meaning left open for interpretation. Apple doesn’t sell apples, but you wouldn’t know that from its logo—a stylized image of an apple with a bite taken out of it. The company’s original logo, with its direct reference to Isaac Newton and the apple tree, was replaced in 1976.

1. Mobile Digital Commons Network
The Luxury of Protest
Michael Longford, Peter Crnokrak

2. Treehouse Records
Juicebox Designs
Jay Smith, Kristi Smith

3. Punane Puu
Hannes Unt, Kadri-Maria Mitt, Valter Kaleta

4. Plaid Owl
Palazzolo Design
Gregg Palazzolo, Ben Benefiel

5. Community Farm of Simsbury
Nordyke Design
John Nordyke

6. artwagen
Marcus Hewitt

7. Mayflower Transit
Rodney Abbot, Bogdan Geana, Michael D’Esopo, Sasha Stack

8. The Port of Long Beach
Sven Seger, Marcus Bartlett, Monica Chai

9. Pappy’s Smokehouse
TOKY Branding + Design
Eric Thoelke, Dan Klevorn

10. Butler’s Pantry
TOKY Branding + Design
Eric Thoelke, Katy Fischer, Elvis Swift

11. Uncle Billy’s
Idea 21 Design
Tom Berno, Jeff Davis

12. Bulliard’s of Louisiana Pepper Sauce
Britton Design
Patti Britton, John Burgoyne, John Burns

13. Ben Jacob’s Plumbing
circle k studio
Julie Keenan



Some logos literally illustrate the name of an organization, while others represent the product or service being provided. Still others stand for a more abstract idea.

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