69 Change Strategy

Some markets rely on a sense of stability and consistency. Others thrive on change. You might not expect a law firm or bank to change on a whim, but media companies or other organizations more closely tied to pop culture thrive on change. In the race for brand differentiation, however, the rules are loosening. Next-generation law firms are embracing the new, and bank brands once built on stability are eager to redefine themselves.

Brand identities reflect and evolve with customer needs. Foundational brand attributes form the character of an organization. These do not change; a sense of reliability and continuity depend on that. The evolution of a brand identity is usually the translation of baseline attributes for current conditions. Change is inevitable, but the rate of change for a brand needs to be a strategic choice.

Courtesy: Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.



The long-standing Kleenex brand has evolved with its customers from the 1920s to present.

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