77 Fun with Programs

Even if your graphic identity has good reason not to attempt to be funny, there may be plenty of room for wit in the program design. Programs are all about context. Given the right time and place, humor can be a strong ally.

The degree of humor in a program can vary depending on the campaign, the timeframe, or the type of media being employed. A witty headline, image, or movie functions like an icebreaker at a meeting. It can loosen things up, prepping the audience for a more serious engagement. Programs often have the luxury of being transitory, so they can employ humor without cracking the bedrock of the brand standards.

1. High Glitz
Liska + Associates
Steve Liska, Kim Fry, Liz Johnson

2. Papane
Bogdan Dumitrache, Cristian Petre, Delia Zahareanu

3. The Office of John Cheese
Block Branding
Mark Braddock, Isabel Kruger, Jennifer Berney




Injecting some wittiness into program applications can be cute, clever, humanizing, and memorable.

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