87 Decisive Brands

Decision by indecision is no way to build brand value. When companies commit to a value proposition, audience, and position, they create opportunities for a strong brand identity to grow. Failure to commit is one of the most common ways to weaken a brand.

In many ways, brands are like people. People whose actions are consistent build a strong identity. They become known by the reliability of their actions—their commitments. Brands are built or torn down based on their willingness to commit and their ability to follow through.

matter: Interior Design
William Russell, Sarah Adams, Tiziana Falchi, Ali Tabrizi, Dave Perry


The Matter live music venue owns brackets. Throughout the program materials, things that “matter” are captured inside brackets.

Cristian “Kit” Paul, Alin Tamasan, Eugen Erhan


The identity system for Domo went all-in on a bold, distinctive direction. Once you commit to having striped pets in your logo, there’s no going back—so why not have fun with them?

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