History and References

There exist several excellent technical introductory textbooks for game theory, including Osborne and Rubinstein [1994], Fudenberg and Tirole [1991], and Myerson [1991]. The reader interested in gaining deeper insight into game theory should consult not only these, but also the most relevant strands of the the vast literature on game theory which has evolved over the years.

In their seminal book, von Neumann and Morgenstern [1944] introduced the normal-form game, the extensive form, the concepts of pure and mixed strategies, as well as other notions central to game theory and utility theory. Schelling [1960] was one of the first to show that interesting social interactions could usefully be modeled using game theory, for which he was recognized in 2005 with a Nobel Prize.

The literature on Pareto optimality and social optimization dates back to the early twentieth century, including seminal work by Pareto and Pigou, but perhaps was best established by Arrow in his seminal work on social choice [Arrow, 1970]. John Nash introduced the concept of what would become known as the “Nash equilibrium” [Nash, 1950; Nash, 1951], without a doubt the most influential concept in game theory to this date. Indeed, Nash received a Nobel Prize in 1994 because of this work.1

In 1928 von Neumann derived the “maximin” solution concept to solve zero-sum normal-form games [von Neumann, 1928]. Nash’s proof that all noncooperative games have equilibria [Nash, 1950; Nash, 1951] opened the floodgates to a series of refinements and alternative solution concepts which continues to this day. We covered several of these solution concepts. The minimax regret decision criterion was first proposed by Savage [1954], and further developed in Loomes and Sugden [1982] and Bell [1982]. Recent work from a computer science perspective includes Hyafil and Boutilier [2004], which also applies this criterion to the Bayesian games setting we introduce in Chapter 7. Iterated removal of dominated strategies, and the closely related rationalizability, enjoy a long history, though modern discussion of them is most firmly anchored in two independent and concurrent publications: Pearce [1984] and Bernheim [1984]. Correlated equilibria were introduced in Aumann [1974]; Myerson’s quote is taken from Solan and Vohra [2002]. Trembling-hand perfection was introduced in Selten [1975].

The concept of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs) again has a long history, but was most explicitly put forward in Maynard Smith and Price [1973]—which also introduced the Hawk–Dove game—and figured prominently a decade later in the seminal Maynard Smith [1982]. Experimental work on learning and the evolution of cooperation appears in Axelrod [1984]. It includes discussion of a celebrated tournament among computer programs that played a finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma game and in which the simple Tit-for-Tat strategy emerged victorious.

The earliest game-theoretic publication is arguably that of Zermelo, who in 1913 introduced the notions of a game tree and backward induction and argued that in principle chess admits a trivial solution [Zermelo, 1913]. It was already mentioned earlier that extensive-form games were discussed explicitly in von Neumann and Morgenstern [1944], as was backward induction. Subgame perfection was introduced by Selten [1965], who received a Nobel Prize in 1994. The Centipede game was introduced by Rosenthal [1981]; many other papers discuss the rationality of backward induction in such games [Aumann, 1995; Binmore, 1996; Aumann, 1996].

In 1953 Kuhn introduced extensive-form games of imperfect information, including the distinction and connection between mixed and behavioral strategies [Kuhn, 1953]. Sequential equilibria were introduced by Kreps and Wilson [1982]. Here, as in normal-form games, the full list of alternative solution concepts and connection among them is long, and the interested reader is referred to Hillas and Kohlberg [2002] and Govindan and Wilson [2005] for a more extensive survey than is possible here.

Some of the earliest and most influential work on repeated games is Luce and Raiffa [1957] and Aumann [1959]. Of particular note is that the former provided the main ideas behind the folk theorem and that the latter explored the theoretical differences between finitely and infinitely repeated games. Aumann’s work on repeated games led to a Nobel Prize in 2005. Our proof of the folk theorem is based on Osborne and Rubinstein [1994]. Stochastic games were introduced in Shapley [1953]. The state of the art regarding them circa 2003 appears in the edited collection Neyman and Sorin [2003]. Filar and Vrieze [1997] provide a rigorous introduction to the topic, integrating MDPs (or single-agent stochastic games) and two-person stochastic games.

Bayesian games were introduced by Harsanyi [1967–1968]; in 1994 he received a Nobel Prize, largely because of this work.

In the early days of game theory research, coalitional game theory was a major focus, particularly of economists. This is partly because the theory is closely related to equilibrium analysis and seemingly bridges a gap between game theory and economics. Von Neumann and Morgenstern, for example, devoted more than half of their classic text, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior [von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944], to an analysis of coalitional games. A large body of theoretical work on coalitional game theory has focused on the development of solution concepts, possibly in an attempt to explain the behavior of large systems such as markets. Solid explanations of the many solution concepts and their properties are given by Osborne and Rubinstein [1994] and Peleg and Sudhölter [2003].




1John Nash was also the topic of the Oscar-winning 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind; however, the movie had little to do with his scientific contributions and indeed got the definition of Nash equilibrium wrong.

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