
Hello, artists! Welcome to Inspired Artist: Paint Every Little Thing. We are going to have so much fun together! First, I want you to think of this book as a launchpad for challenging yourself to try new things. There are guided projects throughout this book to transpose: show the process and technique, but feel free to spin off in your own direction. I highly recommend experimenting and using different art supplies. Don’t be afraid to add your own personal touch. Whether you are just starting on your art-making journey or have more experience creating, there are always new things to try that can push both your skills and style!

As an illustrator, I am constantly honing my art for different markets. My picture-book style is much different from my editorial or licensing work. Even the art supplies I use change depending on market. I might draw with a soft lead for children’s art, but switch to ink or colored pencils to create lines for editorial work. Be open to mixing things up and swapping one medium for another.


images Nine Different Ways images


Something fun to explore in this book is what I’m calling “Nine Different Ways,” in which I’ve taken a subject and rendered it in various art mediums, angles, lines, and so on. For example, let’s take a look at this pomegranate. This is a gorgeous fruit in terms of color and shape, and its intricate inner pattern of seeds. Your first inclination may be to draw the outer shape, but look further—you could split it open, focus on the textural crown or the juiciness, or capture the myriad colors besides the more obvious red of the fruit. The more you push yourself, the more fun it gets—I promise!


I’d also like to encourage you to get rid of that negative inner voice telling you that your art is not good or realistic enough. We all have our own way of creating. Once you learn the basics of composition, line, and color, you can break all the rules . . . and it is infinitely more fun that way!

Over the years, my students have repeatedly heard me call out my mantra, “just have fun,” while working in class. I want each of you to have fun too. It makes all the difference. Whenever you are having fun, it shows in your work.

Personally, I find the perfect rendering of something a bit stale . . . even, dare I say, boring. While it may be technically proficient, it lacks the individual personality of the artist creating it. If you have ever participated in an art challenge on a social-media platform (I suggest that you do!), you will see the absolute variety of perspectives while creating one unified theme. I love to see how different artists see the same subject. The joy of being an artist and illustrator lies in the interpretation and individuality of how you approach a subject. Let’s dive in and get messy!

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