

Well into my career in the U.S. Navy, I found myself on an unexpected trans-Atlantic flight that cut into already scarce time with my family. Worn out, I'd just settled into my seat when a flight attendant approached and asked me to swap seats with another passenger who was uncomfortable in hers. Grudgingly, I agreed.

Moving toward the front, I saw a woman, pale as a ghost, rush past and take my old seat. A few steps later, the source of her distress became clear.

In the seat next to the one she had just abandoned sat a young woman with no arms or legs, who was obviously shaken by how her appearance had rattled her previous seat mate. “Hello,” I said. “Hopefully, you won't mind sitting next to an old Navy guy for this whole flight.”

The conversation we had as our plane crossed the ocean was unforgettable. This extraordinary young woman explained how she had been given up for adoption at birth and taken in by another family that lovingly treated her as if she had no disabilities at all. Her parents expected her to do the same thing her able-bodied siblings did—use her gifts, confront and overcome challenges, learn from mistakes, get an education, and be a leader. At this moment, she was an engineer on the way to her first international conference.

Her inspiring story has much to teach us all—and it underscores the theme of this book: our experiences offer us immense opportunities to grow as individuals and leaders, but only if we fully embrace the good and bad in them and diligently apply the lessons learned. Like my young friend, if we possess the necessary skills to learn from and act on what happens to us every day, we have a much greater chance of making a positive impact on everyone around us.

Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) believes we need four essential skills in order to learn from experience and lead successfully—self-awareness, learning agility, communication, and influence. At CCL, we believe that everyone has the potential to be a leader. This practical and engaging book is your guide for getting there and for staying committed to getting better every day.

John Ryan
President & CEO at Center for Creative Leadership

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