
common value, 105, 112–114

Dutch, 103–104, 108–112, 114

economics behind, 105–114

English, 103–104, 106, 108–109, 111, 113–114

first-price, sealed bid, 104, 108–110, 112, 114

private value, 105–106

second-price, sealed bid, 104–108, 111, 114



impact of, 69–70

market demand, 65–66, 74

pure vs. mixed, 72–75

ramifications for, 69, 72

in telecommunications industry, 64

two-part tariff, 79–83

and tying, 75–79

Business manager, 5–9


Change in price

complementary good, 16

substitute good, 15

Common value auction, 105, 112–114

Complementary good, 16

Consumer surplus

definition of, 17

graphical representation of, 18

individual demand, 19

market demand, 19–20

and profit-maximizing quantity, 41

and revenue

quantity discounts, 59–60

single-price strategy, 59

Cross price elasticity of demand, 33–34

Cross-elasticity coefficient, 34


Degree of responsiveness, 26–27

Demand curve

frozen yogurt, 23–24

gasoline, 23–24

illustration of, 13

individual demand to market demand, 18–20

and price elasticity, 31–32

price skimming, 84

price/quantity combinations, 28

profit-maximizing price and quantity, 40

two-part tariff, 80

Dutch auction, 103–104,
108–112, 114

Dynamic pricing


posted prices, 100–103

price discovery, 103–114

definition of, 99


Economics behind auctions,

Economies of scale, 85

Elastic demand, 23, 27


elastic, 23, 27

incorrect inference, 28

inelastic, 23, 27

measuring, 27

unitary, 27, 30

Elasticity coefficient, 27–28

English auction, 103–104, 106, 108–109, 111, 113–114

Ethical issues, price discrimination, 120–124


First-degree price discrimination

airline industry, 52

definition of, 45

graphical representation of, 48

hotel industry, 53

marginal revenue, 48

practical perspectives, 50–51

and profit maximizing output, 49

strategy, 46

vs. single-price strategy, 49–50

yield management, 52–55

First-price, sealed bid auction, 104, 108–110, 112, 114

Fixed costs, 37

Fixed-price system, 99

Functional discounts, 119


Graphical representations

consumer surplus, 18

first-degree price discrimination, 48

market demand, 20

peak-load pricing system, 87

penetration pricing, 85

price elasticity, 23–24

price skimming, 84

profit-maximizing price, 40

profit-maximizing quantity, 40

quality choice-based price discrimination, 63

third-degree price discrimination, 91–94

total revenue and consumer surplus, 21

tying, 77


Illegal tying, 76

Individual demand, 19

Inelastic demand, 23, 27

Inferior good, 17

Intertemporal price discrimination

penetration strategy, 84–85

price skimming, 83–84


Journal of Law and Economics, 119


Kahneman, Daniel, 121


Law of demand, 11–14

causing factors

complementary good, 16

inferior good, 17

normal good, 17

substitute good, 15

and consumer surplus

definition of, 17

graphical representation of, 18

individual demand, 19

market demand, 19–20

Law of diminishing marginal
utility, 12

Legal issues, price discrimination, 117–120

Legal tying, 76


Managerial economics, 7–8

Managerial economics textbooks,

Marginal cost, 38

Marginal revenue, 39

Marginal utility, 12

Market demand

consumer surplus, 19–20

unbundled goods, 64–65, 67,
69, 74

Mixed bundling, 72–75


National Association for Convenience Stores, 25

New York Times, 52

Normal good, 17


Opportunity cost, 4

Output effect, 38–39, 42, 46


Peak-load pricing, 86–87

Penetration strategy, 84–85

Perfect competition, 99–100

Perfect price discrimination. See first-degree price discrimination

Posted prices, 100–103

Price discovery

Dutch auction, 103–104

economics behind auctions, 105–114

English auction, 103

first-price, sealed bid
auction, 104

second-price, sealed bid auction, 104–105

Price discrimination

definition of, 45

ethical issues, 120–124

first-degree (See first-degree price discrimination)

legal issues, 117–120

second-degree (See second-degree price discrimination)

third-degree (See third-degree price discrimination)

Price effect, 39, 42, 46

Price elasticity

coefficient, 27–28

definition of, 23

and demand curve, 31–32


availability of substitutes, 24

market definition, 24–25

price of the good, 25

time taken for purchase,

graphical representation of,

measuring, 26–27

and revenue, 29–30

revenue-maximizing profits, 32

Price skimming, 83–84

Primary line injury, 117–118

Private value auction, 105–106

Profit-maximizing price

graphical representation of, 40

measuring from marginal revenue and cost, 39

Profit-maximizing quantity

and consumer surplus, 41

graphical representation of, 40

measuring from marginal revenue and cost, 39

Pure bundling, 72–75


Quality choice-based price discrimination

example of, 61

graphical representation of, 63

profit-maximization, 62

Quantity discounts, 57–59


Reference transaction, 121

Reservation price, 66, 68, 71–72


and consumer surplus

quantity discounts, 59–60

single-price strategy, 59

and price elasticity, 29–30

Revenue equivalence theorem, 110

Revenue-maximizing profits, 32

Robinson-Patman Act, 117–120

Ross, Thomas, 119


Scarcity, 3

Secondary line injury, 118

Second-degree price discrimination

goal of, 57

quality choices

example of, 61

graphical representation of, 63

profit-maximization, 62

quantity discounts, 57–59

Second-price, sealed bid auction, 104–108, 111, 114

Single price strategy

profit-maximizing price, 40

profit-maximizing quantity, 40

revenue and consumer surplus, 59

vs. first-degree price discrimination, 49–50

Substitute good, 15

Sunk costs, 37


Third-degree price discrimination

definition of, 91

examples of, 91

graphical representation of, 91–94

Two-part tariffs, 79–83


economic advantages, 77–78

graphical representation, 77

illegal, 76

legal, 76

net benefits, 79

vs. bundling, 75


Unbundled goods

market demands, 64–65, 67,
69, 74

reservation price, 68

willingness to pay, 64–65, 67

Unitary elasticity, 27, 30

U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, 15


Variable cost, 38

Vickrey auction. See second-price, sealed bid auction


Winner’s curse, 112


Yield management, 52–55

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