Affective storytelling, 41

Amiable personality

dos and don’ts, 50–51

noticeable physical traits, 50

strengths, 49

weaknesses, 50

Analytical personality

dos and don’ts, 52–53

noticeable physical traits, 52

strengths, 51–52

weaknesses, 52

Angelou, Maya, 68

Antonakis, John, 38

Aristotle, 28, 39

Audience, 45–46

Brian Rules (Medina), 66–69

Brooks, Alison, 18

Buehner, Carl W., 64

Bush, George H.W., 44

Cadence, 32–34

Campbell, Joseph, 27

Charisma, 38

Charismatic leadership tactics (CLTs)

confidence, 42–44

contrast, 41–42

metaphor, 39–40

story, 40–41

Chavez, Caesar, 38

Churchill, Winston, 38

Clinton, Bill, 13, 20–22, 31, 38

CLTs. See Charismatic leadership tactics

Confidence, 42–44

Contrast, 41–42

Covey, Stephen R.

Cuddy, Amy, 12–13, 18

Democratic National Convention, 13, 20–21

Dopamine, 62

Driver personality

dos and don’ts, 48–49

noticeable physical traits, 48

strengths, 47

weaknesses, 47

Duarte, Nancy, 2

Emotions, 28

Ensemble presentation, 77–81

Expressive personality

dos and don’ts, 54–55

noticeable physical traits, 54

strengths, 53–54

weaknesses, 54

External distractions, 10

Eye contact, 24–26

Fenley, Marika, 38


definition, 8

popular, 9

Finger pointing, 22

Gallo, Carmine, 63


grandiose, 23

hand, 19–20

palm down, 21

palm up, 21–22

speech-related, 19

“Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance,” (Kendon), 21

Godin, Seth, 28, 71

Grandiose gestures, 23

Hand gestures, 19–20

Harvard Business Review, 38

Hearing, 8

Hero’s Journey, The (Campbell), 27

Hitler, Adolf, 38

Ironic process theory, 11

Jobs, Steve, 31, 38, 41, 42

Kendon, Adam, 21

Kennedy, John F., 41

Kibitz, 85–86

King, Martin Luther Jr., 33–34, 38

Liechti, Sue, 38

Listening, 8

Manson, Charles, 38

Medina, John, 66, 73

Mehrabian, Albert, 12

Merrill, David W., 46

Metaphor, 39–40

10-minute rule, 67–68

Monroe, Marilyn, 31

Morrison, Jim, 38

Newton, Sir Isaac, 30

Nonverbal communication, 11–16

Nosh, 86–87

Palm down gesture, 21

Palm up gesture, 21–22

Personality types

amiable, 49–51

analytical, 51–53

driver, 47–49

expressive, 53–55

Personal Styles and Effective Performance (Merrill and Reid), 46

Persuasion, 28

Pitch vs. presentation, 57–60

Power of pause, 65–66

PowerPoint decks, 70–72


body movements, 35–37

bullet points, 74–76

cadence, 32–34

case study, 5–6

creating tension, 58–59

ensemble, 77–81

external distractions, 10

eye contact, 24–26

filters, 8–9

goal of, 1

hand gestures, 19–20

hearing, 8

ironic process theory, 11

job of, 2

listening, 8

nonverbal communication, 11–16

palm down gesture, 21

perspectives, 5

persuasion, 28

PowerPoint decks, 70–72

setting up room, 81–82

slide decks, 70, 76–77

speech-related gesture, 19

stop tweaking, 73–74

style, 29–31

thinking of next thing, 7

top 10 things before presentation, 82–84

trigger words, 11

unique style, 29–31

voice, 31–32

Presentation Elevation, 2, 6, 11

Presentation tools

Brain Rules, 66–69

power of pause, 65–66

rule of three, 62–64

storytelling, 61–62

Presentation Zen (Reynolds), 2

Really Bad PowerPoint (Godin), 71

Reid, Roger H., 46

Resonate (Duarte), 2

Reynolds, Garr, 2, 62, 72

Rhetoric, The (Aristotle), 39

Rule of three, 62–64

Slide decks, 70, 76–77

Smartphone, 1

Speech-related gesture, 19

Story, 40–41


affective, 41

presentation tool, 61–62

Stress, 18

Style, 29–31

TED talks, 1, 12, 23–24

Top 10 things, presentation, 82–84

Trigger words, 11

Twain, Mark, 65

Unique style, 29–31

Vision, 68

Visual aids, 68

Voice, 31–32

Weeks, Wendell, 42

Weil, Andrew, 17

Winfrey, Oprah, 38

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