Glossary of Terms With Different Meanings for L&D and IT

  L&D Definition IT Definition
Client The sponsor who pays for a learning program to be developed and delivered. The software, such as browser or player, that runs on a user’s computer or mobile device that accesses software from a server. When you mention a client, IT may think you are talking about software.
Content The e-learning courseware that is installed on an LMS. The data contained in a system. Your IT partners may not understand your distinction between what you refer to as data, which reside in the LMS database, and what you refer to as content, which is the e-learning courseware residing in a file system on the LMS server or a remote file server.
Domain A method for segmenting the users, administrators, and content in a single customer’s multitenant implementation of an LMS. For example, an organization may have three separately administered domains for employees, customers, and distributors. The part of the web address (URL) that appears directly after http:// and ends with .com, .org, .edu, .gov, and so on.
Registration The process of enrolling in a course. The process of creating a new user account. When you talk about user registrations to IT, they may not understand that you are referring to user enrollments.
Training The courses that reside in the LMS. A way to prepare new users of the software.
xAPI Experience API. A method for tracking learning activity data. Your IT organization may mistake this to represent your LMS API, which provides programmatic access to LMS functionality. Be sure to explain the difference to them.
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