

academic LMS

about, 9–10

administration features, 48–49

course management features, 44–48

features overview, 43–44, 49–50

user management features, 44, 45

accessibility, 78–80

Advanced Distributed Learning initiative standards, 69–77

aggregated search, 139–140

apps and plug-ins, 13–14

Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC), 61–62


blackout period, 165

bugs, managing, 161–162


Caliper Analytics, 67–68

CASS (Competency and Skills System), 74–76

cmi5, 63, 196

Common Cartridge, 66–67

Competency and Skills System (CASS), 74–76


administrator security roles, 118–119

branding, layout, and welcome page, 128–129

competencies, 124–125

course and curriculum structures, 121–122

course catalog, 119, 120

credit types and credits, 122–123

domains and audiences, 116–118

e-commerce, 128

evaluations and assessments, 123–124

managing, 180–181

metadata, 119, 121

notifications, 126

organization hierarchies, 116, 117

reports, 126–128

unique ID, username, and password, 115

user profiles, 115–116

content inclusion policy, 170

content life-cycle policy, 171–172

content ownership policy, 170–171

conventions, 175–176

corporate LMS

about, 9

administration features, 32–33

course management features, 22–29

features overview, 17–18, 41

other feature options, 37–40

reporting features, 33–37

user management features, 18–21, 45, 53

user-course interactions, 29–32

course catalogs, 22, 56

course data, 151–153

course properties, consistent use of, 176–177

course structures, consistent use of, 177

courseware, migrating, 149–151

customer referral, 102–103



course, 151–153

mapping, 144–147

migration, choosing for, 142–143

transcript, 153–154

user, 147–149

data warehouse, 141


e-commerce, 39, 128

enterprise search, 137–140

evaluating products

customer referral, 102–103

IT review, 102

request for information, 98–100, 104

request for proposal, 103–104

use case demonstrations, 100–102

vendor health, 103

Experience API (xAPI), 14, 70–74


federated search, 138–139


gamification, 194

general ledger, 140–141

going live, 158, 162–165

governance, 183–186


help desk, preparing, 163–165

housekeeping, 181–183


implementation process. See also configuration

about, 108

preparation and planning, 109–113

project plan, 112–113

team, assembling, 109–111

timeframe, 112

IMS Global Learning Consortium standards, 64–69

integrating LMS with other systems

about, 131, 132–133

data warehouse, 141

enterprise search, 137–140

general ledger, 140–141

portal, 136–137

single sign-on, 135–136

user account/profile management, 133–135

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 81

interoperability between courses and LMS, 60–63

interoperability between learning systems

Advanced Distributed Learning initiative standards, 69–77

Competency and Skills System, 74–76

Experience API, 70–74

IMS Global Learning Consortium standards, 64–69

total learning architecture, 76–77

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 81

IT department, 92, 102


LCMS-LMS. See learning content management system-LMS

learning and performance ecosystem role

about, 201–203

ecosystem technologies and LMS, 206–207

L&D, role of, 203–204

learning and performance ecosystem, 204–206

success, preparing for, 207–208

learning content management system-LMS (LCMS-LMS)

about, 10

course delivery features, 56–57

course development features, 52–56

features overview, 51–52, 58

user management features, 52, 53

Learning Information Services, 66

learning management system (LMS). See also specific topics

apps and plug-ins, 13–14

commercial versus open source, 10–12

defined, 8

learning record store versus, 14

stand-alone products, 12–13

types, 8–10

learning record stores, 14, 72

Learning Tools Interoperability, 65–66

live, going, 158, 162–165

LMS. See learning management system


mapping data, 144–147

massive open online courses (MOOCs), 198

metadata, 23, 119, 121

microlearning delivery systems, 198


about, 131–132, 141–142

choosing data for, 142–143

course data, 151–153

courseware, 149–151

mapping data, 144–147

stages, 154

transcript data, 153–154

user data, 147–149

mobile users, 196

MOOCs (massive open online courses), 198


needs analysis, 89–93


One Roster, 66

online program management, 198

Open Badges Infrastructure, 68–69

operations governance, 185–186


plug-ins and apps, 13–14

policies, 169–173

project plan, 112–113


Question & Test Interoperability, 66


reports, 33–37, 49, 57, 126–128, 197

request for information (RFI), 98–100, 104

request for proposal (RFP), 103–104

requirements, defining, 93–96


Salesforce, 13–14

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), 62–63, 149–150


aggregated, 139–140

enterprise, 137–140

federated, 138–139

trends, 197

Section 508, 79

selecting LMS

about, 87–88

needs, analyzing, 89–93

process, 89–105

product, selecting, 104–105

products, evaluating, 97–104

products, vetting, 96–97

requirements, defining, 93–96

Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), 62–63, 149–150

SharePoint, 13–14

single sign-on, 19–20, 135–136

stand-alone products, 12–13

standards. See also technology standards and specifications

communicating and enforcing, 177–178

conventions, 175–176

course properties, consistent use of, 176–177

course structures, consistent use of, 177

guidelines, 174–175

policies, 169–173

procedures, 173–174


talent management, 195–196

taxonomy, 178–180

team, assembling, 109–111

technical support, 185–186

technology standards and specifications. See also standards

about, 59–60

accessibility, 78–80

interoperability between courses and LMS, 60–63

interoperability between learning systems, 63–77

security and privacy, 79–82

testing, 158–162

Thin Common Cartridge, 67

total learning architecture, 76–77

training data retention policy, 172–173

transcript data, 153–154

transcript warehouse, LMS as, 193


about, 191–192

content, connecting people with, 195

features improvement, 197

gamification, 194

improving LMS, 196–197

LMS as one system among many, 192–193

massive open online courses, 198

microlearning delivery systems, 198

online program management, 198

talent management, 195–196

transcript warehouse, LMS as, 193

unwrapping LMS, 193–194


unwrapping LMS, 193–194

use case demonstrations, 100–102

user acceptance testing, 158–162

user account/profile management, 133–135

user data, 147–149


vendor health, 103

vetting products, 96–97


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 78–79

WordPress, 13–14


xAPI (Experience API), 14, 70–74

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