
My friends and family asked me why I would want to work on this book again. “After all,” they said, “you’ve done this once already. How many more lies can there be? And if there are new lies, can they possibly be all that different from the lies you covered in the first edition?” Sadly, the answer is yes. While most—though not all—of the topics are the same, the lies are often different, and even when the lies are the same, the technologies about which they are being told are different. Regardless, it is the fact that so much has changed in the past nine years, while so much has seemingly remained the same, that made this project so appealing.

Lies About Learning was published in September 2006. A Bush was president, an actor governed California, and the world economy was about to begin its long, slow descent into oblivion. We were not yet consumed with the idea of multiple generations in the workplace (although there were). Being mobile meant you and your family were able to relocate. And social collaboration meant that people actually talked to one other, usually face to face. It was a different time. As learning leaders, our jobs have become more complex, largely because of economic pressure, fewer choices, and a loss of control. The first two are easy to describe; the last is a little less so.

Economic Pressure

While some might say that the economy has improved, I think we can safely say things haven’t returned to the way they were. There is what I have heard referred to as a “new normal.” There is a heightened interest in efficiency: How can we deliver solutions that cost less, take less time to produce, and require less time away from the job? Effectiveness matters more than ever, although that’s not to say that it didn’t matter before. It’s just that demonstrating that learning has actually occurred—and that this learning has transferred to work performance—has become more important than it might have been earlier. And learning leaders feel constant pressure to make every decision and every dollar yield results that benefit the organization.

Fewer Choices

In late 2007, I sought a learning management system with features that supported talent management. Among others, I gave serious consideration to partnering with KnowledgePlanet,, and Plateau Systems, all of which are different today than they were then. KnowledgePlanet merged with Mzinga. was purchased by Taleo, which was then purchased by Oracle. And Plateau Systems was purchased by Success-Factors, which was subsequently purchased by SAP. Another example is a company from which I used to buy technical competency models. That company was purchased by, which was purchased by Kenexa, which was purchased by IBM. Some days it seems as though I am a character in a Russian novel. The result is that if I were buying the same technologies today, I would be dealing with Oracle, SAP, and IBM, which is very different than in 2007.

Is it bad that some of the largest players in the industry have decided that talent was a space worthy of investment? Honestly, I’m not sure. But some of the most innovative products and services come from lean, hungry, and flexible companies. And there seem to be fewer of them left. Those that do remain are sometimes hidden in the very long shadow of much larger companies that have a direct pipeline to very influential people inside corporate walls.

Loss of Control

While not always the case, we used to control our own destiny with regard to the tools and technologies at our disposal. Sure, we rarely got to choose whether to use PCs or Macs, and I doubt that any of us were consulted when our employers embraced Microsoft Office as the office productivity suite. But we did get to choose our authoring tools, graphics editor, or virtual learning platforms, as long as the output conformed to some standards or technologies within a company’s technical infrastructure. My concern is that this may be changing.

Technologies that existed solely (or mostly) within the realm of learning and development have garnered enterprise interest. The best example is what we now refer to as virtual collaboration. In 2006, before the downturn, webinars (virtual learning) had become popular, but enterprise virtual collaboration had not. If we wanted to buy a platform, IT and procurement helped, but they had no vested interest in the outcome because they did not see themselves as primary, or even big, users.

Today, everyone is all about virtual, and IT departments now lead the acquisition process for these tools, which are an expected part of a company’s technical infrastructure. To the novice, the requirements for virtual meetings and virtual learning are the same, so there is no real need to involve learning professionals in the procurement process. It isn’t until after we raise questions or request features like breakout rooms, LMS integration, or polls and tests that people realize that all virtual tools are not created equal.

On a related note, IT departments are purchasing technologies with the implicit or explicit expectation that the technologies will be used to deliver training or performance support, without consulting learning professionals about their efficacy. Two examples are social collaboration and, more recently, gamification.

If you asked experienced learning professionals, they would say that both technologies have a role in learning. But like all other cool tools, availability is not, and should not be, the sole consideration for adoption. And early, sometimes anecdotal, evidence suggests that using collaboration tools and gamification in a corporate learning setting is neither as effective nor as popular as one might expect, given their popularity outside work.

This is not to say that social collaboration and gamification have no use in a learning setting. Instead, it is the expectation by others (non-experts) that both should be used as part of learning or performance support solutions that creates that challenge. If those who decide what to purchase use learning and development as a justification to do so, learning professionals will feel pressure to include these tools, even if they add no discernable value to our products. In other words, we risk the loss of control over how we design.

What Hasn’t Changed

What isn’t different is that thousands of learning professionals are still trying to do the best they can to deliver meaningful development experiences to their clients. And they still have to sift through the unending onslaught of myth, hype, and hyperbole as they try to find efficient and effective solutions to learning problems.

As a result, the goal of this book is no different from the first Lies About Learning: To explore the most common lies about learning and then offer some practical tips about how to deal with them. My contributors and I aim to give business executives and learning professionals enough ammunition to ask the right questions, kick the right tires, and maintain the right level of skepticism about what they read and hear about learning products, technologies, and tools. We want to help enable prudent decisions that lead to measurable, predictable, and meaningful results. And we want to tell our story in a way that makes you smile. Figuring all this out is stressful enough. Reading about it ought not to be.


I always wonder what inspires people to write. I expect there are as many reasons as writers. Regardless, I am incredibly grateful that the learning industry experts who contributed to this book were sufficiently inspired to advance this effort. I want to thank them for their interest, commitment, perseverance, flexibility, and humility. I appreciate their work more than they know.

I also need to acknowledge my family. Not everyone has the ability to recognize their children in such a public forum, and I greatly appreciate the opportunity. Aron and Ben, your mother and I are incredibly proud of who you are and what you have become. We love you very much. And Wendy, my wife, partner, soul mate, friend, critic, and, perhaps most important, dresser; thank you for giving me the space, both figuratively and literally, to take on projects like this. Because I so enjoy the process of writing and editing, I often forget how much time it actually takes—time I could be spending on other pursuits that you might actually enjoy. Thank you dear; I love you.

Finally, there is my father, Max Israelite, who left us a little more than eight years ago. Among many other gifts, I inherited from him my love of writing. He was prolific, publishing some 900 stories about his life, the lives of his family, his observations on the political and social landscape, and all sorts of other topics that struck a chord with almost everyone who picked up something he had written. I could thank him for many things, but in this context, it is the ability to knock out 800 words at will, something he did every morning for almost 20 years, for which I am most grateful. Thanks, Dad.

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