Authors’ Biographies



Marco Brambilla is currently a researcher and professor of Software Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He is also a shareholder and scientific advisor at WebRatio Srl, the company that produces the MDD tool WebRatio (, based on the DSL WebML. In addition, he is one of the inventors of the WebML language ( His interests include conceptual models, tools, and methods for Web applications, services, and search engine development, and user interaction, semantic Web, and business processes. He received his Ph.D. at Politecnico di Milano in 2005. He has been a visiting researcher at Cisco Systems (San José, CA) and at UCSD (University of California, San Diego). He is coauthor of the book Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications (Morgan-Kauffman, 2003), several other books, and more than 100 scientific articles published in conferences and journals. He is active in teaching and industrial consulting projects on MDSE, BPM, SOA, and enterprise architectures.

Personal blog on model-driven development:

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Jordi Cabot is currently leading the AtlanMod team, an INRIA research group at École des Mines de Nantes (France). Previously, he has been a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, a senior lecturer at the UOC (Open University of Catalonia), and a visiting scholar at the Politecnico di Milano. His research interests include conceptual modeling, model-driven and web engineering, formal verification, and social aspects of software engineering. He has written more than 50 publications for international journals and conferences. Apart from his scientific publications, he writes and blogs about all these topics in his Modeling Languages portal.

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ManuelWimmer is a postdoctoral researcher in the Business Informatics Group (BIG) at the Vienna University of Technology (Austria). Currently, he is on leave as a research associate at the Software Engineering Group of the University of Málaga (Spain), where he is working on model-driven evolution support for Web applications. He was involved in several research projects in the area of model-driven (Web) engineering, model versioning, and model transformation which resulted in numerous scientific publications in international journals and conferences. Since 2005, he has taught the model-driven engineering course (about 200 students each year) at the Vienna University of Technology and holds several industry seminars on how to efficiently apply model-driven engineering in practice.

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