
This book wouldn’t be the same without all the enriching discussions we have had with many other MDSE fans (and detractors!) during the last years—in person or within online forums. It would be almost impossible to list all of them here and therefore we wish to thank them all and to acknowledge their direct or indirect contribution to this book and to the MDE field at large, especially our current and previous colleagues.

An explicit mention must go to the ones that concretely helped us in the writing of this book. First of all, thanks to Diane Cerra, our Managing Editor at Morgan & Claypool, who believed in our project since the beginning and followed us with infinite patience throughout the whole book production process.

Secondly, thanks to Richard Soley, Chairman and CEO of OMG, that graciously agreed to introduce our work with his authoritative foreword.

And finally, last but not least, thanks to all the people that helped review the book: Ed Seidewitz (Model Driven Solutions), Davide di Ruscio (L’Aquila University), Juan Carlos Molina (Integranova), Vicente Pelechano (Polytechnic University of Valencia), and a bunch of our own colleagues and friends that carefully read and commented what we were writing.

Marco Brambilla, Jordi Cabot, and Manuel Wimmer

September 2012

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