
This book was a labor of love both literally and figuratively. I wrote it because I love what I do and based on the belief that my experiences in the business world could be helpful to an army of younger people who will become corporate leaders and help to save our planet. The fact is that I could not have had the opportunities that fuel the words on these pages without the support and love of my wonderful family. My wife Catherine and my children Theresa and Jacob are my life.

Special thanks go out to Catherine for both editing this book and putting up with me as I holed up in my office over many nights and weekends. Thanks to Theresa, my daughter and newly minted lawyer, who reviewed her Dad’s work with a critical eye. And thanks to Jacob, my son and a PhD student in chemistry, who will someday invent the technology that will keep us all safe.

I also want to thank Mica Odom for her meticulous edits. Mica is an intelligent and energetic young lady whom we are privileged to know. With her MBA from Columbia, she could choose any career but is guided by her altruism. Thanks to Brad Bennett and Katie Kross who both provided excellent perspective and insights.

Finally, thanks to Taimur Burki, who may not even know that he inspired the title of this book on a ride to the airport.

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