About the Art

WE do not fight WE.


The two figures are warriors. The line between the two warriors shows the break in their relationship, or the break in the unity of WE. The dead animal below is the catalyst of the break.

Light chases away darkness.


LIGHT: The sun above the figure symbolizes a source of light that is always present. The figure is touching the light. This signifies that light is not only seen but, more importantly, can be felt within. Left side: The shaded lines represent the light being obscured. The bottom-jagged rays represent a hazardous path in the darkness, or backward walking. Right side: The rays of light are clean and straight. This symbolizes forward walking and the happiness that is found in the light. The overall shape of this hieroglyph resembles a larger figure with the sun as the head. That figure represents the source of light, or the Creator.

For our hearts are ever sending messages on the wind.


WIND: In this drawing the lines on each side represent wind. The two lines represent two senses: feeling and smell. Even though we cannot see the wind, it still exists. The wind can be felt and smelled. Wind is connected to us and leads our presence before we arrive. This connection can be seen in this figure. Left side: The wind moving downward depicts backward walking, or movement away from progress. Right side: The wind rises, showing ascension or progression. Forward walking brings us closer to the Creator and elevates all Two-Legged beings (humans).

Water, too, is a gift from above.


WATER: The three half circles represent the clouds, the heavens, and the living water—or Creator. The lines coming from the clouds represent rain. The lines below the figure symbolize a body of water like a river. Left side: This shows backward walking. The water is jagged, which represents danger and toxicity. The clouds do not cross to the left; a line replaces them instead. This line represents drought. Right side: Four lines descend from the clouds and touch different parts of the figure. Where they connect is important in this depiction. Rain nourishes our mind (the head), softens the heart (the chest), shapes our doing (the hand), and clears our path (the foot). The source of our existence is water.

Do we invite peace or provoke war?


STONE: The lines on each side represent an extension of ourselves and the paths that we create—toward peace or toward war. Left side: The two jagged lines represent an unpredictable and hazardous path. The shape below the lines is a stone turned upside down. The footing on that stone is unsteady. Notice that the stone is black. This represents a dark and encumbered path. Right side: The stone is right side up, showing stable and sure footing. The two lines represent a straight path, or forward walking. The movement is upward, symbolizing progression.

As you learn to discern the good and the evil in nature,
you will discover a capacity to do the same in life.


PLANTS: The symbol above the figure is the sun. The sun is necessary for plants and all of creation. The figure of the man is connected to a plant on the left and right. This is to denote the connection we have to all plants. The connection shows that even toxic plants can have a proper use. The hands connected to the plants symbolize the help that plants continually offer. Left side: The plant is jagged and will hurt anyone who holds it. It is also upside down. This means that the plant is toxic and will cause confusion and damage. Right side: The plant is healthy and gives life. It reaches upward, toward the light, and is fruitful.

Their deaths are sacred offerings.


ANIMALS: A line connects each animal to the figure. This shows our connection to animals: their sacrifice, companionship, and beauty—and the way they offer us life. It is what we do with those offerings that will honor or disrespect the animal. Left side: This shows backward walking. The animal is upside down, representing a dead animal. The antler is dark, representing an encumbered path. The dead, upside-down animal depicts a failure to see its sacrifice. Right side: The animal is right side up and leading the way forward. The upward animal shows that we keep the animals alive in our minds and “doings.” We honor their lives and offerings. The horn represents the path of the journey. It is clear and unencumbered.

To be alive is to be with others.


Path of WE: The original figures are found on ancient pottery. They depict a tribe or community living in harmony. On ancient pottery each figure is connected: They stand side by side, holding hands all the way around the pot. There is no beginning or end. Holding hands is symbolic of unity, survival, and a commitment to each other and to life. The arrows on the end of the hands on this figure signify the continuation of that unity. The male and female warriors show people standing solidly together to protect one another in the battle between good and evil. The warriors represent us.

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